Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 716 Senior Sister Tang Lian

(Today's three changes are over)

"Zhou Cong, what do you want to do?" The girl raised her brows and asked a man in the crowd loudly.

"Sister Tang, don't be so fierce, can't we chat after so long?"

The man named Zhou Cong wanted the girl to go. As he approached, he scanned the girl's body with his restless eyes. From time to time, he would stick out his tongue and lick the corner of his mouth undisguisedly. extreme.

"Hey, Sister Tang is getting more and more refined. It's a pity for a little beauty like you to live outside the town. In my opinion, you should be my concubine." The palm moved toward the girl's chest.

"You bastard!!!" But at this moment, the old man next to the girl did jump out suddenly, punching Zhou Cong's face with a powerful punch.


However, Zhou Cong was on one side of his body and easily dodged the old man's attack. He was actually a high-ranking Asura martial artist.

Hearing a scream of "Wooah", the old man fell on his back, and a big mouthful of blood was already poured on the ground, soaking his clothes.

"Immortal, hit me!"

Zhou Cong cursed, and the subordinates around him surrounded the old man, and started punching and kicking the thin body. Although it was not fatal, the old man swayed from side to side under the stormy attack of the crowd, and he really looked Very poor.

"Uncle Zhao" saw the old man being beaten, the young girl's face paled immediately, and her delicate body was ready to step forward to stop her.

But at this moment, Zhou Cong, who is also a high-ranking Shura martial artist, flashed in front of her and blocked her way.

"Where is Sister Tang going? Your husband is here."

Zhou Cong stood in front of the girl with open arms, glanced at the girl's body like a budding flower with a lewd smile, then turned sideways to the subordinates beside him and said, "Don't interfere, Sister Tang is mine! "

"Go away!" The girl yelled violently, her jade hands were like blades, and she condensed a red long sword while waving it. This is actually a high-level battle skill of the king rank.

"Pfft..." Facing the girl's attack, Zhou Cong dodged immediately, but the girl was so fast that she cut his left shoulder and poured blood into the air.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." The girl succeeded in a blow, but did not stop, waving the red long sword in her hand, and continued to attack Zhou Cong like lightning.

"Bitch, what a ruthless method."

"Why are you still in a daze? Hurry up and catch her."

Although he is also a high-level Asura martial artist, Zhou Cong was obviously not the girl's opponent. He dodged around and was forced into a panic by the girl in the blink of an eye. At this time, he could only ask his subordinates for help.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." Zhou Cong gave an order, and the people around stopped watching, and five high-ranking Shura martial artists shot together and surrounded the girl.

With the addition of Zhou Cong at this moment, the girl is facing six strong men of the same level. Although her strength is extraordinary, her advantage soon disappears, and she is firmly controlled by Zhou Cong and others after a while.

"Zhou Cong, you have something to come to me, please let Uncle Zhao go."

The girl's hands were firmly grasped by the four strong men at this moment, and she could no longer move. At this time, her attitude finally became humble, showing a hint of pleading.

"Hey, do you feel distressed? I said that sister Tang is just an old slave. Why do you protect her like this?"

"I told you to let her go, come at me if you have something to do!!!" The girl yelled, she really didn't want to see the old man being beaten like this again.

In fact, with the strength of the old man, it is impossible for them to beat him to death like this. What they did was to provoke the girl on purpose, and the girl did follow Zhou Cong's way.

"Okay, okay, it's fine to let him go, as long as you agree to be my concubine, what do you think I'll let him go right away?" Zhou Cong smiled lewdly.

"You..." After hearing Zhou Cong's words, the girl's face suddenly turned pale.

At this moment, there are more and more people onlookers. Their eyes are full of sympathy for the young girl and the old man, as if they were old acquaintances, but they dare not discuss, let alone say anything, obviously very afraid of that Zhou Cong.

"Hit, keep beating me, beat me to death!" Zhou Cong shouted, pointing at the old man, seeing the girl unintentionally responding.

"Zhou Cong, don't bully me too much. If my sister is still a disciple of Samsara Peak, would you dare to treat my Tang family like this?" the girl asked sharply.

"Your sister? Oh, yes, yes, yes, if you don't mention it, I almost forgot about the genius of your Tang family."

"A disciple of Samsara Peak, Martial Emperor Shura, how powerful? How majestic? But it's a pity..."

"She is no longer a disciple of Samsara Peak. Not only was she expelled from Samsara Peak, her cultivation was also abolished. God knows what crime your sister committed to make Samsara Peak punish her like this."

"I heard it was because of a man. I don't know if there is such a thing? It seems that it is really flirtatious, hahaha..." Mentioning the girl's sister, Zhou Cong laughed wildly, but the smile was full of strong hatred .

"You are not allowed to insult my sister!!!"

"No insults? I'll show you insults today."

"I almost forgot that your sister is a veritable beauty. Although her cultivation base has been abolished and she is a second-hand product, I don't mind tasting her!" Zhou Cong continued to laugh wildly, and then his face suddenly turned cold, pointing at the old man on the ground Shouted loudly: "Kill him to death!!!"

