Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 99 Encountered Siege [Part 2]

After the bearded man withdrew, Xing Jue walked towards the stone mountain with the demon elder, and when he approached the stone mountain, Xing Jue discovered that there was actually a cave at the corner of the stone mountain.

Seeing this, Xing Jue's face was overjoyed, and then he accelerated his pace. When he walked to the cave, Xing Jue realized that the cave was really special. Inside the cave was a circular hall, and the center of the hall was even more special. There is a round stone platform.

What excites Xing Jue the most is that there are strange symbols all over the cave's stone walls and stone platforms. Although he doesn't know what the symbols mean, Xing Jue knows that those symbols must be related to the seal formation.

"This little friend, what do you want to talk to me about?" At this moment, the demon elder finally asked Xing Jue, panicked in An Nai's heart.

"Shut up!" Xing Jue shouted loudly, and at the same time, he punched Elder Na Yao in the abdomen.I thought I was talking shit with you, I was just procrastinating.

And the demon elder was even more bent by Xing Jue's fist, and at this moment, on his lowered face, it was full of hideous colors.

At this moment, Xing Jue's surface is calm, but his heart is also a little uneasy. He does not know whether the Yinfeng Sect will invite some strong people to help during this period.

However, as long as the seal formation can be unsealed smoothly and help Uncle Pan regain his strength, no matter what kind of powerhouse, Xing Jue will not be afraid. After all, Uncle Pan was the top powerhouse in this boundless sea back then.

Xing Jue did not think that the so-called Yinfeng Sect could have an opponent who could compete with Uncle Pan.

Because Xing Jue learned from Uncle Pan that there are indeed many strong men in this boundless sea, but all the real strong men are on the inner island.

In this outer island, there is no real powerhouse. The so-called powerhouses are only at the level of the Martial God, it just depends on who is higher.

After entering the cave, Xing Jue sensed whether anyone was approaching, and when he felt that no one was approaching Tianchi, he kicked the curled up demon elder into the corner of the cave.

"If you think you can escape, you can give it a try." After glancing at Elder Yao ironically, Xing Jue walked straight towards the stone platform.

After looking at the stone platform carefully, Xing Jue found that there was a groove in the middle of the stone platform, and the shape of the groove was exactly the same as his jade pendant.

After seeing this groove, Xing Jue was even more overjoyed, thinking that as long as he put the jade pendant on it, he should be able to unlock the seal formation.

"What a daring kid, how dare you kidnap my Yinfeng Sect?" But at this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded after the execution.

Turning to look around, I saw that the space beside the demon elder began to squirm for a while, and then an old man in a black cloak appeared.

"High-level Martial God?"

Xing Jue looked at the old man in front of him and said in surprise that the only one who could escape his soul induction and use the power of space so skillfully was the high-level Martial God who was closest to the King of War.

"Elder Yu, you are finally here"

"Quickly kill him." After seeing the black-robed old man appear, the demon elder hurriedly came to the old man and pointed at Xing Jue and said viciously.It seems that at this moment, he hates Xing Jue to the core.

"Elder Yao, don't worry, he is disrespectful to you, and he is disrespectful to my Yinfeng Sect. No matter who he is, he will surely die." The black-robed old man smiled slightly, and immediately turned his murderous gaze towards Xing Jue.

"Hmph, it depends on whether you have the ability to do that." Xing Jue snorted coldly when he saw this, and immediately shot out two light palm prints at the black-robed elder.

"Bang... bang"

However, in the face of the extremely fast ray of light palm print, the black-robed old man smiled slightly, and with a random wave of his sleeve robe, he easily resolved Xing Jue's two wind-devouring palms.

At the same time, with a punch, an incomparably tyrannical aura of martial arts rushed towards Xing Jue at an extremely high speed.

Looking at the tyrannical spirit of martial arts, Xing Jue's complexion also changed greatly, and then he shouted tyrannically, and the dark black soul power burst out of his body.At the same time, the aura of Xing Jue's aura was also fully revealed.


The tyrannical spirit of martial arts slammed into Xing Jue's body, and Xing Jue was blown away by the tyrannical force, and finally slammed into the stone wall covered with spells, and then lay on the ground weakly. on the ground.

"Hmph, it's just a middle-level Wuzun, how dare you provoke my Yinfeng Sect?" Looking at Xing Jue, who had no breath at the moment, the black-robed old man said coldly.

Seeing that Xing Jue lost his breath, the demon elder walked up to Xing Jue and prepared to torture Xing Jue to vent his anger.

Looking at Xing Jue lying on the ground, the demon elder sneered, then clenched his right fist, and the arrogant martial spirit began to condense in his fist.

