Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 569 Wang Jie's Combat Skills, Soft Fist

"Bullshit theory is just a bunch of nonsense. It is a method that every practitioner knows, and he has said it again with a bunch of nonsense!"

But compared to Zhang Xing's euphemism, Zhang Meng was very direct. She actually cursed the elder who was giving lectures loudly in public.

And what she said really attracted the attention of many people.

However, except for the contempt of a few people, most people nodded in agreement, and their eyes showed the understanding of sympathy and pity, obviously they are all victims of it!

Although the War Skill Pavilion is very large, there are not many battle skills. Many of them are the same battle skills, but they are placed in different places for the convenience of disciples to choose.

However, there is a rule in the War Skills Pavilion, the disciples who are at the beginning level of Asura warriors can only choose one battle skill to practice.

Therefore, for Xingjue and the others, this is an opportunity not to be missed, because if they make a wrong choice, they can only accept bad luck and will not have a second chance to choose.

At this moment, in order to avoid regrets in the future, everyone is carefully looking for suitable combat skills, and the same is true for Xingjue!

It's just that compared with everyone else, Xingjue is a little bit different. Some people like to attack, some like to defend, some like long-range, and some like melee.

But Xing Jue was looking for a combat technique that could better integrate soul power into combat techniques.

"Soft fist!"

"Elementary combat skills of the king rank!"

"Conquer rigidity with softness, be soft on the outside and strong on the inside."

"This skill is a great achievement, comparable to an intermediate combat skill."

"Note: This skill requires a lot of soul, it is not recommended to practice this skill"

After some careful searching, Xing Jue finally found a combat technique book that suits him.

One book, seeing the front of the introduction, makes people excited, and can't wait to shout, "Finally found a book of fighting skills that I like!!!"

But after seeing the back, especially the note, I couldn't help feeling disappointed, and I wanted to yell "Damn, this combat technique is nothing but bullshit!" The combat technique, Soft Fist!

After choosing "Soft Fist" as the first book of combat skills he practiced, Xing Jue took the brief introduction of Soft Fist and walked to the elder's room of the War Skill Pavilion.

After registering his name and the combat skills he selected, the elder took out a spell and instilled the contents into Xing Jue's mind.

And that content is the training method of Rouquan, but this training method is restricted by memory.

The so-called memory bondage is that you know its content, but you can't tell it to others, or convey it to others.

And this is exactly a means used by the Promise Academy to prevent the leakage of combat skills.

"Brother Xingjue, did you choose it so quickly? What kind of combat technique is it?"

When Xing Jue walked out of the room where the elder was, Zhang Xing and his sister just happened to walk over with a brief introduction in their hands.

After a quick glance, Xing Jue found that Zhang Xing chose a defensive combat technique, while Zhang Meng chose an offensive combat technique. From this, it can be seen that the temperaments of the two brothers and sisters are completely different.

"soft fist"

Xing Jue narrowed his eyes slightly, turned his mouth up slightly, and said with a faint smile.


"Soft Fist? Didn't you miss the note below?"

"That battle skill has high requirements on the soul, and if you don't have a certain amount of soul control, you can't practice that battle skill well!"

After hearing Xing Jue's words, Zhang Meng laughed mockingly.With that appearance, it was as if she had seen an idiot!

"Yes, Brother Xingjue!"

"Why did you choose such a book of combat skills? The soft fist is too difficult!"

Zhang Xing also said puzzledly, but he was not mocking, he was obviously very worried.I am worried that if Xingjue chooses such a book of combat skills, if he cannot cultivate successfully and cannot be replaced, it will obviously hinder his future path.

After all, the regulations in the Wuji Academy are that only after reaching the middle-level Shura warriors can they choose new combat skills to practice.

"Oh, that soft fist is already installed in my head, I can't change it!"

"But brother Zhang, don't worry, I am a criminal, I just like to challenge difficult challenges!"

Xing Jue first pointed to his own head, then patted Zhang Xing on the shoulder, and then walked away, preparing to leave the War Skill Pavilion.

"Brother Xingjue, wait for me, after I have exchanged my combat skills, the three of us will go to the training room to have a look." where to run.

"En!" Seeing this, Xing Jue couldn't refuse, but nodded in response.

After Zhang Xing and Zhang Meng exchanged their favorite combat skills respectively, the three of Xingjue went to the east courtyard of Wujiyuan together, another important place, the training room!

It is said that the practice room was specially built by the founder of the Promise Academy. Practicing in the practice room can gather the power of Shura more quickly and achieve unexpected training effects.

If it is said that there are a lot of people in the War Skill Pavilion, then there are simply too many people in the Training Pavilion. It can be described as a sea of ​​people.

The layout of the training room is very similar to the layout of the Yufeng Pavilion training pavilion. Around a vast hall, there are countless small rooms, and there is the training place, the training room!

However, because of the large number of people and the lack of rooms, there was a long line of people queuing up in front of almost every practice room.

However, there was an exception in one area, where there were fifteen training rooms, but no one lined up there.

And the heavy door of the training room was open, only the enchantment door was slowly turning around, obviously no one was practicing in it.

However, the fifteen training rooms have a common feature, that is, there is a plaque with the word Wu hanging on the door of the training room.

"Brother Zhang, there is a place there, let's go there!" Seeing this, Xing Jue was about to enter it.

