"Xing Jue, don't kill him, or you will be punished by the Elder's Court!" At this moment, Zhang Xing suddenly appeared beside Xing Jue, persuading him nervously.

"So what? If he dares to attack me, he has committed a capital crime!" Xing Jue snorted coldly, and the anger on his face did not decrease in the slightest.

"Xing Jue, you can't blame him for this, everyone has indeed been wronged!" Seeing this, Zhang Xing said helplessly.

"Brother Zhang, what happened? Who hurt you?"

After hearing Zhang Xing's words, Xing Jue suddenly realized, and suddenly remembered what the strong man under his feet said earlier, which seemed to be related to him, and when he saw the bruise on Zhang Xing's face, he asked anxiously.

"I'm ashamed to ask, isn't it all because of you?"

"That's fine, why are you provoking people from the military gang?"

"It's fine that you provoked the members of the military gang yourself, but you actually hid yourself, and the people who were harmed were implicated by you!" But before Zhang Xing could answer, that Zhang Meng pointed at Xing Jue and loudly reprimanded him.

"That's right, it's okay for us to be beaten because of you, but the martial arts gang actually issued a banning order, and they won't wait for me to enter the training room from now on."

"I waited until the day before yesterday to enter the Promise Academy. The purpose of coming here is to get better cultivation."

"But now because of you, my future has been ruined. Can you take the responsibility?"

After Zhang Meng, some people in the courtyard also began to point at Xing Jue and angrily reprimanded him.

"Brother Zhang, was it really done by members of the Wu Gang?"

Xing Jue didn't pay attention to everyone's reprimand, but asked Zhang Xing beside him, because here, he only believed in Zhang Xing.

"Well, the people from the military gang have been looking for you for a whole day, almost searching the entire east courtyard, and finally found out that you are a new student."

"I came here earlier, and after beating everyone up, I threatened to block this year's new disciples and prevent everyone from entering the training room to practice!" Seeing Xing Jue's question, Zhang Xing said with some embarrassment.

"Could it be that Kong Wu is here too?" Xing Jue first glanced at the injuries of everyone, and then continued to ask.

"No, only twenty members of the military gang came!" Zhang Xing shook his head!

"What? Are you afraid that my injury is not serious enough?"

"If Kong Wu, the leader of the martial gang, also came, would I still be injured like this? I'm afraid I've already become disabled!"

"That's right, what kind of mentality do you have to harm us like this!" But at this moment, several men reprimanded angrily again.

"Shut up for me!!!"

Seeing this, Xing Jue, who was already full of grievances, changed his complexion drastically, and shouted angrily at the crowd, and at the same time, the powerful coercion spread out again.


And under the oppression of Xing Jue's powerful coercion, those men couldn't help but tremble, and then they didn't dare to say any more, and swallowed the rest of the words abruptly!As for the people around, they didn't dare to say anything more!

"First of all, I didn't hide, but practiced in the training room all the time. If you don't believe me, you can go to the training room to find out now!"

"In addition, I want to ask you a question, is there one injury on your body caused by Xing Jue?" Xing Jue asked angrily.


After hearing Xing Jue's words, everyone looked around and looked at each other, then slowly lowered their heads, because the injuries on their bodies were indeed not caused by Xing Jue!

"The military gang didn't have 20 people, so they beat you like this. If I guessed right, it's not that you couldn't beat them, but that you didn't dare to fight back from the beginning, right?" Xing Jue continued to ask, and changed What came was also silence.

"The people who faced the armed gang didn't even dare to fight back, but they accused me of being justified and justified in their actions. Is that all you have? Is this all you can do?"

"Everyone thinks they are very talented, but they feel wronged when they enter the East Courtyard."

"But in my opinion, you are not even qualified to enter the East Courtyard, and you are not worthy to call yourself a cultivator at all."

"I don't even have the most basic dignity. Facing mediocre people with a little background, I am willing to bow my head and be beaten and scolded!"

"Ask yourselves, are you worthy of calling yourself a cultivator?"

Facing the silence of the crowd, Xing Jue did not stop with words, but asked back with more severe words.

And after hearing Xing Jue's words, everyone gritted their teeth in anger, clenched their fists one by one, showing strong anger, and this was not because of Xing Jue, but more because of their previous weakness.


After glancing at the crowd, Xing Jue snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, and walked quickly outside the courtyard.

"Xing Jue, where are you going?" Seeing that Xing Jue was walking towards the outside of the courtyard with monstrous anger, Zhang Xing hurried forward to hold Xing Jue, and asked nervously.

"Military Gang!!" After Xing Jue shook off Zhang Xing's palm, he was about to continue walking out of the courtyard.

"No, Xingjue, you can't go. Even if Kong Wu is not in the East Court now, there are nearly a hundred people in the Wu Gang, and they are all people who have cultivated combat skills. You can't beat them!"

