Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 65 The Penance Begins [Part 1]

(It broke out during the recommendation period, everyone supports it)

"Junior, pay homage to Elder Cang." At this time, no matter how stupid Xing Jue was, he had already guessed the identity of this old man, and immediately knelt down on the ground and said respectfully.

"Haha, don't be too polite, get up, get up..." Seeing that Xing Jue was actually kneeling on the ground, the old man hurriedly helped Xing Jue up and said with a smile.In that way, it is as kind and kind as an old man treats his children and grandchildren.

Seeing the closeness of the two, Xiaoqian also smiled happily from the sidelines.

After a long chat, Xing Jue also knew that this was the Soul Eater Clan, an elder of the clan. After the Soul Eater Clan suffered annihilation, he led Xiaoqian and everyone to protect the evacuation of the young masters. .

However, because there were traitors inside, their whereabouts were revealed, so in the end, their team was destroyed.And this elder was also killed, but the soul escaped in the chaos and finally came here.

However, despite successfully escaping back then, Elder Cang's soul was severely injured, which caused his strength to continue to decline, and Elder Cang's strength is now.It has even dropped to the level of the middle-level Valkyrie, but it is only one level higher than Xiaoqian.

"I didn't expect that Elder Cang's strength had declined to such an extent. Back then, Elder Cang was..." Xiaoqian said sadly when she heard that Elder Cang's strength had declined.

"Hey, there is nothing to mention about what happened back then. I am very lucky to be able to survive in this world now. The most important thing is that I can still see the descendants of my family in my lifetime. This can be called a blessing among misfortunes Ah" Speaking of this, Elder Cang smiled and glanced at Xing Jue.

"The soul-locking curse, I have also heard that most of the souls of the people in the past died because of the soul-locking curse. Elder Cang has been able to persist until now, it is already very powerful." Hearing Elder Cang After the words, Xiaoqian also reacted and said immediately.

The Soul Locking Spell is an extremely vicious technique. As long as the Soul Locking Spell is in the soul body, the power of the soul will dissipate rapidly. In the end, there is only one way to die.

"I can live to this day, thanks to the power of the "soul", otherwise I would have died like other clansmen, because the soul was exhausted," the elder Cang said with a slight smile.

"Spirit? What is that?" Xing Jue said in confusion.This is the first time Xing Jue has heard the word spirit.

"Haha, Xing Jue, do you know about souls and beast souls?" After hearing Xing Jue's words, the Elder Cang asked with a smile.

"Well, of course I know," Xing Jue replied affirmatively.The soul is unique to the human body, and the soul body, such as this elder Cang, is a pure soul.Xing Jue, the beast soul, naturally knew about it, but Xing Jue had never heard of that spirit.

"Souls are rarer and more precious than souls and beast souls."

"The soul is not produced from the human body, nor is it produced from the animal body, but is produced between heaven and earth. In short, the soul, even in the continent of Tianwu, is very rare."

"And each spirit has terrifying soul power. Back then, among my Soul Devourers, there were three spirits treasured, and two of them were refined by the strong men in the clan on the eve of the war."

"And this way was brought out by me. These years, if I didn't rely on the soul power in this spirit, I would have died because of the "soul-locking curse" long ago."Elder Cang said slowly, showing lingering fear.

While speaking, he inserted his hand into his body, and after his hand was stretched out, a lotus-like object also appeared on his palm, and this was the spirit.

I saw that this "spirit" was light blue, shaped like a blooming lotus flower, and had the size of a palm.And on the surface of the spirit, there is also a light blue gas lingering.

But it was such a weak gas, but Xing Jue felt the extremely powerful soul power in it.

"Is this the spirit?" Looking at the spirit in Elder Cang's hands, Xing Jue couldn't help but be shocked. If such a powerful soul power is to be refined, then the power of one's own soul will definitely advance by leaps and bounds, reaching a terrifying level. level.

