Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 619 Poison Dragon Ball

(Today, the second update)

Not to mention the reaction of Xing Jue, the old man was taken aback, even the leader of the Five Poison Society was the same.

Not to mention them, even Yao Di opened his small mouth into an O shape, his face was full of surprise, but then a happy smile appeared on his face.

The power of this drug is so great that ordinary people can't resist it. Although there are indeed strong-willed people who should not be confused by it, such people are very few, at least the three in front of me have never seen it.

"Good boy, you can actually resist my drug. It seems that you are not so simple!" After a while, the head teacher of the Five Poisons Society eased his mood, and he actually showed admiration for Xingjue.

"Thank you, thank you" Xing Jue smiled lightly, showing no modesty.

"Hmph, very good. Compared with Tianyin Baduan, I'm more interested in your system now."

"Well, if you can resist the toxicity of my poisonous dragon ball, I will let you two go."

The head teacher of the Five Poison Society flipped his palm, and a black bead emerged. This bead is only the size of a palm, the whole body is black, and lingers with seven-colored energy, which is extremely strange.

"Xing Jue, don't take it." When Yao Di saw this bead, he was shocked, and the happy little face before was replaced by fear at this moment.

"Girl, I didn't expect you to know the Poison Dragon Ball of my Five Poison Society. It's really rare."

"However, since you know this poisonous dragon ball, you should know its toxicity."

"When the poisonous dragon ball enters the body, I will control it. If you don't listen to my words, you will be corrupted by the dragon ball until your body turns into pus and blood, and your soul turns into nothing."

"So, you'd better persuade your friend to tell the truth where the eighth-duan Tianyin is hidden, so as to avoid the pain of being devoured by the dragon ball." The leader of the Five Poisons Society smiled evilly.


"Xingjue, you should tell him the location of Tianyin's eighth section. I can't kill you because of guarding the family treasure."

Thinking of the toxicity of the poisonous Dragon Ball, Yao Di began to persuade Xing Jue without the slightest hesitation, she was persuading Xing Jue from the bottom of her heart, she really did not want Xing Jue to die because of her.

"Poison Dragon Ball? Looks like it should taste good, come on, let me taste it!"

But what everyone didn't expect was that Xing Jue was not only not afraid at all, but was full of anticipation on his face, and he opened his mouth wide on his own initiative.

"Xingjue, don't, that Poisonous Dragon Ball is a treasure passed down from generation to generation by the Five Poison Society. The toxicity is so terrifying that no one can resist it. At the the beginning..."

"At the beginning, my father died under this poisonous dragon ball, and in the end he couldn't even save the whole body." Yao Di screamed crazily, as if just thinking about his father, he could think of Xing Jue taking the poisonous dragon ball What happens next.

"Senior Sister Yao Di, in fact, you don't know me yet. When I was young, I met a tall man. He told me that I am invulnerable to all poisons and immortal."

"This body is not afraid of water and fire, and it is not afraid of severe poison. It is the nemesis of all poisons."

"It's okay to eat some poison and drink some poisonous water. It's my favorite. It can not only improve the system, but also help the cultivation. I think this poison dragon ball is good, and it is a great tonic."

"It's rare that this uncle is so generous. To give me this treasure, I really wish for it." Xing Jue said with a smile, what he said was true, but everyone knew that he must be talking nonsense and lying.

"Hmph, what a body that is impervious to all poisons and can be refined and immortal. I would like to see such a body."

Although he knew that Xing Jue was talking nonsense, but Xing Jue's appearance of not being afraid of the Poison Dragon Ball made him very angry with the head of the Five Poison Society.

You know, his poisonous Dragon Ball is very poisonous, as long as he takes it out, no one will change color without noticing it.

But I didn't expect to meet such a freak as Xing Jue today, not only kept saying that he was not afraid of the poisonous dragon ball, but even looked forward to it on the surface, which naturally made the head teacher of the Five Poison Society unacceptable.


The headmaster of the Five Poison Society wanted to pinch Xing Jue's mouth open, but unexpectedly, Xing Jue opened his mouth wide by himself, and when the poisonous dragon ball was stuffed into his mouth, he even swallowed it by himself.

As for Xing Jue's move, the three people present were full of surprises. They really didn't know whether Xing Jue was really not afraid, or if he had lost his head.

"Boy, how does it taste?" asked the head teacher of the Five Poison Society with a ferocious face.

"Swallow it too fast, I don't feel it, do you have any more? Do you want another one? Let me taste it carefully." Xing Jue said with a smile, as if he really didn't regard the highly poisonous thing in his belly as a one thing.

"What a sharp-tongued kid, I'd like to see how long you can be stubborn."

The president of the Five Poisons Society superimposed his hands and made a strange seal. At this moment, Xing Jue could clearly feel that the poisonous dragon ball in his body was changing.

"Don't, don't..."

"Xing Jue, tell him where the Tianyin Badan is, don't let him drive the Poison Dragon Ball..." Seeing that the headmaster of the Five Poison Society made a move, Yao Di's face changed drastically, and he shouted hoarsely. She actually burst into tears, especially pitiful.

"Hmph, I regret it now, it's too late!!!!!!."