As soon as Zhou Cong said this, not to mention the shock of the girl, even the faces of the people watching changed drastically. They didn't expect that Zhou Cong would really kill him, and at this moment those subordinates who were besieging the old man were already launching a fatal attack on the old man .


But at this critical moment, a figure appeared in front of the old man silently like a ghost, and the moment it appeared, the people who surrounded the old man backed up a few steps, and then remained motionless as if frozen .

The majestic coercion enveloped the entire town in an instant, not only the servants, but at this moment, except for the young girl and the old man, almost everyone in the town froze instantly, unable to move an inch.

"you you...."

At this moment, the only ones who are not affected by the coercion are the young girl and the old man. The young girl looked at the handsome Xingjue who was only in his early twenties, her beautiful eyes widened, and her face was full of shock. She backed up again and again at this moment , even her trembling body showed a trace of fear.

"Girl, don't be afraid, I just want to ask you a question. Is your elder sister named Tang Lian?" Xing Jue turned his head to the side and asked with a kind smile on his face.

" know my sister?!" Seeing that Xing Jue actually said her sister's name, the girl was even more taken aback.

"Not only acquaintance, but also deep friendship." Xing Jue replied with a smile, but when he cast his eyes on Zhou Cong in front of him, his smiling face turned cold instantly, and an invisible murderous aura surged out, knocking Zhou Cong and others together. Everyone is covered.

"Puff puff puff puff puff..."

In an instant, countless muffled sounds resounded from around the three of Xing Jue, and the blood filled the air, like fireworks blooming. Zhou Cong and the dozens of men he led turned into blood mist.

"Oh my god, this... this...."

Seeing Zhou Cong and the others instantly dissipate into blood mist and dissipate in the air, the girl was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground with a "plop". At this moment, her body trembled even more, like a frightened little rabbit, motionless, just tender and tender. His body trembled violently.

After a while, she dared to turn her head slowly, and cast her eyes on Xing Jue again, but this time the fear in her eyes was so obvious, because he could think that the person who made the shot was probably the one in front of him. A man not much older than him.


Suddenly, with a wave of Xing Jue's sleeve robe, the young girl and the old man were rolled up by it, and disappeared into the space in the blink of an eye. At this moment, the bodies of the people in the town finally regained their freedom.

"Eh? What happened? Why are Zhou Cong and Miss Tang missing?"

The townspeople who regained consciousness looked at the empty street in front of them, their faces were full of bewilderment, and they even wondered if they had an illusion. Except for a little bit of blood, they really couldn't find any traces.

In the mountains dozens of miles away from the town, there is a desolate mansion. The layout of the mansion is good, but it has obviously been damaged, and it is now dilapidated.

"Om..." Suddenly, the space outside the courtyard squirmed, and three figures emerged, and they were the three Xingjue people.

"Cough cough..."

As soon as Xing Jue appeared, he heard a woman's violent panting and coughing in the courtyard. The voice was very hoarse. Just by hearing this sound, one knew that the person was seriously ill.

"Senior Sister Tang Lian, it was my younger brother who harmed you!"

At this moment, Xing Jue's fists couldn't help clenching, and his resolute eyes became complicated, because he already knew that it was Tang Lian who was coughing violently in the house at this moment.

The woman who brought him from the Eastern Region to the center of the world and made him a nominal disciple of Samsara Peak, that Senior Sister Tang Lian.

And that girl is Tang Lian's younger sister, named Tang Yu, and the old man is an old housekeeper of the Tang family.

The Tang family was originally a well-known family in this small town. Because of the appearance of Tang Lian, a genius who entered the Samsara Peak, the status of the Tang family increased day by day, and the previous enemies did not dare to be enemies with them.

Not only this small town, but the Tang family is also the only overlord within a hundred miles, but the good times didn't last long. Just a year ago, Tang Lian was not only driven out by the Samsara Peak, but was also crippled on the way home. Xiuwei.

The Patriarch of the Tang Family learned of this, and soon died of illness. Since then, the Tang Family has plummeted. His mansion was also burned down.

The slaves of the Tang family saw that the situation of the Tang family was gone, so they left one after another. Only the old housekeeper remained steadfast and followed them.

Tang Yu originally wanted to leave this place of right and wrong, but Tang Lian insisted on staying. In desperation, she had to endure humiliation in this old house of the Tang family and was oppressed by others.

However, the person who caused Tang Lian to be expelled from Samsara Peak was Xing Jue. It was because of Xing Jue's killing of Gao Qiu that Gao Qiu's master expelled Tang Lian from Samsara Peak with power.


Xing Jue carefully pushed open the door, the room was very big, and the original interior decoration was not bad, but now it is very empty, obviously it has been plundered.

"Sister, are you back?" At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly sounded from the inner room.

And when the voice sounded, Xing Jue's body couldn't help trembling violently, he could tell that the haggard voice was indeed Tang Lian Wubu.

(I will start making up changes tomorrow, and strive to make up all the owed within this week!)

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