Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 572 Dragon Group Established

The Wu Gang, the strongest force in the East Court, was outside the Wu Gang's courtyard, surrounded by hundreds of disciples from the East Court, they were pointing and discussing something, and from time to time, they turned their attention to the Wu Gang's courtyard.

In the courtyard of the military gang, there are dozens of people lying down. Both their bodies and faces have obvious scars and bloodstains. Some people have passed out, but more people are lying on the ground. Rolling, howling in pain.

They are all members of the military gang, the most arrogant and domineering existence in the East Campus, and no one dares to provoke them, but just an hour ago, they were taught a hard lesson by a group of freshmen disciples who had just entered the East Campus for only two days. pause.

Asura warriors are in a brand-new realm. In this realm, the body has undergone a brand-new transformation. If they are injured, even the top-grade treasure pills of the heaven rank cannot heal them. Only celestial grass can relieve their injuries.

But that fairy grass is extremely precious in the Promise Academy, and it is not something that disciples like them can get!

At this moment, in the east courtyard, besides the courtyard of the military gang surrounded by many disciples of the east courtyard, outside the courtyard of the freshmen disciples, there are also nearly a hundred disciples of the east courtyard.

It's just that none of the people here dared to point and point, but gathered together in groups of three or four, discussing in a low voice, as if they were afraid that the people in the courtyard would hear them.

"Hahaha, refreshing, today is really refreshing!!!"

"I didn't expect that the members of the armed forces were so vulnerable. Thinking about it, it's a shame to be beaten by them before!"

"Xing Jue, thanks to you today, you woke us up by scolding us!!!"

"I was wrong before, I shouldn't have shot at you indiscriminately, and here I am toasting you to make amends!!"

In the courtyard, nearly a hundred disciples gathered around the wine table, drinking happily, because of the matter in the military gang at noon today, and the strong man who had shot against Xing Jue before even apologized to Xing Jue.

"Hey, they are all my own brothers, so why do you say that you have to pay for your mistakes? Just solve the misunderstanding!!" Seeing this, Xing Jue returned a glass to the strong man, with a joyful smile on his face.

Xing Jue has always been soft rather than tough, and today's incident indeed has an inescapable relationship with him, so he didn't really hold grudges against this strong man.

On the contrary, Xing Jue at this moment can be described as extraordinarily happy, because with his keen soul, he can feel that the people here are all talented people. dragon.

It's just that they lack self-confidence, that's why they suffered such a big loss today, but at this moment, they have come to their senses and recognized their own advantages, and the person who made them sober is Xing Jue!

"Brothers, sisters, today I will be ashamed, and I have lost all of my punishment!"

"I have a suggestion, why don't we also form a faction, since everyone thinks that they are talented and the generation of dragons among the people, otherwise we will be called the Dragon Gang Group"

"Dragon Clan? We are not monsters? Why are we called such a strange name!"

"It's the dragon group, not the dragon family. The dragon group means that we are an organization, but all of our organization are dragons among men!"

"Ao, so it is like this, haha, I agree!!!"

"Well, we always need a leader, don't we? Who will do it?"

"Is there any need to ask? Of course it is Brother Xingjue. Although Brother Xingjue is the youngest here, Brother Xingjue is the most outstanding. I think no one is suitable except him!"

"Well, yes, yes, yes, Xing Jue must be the leader. If it were someone else, I would not accept him!!!"

"That's right, that's right, Xingjue, let's set up the dragon group, and you will lead us!"

At this moment, everyone is full of joy, they have forgotten the pain on their bodies, and they actually start to propose the establishment of a force, and they insist on Xing Jue as their leader!

However, facing everyone's proposals, Xing Jue always had a faint smile on his face, and he didn't say a word!

"Punishment, you should do it!"

Seeing this, Zhang Xing, who was sitting beside Xing Jue, persuaded him with a smile.

But at this moment, everyone cast their fiery eyes on Xingjue, as if Xingjue had to agree if he agreed, or if he didn't agree, they had to agree to Xingjue.

"Heh, since everyone trusts me so much in Xingjue, then I will not refuse anymore!"

"However, there is a sentence that I want to explain first. What the Dragon Group wants is not to dominate the Eastern Academy, but to dominate the Promise Academy!!!"

Facing the enthusiasm of the crowd, Xing Jue couldn't shirk anymore, but stood up and raised his wine glass, announcing loudly.

"Follow the orders of the leader!!!!"

"Cheers everyone!!!"


The formation of the dragon group and the selection of the leader added to the joyful atmosphere in the courtyard.

The freshmen disciples at this moment have not forgotten that there is also a mid-level Shura warrior Kong Wu in the armed gang, but after beating the armed gang members with absolute superiority.

Everyone has regained their confidence, and they are so confident that even mid-level Shura warriors who can fully master combat skills can be dealt with by gathering everyone's strength, so they are no longer comparable to Kong Wu.

What's more, they even look forward to the early return of Kong Wu, the leader of the armed gang, so that they can defeat the armed gang in one fell swoop and unify the East Court.

Then, the news that the new disciples of the East Campus this year formed the Dragon Group quickly spread in the East Campus, and they were fired.

At first, some disciples who practiced in closed doors didn't believe it. They didn't think that mere new disciples would have such courage, let alone that they would have such strength.

But when the plaques in front of the fifteen training rooms in the training room were changed from the word Wu to the word Dragon, everyone had to believe this fact.