"It's a pity that the clan's clan's clan's soul-eating art is no longer there. Otherwise, after Xing Jue learned the soul-eating art, he would be able to refine the soul." At this point, the elder Cang suddenly felt a little regretful. Said.

"Hey, Elder Cang, is this what you mean?" After hearing Elder Cang's words, Xing Jue smiled, and then moved his wrist, and a black book emerged.

"Soul Eater? Oh my god, it's really Soul Eater. It's great, it's great." Elder Cang snatched the Soul Eater in Xing Jue's hand when he saw it, and kept flipping through it. After it was really Soul Eater, he laughed excitedly.

"Back to the elders, I took advantage of the chaos back then, so I put away the Soul Devouring Art," Xiaoqian said timidly.Soul Devouring Art is a martial art of the clan, but in fact, she has committed the crime of beheading for secretly collecting it.

Although the Soul Eater Clan has now perished, Xiao Qian, who once witnessed the heyday of the Soul Eater Clan, still feels deep fear.

"Hehe, Xiaoqian, don't be afraid. In fact, I also want to thank you. If it weren't for you, my soul-devouring clan's squatting practice might not be in this world long ago." Elder Cang said to Xiaoqian with a smile. He could feel Xiaoqian's anxiety at this moment.

"Thank you, Elder." After hearing Elder Cang's words, Xiaoqian's mood suddenly became brighter, and she smiled happily.

"Xing Jue, have you ever practiced this Soul Devouring Art?" Then Elder Cang looked at Xing Jue again and asked with a smile.

"Elder Hui, young master Xingjue, not only has practiced the Soul Eater Art, but has also broken through to the level of soul healing with his amazing talent."

"Actually, the two of us came here this time to help Young Master Xing Jue cultivate the Soul Eater Technique."

"It would be great to have Elder Cang here now." Before Xing Jue could reply, Xiao Qian said excitedly.Perhaps because Elder Cang didn't blame her for stealing the Soul Eater, he was too happy, so he went too far.

"You girl." Elder Cang gave Xiaoqian a meaningful look, and then said with a smile.Obviously, he was not surprised that Xiaoqian actually understood the cultivation method of the Soul Eater Art.

"Xing Jue, from today onwards, the old man will teach you to practice this Soul Eater Art. It is not an easy task to practice the Soul Eater Art well. Although aptitude is very important, you have to suffer. You have to prepare for it. What?" Elder Cang looked at Xing Jue and said meaningfully.

"Yes, as long as I can become stronger, I'm willing to suffer any hardships." Xing Jue said decisively, with confidence in his words.

"Okay, starting tomorrow, I will take you to practice Soul Devouring Art, hahaha..." Seeing Xing Jue's attitude, Elder Cang was obviously very satisfied, and then he laughed loudly.

In the early morning of the next day, in the depths of this ancient mountain range, under the guidance of the old man, Xing Jue began to practice the Soul Eater Art.

"Xingjue, the first thing you need to practice is soul defense. When fighting people, a good defense is the best foundation. Now you mix soul power and martial energy, and then concentrate them on the chest." Elder Cang stood In front of Xing Jue, he said slowly.

And Xing Jue hastily followed Elder Cang's words and did it...

"Are you ready?" Elder Cang asked,

"Yeah," Xing Jue also hurriedly nodded and replied.

"Bang" just at this moment, Elder Cang suddenly stretched out his palm and hit Xing Jue's chest without warning. The powerful soul force directly flew Xing Jue out, and he took a sip after landing. Blood spurted out, apparently seriously injured.

"The defense is not enough, use the soul to heal the wounds, and come back after you are cured." After seeing Xing Jue vomiting blood, Elder Cang said sternly without the slightest pity on his face.

Xing Jue also wiped off the blood on the corner of his mouth with force, and then used Soul Healing to start treating the wound on his chest.

When the injury improved, he came to Elder Cang again, and said to Elder Cang, "Old man, I'm ready".

