Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 513 3 Numbers

"Boy, what did you say earlier? Tell me again!!!"

Such clamoring words made the bandit leader furious, and when he cast his eyes on the villagers, he found a figure standing up solemnly, walking towards him with unhurried steps, and this person with a delicate face The handsome man with a faint smile on his mouth is Xing Jue.

At this moment, everyone was surprised. All the villagers looked at Xing Jue with unbelievable eyes, and Liu Lele, whose cheeks were already wet with tears, opened his tear-filled eyes wide, and looked at Xing Jue with unbelievable eyes. Confused eyes fixed on Xing Jue.

Because they couldn't imagine that when Liu Lele's cousin didn't dare to stand out, there would be a person who would disregard his own life and death to stand up for Liu Lele. Ridiculous sentence!


Xing Jue completely ignored the words of the bandit leader, and with his lips and teeth closed, a very faint but very clear voice came out of his mouth. At this moment, everyone did not believe their ears at all.

"Damn, there are people who are not afraid of death"

"How dare you sabotage our boss' good deeds, come on, let's kill him together!"

For Xing Jue's actions, the desires in his heart could no longer be tolerated. The robbers like crazy beasts naturally couldn't bear it. Waving the sharp weapons in their hands, they swarmed up and attacked Xing Jue fiercely. Seeing them like this , as if to tear the sentence alive.

"Leave me alone, run away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Looking at the scene in front of them, all the villagers present were tense, and Liu Lele yelled at Xing Jue in that hoarse voice, because they couldn't imagine that Xing Jue would die if this continued. How miserable.

As long as she thinks of Xing Jue's tragic appearance, even the savage Liu Lele can't bear to see it. After all, Xing Jue stood up for him, so her conscience found out that she would rather lose her chastity than Xing Jue die for him.


"Roar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

But just when everyone thought Xing Jue's death was certain, Xing Jue's voice sounded again, but this time, Xing Jue's voice was no longer so flat, but so majestic that everyone couldn't bear it.

That sound, like a dragon's roar, like a tiger's howl, resounded through the heaven and earth, trembling the ears, piercing the ear curtains of everyone like a sharp weapon, shaking them, their ears buzzing, and bursts of tingling pain spread throughout their bodies.



And at the same time as that sound sounded, a majestic aura centered on Xingjue, like an invisible hurricane, swept away with lightning speed, and drove back the approaching robbers one after another. Blow away.

And when they fell to the ground, they were all seriously injured, some had big mouthfuls of blood gushing out of their mouths, and some had passed out directly, it was miserable.

There was no shot, no movement, just a word, just the aura emanating from the body, but it had a power that even a spiritual weapon could not match. In an instant, dozens of robbers lay down among the grass.

At this moment, the eyes of those villagers looking at Xing Jue have completely changed. The eyes are full of surprise, shock, and unbelievable. The eyes are no longer like looking at a person, but more like looking at a god. .

At this moment, except for the vomited blood and the unconscious robbers, everyone was immersed in shock.Shock was engraved on their faces, and this shock not only shook their bodies, but also shocked their hearts.

At this moment, it seemed that all the sounds had disappeared, even the breathing of the people had stopped, the surrounding was quiet, only the sound of the wind blowing past, and the sound of Xing Jue's footsteps trampling on the grass could be heard.

But compared to those panic-stricken, extremely terrifying robbers.Compared to those villagers who were shocked and couldn't believe it.The most exciting faces were Liu Lele and Ma Qiang.

This pair of cousins, who had ridiculed Xing Jue in every possible way before, had various emotions written on their sluggish faces at the moment, but no one could decipher the meaning, and the only one who understood their feelings at the moment must be The two of them themselves.

That kind of mood may be endless self-deprecating, or extremely shocking, but one thing is certain, they were shocked by Xingjue's true strength.

"A high-level battle saint, are you a high-level battle saint?"

"How is it possible? High-ranking war saint, how could it be here?"

"Shouldn't a strong man like you be reused by the dynasty? How could he be a commoner?"

The bandit leader glanced at the bandits lying in disorder in the distance, his murderous eyes before were filled with endless fear.

The power exuded by Xing Jue earlier had clearly told him what kind of strong Xing Jue was. He was a high-ranking warrior, a high-ranking warrior who was far above him.

