Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 98 Hostage-taking [Part 1]

Seeing this, the villager kept his lips tightly closed and shook his head constantly. It seemed that he was not stupid. He knew that this treasure pill was not a good thing, so he refused to take it.

Upon seeing this, "Bang", the black-robed man with the strength of a martial artist on the side, punched the villager's abdomen, and the villager opened his tightly closed mouth in pain.


At this moment, the demon elder snorted coldly, and immediately pinched the villager's cheeks with one hand, while the other hand shoved the Baodan into the man's mouth.

"cough cough"

After the entrance of Baodan, the villager began to cough violently, and then his face became red, even more and more red, and finally even his body began to change.


It may be that Baodan caused the severe pain, and the villagers began to roar heartbreakingly.With the swing of his arms, the black-robed man behind him was thrown far away.

At the same time, his strength actually began to rise continuously, and in the end, he actually reached the level of the first-level martial arts.

"Such a weird Baodan"

Even Xing Jue couldn't help but be taken aback when he saw that the ordinary villager could actually raise his strength to the level of the first-order Martial Sect.

"Kill him"

Suddenly, the demon elder pointed at the black-robed man who was supporting the villagers earlier.


What surprised Xing Jue the most was that the villager who had taken the Baodan roared at the old man's order, and then rushed towards the black-robed man like a well-trained beast. .


Seeing this, the black-robed man also had a look of panic. With the strength of the martial artist, he could naturally feel the changes in the villagers, and immediately began to attack the villagers violently.

Daodao attacked the villagers violently, constantly bombarding the villagers. Although all the attacks were on the villager, the villager was not affected at all.

"Elder Demon, help"

Seeing the villagers who continued to rush towards him, the black-robed man was even more panicked. At this moment, the villagers had already swept in front of the man.

He swung the big fist that changed like a hammer, and slammed it towards the black-robed man fiercely.


In one punch, the black-robed man's chest was actually dented inward by the villager's punch, and then a large mouthful of blood continued to pour out, and he slumped on the ground weakly.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

After the black-robed man fell to the ground, the villager did not stop because of this. His fists were like boulders falling from the sky, constantly smashing at the black-robed man. Under such a fierce attack, the man was very It soon turned into a cold corpse.

Looking at the scene in front of them, almost everyone was stunned, this is simply a crazy beast, only the demon elder watched with a satisfied smile.

"Stop." After a while, the demon elder said slowly.

And after he finished speaking, the villager also stood there orderly and motionless, like a well-trained tiger, but he kept gasping for breath.

Taking a closer look, Xing Jue was even more shocked to find that the villager's eyes had actually turned blood red. Seeing those eyes, Xing Jue couldn't help but remember that when he was looking for Soul Eater, he was in the depths of the secret room. The Soul Eater Sect disciple I saw.

"Hahaha, congratulations to the elder demon, finally successfully developing this animal nature pill." Upon seeing this, the man with a mustache came to the elder demon and said with a diligent expression.

As a junior martial god, he was so respectful to a junior martial master, which made Xing Jue see that the demon elder's status in this mysterious force was definitely not low.

"Hey, it's a pity that this animal pill can only be used on ordinary people. Otherwise, the power will be even more terrifying if it is used on the strong." At this moment, the demon elder shook his head helplessly.

But Xing Jue could see that despite what he said, there was a satisfied smile on his face.

"Elder Yao is surprised by what he said. This animal pill can turn an ordinary person into a strong martial artist. It's a miracle." The man with the mustache said flatteringly.

"Well, this is indeed true." After hearing the words of the bearded man, the demon elder also smiled proudly.

"I bother"

After hearing the conversation between the two, Xing Jue scolded secretly. Their behavior is simply too abhorrent, and they actually turned a living person into this appearance and then sent him to himself.

In comparison, the methods of the Soul Eater are more humane. Although Xiaoqian and the others are also servants in the Soul Eater, they are created with the power of their souls, and they use their souls to create a living person, and they have their own. Spiritual wisdom, you can also cultivate, this is called a superb method.

And now, compared with the Soul Eater Clan, this method of the Demon Elder is not even a fart.

"Longing for power? If you want to become as strong as him, just open your mouth." At this moment, the demon elder came to Xing Jue, squinted his eyes and said to Xing Jue.

"Ah" Xing Jue smiled slightly and opened his mouth actively.A very eager look.

Seeing that Xing Jue was actually doing such a good job, the demon elder smiled with satisfaction, and then shoved the treasure pill in his hand into Xing Jue's mouth.

