Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 751 Dao Kunlun VS Jiang Yunhe

(Today's fourth update is completed)

"Are you sure Jiang Yunhe's strength is not as good as before?" the elder Taishang asked suspiciously.

"Junior, dare you be sure!" Lin Yueshan was full of certainty.

"Hahahaha, no wonder, no wonder he refused to make a move this time, because he didn't want to show his flaws"

Suddenly, the Supreme Elder stood up, he laughed wildly, as if he had heard a great piece of good news, then walked to Lin Yueshan's side and patted him on the shoulder, saying:

"Yueshan, yes, if you can successfully get the Xuandi Linglong Fan this time, you have done a great job!"

"In the future, this old man will never treat you badly. As long as that old guy Jiang Yunhe dies, you will be in charge of Guiyin Peak, and I, Tiandao Peak, will never interfere with you."

After saying this, there was a gust of wind, and the figure of the Supreme Elder disappeared long ago. He flew out of the hall and flew away towards the sky.

After the elder Taishang left, the head teacher of Tiandao Peak and Lin Yueshan also flew out, and at this moment, Xingjue was the only person left in the chariot.


Xing Jue first let out a long breath, and then walked out from the corner cautiously.

"This guy Lin Yueshan actually wanted to kill the Supreme Elder of Guiyin Peak?"

Feeling the aura of the three going away, Xing Jue was completely at ease. He changed into a disciple of Tiandao Peak, and left the chariot.

Flying in the clouds, Xing Jue didn't meet anyone from Wuzhi Peak, because the clouds were where the elders stayed, and even the head teacher would not easily enter, because it was a symbol of status.

The Supreme Elders of Wuzhi Peak symbolize the highest existence in the entire world. Even if they are born, they will not be in the world, so this black cloud is the best way to cover their faces.

Xing Jue's speed was very fast, without the restriction of the power of the curse, under the cover of the dark cloud, Xing Jue left the isolation forest in almost a moment and successfully escaped.

However, when he heard the sound of fighting in the distance, he felt quite uneasy in his heart, because he had an idea, that is, no matter whether it was an enemy or a friend, the conspiracy of Lin Yueshan and the Supreme Elder of Tiandao Peak could not be allowed to succeed.

Thinking of this, Xing Jue transformed into a soul clone, and the soul clone flew towards the distance, while the main body flew towards the palace of the Starfall Dynasty with a flash of light.

"Run away, if you don't escape, this place will turn into a sea of ​​flames like an isolated forest"

"Everyone, run away, run away, the end is coming!!!"

The dark clouds in the distance, the flames soaring into the sky, and the ear-piercing roar made the people of the Xingyun Dynasty panic. They all thought that a natural disaster was coming and fled one after another.

The dynasty is already in chaos, and it is difficult for soldiers and guards to suppress this situation.

In fact, the army of Wuzhifeng had already controlled the attack range and did not sweep the flames of war to the Starfall Dynasty. It can be seen that they did not want to implicate the residents here.

"Grandpa, will brother Xingjue really come back safely?"

Above the imperial city, Elder Xuanxiang stood in the air, staring closely at the direction of the isolated forest, and beside him, the lovely Princess Xinxin was also watching with big eyes blinking.

It's just that with her strength, she really can't see anything, only the big black clouds cover half of the sky, and the soaring flames linger in the distance.

"You don't need to control the power of Shura, you can walk through the air, this old man's strength is too strong!"

Below the imperial city, His Majesty the Emperor and the civil and military officials were all staring at the sky. They were filled with admiration and envied Elder Xuanxiang's astonishing strength.

Especially the emperor, as long as he thought of such a powerful old man, he would keep claiming that Hu Xingjue was the city lord, and he respected him so much.

He no longer dared to imagine what kind of strength Xing Jue has now, what kind of status he has in that distant soul source world.

"He's back." Elder Xuanxiang was staring into the distance, and suddenly, an ecstatic smile appeared on his tense face.

"Where? Where?"

And at this moment, Princess Xinxin also became extremely ecstatic, with a pair of big eyes blinking and blinking to look around, but except for a large piece of flying birds, she couldn't even see half a person.


At this moment, Princess Xinxin suddenly felt something hit the back of her head, she turned her head full of grievances, and wanted to curse loudly.

But when she saw the figure standing behind her and the face with a bright smile, Princess Xinxin instantly burst into a sweet smile that was extremely bright.

"Brother Xingjue~~"

The sweet voice is gentle and moving, and the delicate body is soft and alluring.

With that sweet cry, Princess Xinxin fell into Xingjue's arms and hugged Xingjue tightly.

"Sister, do you miss brother?" Xing Jue let Princess Xinxin act like a baby in his arms. This lovely younger sister Xing Jue liked it quite a lot. In fact, Princess Xinxin back then had helped Xing Jue a lot.

"Of course I do. I look forward to your return every day." Princess Xinxin raised her head and said coquettishly.

"Then this time, how about leaving here with brother?" Xing Jue smiled.

He promised Princess Xinxin at the beginning that he would take her out of here in the future, but now that she has this ability, she will naturally not break her promise.

"Well~~ If you don't take me away, I will follow you anyway, and I will never be separated from my brother again." Princess Xinxin buried her head in Xing Jue's arms and continued to act coquettishly.

However, Xing Jue's face couldn't help changing at this time, because his soul clone had already met the Supreme Elder of Guiyin Peak, but he was killed by the Supreme Elder before he could finish speaking.

Outside the Asura Continent, above a piece of cloud, a black gas dissipated with the wind, and a white-haired old man in a white robe still had a dull expression on his face.

