Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 64 Elder Cang [Part 3]

(Three changes are completed today, a total of [-] words are updated)

"Roar" seemed to sense the presence of Xing Jue and Xiaoqian, the black-horned wolf suddenly roared in the direction where Xing Jue and Xiaoqian were.Following his roar, a powerful force surged towards them.

"Hmph, just in time." Seeing this, Xiaoqian snorted coldly, and with a movement of her body, she darted towards the black-horned wolf.With a wave of the sleeve robe, that force was dispelled.

After "Roar" saw Xiaoqian appear, the black-horned wolf opened its bloody mouth again, and at the same time, a force that was stronger than before also burst out from its mouth.In the face of the surging power, Xiao Qian was still not afraid, and when she waved a tyrannical aura from her sleeves, she collided with that power.

"Bang" the two collided, causing ripples of energy.

After dissolving that force again, Xiaoqian squirmed and melted into the space, but looking at Xiaoqian who suddenly disappeared, the monster started to howl crazily.

"Sure enough, as Xiaoqian said, this monster's intelligence is very weak." Seeing Xiaoqian displaying the power of space, Xing Jue said with a smile.He knew that Xiaoqian was going to make a surprise attack on this monster.

Just as Xing Jue expected, at the same time Xiaoqian disappeared, the space behind the black-horned wolf suddenly squirmed, and Xiaoqian's figure flashed out of it, and at this moment, circles of red light flashed in Xiaoqian's hands. It is constantly condensing, this is Xiaoqian's strongest martial skill.

But just as he was about to attack the black-horned wolf, the black-horned wolf also sensed Xiaoqian's appearance, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Oops, this guy can actually teleport!" Xing Jue said nervously, looking at the black horned wolf that suddenly disappeared.

Seeing the black-horned wolf disappearing, Xiaoqian smiled slightly, not nervous at all, because she had already sensed the direction of the black-horned wolf, and saw Xiaoqian turn around, and the martial skill that was brewing turned to the space behind her. Blast out.

With a muffled "bang", the huge figure of the black-horned wolf actually emerged, and Xiaoqian's palm just hit the black horn of the black-horned wolf.

However, the black horn of the black horned wolf was extremely hard, not only was it not damaged at all by such a powerful blow from Xiaoqian, but it bounced Xiaoqian dozens of meters before stabilizing her body.

But just after Xiaoqian stabilized her figure, the black-horned wolf suddenly lowered its head, raised its sharp black horns, and rushed towards Xiaoqian violently, above the black scream , actually began to emit a faint red light.

Facing the black-horned wolf that came violently, Xiaoqian didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and immediately spread her palms, and a large amount of martial energy began to condense extremely quickly.

And circles of red light began to emit from both palms, which was exactly the martial skill that Xiaoqian just displayed, but at this moment she used two at a time.

At this moment, the black-horned wolf had come to Xiaoqian, and the sharp black horns, accompanied by the sound of the wind, stabbed at Xiaoqian viciously, but Xiaoqian was not afraid at all. , raised his palms to hit its black horns fiercely.



The two palms faced the black horn, first there was a violent bang, and then there was a series of terrifying energy ripples, but under this strong collision, Xiaoqian's hands firmly held the black horn Black horns of the wolf.

And the black horned wolf kept pushing against Xiaoqian, and ran forward. Under the strong thrust, Xiaoqian kept going backwards, and during the retreat, thick smoke billowed under her feet.

"Go to hell!" Just when Xiaoqian was at a disadvantage, Xing Jue suddenly jumped up from behind the black-horned wolf, holding Zhanpuo sword in his hand, and stabbed fiercely at the head of the black-horned wolf.

Facing Xingjue's sudden attack, the Black Horned Wolf couldn't dodge at all, because at this moment, most of its body's strength had been concentrated on the Black Horn, and at this moment, the Black Horn was captured by Xiaoqian. Grab it tightly.

"Puchi" accompanied by a spray of blood, and Xing Jue successfully pierced the Zanpo Sword into the huge head of the Black Horned Wolf.

"Roar" After howling, the black-horned wolf fell to the ground with a "plop".The huge body made the ground tremble a few times, and a large amount of thick smoke rose accordingly.

"Xiaoqian, are you alright?" Xing Jue came to Xiaoqian's side and asked with concern after the black-horned wolf was dealt with.

"It's a good thing the master made the move in time, otherwise, I really wouldn't be the opponent of the black horned wolf." Xiaoqian replied with a smile. Obviously, he also felt the tyranny of the black horned wolf in the short fight just now.

After seeing that Xiaoqian was fine, Xing Jue slowly walked over to the body of the black-horned wolf.Immediately after holding his right hand again, he condensed the Zhanpoul Sword again.

Because the black-horned wolf's fur is very hard, it is very difficult to break through it with ordinary attacks, so in order to find the beast soul smoothly, the Zhanpo Sword is the best weapon.

