Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 512 Let go of that girl

"Brother Xingjue? What should I do?"

At this moment, Xiao Ming's trembling little hands had tightly grasped Xing Jue's clothes, and cast a twinkling gaze at Xing Jue. Fear, but he pinned all his hopes on Xing Jue.

"Xiao Ming, don't be afraid. Robbers are people who are oppressed by the dynasty. People don't embarrass people. Just do what they say."

Facing Xiao Ming's terrified gaze, Xing Jue originally wanted to beat the gangsters to the ground, and teach them a lesson.But looking at Liu Lele whose little face was so frightened that it turned green, Xing Jue's mouth couldn't help but an evil smirk, and he suddenly changed his mind.

Afterwards, Xing Jue led Xiao Ming's grandfather and grandson out of the carriage first. After getting off the carriage, Xing Jue found nearly fifty big men standing outside the carriage.

These big men are strong and strong, but they can wear everything, all kinds of clothes, which are extremely incompatible.Some big men even wear women's bracelets and rings. Although they are treasures, they are obviously not suitable for them at all.

But what attracted Xing Jue's attention the most was the leader with thick eyebrows. This big man was equally burly, but he was wearing armor and holding a spear. His outfit was actually the standard attire of a Tianji Battalion guard.

Although he is the same middle-level battle saint as the big guys around him, his aura is obviously much stronger than those big guys, and he has the unique temperament of the Tianji Camp, which is unique to the soldiers and guards who have experienced the training of the Tianji Camp. , it can be seen that he is actually a guard of Tianji Battalion.

"You guys, take off all the storage bracelets for me"

After the three of Xing Jue got out of the car, several robbers quickly surrounded them, and reached out to take the dilapidated storage bracelet from Grandpa Xiao Ming's hand.

And Xiaoming is still young, so he doesn't have a storage bracelet at all. As for Xing Jue, he doesn't have a storage bracelet, because his treasures are all in the Soul Eater Token, and the Soul Eater Token is a dilapidated ring. None of the robbers took a fancy to Xingjue's ring, so Xingjue just escaped.

Of course, if they really dare to confront Xingjue's idea of ​​the Soul Eater Order, it will definitely affect Xingjue's playful heart, and they will be in bad luck at that time, so it can also be said that these bandits escaped. doomed.

After the execution of the three people, the other villagers in the car got out of the car one after another. Facing so many robbers, no one dared to resist, so they obediently handed over the storage bracelets to the robbers.

"No, Boss, I heard the voice of the chick just now, why is there no chick here?"

When there were 19 people squatting on the ground neatly outside the carriage, there were already 20 people including the old groom in the carriage, but a robber realized that something was wrong because he didn't find the chick he was expecting.

"Idiot, of course you're still hiding in the car, go, get her down for me," the bandit leader in the uniform of a Tianji camp guard said to him.


And under the reminder of the robber boss, the robber suddenly realized, with that evil smile on his face, and the glory of excitement, he jumped into the carriage in a single step.

"Oh my mother~"

But just as he entered the carriage, he let out a tragic cry, and at the same time, the figure of the big man shot out, fell on the grass in the forest, and passed out in the sight of everyone past!

"Brave bandit, let me, Ma Qiang, stand up for the sky today and eliminate harm for the common people!"

Just when the robbers were at a loss and their faces were full of horror, Ma Qiang's voice suddenly sounded, and at the same time, his figure shot out of the carriage like an ape.


Ma Qiang's skill is quite nimble. After doing 3 somersaults in the air, he landed steadily on the ground and cast his handsome eyes on everyone. But he can be said to be the last real middle-level battle saint.

He is not at the same level as the people of the dynasty at all. He is a war saint with real combat power, and the aura he showed before, according to the punishment, he is barely qualified to enter the Tianji Camp, but it is only barely!

"Boss, this..."

A Ma Qiang came out suddenly, causing those robbers to panic immediately, and they all turned their attention to the leader. Speaking of which, among this group of robbers, the only one who counted was the strong man who was born in the Tianji Battalion. Han, that is, the boss of this gang of robbers.

"Hand over the chick, I will only take off one of your legs, if you let me catch her by myself, I will take off both of your legs!"

Sure enough, the bandit leader who was born in Tianji Battalion didn't pay attention to Ma Qiang's aura at all, but showed a fierce look in his eyes, and warned in that neutral tone.

"Hmph, you bloody robbers, you are unlucky to meet my cousin today."

"You still want to take advantage of this lady? I think you're going to be too hungry today."

And at this moment, accompanied by a continuous burst of sharp and pleasant scolding, Liu Lele also jumped out of the carriage and walked to Ma Qiang's side. It may be because Ma Qiang easily defeated a robber before. Liu Lele raised his chest high, pinched his waist with his hands, and was full of confidence.

"Hahaha, the gods are waiting for me, and I can still meet such a top-quality product."

When the robber saw Liu Lele, his eyes gleamed even more, staring straight at Liu Lele's proud chest and stilted buttocks, his mouth was already drooling involuntarily, as if he had completely forgotten about Ma Qiang's existence.