"Don't let him taste the poisonous power of my poisonous dragon ball and feel the pain of phagocytosis. He really regards my poisonous dragon ball as something edible."

The leader of the Five Poison Society seemed to no longer intend to give Xing Jue a chance, and was planning to rely on the poisonous poison of the Dragon Ball to force him to find out the whereabouts of Tian Tianyin's eighth section.


And at this moment, Xing Jue could clearly feel that the poisonous dragon ball was making trouble in his stomach, and a large amount of poisonous gas was emitting, eroding his body.

If he hadn't been prepared to cover all parts of his body with the soul power of the Soul Devourers, he would have had a chance to take advantage of this poisonous dragon ball, because Xingjue could feel the poisonousness of the poisonous dragon ball is indeed no small matter.

"Hmph, exactly what I want!"

However, facing the attack of the poisonous dragon ball, Xing Jue was not only not afraid at all, but was full of anticipation. He actually closed his eyes and projected his consciousness into his body.


At this moment, Xing Jue could clearly see that the seven-colored poisonous gas in his body actually condensed into a poisonous dragon, and the poisonous dragon roared and danced in his body, crazily impacting Xing Jue's soul army.

"Sure enough, baby, it seems that I made a lot of money today."

Seeing this poisonous dragon, Xing Jue couldn't help being overjoyed, and began to mobilize his soul power to attack the poisonous dragon. He actually wanted to refine it.

In fact, the reason why Xing Jue didn't care about the poisonous dragon ball before was because he used the aggressive method to let him stuff the poisonous dragon ball into his body.

Because, at the moment when the head teacher of the Five Poison Society took out the poisonous dragon ball, the soul power in Xing Jue's body jumped uncomfortably, as if a hungry dragon had encountered its favorite thing.

Xing Jue's soul power has never had such a violent reaction, so Xing Jue concluded that the poisonous dragon ball is a strange thing, and his soul can be refined.

The facts in front of him also fully demonstrated that his decision was correct, so Xingjue decided to refine it.

"Om, Om, Om, Om, Om"

At this moment, within Xing Jue's body, the poisonous dragon ball was being refined, while outside his body, his eyes were closed and his head drooped, as if he had passed out, but the flickering energy fluctuations could be clearly seen in his abdomen.

"Damn, what's going on, I can't sense the change of the poisonous dragon ball?!"

Looking at Xingjue in front of him, the head teacher of the Five Poison Society also sensed that something was wrong, because at this moment, he was shocked to find that he had actually disconnected from Poison Dragon Ball.

"Boy, what the hell did you do?" Suddenly, the headmaster of the Five Poison Society reached out with a single palm, and grabbed Xing Jue's abdomen violently. take out.

Because this Poisonous Dragon Ball is the treasure of his Five Poison Society, just like the Tianyin Eighth Duan of Tianyin Society, it is extremely precious, if it really changes in Xing Jue's belly, he will really lose more than he gains.


But just as he was about to approach, Xing Jue raised his head suddenly, opened his mouth wide, and a loud roar sounded from his mouth, and a golden energy sound wave emanated from his mouth, hitting the head teacher of the Five Poison Society.



The golden sound waves, extremely terrifying and powerful, actually knocked the head teacher of the Five Poison Society away in an instant, and instantly broke through the barrier of the secret room, blasting him outside the secret room, where he was buried by countless rubble.

But at this moment, Xing Jue's arms shook, and he easily broke the enchantment rope binding his hands, and his body began to seep out seven-colored poisonous gas.

The colorful poisonous gas seeped more and more, and finally a poisonous dragon condensed in the air. However, at this moment, it no longer exudes a compelling poisonous gas, but a strange energy.

"Roar" After the colorful poisonous dragon let out a dragon roar, it shrank extremely quickly, and finally retreated into Xing Jue's body.

At this moment, Xing Jue's body also returned to its usual calmness, but his aura seemed to be more compelling, and some kind of change had taken place in his body, but no one could tell.


Seeing that Xing Jue escaped from the trap, the old man was also shocked, he wanted to jump into the air and run away.

"Old bastard, where are you going?" Xing Jue struck out with a single palm, only to hear a muffled sound, and the old man was crushed by Xing Jue's palm and exploded to death.

"Xingjue just cast the first section of the eighth section of Tianyin?"

Looking at Xing Jue at this moment, Yao Di was dumbfounded, her face full of shock. She had practiced the eighth section of Tianyin, and she could truly understand that the loud roar of Xingjue before was the first section of the eighth section of Tianyin. , real power.

"Senior Sister Yao Di, I..."

Facing Yao Di's questioning, Xing Jue was a little speechless. He had just refined the poisonous dragon ball before, but the moment he refined it, he only felt dry mouth and tongue, and his throat seemed extremely hot, as if he wanted to Blow up in general.

He just wanted to roar loudly, but unexpectedly, before he knew it, he successfully performed the first section of the eighth section of Tianyin.

However, Xing Jue only took a rough look at the cultivation method of Tianyin's eighth section, and had never practiced it. If Yao Di hadn't pointed it out, he wouldn't have known that the loud roar he just made was the number one of Tianyin's eighth section. part.

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