In the center of the East Courtyard, there is a vast circular square, and nearly a thousand disciples of the East Courtyard have gathered in the square at this moment.

"Hey, the dragon team really is a flash in the pan, no matter how talented they are, they are no match for Kong Wu at all!"

"It's a pity for them. If they are given enough time, they will all become a generation of powerhouses in the future. At that time, our Eastern Academy will not be looked down upon by other branches!!!"

"What's the pity, you can't live without doing your own crimes, and that's the end of offending the armed forces!!!"

All the disciples onlookers focused their eyes on the high platform in the center of the square, some sympathized, some sighed, and some gloated.

At this moment, on the high platform, there are dozens of pillars of light condensed by the power of Shura.

On the beam of purple light, there is a man bound, and they are all members of the dragon group, even Zhang Xing is among them.

At this moment, Zhang Xing and the others were stripped of their clothes, with bloody wounds all over their bodies. Many of them passed out, and what's more, their breathing was weak and dying!

But even so, there were still more than a dozen people, brandishing long whips condensed by the power of Shura, beating Zhang Xing and others continuously, blood spattering, extremely cruel!

In addition to them, there was an old man over half a century old standing on the high platform. The old man had black hair coiled around his head, and under his black eyebrows were a pair of eagle-like eyes.

Although there were some wrinkles on his face, it still couldn't hide the old man's sinister face, and this one was the leader of the martial gang, Kong Wu!

"Sect leader, I don't think we should fight, right? Otherwise, I'm afraid people will die. If they really die, I'm afraid the elders' house will blame them!!!" A member of the armed gang walked behind Kong Wu, a little timid Said.

"Fight, continue to fight, as long as the punishment never comes out, continue to fight!!"

"Even if they are killed, they will still be beaten. I want them to see what happens when they fight against our armed forces!!" Kong Wu said coldly without a trace of pity on his face.

After Kong Wu returned, he began to search for members of the Dragon Group, tied the male members here and beat them, but let the female members go to bring Xingjue here.

"Did you see it? This is what happens when you fight against my armed forces. Isn't that punishment very rampant? Isn't it the leader of this bullshit dragon group?"

"But at this moment, where did he go? I'm afraid he has already escaped from the Promise Court early!!"

"I'm using my blood to tell you a fact today. I, Kong Wu, always have the final say in this East Court. No one who resists me will end well!"

After hearing Kong Wu's thunderous shouting, the crowd once again broke into a commotion. At this moment, they saw Kong Wu's brutal methods again, and their fear of this person became more determined in their hearts!


"Swish swish"

But at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly passed through the crowd at a very high speed, as fast as lightning, as powerful as a blue dragon, and finally swept over the high platform.

When everyone reacted, they were shocked to find that the beams of light on the high platform had all dissipated, and all the members of the dragon group were lying on the ground, and their naked bodies were covered by robes, and there was actually an extra person on the high platform. young man.

"Xingjue, Xingjue, the leader of the dragon group, Xingjue!!!"

"Unexpectedly, he dared to appear here!!!"

"He really came, he actually came!!"

At this moment, some people in the square recognized the young man on the stage, because this is the famous man who has become famous in the East Court recently, Xing Jue!

At this moment, the square was boiling again, because they never expected that under such circumstances, Xing Jue would dare to show up, and it was this unexpectedness that shocked them!

"You are the punishment?"

Kong Wu turned his head to the side, glanced at Xing Jue with his sharp eyes, and there was a dignified look between his brows.

Although he was aware of Xing Jue's appearance, it was already unexpectedly fast. At this moment, he also realized that this young man in front of him, who was only a rudimentary Shura warrior, was by no means mediocre!

But at the same time, Kong Wu had already made a decision in his heart, that is, he must die, because in the East Courtyard, he would never allow anyone who could shake his position!

"Flame Dragon Fist!"


At this moment, Xing Jue was already swallowed by anger, he ignored Kong Wu's nonsense at all, and punched out with a single fist, a thick fire dragon blasted towards Kong Wu's face!


But facing Xing Jue's attack, Kong Wu was not afraid at all. On the contrary, he made a mocking smile when he swayed himself. Seeing his sleeves waved, the thick fire dragon turned into a spark, scattered in the air, and gradually dissipated!

"It's my turn!"


After defusing the Yanlong Fist, Kong Wu's sleeve robe waved again, a cold light flashed across his arm, and the flywheel formed by several Asura's power unexpectedly hit Xing Jue head-on.

The flywheel contains strong power, and even the air is torn apart during its rotation. This is a high-level heaven-level martial skill, but after being used by this middle-level Shura warrior, the power has reached the point where it is comparable to a combat skill. !

Several flywheels attacked head-on, not only extremely fast, but also blocked Xing Jue's retreat as quickly as possible, that Kong Wu actually wanted to kill him with one blow!


But facing the flywheel that blocked the retreat, Xing Jue snorted coldly, and saw his arms swinging, a layer of soft white gas emerged, and finally enveloped Xing Jue like a defensive move!

"swish swish"

But the most strange thing is that when the several flywheels sent out by Kong Wu touched the white gas, they didn't fail to pass through. Instead, they seemed to be attracted by the gas, sticking to the gas and spinning extremely fast!