And with the condensing of martial spirit, his right fist started to get bigger, and in the end it was more than ten times bigger than before, and on top of the fist like a giant hammer, it exuded an incomparably tyrannical power. .

"The old man will let you die without a corpse"

The demon elder smashed Xing Jue, who was lying on the ground, with his giant fist, and if he hit Xing Jue with such a powerful attack, he could indeed smash Xing Jue to pieces.

But at this moment, Xing Jue's eyes suddenly opened, and with a flick of his body, he flashed the attack of the demon elder. At the same time, a powerful punch hit the demon elder. of the chest.And this punch hit the cyclone of the demon elder.


Being punched by Xing Jue, the demon elder spat out a mouthful of blood, and then his face became pale in an instant, and even his breath was sluggish.

This fist punishment is not polite at all, all he wants is to kill the demon elder with one punch.

After killing the demon elder, Xing Jue cast a sarcastic look at the black-robed old man with a stunned face, and with a flick of his figure, he turned into a gust of wind and swept out of the cave in an instant.

"Looking for death" saw the demon elder whose aura was constantly wilting, the black-robed old man's face instantly turned hideous.Immediately, the figure swayed, and it melted into the space.

Xing Jue ran very fast in the popular state, like a white light flashed above the ice layer, and quickly swept away from the Tianchi.

However, just when Xing Jue ran to the edge of Tianchi, several tyrannical attacks were like an encircling net covering the sky, shrouding Xing Jue to death.

In the face of the encircling net attack from the front, Xing Jue suddenly stopped his figure, and slashed down with his feet, which turned into a thunderbolt and swept toward the rear.

"Boom Rumble"

Several attacks were like a meteor shower in the sky, and they fell on the ice surface in unison, accompanied by a deafening roar, and a large piece of fog continued to rise.

In the mist, the figures of the three men also slowly emerged.And those three are the three primary martial gods in the previous cave.

At this moment, the space behind Xing Jue suddenly squirmed, and then the black-robed old man appeared with a grim look.

"It's miserable now," Xing Jue said secretly, looking at the form in front of him.

After Xing Jue performed Soul Outburst, he did not successfully break through to the high-level Wu Zun, but only stayed at the peak of the middle-level Wu Zun. Obviously, Xing Jue's current soul power was not enough for him to break through.

At this moment, Xing Jue faced the siege of Sanming's first-level Martial God and a high-level Martial God, even if he had Yufengshu in hand, there was no hope of escaping.


Xing Jue clenched his right fist slightly, and the long dark black "Zan Po Sword" was condensed out. Even if Xing Jue had no chance of escaping, Xing Jue would not be easily captured.

"It's enough to beat this kid to death, take him back and hand it over to the sect master." At this moment, after Xing Jue unreservedly released his power, the black-robed old man finally felt Xing Jue. It was unusual, and then said slowly to the Sanming man.


And the three men replied respectfully, and then turned their ridiculing eyes to Xing Jue, as if Xing Jue was playing with them.

"Come and try it out"

Seeing this, Xing Jue suddenly let out a loud shout, and then clenched the Zhan Po sword in his right hand. He turned around, and two tyrannical dark-black sword qi were aimed at the Sanming man and the black-robed elder respectively. And go.

This time Xing Jue sent out two "Zan Po Sword, Sword Qi" in one breath, in order to find a glimmer of hope of escape.

In the face of the dark black sword energy rushing in at an extreme speed, neither the three men nor the black-robed old man dared to be slighted.

The three men even blasted their most powerful martial arts at the dark black sword energy, and the black-robed old man also issued a tyrannical martial arts.

"Bang... bang"

With two muffled noises, they all released Xing Jue's sword qi.


But at this moment, Xing Jue suddenly turned into a gust of wind, passing in front of the three men.


In the face of Xing Jue, who fled away at an extreme speed, they all had expressions of shock on their faces, because they never imagined that Xing Jue's speed was so fast.

Immediately, the three of them also turned upside down and began to chase Xing Jue at a very high speed, but what made them helpless was that, although they had maximized their speed, the distance between Xing Jue and them continued to increase. .

You must know that they are Martial Gods, and Xing Jue is just a Martial Lord.

Seeing that he had successfully escaped their siege, Xing Jue's face also showed excitement, and then he used Feng Xing's speed to the extreme.But just when Xing Jue thought he had succeeded.

In the space in front of Xing Jue, a tyrannical attack suddenly burst out, and Xing Jue had no time to dodge at such an extreme speed, and immediately slammed into the force.



At such a speed, when he hit the tyrannical attack, Xing Jue instantly spurted out a large mouth of blood, and then he lay on the ground weakly. At this moment, even his chest began to sag inward. Obviously, Xing Jue suffered a fatal blow. hurt.

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