But just when the treasure pill was about to be stuffed into Xing Jue's mouth, a sneer appeared on the corner of Xing Jue's mouth.

Immediately, he took a look with his palm, and grabbed the elder demon's wrist holding the medicinal pill tightly. At the same time, he made a hand like a sharp eagle claw, grabbing at the elder demon's throat, as fast as possible. Ben Lei, by the time the demon elder reacted, his throat was already gagged by Xing Jue.

"Hehe, thank you for the strength you gave me," Xing Jue said sarcastically, taking the elder Yao firmly in his hands, narrowing his eyes.

"Who are you? Quickly let go of the demon elder!" The sudden scene also shocked everyone. When the bearded man reacted, the demon elder thought he was being held to death.

What shocked the bearded man the most was that from the time Xing Jue entered the cave until now, he never noticed the difference in Xing Jue, and even at the moment when Xing Jue shot, he still could not see what kind of strength Xing Jue was. It shocked him too.

"Let him go? Do you think I'm a fool? Can I still escape after letting him go?" Xing Jue laughed.There was no fear on his face.

"Who are you, who dares to oppose my "Yin Feng Sect", do you know what the consequences are?" Upon seeing this, the man with a mustache deliberately threatened him, hoping that Xing Jue would retreat.

"It's just Yin Feng Sect, do you know who I am?" Xing Jue asked rhetorically, with a proud look on his face. In fact, Xing Jue didn't know any Yin Feng Sect at all, and he didn't know what kind of strength they were.

"Who are you?" And the bearded man was indeed frightened by Xing Jue.

"Brother, what happened?" At this moment, two men came out of the cave again, and the aura of the two men was actually at the level of the rudimentary martial god.

"You... who are you?" After coming to the hall, the two also discovered Xing Jue and the demon elder who was caught by him.Then he asked in shock.

"Get out of the way, if you dare to say a word of nonsense, I'll kill him." After the two appeared, Xing Jue's face changed dramatically, and he said to the three with a fierce look.

"Let me out of the way." Seeing this, the bearded man didn't dare to hesitate, after all, the demon elder was too important to them.

"Take me to Tianchi." Xing Jue showed a satisfied smile when he saw that everyone really didn't dare to do anything to him, and then he said to the man with a mustache.

Although Xing Jue didn't know what the demon Xing Jue was doing, he still led the way according to Xing Jue's instructions, while Xing Jue cautiously followed the demon elder.

With the powerful soul power, as long as someone dared to approach Xing Jue secretly, Xing Jue would punch the demon elder, and after one after another, no one dared to do such a stupid thing again, but followed behind Xing Jue obediently.

Tianchi is the center of the Sealing Array, so Xing Jue wanted to see what Tianchi was like, and now with the trump card of the demon elder in his hand, Xing Jue didn't worry about what they would do to them, even if they didn't care about the demon. The elder's life was shot against Xing Jue.

But with the speed of "Wind Control. Popularity", Xing Jue was also sure to escape in the hands of the three junior martial gods.

The reason why "Tianchi Island" is called "Tianchi Island" is because there is a huge lake in the center of the island. The lake is not sea water, but fresh water, and these fresh water are naturally formed by rainwater that falls from the sky, so this It is called Tianchi Island.

And Tianchi Island is just a small island, so Xing Jue soon came to the so-called Tianchi under the guidance of the man with the moustache.

At this moment, a thick layer of ice had formed on the surface of Tianchi Lake, and a thick layer of frost had accumulated on the surface of the ice layer, but Xing Jue was surprised that there was actually a stone mountain in the center of Tianchi Lake.

However, after using soul induction, Xing Jue discovered that the stone mountain was not accumulated by ordinary stones, but a special kind of stone, but at this moment Xing Jue also guessed the function of the stone mountain, presumably it was the seal The area where the array is located.

"Okay, you can step back. I have something to talk about with Elder Yao. Remember not to approach Tianchi, otherwise Elder Yao may be in danger." Xing Jue said with a slight smile.

"Uh, what are you going to do?" The bearded man said a little uneasy, because at the moment he didn't know what the strength of Xing Jue was, and he didn't know what the forces behind Xing Jue were.

"Do I need to emphasize it again?" Xing Jue gave the man a blank look, and then lowered his voice.

"Uh" After a moment of silence, the bearded man didn't dare to violate the meaning of the sentence, so he obediently retreated with a group of people.

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