"It's actually a clone, and it can fool the old man's senses. That Xing Jue really has some special means."

"It's just, why did he appear here? He also said that Yueshan would join forces with Dao Kunlun to deal with me? Could it be that Xingjue is also on this continent? Or is he hiding in Wuzhifeng all the time?"

The Supreme Elder Jiang Yunhe, with a pair of fierce eyes flickering, was constantly thinking about the situation in front of him, thinking about what Xing Jue said. Although he didn't let Xing Jue finish his sentence, he could hear what he wanted to say. what.

"I heard from Changqing that Xingjue was forced to leave by Yueshan in the first place, and he was also forced to kill me, the elder and disciple of Guiyin Peak. Could it be that there is something hidden in it?"

"But it is a fact that he stole the Rakshasa Stone, so why?"

Jiang Yunhe felt more and more that something was wrong. He began to believe Zhuge Changqing's words, and began to doubt Lin Yueshan's one-sided words. After all, Xing would never come to inform him of these things for no reason.

"The Supreme Elder..."

"Finally found you~"

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the distant sky and was approaching rapidly, and that figure was Lin Yueshan.

"Yueshan, what do you want me to do?" Seeing Lin Yueshan rushing over, Jiang Yunhe hurriedly asked.

"The Supreme Elder...I..."


Just as Lin Yueshan got close, he saw his arm lightly raised, and a puff of pink smoke spread out from his palm, covering Jiang Yunhe's whole body in an instant.


But just when Lin Yueshan thought that his plot had succeeded, a hand came out from behind him silently and locked it tightly on his throat.

And at this moment, Jiang Yunhe, who was covered in the smoke, suddenly disappeared with a wisp of green smoke. It turned out that it was just a clone of Jiang Yunhe.

"Lin Yueshan, you traitor!" Jiang Yunhe locked Lin Yueshan's throat with one hand, ready to kill him.

But in the face of Jiang Yunhe's attack, Lin Yueshan was not only not afraid at all, but a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He saw his sleeves trembling, and a jade mountain appeared in his palm, and it had already pierced Jiang Yunhe's abdomen fiercely. In the middle of its soul origin.

"Wow, you..."

The source of the soul was stabbed, Jiang Yunhe's face turned pale instantly, and he took several steps back in the air. At this moment, his soul power was being lost.

"Hahahaha, brother Yunhe, you are old, don't you forget that I got a sixth-grade disguise pill in Luoyan Valley? Can you change the appearance of others at will?"

Lin Yueshan looked up to the sky and laughed. At the same time, his face also began to change. After a while, he turned into the appearance of Kunlun, the Supreme Elder of Tiandao Peak.

"Dao Kunlun, you are so despicable"

Jiang Yunhe was able to transform into a clone through a special elixir. He wanted to use this to trick Lin Yueshan into revealing his true form.

Unexpectedly, the person who came was not Lin Yueshan, but Dao Kunlun. After all, he was put together by others, and now he was seriously injured. He knew that he was no longer Dao Kunlun's opponent.

"Despicable? In the world, the winner is king and the loser is bandit. People will only see the glorious side. Who will remember that despicable method?" Dao Kunlun smiled contemptuously, very ironic.


Suddenly, Jiang Yunhe's face turned hard, a flash of light flashed from his wrist, and a ray of light went straight to Dao Kunlun. Although it was only the size of a palm, it contained unparalleled power. At this moment, even the sky and the earth trembled, as if they were afraid of its power.

"Ha, Xuandi Linglong Fan."

Seeing this, Dao Kunlun was overjoyed, and waved the Heavenly Dao Linglong Fan with one hand, layers of energy fluctuations continuously attacked the Xuandi Linglong Fan, but it was dissolved in the blink of an eye and held in his hand.

"Old man, it turns out that Xuandi Linglong Fan didn't conclude a contract with you at all."

Holding the Xuandi Linglong Fan in his hand, Dao Kunlun's face turned cold, but at this moment Jiang Yunhe had already fled.

"Escape? Your soul is about to be astigmatized, can you still escape?" Putting away the Xuandi Linglong Fan, Dao Kunlun snorted coldly, and disappeared into the air in an instant.

"Damn it, energy fluctuations can't be transmitted here at all. Are you going to let that traitor Lin Yueshan destroy my Guiyin Peak?"

At this moment, Jiang Yunhe was flying rapidly in his mouth. He was holding a special token of Guiyin Peak in one hand, but there was no energy fluctuation at all.

His soul was damaged and was about to be shattered, his physical body was already a little dull, his pores began to bleed, his speed was also extremely slowed down, and his old face was full of unwillingness.


But when Jiang Yunhe was almost desperate, a space tunnel suddenly opened in front of him, and he felt a very familiar and powerful force in that tunnel.

At this moment, Jiang Yunhe, who was already almost desperate, was overjoyed immediately, and stepped into the space tunnel without hesitation. As soon as he entered, the space tunnel was instantly closed without leaving a trace.

A moment later, Dao Kunlun chased after him. He stepped on the void and stayed where Jiang Yunhe was standing before. He looked around sharply but couldn't find any clues.

"Strange? Why does the breath only stop here?"

"Could it be a self-explosion? But...if it is a self-explosion, how can I not feel the slightest fluctuation?"

Dao Kunlun was puzzled, because he didn't think that Jiang Yunhe would disappear out of thin air, but he would not have thought that Jiang Yunhe would open a space tunnel to escape.

Because he has self-confidence, if someone opens the space tunnel, he will definitely not be able to escape his induction, but at this moment, the space tunnel is beside him, but he just can't sense it!

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