Although Xing Jue had already thrown him away, Zhang Xing was still shocked when he heard Xing Jue's words, and rushed forward again, holding Xing Jue tightly!

"Brother Zhang, let me ask you, how long have you been practicing in the training room yesterday?"

Facing Zhang Xing's tugging and his worried face, Xing Jue didn't shake him off again, but turned his sharp eyes on Zhang Xing.

"Five hours!!!" Facing Xing Jue's questioning, Zhang Xing was taken aback for a moment, and then replied with a puzzled face.

After hearing Zhang Xing's answer, Xing Jue nodded slightly at first, then turned around and asked loudly to the people behind him: "What about you? Those of you who have been to the training room, how long have you persisted? Have you been lower than An hour?"

After hearing Xing Jue's words, everyone was stunned like Zhang Xing, but then there were more than [-] people in the crowd who shook their heads, and all of them were people who had been to the training room.

"Then you must also know that the disciples of the Eastern Academy, including the members of the armed forces, can't even last an hour in the training room?"

"What does this mean? This means that they are simply a group of people with weak institutions and mediocre talents."

"But we are different. We are far above them both in terms of system and cultivation talent."

"But why is it that such a group of mediocre people dare to ride on our heads now? Do you know?" Xing Jue asked loudly to everyone.

As for Xing Jue's question, everyone looked at each other and then slowly lowered their heads. No one answered, but the fists under the sleeves couldn't help but clenched even tighter!

"The reason tells you that it is your cowardice, your cowardice, that gave them the capital to be arrogant!!!"

"If you say, you don't know how to change all this."

"Then today, I will teach you what it means to resist!!!!"

Xing Jue's words were sonorous and forceful, and every word and every sentence deeply hurt the hearts of everyone. After saying this, Xing Jue didn't look at the expressions of the people, and shook off Zhang Xing's palm, He walked in the direction of the Wu Gang, but this time, Zhang Xing did not step forward to stop him.

"Xingjue, wait!!!"

"I'll go with you too!"

But just after Xing Jue walked tens of meters, Zhang Xing's voice suddenly came from behind him again.

"Brother, you..." Zhang Meng's face changed drastically when he saw that his brother was going to join the armed forces with Xing Jue.

"Little sister, brother is also a practitioner, and I have my dignity too!"

"Before, I lost it once because of you, but now I am going to regain my dignity, wait for me here!"

Facing Zhang Meng's obstruction, Zhang Xing smiled slightly, his bruised face was full of determination, and then he followed closely at the pace of Xing Jue.

"Wait, let's go too, we want to get back our dignity!!!"

But just after Xing Jue and Zhang walked hundreds of meters, there was a thunderous shout behind them. Turning around, Xing Jue couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.

Because, behind the two of them at this moment, a team of nearly a hundred people is walking towards them at a fast pace. These people are male and female, and they are the freshmen disciples who live in the same courtyard.

Afterwards, a strange scene appeared in the east courtyard. A group of nearly a hundred people composed of unfamiliar faces was seen moving through the streets and alleys of the east courtyard.

This group of people is full of anger, and the whole body exudes monstrous anger. Facing this group of people, the disciples of the East Courtyard on the street all change color without seeing it. provoke them.

In the east of the East Courtyard, there is a rather luxurious courtyard. Although it is only a courtyard, both the attic and the area are much more luxurious than the courtyard where Xing Jue and the others lived.

And above the open gate at the gate of this courtyard, there is a plaque surrounded by golden light, with the word "Wu Gang" written on it!

Outside the martial gang, there are two guards, while inside the martial gang, there are dozens of people chatting with pride, and there are bursts of laughter from time to time, and their joke is actually beating the new student today. things.


"Plop, plop"

But just as the members of the military gang were laughing together, there were two screams from outside the door. When I fixed my eyes, I saw two members of the military gang guarding the gate, flying in from the door like sandbags, and finally fell into the courtyard.

"Damn it, who dares to come to my martial gang to make trouble?" Seeing this, the members of the martial gang were sure that someone was coming to make trouble, and they all stared round their eyes, and began to shout loudly towards the door.

And just after the two members of the military gang fell into the courtyard, a burst of noisy footsteps sounded outside the courtyard, and then nearly a hundred figures exuding anger appeared in front of everyone.

"You guys, what are you going to do?"

At this moment, some members of the martial gang have already recognized everyone in front of them, but facing the aura of the new disciples at this moment, they couldn't help being shocked, and inexplicable uneasiness welled up in their hearts, they were actually terrified!



At this moment, a person headed by a freshman disciple slammed a foot on the face of the member of the military gang who was lying on the ground, then slowly raised his head, and cast his eagle-like gaze at All the armed gang members shouted loudly:

"Smash the field!"

(After the two updates, I would like to trouble everyone with a small matter. If you like this book, please bookmark it. If you don’t have an account, please register. Your support is my endless motivation, thank you all!)

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