Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 560 Asura Warrior

"Haha, Xing Jue, your boy really deserves to die, his life should not die!"

Venerable Soul was even more overjoyed when he saw that Xingjue's body was intact and exuding blood-colored radiance.

With a flash of his figure, he flashed to Xing Jue's side, and began to check Xing Jue's physical condition at the moment.

And the more he investigated, the more joyful his face became, because he found that Xing Jue's body had not only healed, but was also several times stronger than before.

"Thank you on behalf of this kid, you..."

Overjoyed, Venerable Soul hurriedly turned his attention to Xuemei, wanting to express his gratitude in place of Xingjue.

"You...your body...."

But when he saw the blood girl at this moment, Ben's happy face changed instantly, replaced by endless horror and shock.

Even on his forehead, patches of cold sweat began to seep out.

Because at this moment, the long black hair of the blood girl has turned into a snow-white color, messy, and there are large patches of red blood sticking on it.

The skin that was originally as clear as snow was not only dry and wrinkled, it was actually replaced by a blood red color. .

And the plump body is already dry like a zombie.

Not to mention being connected with the pure, innocent, beautiful girl before, the blood girl at this moment is even scarier than the evil spirit, it can be said to be extremely terrifying!


The blood girl didn't care about Venerable Soul's astonished gaze.Instead, after a few violent coughs, he slowly raised his head and cast his even more strange eyes on Xingjue not far away.

And when she saw the punishment at this moment, a gratified arc bloomed on her face like a zombie.

"Don't tell him about me, don't let him know, I saved him."

"If he asks about me, he will say that my body has recovered. Don't let him find me, because I don't want to see him again."


After giving Xing Jue a meaningful look, the blood girl dragged her crumbling body and gradually disappeared into the cave with the continuous panting and coughing sound.

Only the overwhelmed Venerable Soul and Xing Jue, who had a ruddy complexion but was deeply asleep, were left behind.

"You are really lucky, kid, to be able to let the body of the evil spirit, which is ferocious in nature, do this for you."

It wasn't until the blood-sister's heart-piercing panting and coughing sound completely disappeared that Venerable Soul regained his composure.

But at this moment, when he looked at the red face in front of him, and the faint and smooth Xingjue lingering on the surface of his body, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Since that's the case, I shouldn't hold anything back. While that girl has built a good body for you, I will help you!"

But right after, there was an expectant smile on Venerable Soul's face.


Suddenly, I saw the eyes of Venerable Soul flickering, and a thick, dark gas erupted from his body.

The gas is only weird, like a soul but not a soul, like a black cloud covering the top of the cave, and it begins to change rapidly.

In the end, the dark black gas actually condensed into a large formation, covering the punishment.

"buzz, buzz"

After the formation condensed, strange and tyrannical energy began to pour into Xing Jue's body continuously.

And Xing Jue's body also began to undergo earth-shaking changes! .


Time flies, since Xingjue broke into the stone forest and was seriously injured, a month has passed quietly.

In the Zhulu Plain, after a month of wind and sand, although the strong smell of blood has dissipated, the dense white bones all over the ground are still shocking.

These are the alliance soldiers and guards who were refined by the large array arranged by Yin Xing. At this moment, they are wearing spiritual weapons on their bones.

Although the guards were refined into bones, their spirit weapons were intact. There are millions of spirit weapons in so many guards.

There are so many spiritual weapons, even for a dynasty, they are huge treasures, but no one dares to collect these treasures.

Because since the opening of the formation in the plain a month ago, the Starfall Dynasty army that had escaped hastily retreated.

As for the common people, knowing that this is the place where the armies are fighting, no one dares to take half a step.


On the desolate plain, not even a bird can be seen, and only the rustling wind can be heard in the tranquility, giving people an extremely depressing feeling.

The plain is peaceful, but under the stone forest on the outskirts of the plain, a powerful force is brewing.

Below the stone forest, in the original cave, the large formation arranged by Venerable Soul is still there, but compared to the thick dark black formation at the beginning, it has faded a lot now.

In the middle of the formation, Xing Jue still closed his eyes and slept for a long time. In a month's time, an ordinary person would have starved to death if he didn't eat or drink.

But not only did Xing Jue not feel uncomfortable, but his face was plump, his breath was long, and layers of invisible powerful gas around him were pouring into his body.

After another hour, Xing Jue's fingers that had been stagnant for a full month suddenly trembled a few times, followed by his tightly closed eyes slowly opening.

"Where is this?"

"Is it a cave?"

"I'm not dead?"

"My body is still intact, I'm really not dead!"

