"Actually comprehend to such a degree? Huigen really is not easy."

"But you don't have to be too happy, kid. When you step into this level, unless you don't plan to enter the world of Shura powerhouses."

"If not, even if you master the high-level martial arts of the sky rank and possess the top-grade spiritual weapon, it will be in vain." But at this moment, a blow of cold water from Venerable Soul poured over him fiercely.

"Sovereign Soul, what do you mean by these words? Could it be that there are more powerful martial arts than high-level heavenly martial arts?" Xing Jue asked curiously.

"You don't need to ask more about this, I will tell you in the future, no matter what, becoming a Shura warrior is something to be happy about."

"Now try to spread the power of Shura to all parts of your body, so that the power of Shura in your body can resonate with the power of Shura outside." Soul Venerable reminded while stroking his long beard.

"En..." Seeing that Venerable Soul refused to say anything, Xing Jue didn't ask any more questions, but tried the method instructed by Venerable Soul.


"This is?!"

But at the next moment, a wonderful scene happened. After Xingjue started according to the method that Venerable Soul said, a layer of purple brilliance surrounded it, like a purple glow in the sun, lingering around.

The brilliance was very gorgeous, as if a layer of crystal light enveloped it, and like a purple flame, slowly rising from his body, but what surprised Xing Jue the most was that a strange feeling had already spread into his body .


Suddenly, Xing Jue's knees were slightly bent, and then suddenly straightened. His whole body was like an arrow from the string, shooting away from the cave that penetrated the outside world, soaring into the sky.

"Haha, I can fly now, and I can fly in the air again."

"This is the power of Shura's power. Is this the strength of Shura warriors? I can fly in such a land, and I can fly in such a land."

The Xing Jue was very fast, soaring into the sky from the stone forest in an instant, soaring above the sky, flying freely like a happy bird.

"what is that?"

"It's actually a spiritual weapon, so many spiritual weapons are not damaged?"

"It seems that the blood coagulation soul refining array is really weird, it only targets the human body, but does not harm the spiritual weapon."

When Xing Jue soared happily, he unknowingly came to the sky above the Zhulu Plain, and at the same time, the bones and bright spiritual weapons all over the ground also came into his eyes.

"Spiritual weapon is a spiritual weapon after all, it's a waste to put it here, in that case, let me Xingjue take charge of it for you."


Purple brilliance lingered around Xing Jue's body. Standing in the void, he saw his palm protruding suddenly, and a majestic suction burst out from his palm, setting off a hurricane that flowed backwards.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Under the shroud of suction, in an instant, countless bright rays of light rose against the wind, towards Xing Jue's palm at high speed, and were finally completely swallowed by the rays of light from the Soul Eater Token.

Although spirit weapons and Xingjue are no longer needed, spirit weapons are spirit weapons after all.

There are millions of spirit weapons, Xing Jue, who put in a lot of effort to obtain a spirit weapon, would never leave them here.

Anyway, the Soul Eater has a huge space, and placing these spiritual weapons is simply the tip of the iceberg.

And with so many spirit weapons, even if Xingjue is useless, it would be a good thing to return to the mortal world in the future and distribute them as gifts to former friends, disciples of Yufeng Pavilion, or members of the Asura Hall.


But at this moment, the space in front of Xing Jue suddenly squirmed, and then the figure of Venerable Soul stepped out of it.

There is no purple cloud around the body, nothing special, but it can stand in the air, just as relaxed and comfortable as Xing Jue was in the mortal world back then.

"Soul Venerable? Have you recovered your strength?"

Looking at the Venerable Soul at this moment, Xing Jue couldn't help taking a breath. Although he had stepped into the God of War of Shura and stepped into a brand new realm, he couldn't feel the Venerable Soul's breath at all.

Moreover, the current him can't feel the existence of the power of space in this world, but obviously the soul venerable can already use the power of space, which shows that the soul venerable has reached a very terrifying level.

"Restore your strength? This deity is a venerable weapon, but the main body is broken, leaving only the void spirit. Now even I don't know what I am." A helpless smile appeared on the face of the soul venerable.


Seeing this, Xing Jue didn't ask too much. The Soul Venerable is extremely powerful now, and he must have been even more terrifying back then, and his master, Old Man Yungui, is the most powerful person in the world.

But now the number one powerhouse has fallen, and even the soul venerable has been severely injured, falling here, it can be seen that they have encountered a very powerful enemy, an unimaginable powerhouse in today's Xingjue.

"Boy, since you have become an Asura warrior, this land no longer belongs to you. Do you want to leave with me?" Suddenly Venerable Soul asked with a smile.


After glancing at the hundreds of white bones on the flat plain under his feet, and looking in the direction of the Starfall Dynasty, Xing Jue nodded in response.

