Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 570 Don't want to live anymore?

"Damn, you're actually staring at my position!"

Glancing at the approaching armed gang member, Xing Jue cursed secretly, ignored him, turned his head, and continued walking towards the opened training room.

"Are you fucking deaf? Didn't hear me calling you?"

Seeing that Xing Jue didn't pay attention to him at all, the members of the armed gang were furious, and ran to Xing Jue with a few strides, and grabbed Xing Jue's Taoist robe.

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone broke into a cold sweat for Xing Jue, because they knew that this member of the armed forces would never let it go, Xing Jue must be in trouble, but at the next moment, they completely Dumbfounded.


I saw Xing Jue's figure suddenly turned sideways, and at the same time as he turned around, he swung his arm, and that powerful palm hit the member of the armed gang fiercely in the face.

The strength of this palm was no small matter. The member of the armed gang who was not prepared at all fell to the ground after being directly fanned out tens of meters.

"Damn, you don't want to live anymore? How dare you hit me! Do you know who I am?"

A member of the martial arts gang covered his side face with blood-red palm prints with one hand, and pointed to the Wu character brand on his chest with the other.

"I don't know who you are, I only know that if you don't leave, I will beat you, no one knows who you are!"

Xing Jue glanced at the member of the armed gang indifferently, then turned around and stepped into the training room, leaving only the shocked crowd and the angry armed gang member.

It's just a pity that Zhang Meng and his elder brother Zhang Xing had already entered the training room before Xing Jue, if not, when the two of them saw Xing Jue's actions, they would not know what kind of dare to think.

After passing through the barrier gate, the heavy door of the training room was automatically closed, and Xing Jue was already in the training room at this moment.

The practice room is actually a barrier space, but around the barrier space, there are rows of slowly flowing spells.

And from the spell, layers of gas visible to the naked eye are constantly pouring into the training room, and that is obviously the power of Shura!

"It feels good. It seems that the Promise Academy does have some tricks. No wonder so many people are willing to line up here just to practice for half an hour."

After Xing Jue entered the training room, he sat cross-legged and began to cultivate the power of Asura, and he was also shocked to find that the speed of condensing the power of Shura had indeed increased greatly in this training room, which can be said to be Three times the normal practice.


After feeling the effect for a while, I saw a ray of light shot out from Xingjue's index finger. At this moment, a dark purple object floated out. stone.

"I don't know, what kind of effect will I have when refining Shura Ningshi in this training room!!"

Looking at Shura Ningshi, who was floating up and down in front of him, but condensed amazing power, Xing Jue couldn't help but smile expectantly.

Before, Venerable Soul had already informed Xing Jue of the strange effect of Shura's gaze. As long as Xing Jue refines this Shura Condensed Stone, it should not be difficult to become a Shura martial artist in a short time.

And at this moment in this training room, the cultivation speed has been tripled. If he refines this Shura Ningshi here, Xing Jue really can't imagine how fast his cultivation will reach, but just think about it, Xing Jue Then feel excited.

After taking out Shura's gaze, Xing Jue did not hesitate, closed his eyes, and burst out the soul power in his body, and began to refine the Shura Condensed Stone.


And when the soul power collided with Shura's gaze, a majestic dark purple gas began to emerge from Shura's gaze, and finally began to pour into Xing Jue's body continuously.

At this moment, even the air in the training room was trembling, as if the power of Shura hidden in the air had been frightened and frightened.

Because, the power of Shura pouring into Xing Jue's body at this moment is too strong, so strong that ordinary people can't imagine.

However, the most unimaginable thing is that Xing Jue practiced for a full day in this training room where ordinary people can only persist for an hour at most.

It wasn't until a day later that Xing Jue suddenly felt unwell, forcing him to stop practicing, and this discomfort was not caused by the practice room, but because Xing Jue hadn't eaten for a day, and his stomach protested!

"Hey, it seems that I can only go back to eat something first, and then come back and continue to practice."

"However, this kind of cultivation speed is really cool. If this continues, won't I be able to break through soon?"

After rubbing the growling stomach, Xing Jue couldn't help standing up, but when he stared at Shura, who was obviously smaller by his side, the corners of his mouth curved with excitement.

Originally, when he heard that there was only one middle-level Shura warrior in the East Court, Xing Jue thought it would be very difficult for that middle-level Shura warrior to step in.

But at this moment, he found that if he could continue to practice like this, it would definitely not be difficult to become a middle-level Shura warrior within a month.

It's just that Xing Jue is a little hesitant, if he really steps into the mid-level Shura warrior within a month, I don't know how the disciples of the East Court will think of him.Maybe in the eyes of those people, he will really become a monster?


Accompanied by a roar, the heavy stone door has been opened.

And when Xing Jue passed through the enchantment gate, countless eyes full of astonishment, astonishment, and disbelief all shot over, and the word shock was written on the faces of those people.

"He, is he the guy who entered the training room a day ago?"

"I don't know? But this training room has not been opened for a whole day, so no one should have entered it?"

"My God, after waiting for a full day, did you not die?"