"Brother Xingjue, there are so many people queuing up, but no one is practicing there, which means there must be a special reason."

"We're new here, so we don't know the situation here, so it's better to be careful!" Ke Xing Jue was about to go forward when he was stopped by Zhang Xing.

Afterwards, Zhang Xing asked an older disciple who was only half a hundred years old. The reason why he was chosen was because the older ones lacked arrogance, so they were relatively easy to talk to.

And after some inquiring, I found out that the fifteen training rooms had been occupied by someone!

Because of the special regulations of the Wuji Academy, unless there is a very serious fight between the disciples, the elders of the Wuji Academy have no right to intervene in the affairs of the disciples.

Under such regulations, many disciples formed cliques and formed many small forces in the east courtyard, and among these forces, the military gang was the strongest.

It is said that the martial gang now has nearly a hundred members in the east courtyard with nearly 2000 people. In order to facilitate the cultivation of its own members, the martial gang has even occupied more than a dozen training rooms in the practice room, which are only for martial arts. Help members use it!

"Self-occupation of other disciples' cultivation resources, the Elder House doesn't care about this behavior?" After hearing the disciple's narration, Xing Jue was quite indignant.

"Oh, this junior brother, this is the rule of the Wuji Court. As long as it does not exceed the tolerance range of the Presbyterian Court, no one will care about the excessive things!" thing!

"The martial gang only has a hundred members, so could it be that he can withstand the thousand disciples in the entire Eastern Academy?" Xing Jue asked puzzled.

"Speaking of the members of the Wu Gang, they are definitely not the largest force in the East Court, but the reason why the Wu Gang is known as the strongest force in the East Court is because of the leader of the Wu Gang!"

"Kong Wu, the leader of the martial gang, is a mid-level Shura warrior, and he is the only mid-level Shura warrior in the Eastern Academy."

"That's why Kong Wu is the strongest in the East Court. It's not because he has a large number of people that he can defeat him."

"It seems that you should be new disciples this year. I advise you that anyone of any power can provoke you, but people from the martial arts gang must not be provoked!" the older disciple kindly reminded.

"There is only one middle-level Asura warrior in the entire East Court? Is it so difficult for an Asura warrior to break through the first floor?"

However, the Xing Jue at this moment is because of the fact that there is only one middle-level Shura warrior in the huge East Court.

Among the [-] disciples, there was only one middle-level Shura warrior. This ratio was indeed a bit exaggerated, but the exaggerated fact in front of him was placed in front of Xing Jue, so he had to believe it.

"Students with good talents have already entered the middle court, and the rest are disciples with poor talents. In recent years, the disciples of the east court have been getting worse every year. Hey~" Seeing Xing Jue's question, the older The disciple sighed helplessly.

Looking at the helplessness on the older disciple's face, Xing Jue could feel that the helplessness must have other meanings, but since he didn't seem to want to talk about it, Xing Jue and the other three didn't ask any more questions.

Afterwards, in order not to cause unnecessary troubles, Xing Jue and Zhang Xing brothers and sisters lined up in a neat line.

In order to practice faster, the three Xingjue chose different practice rooms to line up.

Because of the special structure of the training room, each disciple cannot practice for more than one hour in the training room, otherwise the body will not be able to bear it.

As a matter of fact, many people could no longer bear it within half an hour and had to leave the training room.

So even though there were a lot of people in line, Xing Jue finally got to the front after four hours of queuing.

But just when Xing Jue was happy to be able to enter this training room and experience the doubled training effect, there was a sudden commotion in the main hall of the training room.

Looking sideways, I saw sixteen disciples of Wuji Academy walking into the main hall of the training room. These 16 people were male and female, old and young, but on their chests, they all had a The badge with the word Wu.

And looking at the fearful eyes of the surrounding disciples, it is obvious that they should be members of the military gang, occupying the fifteen training rooms.

This group of guys walked around arrogantly, obviously only the strength of beginner Shura warriors, but their eyes were full of contempt when they looked at the surrounding people.

Then, 16 of the 15 people walked into the training room they occupied.

But what Ling Xingjue didn't expect was that the remaining member of the military gang actually walked to the door of the training room next to Xingjue, and stood in front of the same disciples who lined up for nearly four hours.

In the face of such an arrogant attitude by members of the military gang who jumped in line openly, no one dared to say anything, and everyone chose to bow their heads silently.

"Hmph, a bunch of trash!"

And when the member of the martial gang saw the people behind him bowing their heads in silence, there was a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.


But at this moment, the door of the training room in front of Xing Jue finally opened, and at the same time a pale figure walked past Xing Jue at a very high speed, and this was the person who entered the training room to practice before.

"The system is weak enough!"

Glancing at the disciple, Xing Jue said secretly, because he still remembered that the disciple seemed to have entered the training room for less than half an hour.

And the appearance of this in such a short period of time shows that his system is indeed very bad.

However, what other people's systems are has nothing to do with him. After shaking his head slightly, Xing Jue walked towards the training room.

"Hey! You, get to the back!"

But just as Xing Jue was about to pass through the barrier entrance and enter the training room, a man's voice suddenly came from beside him.

Looking sideways, it was the member of the military gang. He was walking towards Xing Jue at a brisk pace at this moment, and he was looking at the practice room that had been opened!

(This chapter is close to 3600 words, as compensation for the first and later updates, I hope everyone goes to bed early and wakes up early, in good health)

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