Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 750 Another Conspiracy

(Today's third update)


Seeing that the ten people did not respond, Xing Jue's expression turned cold and he stopped talking nonsense, and actually started to arrange this large formation by himself.

In fact, when Xing Jue entered here, he knew what these ten people were doing. They were arranging a space teleportation array that could teleport many powerful people, and it was a super space teleportation array that could teleport a long distance.

A normal space teleportation array has a limited teleportation distance. For example, the teleportation array arranged by Xingjue can teleport out of the palace, but it cannot escape the isolation forest.

However, this teleportation array is different. A successful teleportation is enough to teleport beyond the Shura Continent, or even farther.

Such a teleportation formation is very difficult to arrange. Obviously, these people have been preparing for a long time, at least for several months, in order to escape today's incident.

It's just that this super space teleportation array powered by the power of curse has not been successful so far, but Xing Jue can help them complete it quickly.


Seeing Xing Jue's mysterious technique, those ten people were completely stunned, and their eyes all showed amazement. They never thought that Xing Jue would master such a mysterious enchantment technique.

"I remembered, he is the one wanted by Wuzhi Peak, the Xingjue who stole the origin stone of Guiyin Peak!!!" At this time, an elder in the hall suddenly exclaimed that he had been to the world In the center, I know the deeds of Xing Jue, and I have also seen the portrait of Xing Jue.

At this moment, all ten elders turned their eyes to the blood girl in the center of the hall, as if they were waiting for her reply.

"Do as he says!" An indifferent voice sounded from the blood girl's mouth.

After hearing the words of the blood girl, the ten powerful monsters began to assist Xing Jue in arranging the super space teleportation array as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

Under the guidance of Xing Jue, the space teleportation array was set up in just a moment, and the elders of Wushan began to pass through the teleportation array one after another.

In the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred Shura Martial Gods all left, and the vast hall became empty, leaving only Great Elder Wu Shan, ten powerful monsters, and Xing Jue and Blood Sister.

"Witch Master, you go first!!!" Great Elder Wu Shan said.

"You go first, this matter has nothing to do with you!" However, Xuemei turned her attention to Xingjue.

"This formation is powered by the power of the curse. My body cannot fuse with it, so I cannot use this formation." Xing Jue shook his head with a chuckle.

"Since you can't leave, then I will stay," the blood girl replied without the slightest hesitation.

"Master Wu, absolutely not, you have inherited Lord Wu Shan's bloodline, and you are my hope in Wu Shan, you cannot stay here."

As soon as the blood girl said these words, the ten powerful monsters and the great elder of Wushan fell to their knees in unison, pleading with sincerity.

"Actually, you don't have to be like this, you go first, Blood Sister and I can escape through other methods." Seeing this, Xing Jue said with a smile.

"Is this true?" Wu Shan Great Elder asked.

"I won't take my life as a joke." Xing Jue replied.

"Let's go, I will contact you with a blood order in the future!" At this time, the blood girl also said, her tone was very sharp, as if she gave a death order.

They might still have doubts about Xing Jue, but they dared not disobey Blood Sister's order. Eleven Wushan powerhouses no longer hesitated, and entered the teleportation array one after another, and teleported away. Afterwards, Xingjue destroyed this super teleportation array.


But at this moment, the blood girl spewed out a mouthful of blood again. At this moment, the blood-red gas continuously flowing out of her body began to stop, and her delicate body was tilted, and she was about to lean towards the ground.

"Blood girl?!!!"

Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly hugged the blood girl in his arms, but he found that the blood girl had passed out at this moment, and her breath was also very weak.

"This silly girl is willing to waste herself like this for Wu Shan." Xing Xin shook his head in pain.

"Boom Rumble"

Suddenly, an ear-piercing roar came from above, and at the same time, countless huge pieces of gravel began to fall from the hall, and miserable wailing and screams began to resound continuously from outside. Feng's massacre of Wushan has already begun.

"Shua..." With a wave of Xing Jue's sleeve robe, the blood girl was included in the Soul Eater Order.

"Zi la la la"

At the same time, he cast out the phantom thunder quickly, and began to rush toward the dungeon. At this time, Xing Jue can only escape through the space teleportation array.

The speed of Xingjue is very fast, but the speed of the collapse of the underground palace is also very fast. Without the large formation of Xingjue, one can clearly feel the powerful force surging above it, mercilessly massacring the people of Wushan .

Although Wushan's strongest combat power has been transferred, there are more than a hundred people in Wushan. Although it is not as large as Wuzhifeng, there are still tens of thousands of people. Just think about the tens of thousands of people who are being massacred. Xing Jue would also feel chills in his heart.