But after staying in silence for a while, it was replaced by bursts of low-pitched discussions. It turned out that Xing Jue had become a celebrity within a day, and many people even thought that he had died in the training room.

"Hmph, what's the fuss, it just means your system is too weak, right?"

Facing everyone's gazes as if looking at evildoers, Xing Jue snorted softly, because he suddenly remembered the male disciple who had been in the training room for half an hour and turned pale the day before. At this moment, Xing Jue seemed to have found Now, the reason why the East Court is so weak.

"There, I finally found you!!!!"

But at this moment, a familiar shout suddenly came from the direction of the door of the training room.

Taking a closer look, I saw five men running towards Xingjue.

And the leader was the member of the armed gang who was slapped by Xingjue the day before. As for the other four, they were also members of the armed gang!

"Damn it, it's no wonder I haven't been able to find you, so I've been hiding here, brothers, beat him up!"

The five men came to Xing Jue, without saying a word, they waved their fists and bombarded Xing Jue. They didn't use any martial arts, let alone combat skills, but the most primitive and direct attack method.

"Hmph, a bunch of idiots!"

Facing the attack from no one, Xing Jue snorted coldly, because he knew that the reason why these five people attacked like this was to avenge yesterday's revenge.

Because relatively speaking, physical attack is the best way to insult, but it is a pity that what Xingjue is best at is melee combat!

"bang bang bang bang"

Suddenly, I saw Xing Jue's figure vertical, and between the swings of his fists, five beams of light shot towards the man. The speed was so fast that everyone didn't see Xing Jue's movements clearly.


But when everyone reacted, the five members of the military gang were already lying on their backs, clutching their chests one by one, rolling over and crying in pain.

"Five trash!"

After indifferently glancing at the five people on the ground, Xing Jue didn't care about the gazes of the people behind him, but waved his sleeves and walked away!

After leaving the practice room, Xing Jue rushed straight to the courtyard where he lived. After calculating the time, it happened to be lunch time.

Just thinking about the delicious food on that big table, Xing Jue couldn't help speeding up his steps, he couldn't wait to comfort his bulging stomach.

Because of the special regulations of the Promise Academy, except for the disciples of the Intermediate Academy, flying in the air is not allowed, so Xing Jue had to use the Wind Control Technique to the extreme.

But when Xing Jue came to the courtyard, he couldn't help being startled, his face showed horror, because he was shocked to find that the tall courtyard gate was broken into pieces.

Looking into the courtyard, there are nearly a hundred people gathered in the courtyard. Except for the women, the men's bodies are covered with scars, and they are wailing in pain.

"What's going on here? Who hurt everyone?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xing Jue's expression couldn't help but change. Although he had very little relationship with these people, seeing Zhang Xing's face also had obvious bruises, Xing Jue couldn't help but feel angry in his heart.

"Xing Jue, you finally dare to show your face, you caused trouble yourself, and you want us to help you take the blame."

"Brothers, the injuries on our bodies are all thanks to Xingjue, let's seek justice together!"

But when everyone found out about Xing Jue, the strong man named Wu Guang who recruited relatives at the scene that day.But suddenly stood up, pointed at Xing Jue and shouted loudly.

"That's right, brothers, let's teach this bastard a lesson to vent our anger!"

And under the bewitching of that strong man, before Xing Jue could realize what was going on, a dozen men jumped up, and at the same time, more than a dozen powerful heaven-level martial arts condensed out, like a gust of wind Like a torrential rain, it hit Xingjue from the front.


Accompanied by a loud noise, several attacks landed in unison on the place where Xing Jue was before.

In an instant, smoke and dust rose up, covering half of the courtyard, and at this moment, joyful expressions appeared on the faces of everyone, as if a great revenge had been avenged, only that Zhang Xing looked worried!



But at this moment, a stream of light burst out from the smoke and fell into the crowd. When everyone reacted, the strong man who had attacked Xing Jue before was already lying on the ground. A mouthful of blood was gushing out of his mouth, and his face was covered with pain.

And Xingjue, who was supposed to be seriously injured, actually stood in front of the strong man unscathed, with one foot firmly on the strong man's chest, rubbing left and right.

"How dare you attack me and say, do you want to die? If you respond, I will fulfill you now!!!"

Being attacked for no reason, at this moment Xing Jue is exuding strong anger all over his body, like an invisible hurricane surrounding his body, I am afraid that as long as the strong man dares to respond, Xing Jue will really hurt the killer , cut off his life!

The Xingjue at this moment is like an angry dragon or a mighty tiger, exuding a menacing aura from all over his body, deterring everyone.

And at this moment, the dozen or so men who attacked Xing Jue hurriedly retreated tens of meters away, as if they were deeply afraid that Xing Jue would also attack them, and the other people in the courtyard also had complex emotions on their faces .

It was a mixed emotion of anger and fear. At this moment, they seemed to want to attack Xing Jue, but because of Xing Jue's explosive momentum at the moment, they dared not do that!

(Thank you for your support to bees, thank you for throwing flowers to me)

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