The coalition forces of the Wuxiang Dynasty and the Fengli Dynasty were all buried here, but the Starfall Dynasty preserved its strength.

There is no need to guess what will happen in the next three dynasties. The Starfall Dynasty will definitely be able to successfully dominate this land.

In this way, there is no need for Xing Jue to intervene, and this is not the place Xing Jue longs for.

Although the emperor and Princess Xinxin have given great help to Xing Jue, Xing Jue's actions have long since repaid their kindness, so at this moment, they have no attachment to Xing Jue of the Asura Continent.

On the contrary, after becoming a Shura warrior and mastering brand-new power, Xing Jue yearned very much for the world of soul source that Venerable Soul said.

That is the sanctuary in Xing's determination, so Xing never wants to return to the Starfall Dynasty, but leaves here directly with Venerable Soul.

"By the way, Venerable Soul, do you know where the blood sister went?" But at this moment, Xing Jue suddenly remembered the blood sister who was seriously injured that day.

"That girl is the body of an evil spirit, and her vitality is very tenacious. After refining part of the blood from the blood lake, she has recovered, so you don't have to worry about her."

"And she asked me to tell you not to go to her in the future, she doesn't want to see you again"

Venerable Soul said lightly, although on the surface it seemed to be talking about a trivial matter, but the heart was quite complicated.

Because just thinking about how the blood girl left that day, even this hard-hearted him was moved.

However, he was entrusted with the matter of loyalty, so he had no choice but to report to Xing Jue according to what the blood sister explained that day.

"Oh, that girl, as long as she's fine."

After hearing Venerable Soul's words, Xing Jue's heart was completely relieved, and then he turned his eyes to the far side of the mainland and said:

"Honorable Soul, let's go!"

The Shura Continent, the Starfall Dynasty, and the Tianji Battalion's millions of troops have returned, and now they are guarding the gates of the dynasty, ready to fight, and the entire dynasty is plunged into tension and anger.

In the imperial city, in the hall, the emperor is at the top, and below are the civil and military ministers, not only Marshal Xiao Ding, but even Bu Chen.

"Unexpectedly, the three superpowers who appeared in the Asura Continent all come from my Starfall Dynasty, and they are all from the Tianwu Continent."

"No wonder, Xing Jue is so talented. It seems that the Tianwu Continent is a strange land, and it is the strongest continent in the mortal world!"

"Hey, I just don't know what the current punishment is. It's been a full month, but there is no news!"

After the emperor closed a quaint book in his hand, he couldn't help sighing. It was given to him by Bu Chen, and it clearly recorded the real history of the Shura Continent and the Starfall Dynasty for thousands of years.


But at this moment, a strange fluctuation came from the emperor's arms, and upon seeing it, the emperor hurriedly took out the upper treasure order.

But when he saw Shang Baoling, an excited smile burst out on his frowning face, but it was replaced by complicated emotions, and finally he nodded in relief.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" Seeing the emperor's fluctuating expression, the ministers below were a little at a loss, and asked anxiously.


"Pass down the order, all the troops of the Tianji Battalion stop their garrison and attack the Wuxiang Dynasty and the Fengli Dynasty!" Suddenly, the emperor stood up and gave an order to the ministers below.


Xing Jue did not return to the Xingyun Dynasty, but informed him of his situation through Shangfang Baoling.

And at this moment, he and Soul Venerable are soaring over the Asura Continent, on top of the white clouds, they are flying towards the distance at an extremely fast speed.

With the strength of Venerable Soul, he can already open the space channel, but Naihe insists on going to that brand new world in person, because there are some things that he wants to witness with his own eyes.

"Is that the isolation forest?"

The speed of the two was very fast, especially under the leadership of Venerable Soul, Xing Jue's speed was several times faster than himself, and at this moment, a large ancient forest appeared below Xing Jue.

That forest is not only full of ancient species of Gundam, its area is even more terrifying, it can even be said to occupy half of the territory of Shura Continent.

But what surprised Xing Jue the most was that looking down from above, there seemed to be a faint air lingering in the forest, which was very strange.

"The Shura Continent is just a tiny place."

"The only thing that is different is the isolation forest. This forest is quite strange and contains the power of curse."

"Even I don't dare to step into it easily. If a real strong person from the soul source world discovers this kind of forest, they will definitely come and make a mess."

"In the future, when you have a certain strength, you can return to your homeland. Maybe you can get some unexpected gains in this isolated forest." Soul Venerable said with a smile while looking at the isolated forest below.


After hearing Venerable Soul's words, Xing Jue just smiled awkwardly, even Venerable Soul didn't dare to step into it easily, but he didn't even dare to think about it, at least for now.

(I heard that after watching Shura God of War throwing flowers, you will have a lot of money and peach blossoms this year. You might as well give it a try!)

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