"Back to you!!"


Suddenly, I saw Xing Jue stretching his arms forward, flashing with white light, and the flywheels flew towards Kong Wu unexpectedly, and both the speed and strength increased a bit.

Seeing this appearance, not to mention the audience, even Kong Wu was surprised.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

But this martial skill was performed by Kong Wu after all, I saw his sleeve robe waved again, accompanied by a series of piercing sounds, the several flywheels turned into energy ripples, spread, and disappeared.

"It turned out to be a soft fist!"

"I didn't expect you to be able to practice soft fist to this level."

After defusing his own attack, Kong Wu's eyes suddenly brightened, because he had already recognized Xing Jue's combat skill, which was the Soft Fist!

"It's actually a soft fist? That's a combat skill!"

"Xing Jue has only just entered the East Court for more than [-] days, and he has already cultivated his combat skills to such an extent?"

"This guy's talent is really terrifying, but it's a pity, that soft fist is a recognized garbage combat skill, and no one has practiced it for a long time. I'm afraid it's the limit to use it to this level?"

After hearing Kong Wu's words, all the puzzled disciples in the audience suddenly realized that because of the special reason of Rouquan, they only knew the name of Rouquan, but they had never seen anyone perform it.

"Soft Fist, after all, it is a soft fist, it is garbage in combat skills, even if it is cultivated into a soft fist, it is not my opponent!"

"Today I will show you the real combat skills!"

Suddenly, Kong Wu spread out his single palm, and layers of golden light began to condense in his palm at a very high speed. The power is gathering rapidly.

"Wang rank combat skill, Prajna palm!!"

Suddenly, Kong Wu struck out with his single palm, and a golden palm print of light came out from his palm, attacking Xing Jue head-on.


The palm prints of golden light passed by at a high speed, and at the same time, there was an ear-piercing sound. Even the air was disintegrated and pierced through, and layers of air ripples could be clearly seen spreading continuously. It seemed that there was nothing that could stop its pace. !

"This is a combat skill, so strong!! So strong!!"

"Sure enough, only middle-level Shura warriors can display the power of combat skills in battle!"

Looking at the lightning-like golden palm print, there was a burst of exclamation among the crowd, because they could feel the destructive power in the seemingly weak palm print.

"Then I'll show you the true power of Rouquan!"

Facing the combat skills performed by middle-level Shura warriors, Xing Jue did not dare to be careless. He waved his arms, and at the same time as the white gas appeared, he punched out suddenly!


I saw that a giant fist formed by a white gas appeared out of thin air, and in the blink of an eye, it was connected with the palm print of the golden light!


The two faced each other, accompanied by harsh roars, as if the whole square was shaking, and an energy storm formed by white gas and golden light was spreading rapidly, sweeping the people in the square.

"Back, back, back quickly!!!"

The energy storm was so strong that the disciples who were involved in it didn't even utter a scream, but passed out and turned into a bloody man. Such a scene scared everyone to retreat quickly, fearing that they would be involved .

"So strong, this is the real combat skill!"

"But what is Xing Jue using? It doesn't seem to be any better than Kong Wu's Prajna Palm Ruo. Could it be that Xing Jue has another combat skill?"

"Impossible, impossible, the firm rules of the Promise Academy, beginner Shura warriors are only allowed to practice one combat skill!!!"

"What is Dannai's white cloud-like giant fist? It seems that I felt a more terrifying breath in it than Prajna Palm before."

The energy storm spread extremely quickly, and the faces of those who escaped were full of surprise and fear, and those with strong strength felt the difficulty of Xing Jue's punch.

But compared to these, everyone is more concerned about who will win and who will lose on the high platform. Although most people have already determined that Kong Wu will win, but the answer has not been revealed, there is still a thread of suspense!


Just when everyone was guessing, Zixia condensed by the power of Shura suddenly appeared from the energy storm, and at this moment, the energy storm disappeared, and the scene on the high platform clearly appeared in everyone's eyes. in front of you.


And looking at the high platform at this moment, everyone couldn't help rounding their eyes and opening their mouths, writing incredible on their faces!

Because, Kong Wu on the high platform was lying on the ground and passed out, a large amount of blood gradually stained his body.

Kong Wu's right arm, which he used to cast the Prajna Palm, has disappeared out of thin air, and a large amount of blood is gushing out from the wound.

Looking at Xingjue again, he was standing in front of Kong Wu unharmed, scanning the crowd with sharp eyes.

At this moment, everyone who was swept by Xing Jue couldn't help trembling in their hearts, and quickly looked away, fearing that they would provoke Xing Jue on the high platform, because Kong Wu was scary enough, but this person who can defeat Kong Wu , obviously more terrifying!

One must know that Xing Jue is still just a junior Shura warrior, and it is simply unacceptable for a junior Shura warrior to defeat an intermediate Shura warrior.

But when this fact was placed in front of them and they had no choice but to believe it, what else could they have in their hearts except fear?After all, a person like Xing Jue cannot be described by human beings!

After scanning the people in the square with sharp eyes, Xing Jue slowly opened his lips and shouted loudly:

"From today onwards, in this East Court, I will have the final say!"

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