When he opened his eyes and looked at the familiar cave, Xing Jue was a little surprised that he was still alive after being so seriously injured.

And spreading his hands, looking at the complete body at this moment, Xing Jue became even more excited, dancing happily.

"This, this feeling!"

But when Xing Jue stood up and danced excitedly, his expression changed slightly.

Because he was shocked to find that between his body movements, layers of strange aura seemed to flow with his body.

That is not the spirit of war, let alone the spirit of martial arts, because in the air of the Asura Continent, there is no such thing as the spirit of war or the spirit of martial arts.

But there is indeed a kind of qi that is several times stronger than the qi of war and qi of martial arts, and it is under the control of Xing Jue at this moment.

"The power of Shura, is it the power of Shura?"

Thinking of this, Xing Jue's pupils suddenly dilated, and his face was filled with horror, because the only thing he could think of at the moment was the mysterious and powerful Shura power.

"Congratulations, you have stepped into a brand new field and become a Shura warrior!"

At this moment, an old man's voice suddenly sounded behind Xing Jue, and looking sideways, Venerable Soul unexpectedly appeared behind Xing Jue without a sound.

"Asura warrior? Could this be the legendary level?"

Xing Jue's face was full of complex emotions, including excitement, shock, and disbelief, because he couldn't imagine that he, who was supposed to die, had reached that level unconsciously after waking up.

"That's right, now you have stepped into a new field and mastered a new power."

"That is the Shura warrior who can control the power of Shura, that is, the people of this continent, the legendary level in their mouths, super strong!" Soul Venerable said with a smile.

"Asura warrior? It turns out to be a Shura warrior!"

"A brand new field? This feeling is indeed unprecedented, such a strong force, such a comfortable feeling!"

After hearing the words of Venerable Soul, Xing Jue smiled even more. He began to swing his arms and dance his body non-stop, feeling the power that danced with his body, the power of Asura.

"Heh, try to use the power of Shura, perform martial arts, and try to hit a punch." Soul Venerable reminded with a smile.

Under the reminder of Venerable Soul, Xing Jue hastily closed his eyes, clenched his right fist, and circulated the power of Shura in his body according to a familiar but different trajectory.


And at this moment, a layer of powerful and scorching flames actually condensed on Xing Jue's right fist.

"Flame Dragon Fist"

Suddenly, Xing Jue's closed eyes suddenly opened, and at the same time, his right fist suddenly hit the top of the cave.


Accompanied by a piercing dragon roar, a giant flame dragon several hundred meters long soared into the sky, heading straight into the blue sky and darting upwards.

This dragon is very similar to the fire dragon condensed by the Yanlong bullet, but compared to the Yanlong bullet, this fire dragon is closer to the real body.

The power contained in it is even more different from heaven and earth, its power even surpassed Fu Yao's Xuemantian, and it has reached the level of high-level martial arts.


During the surge of such a powerful fire dragon, even the ground trembled, and even the air was burning. When it came into contact with the cave, it was even more broken stones, sparks were countless, and a deafening roar resounded all over the place. .


Accompanied by the spread of the roaring sound, a large amount of gravel fell, and thick dust filled the entire cave.

And when the dust dissipated, a thick and bright light shone down, illuminating the cavern brightly.

Xing Jue's punch unexpectedly pierced through the thick cave.

"Good boy, you can actually know advanced martial arts at the sky level. Why haven't you seen you use them before?"

Looking at the passage pierced by Xing Jue, even the Venerable Soul was greatly surprised, because the power of Xing Jue was beyond his imagination.

"Heaven-rank advanced martial skill? This is just a mysterious-rank advanced martial skill."

"It's just that he suddenly changed his trajectory on a whim earlier. Could it be that after the change, he has reached the power of a high-level martial art?" Xing Jue looked stunned, because this Yanlong Fist was indeed a modified version of Yanlong Bullet.

"When a war god crosses the shackles of heaven and earth and enters the level of a Shura warrior, he will indeed understand some things that he could not comprehend before, and redefine the martial arts he has learned."

"However, among the martial arts that have been practiced, there are very few who can comprehend the high-level martial arts of the sky. It seems that you are really extraordinary!" Venerable Soul stroked his long white beard, his face full of surprise.

"That's the way it is. No wonder I feel that all the martial arts I have mastered can be changed and redefined. It turns out that I have realized new power."

Xing Jue is equally ecstatic, because at this moment he can clearly feel that not only Yanlong Bullet, but all the martial arts he has practiced can be re-executed in different trajectories, and the strength will double!

(It’s a good day, the rhythm of life is, wake up, eat, read novels, but after finishing novels, you have to throw flowers~!!!)

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