Facing this kind of strong man, even if he has the combination spirit weapon of Tianjiying, he is still not sure that he can fight against Xingjue. The only thing left is the verdict!


At this moment, Xing Jue had already walked in front of the bandit leader and Liu Lele, looking at the bandit leader who was still holding Liu Lele in his arms, his hands were still clutching Liu Lele's dress, but his face was dull and his body was stiff, and he said last word.


"Young man, I was wrong, please forgive me, please forgive me, I beg you, I beg you"

"We are all forced to be helpless. We are all people of the dynasty. Since we all come from poor backgrounds, please forgive us!"

When he heard the third word from Xing Jue's mouth, the face of the bandit leader turned from pale to green in an instant, because to him, it was like the final warning of death sentence, and at this moment, he had already let go of his arms. Liu Lele, kneeling on the ground, kept ringing his head at Xing Jue.

"bang bang bang bang"

The sound was loud, like sharp weapons beating each other, it can be seen how hard he kowtowed, and how frightened he was at the moment.

"Tread! Tread! Tread!"

Xing Jue completely ignored the actions of the bandit leader, and stopped in front of Liu Lele after walking past the others. However, the sound of his footsteps made the bandit leader feel as if he was about to die. Shaking constantly.


Before and after Liu Lele, Xing Jue glanced indifferently at Liu Lele who was huddled together and covered his body with his hands. With a wave of his sleeve, a long skirt emerged and fell on Liu Lele's body. It completely covered up his snow-white skin.

"That, that is actually a high-grade treasure!"

But looking at the long skirt that Xing Jue threw to Liu Lele, the eyes of the people who were staring at Xing Jue were brightened, because they could tell from the shiny long dress that it was a high-grade treasure.

For poor villages like them, spirit weapons are unimaginable. Some people can't even buy a spirit weapon with their life savings, and top-grade treasures are the treasures in their eyes. Throwing a treasure to Liu Lele, how could they not be excited.

But they didn't know that this long skirt was the lowest grade in Xing Jue's Soul Eater Order, because apart from the top grade treasures, all of Xing Jue's Soul Eater Orders were spiritual weapons.

"You, get up"

After handing Liu Lele the long skirt to cover his body, Xing Jue turned his indifferent eyes to the trembling bandit leader behind him.

"Young man, I, I, I..."

Xing Jue told him to get up, he didn't dare to hesitate, but when he got up, he didn't even dare to lift his head, because at this moment he didn't dare to face Xing Jue squarely.


Suddenly, Xing Jue swung his arm violently, and his palm was firmly attached to the face of the bandit leader. His speed was so fast that everyone couldn't see his movements clearly. A white gust of wind flashed by, and the bandit leader was gone. Fly out to the distance.


After landing, the bandit leader sprayed a mouthful of blood from his mouth, and that blood still had ten white teeth, Xing Jue's slap actually knocked out half of his teeth! .

Of course, looking at his swollen side face of Lao Gao, and the purple palm print that seemed to be imprinted in it, one can know that half of the teeth that are missing are considered light.

"Say, as a guard of the Tianji Battalion, why did you become a bandit?" After slapping him severely, Xing Jue asked in a stern tone.

"Big, big, big, I, I am the smallest soldier in the Tianji Battalion, plus I come from a humble continent in the mortal world, and I have been oppressed."

"It's because I couldn't stand the oppression of the other soldiers and guards in Tianji Camp, so I fled here while I was on a mission."

Seeing that Xing Jue was able to see through his identity, the bandit leader was even more shocked. He already vaguely felt that Xing Jue's identity was not simple, so he dared not hide it and tell the truth.

"Today, I let you go, but you have to hand over all your treasures to me."

"In the future, if you let me know that you still dare to do evil, I will definitely take your heads off."

Looking at the sniveling and tearful bandit leader, Xing Jue suddenly felt pity. The living conditions of the soldiers and guards of the Tianji Battalion were far superior to those of ordinary people.But this bandit leader would rather leave Tianji Camp and become a bandit here.

Xing Jue could imagine how inhuman oppression and self-esteem he had experienced in Tianji Camp. As for that kind of oppression, Xing Jue knew something about it, so he didn't embarrass these robbers, but charged them for their support. After the treasures and spiritual artifacts, let them go.

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