Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 501 The extreme of kindness

(third more)




Xing Jue fell very fast. When he fell to the huge enchantment entrance, he actually passed through it directly. And when Xing Jue fell to the ground, he felt his head go numb and stares stared at him. If it wasn't for the fact that the barrier entrance had slowed down a lot of inertial force, at such a height, Xing would have fallen to his death directly.

"Oh, it hurts so much"

After regaining consciousness, while Xing Jue was rubbing his dizzy head, he took out a high-grade pill from the Soul Devouring Token and stuffed it into his mouth. Although Xing Jue's injury was not serious at the moment, this kind of injury would With Baodan, Xing Jue can be revived faster.


Sure enough, after the entrance of the treasure pill, Xing Jue could feel the gentle breath instilling in every part of his body, and the pain caused by the fall was also rapidly slowing down, and when his vision recovered, everything in front of him was clear It caught Xing Jue's eyes.

This is a circular hall, the hall is very vast, as vast as a square, but the decoration of the hall is quite simple, not noble, let alone luxurious, even rough, it can be seen that this The construction of the main hall should have been quite hasty.

However, it is worth mentioning that there are Dao enchantment gates around the main hall, and above the main hall is a lake that looks like a reflection, and that is just a lake that looks like it is not real, because it is the place where Xingjue fell before, and it is also It is that huge enchantment.

"buzz, buzz"

Just as Xing Jue was observing the barrier above, two fluctuations suddenly appeared in the huge barrier, and then two familiar figures appeared, one was the blood sister, and the other was Lord Soul, the two of them are falling from above.


It's just that when Xing Jue saw the Venerable Soul at this moment, his face changed drastically, because he was shocked to find that the body of the Venerable Soul was almost transparent, and he could only roughly see the five sense organs, and his breath was so low that Xing Jue couldn't bear it. To the point of shock.


As if hearing Xingjue's shout, Soul Venerable turned his head slightly to reveal a faint smile on his face, and then turned into a ray of pale light, and after circling Xingjue for a few times, he merged into Xingjue in the body.

And at this moment, Xing Jue was even more astonished to find out that when Venerable Soul embraced his body, the contract he had just signed with him disappeared without leaving a trace.


After discovering this change, Xing Jue couldn't help his legs and sat down on the ground again, because at this moment he couldn't feel the breath of Venerable Soul at all, and this probably shows that the legendary Venerable Soul device, is dead.

At this moment, Xing Jue's eyes were slightly red, and his heart was in great pain. It wasn't because of the death of Venerable Soul that he lost a legendary artifact, but because of Venerable Soul's death. It is because of him that he died.


But at this moment, Xuemei's voice suddenly came from not far from Xingjue, and she fixed her eyes on Xingjue and found that Xuemei was sitting not far from him, rubbing her head while using the The pair of blood pupils stared at him.


Thinking that Venerable Soul is no longer there, and at this moment he is alone facing the blood sister who even killed Venerable Soul, Xing Jue can't help feeling numbness in the scalp, chills in the heart, and bean-sized beads of sweat on his forehead. It can't stop falling.

"This breath..."

But at this moment, Xing Jue was shocked to find that the breath of the blood girl in front of him was much weaker, so weak that it was only at the level of a high-level war saint, which was actually comparable to him.

"Hmph, that old guy is dead, now it's your turn." After seeing Xing Jue cast his gaze, the corner of Xuemei's mouth curled up into a cold smile, she stood up while speaking, and at the same time a wave of A strong murderous aura emanated from her body, and she actually wanted to attack Xingjue.


But just as he got up, he suddenly fell to his knees, holding his head with his hands, and began to howl in pain.

"Ah~~~~~Damn it, let me kill him, let me kill him!!!!"

The blood girl held her head in her hands, rolling and roaring non-stop on the ground, as if she was suffering from great pain, not only her body, but also her heart, and it was not until a moment later that she felt at peace.

"What the hell is this girl doing?"

And the punishment at this moment is to take out his strongest spiritual weapon, the black curse long sword, and hide in the corner of the hall to watch the blood girl nervously, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

"Brother!" Suddenly, Xuemei sat up, and Xuetong, who was full of killing intent before, became gentle and soft at this moment.

"Brother? You, you call me brother?" Xing Jue's pupils suddenly dilated when he saw the blood sister who wanted to kill him before but now called him so affectionately, his face full of surprise. Overwhelmed.