"Puff..." After Xing Jue cut open the black-horned wolf's stomach, Xing Jue's expectant face was filled with disappointment.

Because in the belly of the black-horned wolf, apart from an undigested monster and some organs, nothing was seen.

"Master, don't be disappointed, maybe the real treasure is there." After seeing Xing Jue's disappointed expression, Xiaoqian smiled slightly, then pointed to the dark cave and said.

"Well, let's see, what kind of treasure is there in this cave?" Xing Jue also said with a bright smile, and then ran towards the cave excitedly.

"Open" accompanied by a soft hum, Xing Jue lit up a "light talisman" and as the light talisman floated in, Xing Jue also discovered that there was something strange in this cave. Clearly inhabited.

"Master, look." At this moment, a stone table in the cave caught Xiaoqian's attention.

Xing Jue took a good look, and saw that on the stone table, there was actually a golden bracelet that radiated rays of light.

"Is it a storage bracelet?" Looking at the golden bracelet, Xing Jue murmured.

"Master, this is a high-grade storage bracelet," Xiaoqian said excitedly.

"Top grade storage bracelet?" Xing Jue also became excited after hearing Xiao Qian's words.Since the incident where Xiaoqian was received into his storage bracelet last time, which almost killed Xiaoqian, Xing Jue also learned about this storage bracelet from Xiaoqian.

After knowing Xing Jue, I know that the real high-grade bracelet can indeed live in people, and even the illusory sun and moon are formed in the storage bracelet. As long as you build a house in it, even if you live for a lifetime, it is not a problem.

When Xing Jue knew that it was actually a high-grade storage bracelet, he excitedly ran to the stone table and reached out to get the storage bracelet.

"Those who trespass on this cave will die." But at this moment, an old voice suddenly came from the bracelet.

"This bracelet can actually speak!" Xing Jue was even more startled by the sudden voice, and then said incredulously.

"No, look, master." Seeing this, Xiaoqian hurriedly came to Xing Jue, and said in shock as she looked at the storage bracelet.

After hearing Xiaoqian's words, Xing Jue also discovered that the storage bracelet actually began to glow brightly, and the light was getting brighter and brighter.

In the end, several streams of strong gas began to flow out. What surprised Xing Jue the most was that the gas finally condensed into the appearance of an old man.

"Soul body?" Looking at the illusory old man in front of him, Xing Jue said in shock.

"Those who trespass in this cave will die." After the old man appeared, he glanced at Xing Jue with his sharp eyes, and then said coldly.

But when the old man appeared, Xiaoqian's mood became a little agitated, and even her body began to tremble, and after carefully looking at the old man, Xiaoqian said with some uncertainty: "Elder Cang? ".

"En?" After hearing Xiaoqian's words, the soul body trembled, and then began to look at Xiaoqian. After looking at Xiaoqian for a while, the old man said incredulously: "You are Qianji. ?”.

"Returning to the elder, it's the slave girl, that's great, I never thought that the elder still exists in the world." After seeing the old man's reply, Xiaoqian also said very excitedly.

"Hehe, I can't think of it, you girl, you are not dead, and your body is still so healthy"

"Hey. In that battle back then, almost all of my Soul Devourers were wiped out. It is a blessing to be able to meet old people now." After hearing that Xiaoqian had confirmed her identity, a dark expression appeared on the old man's face. There was an excited smile, but then he said with some sentimentality.

"Back to the elder, not all of our Soul Devourers perish." After hearing what the old man said, Xiaoqian said hastily.

"What did you say? Say it again?" After hearing Xiaoqian's words, the old man was startled and asked hastily.

"Who is Xiaoqian?" At this moment, Xing Jue, who was at the side, finally couldn't help asking, because during the conversation between the two, Xing Jue seemed to hear that this old man seemed to be a member of the Soul Eater Clan. people.

"Return to Master, this is the elder of my Soul Eater Clan, "Elder Cang".And Xiaoqian was also a little too happy to meet her old friend, so she forgot about Xing Jue, and hurriedly said to Xing Jue in embarrassment.

"Master? Kid, are you a member of the Soul Devourer?" After hearing Xiaoqian's words, the old man became agitated immediately, and then floated in front of Xing Jue. He reached out his palm and pressed lightly on Xing Jue's chest.

"Er..." Xing Jue was also taken aback by the old man's sudden actions.But looking at him, he didn't seem to be malicious towards him, and he didn't dodge. When the old man pressed his hand on his chest, Xing Jue felt that the soul power in his body began to rush towards the old man's palm.

"Oh my god, it's really my Soul Eater, that's great, that's great, hahaha... the sky will never die, my Soul Eater." After feeling it for a while, the old man suddenly laughed excitedly, and then held the punishment with both hands. Jue's shoulder, he kept looking at Xing Jue.

"Okay, okay, okay, you are indeed a member of my Soul Eater clan, and you are indeed very talented." After looking around, the Elder Cang smiled excitedly.That smile is like being reborn.

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