All of a sudden, the voice that the dragon group became the strongest force in the East Court spread one after another, and the dragon group had become the hottest topic in the East Court, and all the disciples happily talked about the dragon group.

It's just that the dragon group is not as domineering as the martial arts gang. It just practiced in the fifteen training rooms it occupied.

Even if the practice room I occupy is full, if I want to go to other practice rooms to practice, I will queue up in a regular manner, so the reputation of the dragon group in the east courtyard is much better than that of the military gang.

But there are exceptions to everything. Since the establishment of the Dragon Group, the members of the armed forces are not allowed to step into the practice room, otherwise they will not be allowed to leave without hitting his vomiting blood!

And this also caused many martial arts disciples to leave the martial gang one after another. In the end, only a few dozen or so people stayed in the martial gang and dared not come out, continuing to persist.

Of course, there are also many Eastern Academy disciples who want to join the Dragon Group, but unfortunately, for this group of mediocre talents, the Dragon Group rejects them all, because the Dragon Group only accepts those with superior talents, otherwise, the name of the Dragon Group will be dishonored. No!

In the east courtyard of the Promise Academy, besides the lecture hall, the battle skill pavilion, and the training room, there is also an ancient forest called "Retreat Forest".

In the retreat forest, there are tall towering ancient trees and hard Shura stones, and this is a place for the disciples of the East Court to practice their combat skills, because the Shura stones here are the best items to test the strength of their combat skills !

In the depths of the retreat forest, in front of a round Shura black stone with a diameter of ten meters, Xing Jue was standing there with his eyes closed, his white robe fluttering in the wind, and he had the air of an extraterrestrial expert.


Suddenly, Xing Jue's palms appeared to be spread out, and his arms began to dance slowly. As Xing Jue's movements unfolded, layers of white gas visible to the naked eye began to dance around Xing Jue's palms.

That white gas, like wind, like fog, ethereal and soft, but it exudes a strong aura, that power is far beyond the power of Shura!

"Soft fist!"

Suddenly, Xing Jue clasped his five fingers together, and with a single fist, he struck out at the Shura Black Stone in front of him with a swift speed, and a fist formed by a stream of white gas emerged.


Accompanied by an ear-piercing roar, the huge Asura Profound Stone was already innumerable small broken stones, scattered down like a rain of stones.

"Successful, this is the combat skill, the power of soft fist!"

With one punch, the Shura Profound Stone, which had been beaten for half a month and failed to be crushed by using various heaven-level martial arts skills, was shattered. Xing Jue knew that the junior-level combat skill Rouquan of the king level had already been crushed by him. Successful training!

Twenty days have passed since the establishment of the Dragon Group. During these days, Xing Jue did not practice in the training room every day, but would spend some time here every day to practice Soft Fist!

As for Xing Jue, who had personally witnessed an old man who had been in the East Courtyard for ten years use all his strength to display a combat skill to break a five-meter-diameter Shura Profound Stone into cracks.

Xing Jue knows that the power of soft fist is indeed far beyond the comparison of other combat skills of the same level, especially for him with extremely strong soul power, with this combat skill in hand, it has become his biggest trump card now!


After lightly slapping the palm of his hand, Xing Jue's face showed an arc of joy, and then he walked out of the retreat forest.

Now that the combat skill Soft Fist has been successfully cultivated, Xing Jue can devote all his energy to gathering the power of Shura and retreat in the training room!

And based on Xing Jue's estimate, it shouldn't be difficult to break through to a middle-level Shura warrior in a dozen days or so, so just thinking about it will make you very excited!

"Zhang Meng?"

When Xing Jue walked out of the retreat forest and came to the street of the East Courtyard, he suddenly saw a familiar figure running towards him at a high speed. It was actually Zhang Meng!

And when Zhang Meng approached, Xing Jue was even more astonished to find that at this moment, Zhang Meng's breath was chaotic, his expression was tense, his face was full of panic, and he looked ahead, as if he didn't notice Xing Jue at all, but Xing Jue sprinted past.

"Zhang Meng, what happened?" Seeing this, Xing decided to know that something was wrong, so he quickly stretched out his palm and grabbed Zhang Meng's wrist.

"Let go of me, I'm going to the elders' house, if not, my elder brother will be beaten to death by Kong Wu!!!"

Seeing that his wrist was grabbed by Xing Jue, Zhang Meng became even more anxious, shaking his arms vigorously, trying to get rid of Xing Jue!

"Kong Wu? Where is he? Quickly take me there!!" Hearing the word Kong Wu, Xing Jue's pupils suddenly dilated, and he secretly yelled that it's not good! ! !

"Let go of me, Kong Wu is too scary, you can't deal with it, let me go, I'm going to the Elder's House to ask the elders for help."

"If it's too late, my elder brother will die!!!" Zhang Meng didn't answer Xing Jue, but continued to struggle, and the anxious expression on his face became more and more intense.

"I told you to take me there!!!"

Seeing that Zhang Meng refused to lead the way, Xing Jue dragged him to the front, looked into Zhang Meng's eyes with that fierce gaze, and asked loudly.

And when Zhang Meng saw Xing Jue's eyes at this moment, he couldn't help but tremble, and a fear that he had never felt before surged into his heart, because she seemed to see something very terrifying in Xing Jue's eyes! ! !

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