"Brother, I'm sorry, it's my sister who is not good, and can't control my own consciousness. She committed such a murder, and she...almost gave my brother to me before. I... woo~~~~~~~~"

But what surprised Xing Jue the most was that the blood girl started to cry, and seeing the teardrops falling from her blood pupils, Xing Jue felt an unknown sense of pain in his heart.

"Sister, what is going on here?"

Looking at the blood girl at this moment, Xing Jue gritted his teeth and walked in front of her, because Xing Jue found that the blood girl in front of him was no longer the cold blood girl before, but the timid and cowardly blood girl in the cell .

"Brother, sister, I am the body of the evil spirit. The body of the evil spirit will become more ruthless and cruel with age, especially after gaining power."

"At the beginning, I was imprisoned in a secret room by Master Li and suffered all his tortures. I wanted to die many times, but he didn't even give me the chance to die."

"And he bullied me in various ways. He originally said that I would only drink animal blood to keep my life alive, but who knew that he actually gave me human blood, and he didn't tell me about it until I drank it for several years."

"At that moment, a thought suddenly popped up in my mind, that is, I want to kill him, I want to kill this person in front of me, so I started secretly practicing the exercises in my memory while using him to feed me blood. "

"But the more I practice, the more I feel that something is wrong with me. I often have very cruel thoughts in my mind, so cruel that I can't bear it, but I can't change it. It seems that there is more than one soul in my body, and another One me."

"And there are more and more such thoughts, which have changed all my previous cognitions and concepts. Gradually, I realized that I can no longer continue to practice that exercise, but it was too late, and I could no longer control myself."

"The other me in my body can already control my body and try to devour me, completely occupying my body."

Speaking of which, the blood girl's tears had already flowed down like rain, and her innocent face was full of pain and remorse, as if she hated those cruel thoughts in her mind.

And looking at the blood girl in front of him, Xing Jue felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, because he knew that it wasn't that there was another him in the blood girl's body, but that the exercises he practiced had already begun to change his character. Because she was too kind before, so kind to cowardly.

When she is extremely kind and encounters extreme viciousness, it will give her this illusion, the illusion that there are two people in her body.It's just that under Master Li's continued cruel and inhuman torture, she sprouted more vicious thoughts, and gradually her kind nature became weaker and weaker.

The reason why Xing Jue produces complicated emotions is the feeling of heartache.That's because the blood girl was originally an extremely kind girl, and it was the heartless Mr. Li who forcibly changed her and made her look like this.

"Sister, why is your strength so low?"

Although he already knew why the blood girl had two extreme states, Xing Jue didn't know why her power suddenly decreased, and Xing Jue had to take advantage of the kindness of the blood girl to understand this kind of thing.

"My body is very special, with tenacious vitality. Even if the source of my soul is fatally injured, I will not die easily. I will only reduce my strength. But as long as I can get the blood of the strong, not only can I restore my previous strength Strength can become stronger."

"When I fought with Master Li, I was only at the peak of the elementary God of War. After killing him, I was also severely injured and my strength was greatly reduced. However, I absorbed the blood of Master Li."

"Although Mr. Li is only at the level of the rudimentary god of war, he has also reached the peak. In addition, he refined the blood of thousands of people that night, so when I spent a few days, his blood was completely exhausted. After refining, he broke through to the level of the middle-ranked God of War in one fell swoop." Seeing Xing Jue's question, the blood girl said with a serious face.

"What a weird body, no wonder this evil spirit body is so hated by people, it's really scary."

And after hearing the words of the blood girl, Xing Jue's heart was deeply shaken, because he really felt that the ability of the blood sister was too terrifying. heart, then it is destined to set off a bloody storm and become a catastrophe for the world.

"So, blood sister, do you know where this is?"

Xing Jue asked curiously again, although the blood girl has been imprisoned for a long time, but she is a member of the Li family after all, so maybe she knows where this place is, the most important thing is that the perception tells Xing Jue that this place is likely to be related to the blood girl , because he didn't think that with the strength of the Li Mansion, such a secret room could be built.

"Brother, this is the place Master Li has always wanted to know, and it is the treasure left to me by my parents." The blood girl wiped away the tears on her face, and said lightly.

(I have seen everyone’s messages, thank you for your concern and support. Today is the third update, which means that during the outbreak, I owe the fourth update!!! Today I will rest early and not force myself to type, because Forcing myself to stay in front of the computer for several hours, but I can’t code at all--. So go to bed early today, maybe this way I can be in a better state, and I will try my best to recover from the fourth shift tomorrow. Try to make up what you owe, don’t worry everyone, I will definitely make up what I owe, good night everyone!)

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