(Today, the first update)

Not long after Tang Lian's voice sounded, a woman walked out of the house.

This woman was wearing a coarse cloth dress, her face was a little haggard, her fair face gave off a serious illness, and her aura was just that of a junior Asura warrior, but she was undoubtedly Tang Lian.

Although he was mentally prepared, when Xing Jue saw Tang Lian, he couldn't help but feel sour. Whenever he thought that Tang Lian in front of him was actually killed by him, his heart ached like a knife.

"you are?"

After seeing Xing Jue, Tang Lian was indeed taken aback, because Xing Jue's appearance had changed, so she couldn't recognize Xing Jue at all.

However, she was not frightened, because Xing Jue at this moment was just a handsome man, and he gave people a very friendly feeling. She knew that it was definitely not the Zhou family who came to make trouble.

"Sister, don't you know him?" At this moment, Tang Yu and Uncle Zhao walked in. Seeing Tang Lian's expression, they knew that Tang Lian probably didn't know Xing Jue.

"Sister, is he your friend?" Tang Lian shook her head, then turned her gaze to Tang Yu.

At this moment, not to mention Tang Lian, even Tang Yu and Zhao Bo became nervous, and their gazes towards Xing Jue were full of complicated emotions.

Because Xing Jue told them earlier that he and Tang Lian were close friends, and in this capacity, he asked Tang Yu about the Tang family and Tang Lian.

And Tang Yu also told the truth, after all, Xing Jue's strength was so strong that it frightened her, she didn't think such a person would deceive people like them.

But now that she knew that her sister didn't know Xing Jue, she couldn't help feeling frightened, because she was very afraid that the enemies of the Tang family would come to seek revenge.

After all, her father was also a strong person in the past, even if he provoked a very powerful enemy, it might be.

"Senior Sister Tang Lian, it's me!" Xing Jue smiled wryly, his figure changed for a while, and he returned to his original appearance in front of the three of them.

"Xing...Xing Jue, is that you?" After Xing Jue recovered his appearance, Tang Lian recognized him at a glance, her beautiful eyes were wide open, and her pale face was full of shock.

"What? He is Xing Jue? Oh my god, this appearance is really that Xing Jue..."

"Isn't he the Xingjue who destroyed Guiyin Peak and is now wanted by Wuzhifeng?"

At first Tang Lian's exclamation made Tang Yu and Zhao Bo stunned, but when they saw the execution at this moment, their faces changed drastically, their bodies began to tremble uncontrollably, and indescribable fear permeated their whole bodies.

Now Wuzhifeng's arrest warrants for Xing Jue are almost all over the center of the world, as well as various towns in the south, and they have heard about Xing Jue for a long time.

And in their eyes, Xing Jue is a super dangerous person, a slaughtering devil, an existence they can't imagine.

When such a person appeared in front of them, they were naturally terrified. Tang Yu even suspected that Xing Jue was here to kill her sister Tang Lian. After all, her sister used to be a disciple of Samsara Peak, and Xing Jue was now facing Wuzhi Peak tit for tat.

"Senior Sister Tang Lian, I'm sorry, it's my junior brother who harmed you..." Xing Jue said with guilt on his face after revealing the truth.

As soon as Xing Jue said this, Tang Yu and Zhao Bo were taken aback, confused and at a loss, their slightly parted lips were filled with endless surprise and bewilderment, and they thought to themselves:

"What's going on here? Why does he keep calling my sister Senior Sister? Could it be that they know each other? My sister knows a big man like Xing Jue?"

At this moment, only the corner of Tang Lian's mouth raised a bit of bitterness, but the bitterness flashed away, and then she said to Xingjue with a face full of joy: "Junior Xingjue, you can still come to see me, senior sister, I am really very happy." move!!"

After some research, I found out that when Tang Lian was expelled from the Samsara Peak, and most of her cultivation was abolished, she only said that she was implicated because a junior brother made trouble.

But she never told anyone what that junior was called, so even Tang Yu didn't know that Tang Lian knew Xingjue.

At this moment, Sister Tang Lian and Xing Jue were sitting alone in the room, their eyes facing each other, but they didn't know where to start.

Tang Yu's emotions were a bit complicated, although she was surprised and extremely shocked that her sister could get acquainted with such a character as Xing Jue.

But as long as she thinks that her sister will become what she is today, it is all because of Xingjue that she was implicated, and her eyes will inevitably rise with a trace of anger.

But in front of someone like Xing Jue, she was terrified in her heart. Although she was dissatisfied, she didn't dare to say anything.

Even with her always lively personality, sitting in the room with Xing Jue and the other three at the moment, she didn't even have the courage to speak.

"Junior Brother Xingjue, Wuzhifeng is arresting you everywhere now, why don't you hide, and dare to run around?" Compared to Tang Yu, Tang Lian was much more open-minded, she didn't have the slightest intention of blaming Xingjue, instead, she was doing it for her. Worried about Xing Jue's comfort.

"Senior Sister Tang Lian, don't worry, Wuzhifeng can't catch me at all, but you, why do you want to stay here and be oppressed by others?"