Although Liu Lele was just an ordinary woman in Xing Jue's eyes, and was completely inferior compared to his burly beauties, but in the eyes of these robbers, she was indeed a rare beauty, the best in their eyes.

"Brothers, we have the same blessings and the same difficulties. God sent us such a superb product today. We must not waste it. The boss opens the bag, and the younger ones are the last ones."

At this moment, the bandit leader seemed unable to bear the desire in his heart, and his big hand, which was comparable to a bear's paw, slammed towards Liu Lele's weak body.

"If you want to touch my cousin, pass me first"

Seeing the bandit leader, he didn't pay attention to him at all, ignoring his existence. Ma Qiang, who wanted to be a flower protector, was furious. The black iron sword appeared in his hand.


This black iron sword is a low-grade spiritual weapon. When it is infused with the spirit of war, it will flicker with strong light, and there will be a roaring sound when it is swung. The bandit leader slashed away.

"Go away!"

Faced with Ma Qiang's attack, the bandit leader was also furious. In an instant, the armor on his body shone brightly, and the spear in his hand turned into a long dragon. When he swung his right arm, a majestic gust of gas burst out. out.


This gas is as imposing as a dragon, and its energy cannot be underestimated. It is emitted by the fusion of the armor on its body and the spear in its hand. Ordinary spirit weapons can be compared, plus the robber's stealth power is better than Ma Qiang.



Only a muffled sound was heard, not only Ma Qiang's attack was completely defeated, but even his body was shot backwards, and he fell into the woods in a state of embarrassment.


Seeing that his cousin whom he was relying on was actually blown away by someone, Liu Lele, who was full of confidence before, suddenly changed his face, panicked to the extreme, and prepared to run towards Ma Qiang while speaking.


"Cousin? Your cousin is here."

"Come on, cousin, let me treat you well!"

But before Liu Lele stepped out, a huge hand like a bear's paw had already slapped her shoulder, and at the same time a powerful breath rushed into her body, Liu Lele's strength was completely suppressed .


The long skirt Liu Lele was wearing was a treasure, but it was nothing in front of the bandit leader who had inherited the power of the spiritual weapon. He grabbed Liu Lele's long skirt with his palm and yanked it violently. A large piece of the skirt was torn off by him, revealing Liu Lele's alluring snow-white skin.


"Cousin save me"

Although Liu Lele is a tricky person, he still guards his body like a jade. He is still a virgin and has not been violated by anyone. Even if his cousin asked him many times, he still failed to achieve a positive result.Now that he was about to be molested by such a group of ugly men, he was frightened out of his wits, and tears flowed from his eyes.


Seeing this, Ma Qiang was also furious, raised the long knife in his hand and prepared to charge up again, you know, in his heart Liu Lele is his wife-to-be!How could he not be angry when the lady-to-be was molested?

"Boy, if you dare to destroy Lao Tzu's good deeds, I'll cut off your bottom and feed it to the dogs!"

But just when Ma Qiang was about to rush up, the bandit leader who had already embraced Liu Lele cast his murderous eyes over him.


Faced with such a fierce look of the robber, Ma Qiang was stunned for a moment, his face changed drastically, and then he stopped moving forward. He was terrified, and his heart was trembling with fear, because he completely believed that if the robber's good deeds were destroyed , the lower body will really be cut off!

He can still find a wife if he is gone, but if his lower body is gone, there is no point in having more ladies. He was thinking about Liu Lele and his own value in his heart very quickly. In the end, he completely defeated Liu Lele, so he decided to protect himself!

"Cousin, save me! Save me! Cousin, come and save me!!!"

Seeing that the only hope was being intimidated by someone, Liu Lele frantically faced Ma Qiang who was standing not far away, staring blankly at her, and shouted hoarsely. He was already a little dumb, and his body was trembling uncontrollably.

"Haha, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, my cousin is here!"

"Boss, hurry up, we can't help it!"

Liu Lele's cries and cries for help did not have the slightest effect, and could not awaken his cousin Ma Qiang's conscience at all, but instead made the robbers more and more excited.

Looking at Liu Lele's constantly peeling clothes and snow-white skin that kept emerging, the gang of robbers were like wild beasts, with blue eyes and dancing hands and feet. No one could stop their inner desires.

At this moment, the villagers who were subdued by the robbers lowered their heads and did not even dare to look at Liu Lele. Although Liu Lele is tricky, they would not bear to be ruined by the robbers like this, but they did not stop it. With all abilities, I can only choose to be silent.

"I'll count to three, if you don't let her go, I'll cut off your lower body and let you eat it!!!"

But just when Liu Lele was in despair and the robbers were crazy, a faint voice suddenly came from the group of villagers. Although the voice was neither soft nor heavy, it was like a dull thunder, which was heard by the robbers and everyone present. It exploded and spread into their hearts!

(Brothers, a new week has begun, is there any? Please flowers, is there any?)

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