Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 618 Tianyin Section 8

(Today, the first update)

Song State and Ming State are neighboring countries, and the distance between the Five Poison Society and the Wuji Court is not very far. With Xingjue's current strength, they arrived in less than two days.

At this moment, Xing Jue was standing on a hillside near the Five Poisons Society. He did not observe the buildings standing on the hilltops in the distance, but focused on the wooden scroll in his hand.

The eighth section of Tianyin is a secret treasure handed down from Yao Di's family. The eighth section of Tianyin does not record its grade, it only shows that it is a rare sonic combat skill.

There are eight sections of Tianyin, which are divided into eight sections, one section is stronger than one section, if the eight sections sing together, they can shatter the earth and roar through mountains and rivers, the power of Qi should not be underestimated.

And the eighth section of Tianyin is issued from the mouth without any body movements. If you use this combat technique, you can surprise the enemy and cause unexpected attack effects.

However, the eighth section of Tianyin is extremely difficult to practice. The Xuanyin Magic Flute that Yao Di is good at is actually only the first section of the eighth section of Tianyin.

However, even the first section of the eighth section of Tianyin, Yao Di can only be performed by the Xuanyin Demon Emperor, and it is impossible to complete it with his own strength. From this, we can see the mystery of the eighth section of Tianyin, and the difficulty of training.

"It seems that the Eighth Duan of Tianyin is the reason why the Five Poison Society's leader disregarded brotherhood and slaughtered the Yao family."

Xing Jue had heard from Yao Di that the Five Poisons Society and the Tianyin Society had intersected for generations and had a very good relationship.

In fact, the strengths of the two factions are about the same, only because the Tianyin Society has been the ruler of the Song Kingdom since ancient times, so the Wudu Society is willing to be the second silently, and never competes with the Tianyin Society.

Even when Tian Yinhui was in trouble, the Five Poison Society would always help her, and in her father's generation, she became brothers with the head teacher of the Five Poison Society, regardless of you and me.

However, who would have thought that the president of the Five Poisons Association would actually take advantage of his father's defenselessness to poison him and force him to ask about the whereabouts of a secret treasure.

It was precisely because his parents didn't say anything about life and death that the head of the Five Poisons Society went berserk and massacred Yao's family. Only Yao Di was able to escape to the Ming Dynasty under the desperate protection of his clan.

However, due to the serious injuries of the clansmen, they fled to the Ming Dynasty and died one after another, leaving Yao Di alone.

But now that I think about it, the Five Poisons will teach, and most of what they want to get is the eighth section of Tianyin in Xing Jue's hands. After all, the power of the eighth section of Tianyin, even Xing Jue is moved by it.


Suddenly, Xing Jue included the eighth section of Tianyin in the Soul Eater Token, and at the same time, cast his fierce eyes in the direction of the Five Poison Society, where a purple cloud should really approach very quickly.

A moment later, Zixia descended, and an old man in a black robe with a kind smile appeared in front of Xing Jue.

This old man's clothes are engraved with five poisons, he is obviously a member of the five poisons society, and his strength is the same as that of Xingjue, he is also a middle-level Asura martial artist.

"You are Liu Bing?" The old man asked suspiciously after looking at Xing Jue.

"It's right here, I don't know where my senior sister Yao Di is?" Xing Jue asked with a smile.

Along the way, he has been communicating with Yao Di's communication talisman as Liu Bing, and he came here only under the guidance of the other party.

"Ms. Yao Di is a guest at my Five Poison Club. It's inconvenient to come to see you at this moment. You can hand over the eight sections of that day's voice to the old man." The old man had a kind smile on his face, but in Xing Jue's eyes, it was indeed very false.

"No, Senior Sister Yao Di told me that I can only call the eight-stage Tianyin in the hands of Senior Sister Yao Di." Xing Jue said imitating Liu Bing.

"Well, well, you come with me"

Seeing this, the old man didn't say much, but politely guided Xing Jue to the Five Poisons Association, Xing Jue naturally rose into the air and followed closely behind, but Xing Jue could clearly feel that the old man's aura was changing.


Sure enough, after flying not far away, the old man suddenly turned around, waved his palm out, and a puff of dark green gas rushed towards Xing Jue.

The breath exudes a pungent stench, as if even the air has been corroded by it, and there are constant stinging and stinging sounds, this is poisonous gas.

"soft fist"

However, Xingjue's soft fist can overcome any attack, as long as the difference is not too large, it can resist it. After a gust of wind, the poisonous gas will be blown away.

"Old man, dare to sneak up on the young master, tell me, I, Senior Sister Yao Di, where is it now?"

The speed of execution was extremely fast, and when the poisonous gas dissipated, he had already arrived in front of the old man, with one hand like an eagle's claw, it was firmly locked on the old man's neck at this moment.

"Ugh, ah, I..."

The old man was having difficulty even breathing, let alone talking, at the moment he was just moaning non-stop, which showed that he was very uncomfortable.

At this moment, Xingjue possessed the Wuji palm technique, even a high-ranking Asura martial artist, he was not afraid at all, so he was not prepared to draw anything from this old man, his decision was to kill the Five Poison Society.

"This smell..."

But at this moment, Xing Jue's face suddenly changed, because he felt a faint gas coming in from his nose.


This gas was very strange, but when Xing Jue realized something was wrong, his consciousness began to blur, and he felt weak all over, and finally had to let go of the old man.