Tang Lian knew that staying here would be oppressed, but she still refused to leave, which puzzled Xing Jue, so Xing Jue guessed that there must be something hidden in it.

At this moment, Tang Yu also cast her eyes on Tang Lian, which was actually what she had always wanted to know.

"Heh..." Tang Lian smiled wryly, but she didn't answer, as if she really had something to hide.

"Senior Sister Tang Lian, is someone threatening you?"

Xing Jue opened his mouth to ask, this was his guess, he felt that even if Tang Lian didn't think about himself, it would be impossible for her sister to be oppressed by others together with her.

Tang Lian insisted on staying here, the biggest possibility is that someone threatened her, if she left here, she and her sister might face even greater threats.

"Junior Brother Xing Jue, how do you know?" Sure enough, Tang Lian was taken aback after hearing Xing Jue's words.

"Is Senior Sister Tang Lian from Samsara Peak? Tell me." Xing Jue asked.

"Sister, tell me what's going on." Tang Yu also asked.

"Well, it's Elder Tang Luo from Samsara Peak. He is Gao Qiu's master. He was responsible for my expulsion from Samsara Peak."

"And he also stopped me on my way home, asking about the whereabouts of Junior Brother Xingjue, and where Junior Brother Xingjue came from. I refused to tell, so he wounded me with a sea of ​​​​qi, reducing my strength to that of Shura. The level of a warrior is hard to reach in a lifetime." At this moment, Tang Lian no longer concealed it.

Hearing this, Xing Jue couldn't help but tighten his heart. He didn't expect that Tang Lian's cultivation was abolished in order to preserve his comfort. At this moment, Xing Jue's guilt towards Tang Lian deepened.

Because he could imagine that if Tang Lian really said that Xingjue came from Wujiyuan in the Eastern Region, I am afraid that the entire Wujiyuan would face annihilation. Wuzhifeng can do anything.

Thinking of this, Xing Jue was afraid for a while, after all, there are many bonds and close friends of Xing Jue in Wuji Courtyard, and those people are people who Xing Jue never wants to be hurt.

"Sister, what happened next?" Tang Yu continued to ask.

"Later he warned me that I would not leave the gate town for the rest of my life. If I did, he would make my family survive or die..."

"I will skin my father to cramps but not let him die, I will destroy my sister's cultivation and sell her into a brothel, I will..."

Speaking of this, Tang Lian was already in tears, her jade hands tightly grasped the hem of her skirt, she fell from Shura Wuzong to Shura Warrior, and it was difficult for her life, and the brief introduction made her family ruined, which shows that she is bearing the burden in her heart. What a great pain.

At this moment, Xing Jue's fists were clenched tightly, and they creaked. He knew that it was because of him that Tang Lian ended up in such a difficult situation, and it was obviously because of Xing Jue that Tang Luo refused to let them leave.

He must have felt that Tang Lian would not reveal the whereabouts of Xing Jue even if she died. Xing Jue must have a close relationship with Tang Lian, so she would probably come back to find Tang Lian in the future, so Tang Lian would not be allowed to leave the town.

Moreover, Xing Jue can indeed feel that there are indeed people watching outside the mansion, but they are not strong enough to feel Xing Jue at all.

"Senior Sister Tang Lian, don't cry, Junior Brother can take you out of here and help you recover your strength."

Xing Jue was already furious in his heart at this moment, but he didn't explode. He suppressed the anger in his heart, because right now she needs to appease the sisters Tang Lian and make good compensation for them. As for the revenge, the sisters must be arranged properly do it again.

"Really? Can you help my sister regain her strength?" As soon as Xing Jue said this, before Tang Lian could speak, Tang Yu asked anxiously, with a look of surprise and expectation on her still immature face.

Logically speaking, Tang Lian's injury could not be healed, but she knew very well who Xing Jue was. In her eyes, Xing Jue was the peak figure in the whole world. She felt that such a character might really help her sister recover her strength. .

Even Tang Yu was like this, let alone Tang Lian. At this moment, her cherry lips were slightly parted, and her eyes were fixed on Xing Jue, as if she really wanted to hear a definite answer from Xing Jue.

"Senior Sister Tang Lian, give me your hand. I need to check your injuries." Xing Jue smiled at Tang Lian.

Xing Jue has the Heavenly Book of Immortal Grass, and there are also a large number of fourth-tier, even fifth-tier and sixth-tier immortal herbs, so he is somewhat sure of helping Tang Lian recover her strength.

"En." After hearing Xing Jue's words, Tang Lian hurriedly followed suit, and stretched out her pure white jade hand in front of Xing Jue.

Xing Jue will lightly press Tang Lian's wrist with one hand, and he needs to penetrate his soul into her body to check the damage of her Qi Sea.

Only by mastering these can we refine the corresponding elixir, help him restore the sea of ​​​​qi, and collect the previous cultivation base from the sea of ​​​​qi, helping him recover his strength in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the room was silent, Tang Lian and Tang Yu stared closely at Xing Jue, their hearts were mixed with tension and excitement.

You can even hear the clear heartbeats of the two, which shows how much they hope that what Xing Jue said is true, and at the same time, how afraid they are that Xing Jue will give a disappointed answer.

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