"Bang!" Seeing Xing Jue stand up again, the elder Cang was also unceremonious. With a palm strike, Xing Jue was knocked out again, but this time, instead of spitting out a mouthful of blood like before, he was a A small mouthful of blood slowly flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that his defense actually had a little effect, Xing Jue began to cultivate even more diligently, and this kind of cultivation method, which was almost self-mutilation, started for a week, and after a week, Xing Jue was finally able to resist Elder Cang's one. palm without being seriously injured.

Afterwards, Xing Jue started attack training and body training again, and the following trainings were more difficult and more difficult than the other. After three months of cruel training, Xing Jue finally combined the three soul methods, Master all of them, the only thing left is the last one, the soul explodes.

In the days that followed, Elder Cang did not immediately let Xing Jue start the training of the soul explosion, but let Xing Jue concentrate on practicing the exercises and break through to the level of Wu Zun.

Naturally, Xing Jue also followed Elder Cang's instructions, practicing exercises non-stop every day, devouring the strong martial aura in this ancient mountain range, and under such training, one day after a month, Xing Jue finally made a breakthrough After reaching Wu Zong, he reached the coveted level of Wu Zun.

"I broke through, I broke through, haha, I broke through" Xing Jue excitedly ran into the cave, and said excitedly to the old man and Xiaoqian who were chatting.

"Well, yes, it's still a few days earlier than I expected." Seeing that Xing Jue actually broke through to Wu Zun, the old man smiled and said to Xing Jue, and then brought Xing Jue to the place where he practiced before.

"Xing Jue, do you know why? Didn't I let you do this "soul explosion" training before?" Elder Cang stood in front of Xing Jue and asked with a smile.

"I don't know, please tell the elders clearly," and Xing Jue replied in puzzlement.

"Soul explosion can be described as the highest skill for manipulating the soul in the Soul Eater. As long as the cultivation is successful, it will be very easy for you to instantly upgrade from the elementary level to the intermediate level."

"However, with such a powerful method, it is very difficult to cultivate, and the difficulty of cultivation is even several times more difficult than the sum of the cultivation you have done before, so before you reach Wu Zun, you want to cultivate. It is almost impossible for the soul to explode." Elder Cang looked at Xing Jue and explained slowly.

And Xing Jue also nodded with a smile, he naturally knew the old intentions.

"Okay, soul explosion is actually a combination of what you have learned, soul defense, soul attack, and soul movement. You try to use these three skills together." The old man said slowly. Said.

"En" and Xing Jue nodded and replied, and then he did what Elder Cang said, but after a while he said helplessly: "It's so difficult, I can't do it."

"Haha, that's right. If you want to achieve the explosion of the soul, the body must accept a kind of extreme stimulation in order to release the explosion of the soul, and what comes next is what you have to bear." Elder Cang said slowly , While speaking, with a wave of his sleeve robe, a strange water tank emerged.

"Okay, go get some buckets of water, fill this tank up, and wake me up when it's full," the old man said to Xing Jue with a smile, then he fell down on the stone next to him and sleepwalked.

"No way? It's just cultivation? It's too simple." Xing Jue muttered in a low voice, then walked to the strange water tank, stretched out his arms, and hugged the water tank firmly live.

"Get up" accompanied by a soft drink, Xing Jue mobilized all his martial power, but what surprised Xing Jue was that under his great strength, the water tank didn't even move.

"Oh my god, what kind of tank is this?" Xing Jue slumped on the ground helplessly, looking at the unmoving water tank in front of him, he said helplessly.He originally wanted to carry the water tank directly to a place with water, and then carry it back directly.

But he never imagined that the seemingly inconspicuous water tank would be so heavy. In desperation, Xing Jue had to go to the cave to find two buckets, and then ran to the water source.

"Hehe..." Looking at Xing Jue who ran away in a hurry, the old man opened one eye, glanced at Xing Jue, and secretly smiled.

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