It seems to know that there is a real strong man in the palace, so Wuzhifeng is only attacking the palace, and no one has entered it.

It's just that this palace is too big, and they can't destroy it with their attacks, only the superficial buildings can be destroyed.

And a moment later, the Supreme Elder made another move, and a sacred weapon was bursting out with his incomparable power, bombarding this huge underground palace.

Majestic smoke and dust soared into the sky, and the underground palace of Wushan instantly became a holding valley. and go.

"It's all small bits and pieces, none of the strong people in Wushan..." Looking at the deep valley, an extremely angry voice suddenly came from within the dark clouds.

That was the voice of the Grand Elder of Chanji Peak. Chanji Peak had long had a feud with Wu Shan and hated Wu Shan deeply, but the current result made him unacceptable.

In fact, not only him, but anyone in Wuzhifeng couldn't accept this result. They worked hard and mobilized all the people, but only killed Wushan's shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and all the real strong escaped. This was extremely disturbing for them.

"Oops, can it be said that we were hit by the time to tune the tiger away from the mountain?!" At this moment, someone suddenly started to exclaim.

This time, not only three of the Supreme Elders from Wuzhi Peak came, but all five of them came, but there were still two who did not make a move. If Wu Shan attacked Wuzhi Peak at this time, it would be a big disaster.

"Impossible, they must have escaped. The aura of the evil spirit body could not be fake. They must have arranged a space teleportation array in advance."

"It's just that I didn't expect it to escape directly from our control. The energy required for such a teleportation array is immeasurable. Is it the black gas? Is it the teleportation array that is driven by it?" Someone analyzed in this way.

"Even if it is a space teleportation array, there must be a distance limit, and there is still a chance to chase it now." Suddenly, a sharp voice sounded, and that voice turned out to be the Supreme Elder of Guiyin Peak, Jiang Yunhe.

At the same time as this sound sounded, a majestic aura also emerged, and disappeared in an instant, followed by three majestic auras, which began to chase in other directions. The five queens of Wuzhi Peak On the elders, there are four people who started to chase Wushan.

"Huh~~ The five old monsters with respectable weapons are truly terrifying."

Right now, Xing Jue is in a palace, but he can hear the conversation of the five Supreme Elders clearly, because this palace is a majestic chariot that stops above the billowing black clouds.

"It actually passed into the chariot??"

Xing Jue is so smart, he guessed where he was at the first time, but just thinking about how he had just left Wushan, and actually passed directly to Wuzhifeng's lair, he was speechless.

"This aura... is so powerful, no, I won't run into the car of some Supreme Elder, right?"

Knowing that the situation was bad, Xing Jue wanted to leave, but he had just entered the hall of the chariot when he felt two unusually powerful auras approaching the palace.

Thinking that this place might be the author of a certain Supreme Elder, Xing Jue hurriedly hid in a secret corner of the hall, hiding his aura to the limit, afraid of being discovered by others.

Sure enough, not long after Xingjue was hidden, two people walked into the hall. These two were old men, but they looked somewhat similar, and both were high-ranking Martial Gods of Shura.

However, one of them has a strong aura. Although his face is only nearly a hundred years old, according to Xing Jue's estimation, he has lived at least a thousand years.

And these two are the current head teacher of Tiandao Peak, "Dao Chengkong"

As well as Dao Chengkong's father, who is now the Supreme Elder of Daofeng "Dao Kunlun"

"Even he came"

But apart from these two, Xing Jue also felt a familiar aura, which was Lin Yueshan, the head teacher of Guiyin Peak.

"Junior pays homage to Senior Dao!" Lin Yueshan came in last, and respectfully gave a big gift to the Supreme Elder "Dao Kunlun" after entering.

"Yueshan, you said that you can use this opportunity to get the Xuandi Linglong fan of that old guy Jiang Yunhe? I don't know how to do it"

The Supreme Elder sat on the seat and stared at Lin Yueshan with narrowed eyes. He had a kind smile on his face, but he put tremendous pressure on Lin Yueshan.

"Back to the seniors, as far as the juniors know, Jiang Yunhe's age has decreased, and his body is no longer as good as before, and there are still injuries on his body."

"With his current strength, even if he has the Xuandi Linglong Fan in his hand, he will definitely not be your old opponent."

"It just so happened that this time there was such a vicious physique as the body of the evil spirit. Jiang Yunhe went to hunt down the people from Wushan again. We can take this opportunity to kill him and take the Xuandi Linglong fan from his hand."

Lin Yueshan spoke humbly to the two, but his face was full of viciousness.

(There is still Chapter 4 today, but it may be later, and it has not been coded yet!!!)

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