At the same time, Zixia on Xing Jue's body suddenly dissipated, like a bird with broken wings, falling straight down, and finally fell to the ground fiercely, and passed out.


"The quality of the disciples of the Promise Academy is really good. If they are not my enemies, I really want to take them for my own use."

Just after Xing Jue passed out, a middle-aged man landed next to Xing Jue. This man's skin was as red as blood.

And he actually has a pair of green eyes, giving the first impression that he looks more like a monster, but his aura is at the level of a high-level Asura martial artist.


And at this moment, the half-dead old man who was strangled by Xing Jue also came to this middle-aged man. It turned out that he was Yao Di's enemy and the head teacher of the Five Poison Society.

"Old Ban, let's see if the eighth section of Tianyin is on this kid." The head teacher of the Five Poison Society said to the old man.


The old man named Ban Lao didn't dare to be negligent, and hurried to Xing Jue to search Xing Jue.

But the more he searched, the more ugly his face became, until he took off Xing Jue's storage bracelet and forcibly broke the prohibition, that ugly look reached its peak.

"Why? Isn't there?" Seeing the old man's appearance like this, the Five Poisons Society's head teacher also frowned.

"No, this kid doesn't have the eighth section of Tianyin." The old man was a little timid, as if he was very afraid of the head teacher in front of him.

"Om..." After hearing the old man's words, the headmaster of the Five Poison Society suddenly closed his eyes, and a wave of soul wave radiated out, and began to circulate back and forth on Xing Jue's body, before returning to his body after a while.

"Bring him back to the Five Poisons Society, and use intoxicating drugs to force him to interrogate him. I don't believe it. I still can't beat the two dolls." The eyes of the head teacher of the Five Poisons Society suddenly became sinister.

Afterwards, Xing Jue was taken back to the Five Poison Society by the old man. Of course, they were very concealed and did not enter the eyes of the disciples of the Five Poison Society. Instead, they secretly captured Xing Jue to a dark secret room in the Five Poison Society.

After entering the secret room, Xing Jue was tied to a cross, and this secret room had a special gas, which was very strange, and seemed to have the effect of suppressing power.

After binding Xing Jue, the old man left the secret room, and after the old man left, Xing Jue suddenly opened his eyes.

And at this moment, he was pleasantly surprised to find that there was another person tied up in the corner of the secret room, and that person was actually Yao Di.

"Senior Sister Yao Di, Senior Sister Yao Di..." Seeing Yao Di, Xing Jue was overjoyed, and hurriedly called Yao Di through voice transmission. At this moment, Xing Jue's aura was long, but there was no sign of poisoning at all.

"Woo..." Under Xing Jue's call, Yao Di began to open his eyes dimly, and looked around feebly, as if he was looking for the person who summoned him.

"Junior Brother Xing Jue, why is it you? Why have you been arrested too!" Yao Di was even more shocked when he saw Xing Jue.

"Senior Sister Yao Di, don't be afraid, I will rescue you later."

"However, before that, can you tell me how you came here and how you were arrested?" After Yao Di woke up, Xing Jue couldn't wait to ask.

At the beginning, it was clearly agreed to deal with the five poisonous leaders together, but Yao Di suddenly acted alone, which made Xing Jue very puzzled. Xing Jue felt that there must be something hidden about this matter.

"I was deceived. I planted an eyeliner in the Five Poisons Society and was discovered. They used a special drug to get my news from their mouths."

"And use the communication talisman to lure me here with the opportunity to kill my enemies as a bait." Yao Di said helplessly, as if deeply regretting her recklessness.

And at this moment, Xing Jue finally understood the cause and effect of the matter. Presumably, they learned that Liu Bing had the eighth section of Tianyin in his hand, and they also used the same drug to confuse Yao Di before they learned it from him.


"Yo, unexpectedly, I have woken up, and my will is stronger than I expected!"

At this moment, the door of the secret room opened, and the old man and the head teacher of the Five Poison Society both walked into the secret room, holding a strange elixir in the old man's hand.

"Ah, woo~~~~" The old man was very rude, walked up to Xing Jue, and forcefully stuffed the elixir into Xing Jue's mouth, presumably this was what Yao Di was talking about.

And the moment the drug entered his stomach, Xing Jue could clearly feel that a strange drug power was emanating from his body, but Xing Jue could resolve it with his own soul power.

In fact, before the Five Poisons Association, when the strange gas entered the body and produced medicinal power, Xing Jue discovered that his soul power could dissolve it.

The reason why he pretended to be unconscious was that he was brought here to find Yao Di. In this way, it would be more convenient to rescue Yao Di and prevent Yao Di from being in danger.

But at this moment, the reason why he did not reveal his strength but took the drug was because Xing Jue analyzed the potency of the drug with his soul power and felt that his soul could resist it.

"Tell me, where did you hide Tianyin Baduan?" After a while, the old man felt that the potency of the medicine had been exerted, and began to question Xing Jue.

At this moment, Xing Jue raised his head in a daze, and then slowly turned his eyes to the old man, looking weak and bewildered.

But just as the old men nodded their heads one after another and were very satisfied with the effect of the drug, Xing Jue suddenly changed his face and said with a teasing smile: "Guess!"


Xing Jue's reaction made the old man startled, he backed away again and again in fright, his old face was full of panic.

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