Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 103 I Don't Know Why I Killed So Many People

Now it seems that as long as you sell yourself and let the Chanjiao Jinxian take yourself as a hostage, the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation will be destroyed by itself!

No matter how strong the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is, Yin Shang Emperor Xin was captured by the opponent, and Yunxiao Qiongxiao had to submit obediently no matter how unwilling it was!

Isn't it just acting?

You bastards are better than someone like me!

As for rushing out rashly, it is normal for the king to be impatient for a while!

Besides, when the task fails, you can pat your ass and go home, how can you care so much?


Zishou rushed directly into Daoxing Tianzun, Taiyi Daoist, Lingbao Master, and Fear Liusun, and just waved his long sword casually.

The four generals, Deng Xin and Zhang Tao, didn't expect the king to rush into the crowd so recklessly. Before they could react, Zishou was already surrounded by Daoxing Tianzun and others.

"No, the king is here, hurry up!"

"Damn it, Your Majesty is in danger! Something will happen now!"

The four generals, Deng Xin and Zhang Tao, panicked. Although the king is powerful, isn't this too reckless?Just rush into the crowd?

That's the Twelve Golden Immortals!

Above, Qiong Xiao, who presides over the formation, was taken aback. An accident was about to happen. If Di Xin was captured, it would be over!

Daoxing Tianzun and the others were stunned for a moment when they saw Zishou rushing in, but they immediately reacted and shivered!

Dixin!It's Dixin!Take him down!

Daoxing Tianzun stabs at Zishou's left arm with his sword, Daoist Taiyi stabs at his right arm with his sword, Master Lingbao attacks at the back, fearing that his grandson will attack the next one.


"Haha! Di Xin, you are so careless!" Yuanshi Tianzun, who was watching the battle from afar, couldn't help laughing.

A mere Golden Immortal dared to rush into the encirclement of the Da Luo Golden Immortal, not to mention offering a magic weapon, and Emperor Xin would be cool if everyone gave him a sword!

Staring at Zishou who was surrounded in the middle, the Taoist priest of the Western religion said with a slight sneer, "Kill, kill, it's better to stab Di Xin to death by accident!"

"Three beeps, Di Xin will be captured after three beeps!"

Zhunti Taoist waited three times with a cold face, the sneer on his face gradually stiffened, and changed into an expression of seeing a ghost.

Damn, why hasn't Di Xin fallen down yet?

Damn it!Why did Daoist Taiyi fall? !

Damn it!Di Xin wasn't even injured?

Watching and watching, Taoist Zhunti was dumbfounded, his scalp was numb, and he looked at the video with one-on-four Zishou in disbelief.

What surprised Taoist Zhunti the most was that although the real Taiyi and others surrounded Di Xin, their swordsmanship was soft and weak, and their moves were slow, and within a short time they were injured one after another.

Instead, when Deng Xin and Zhang Tao chased up and beat them up, they killed three people directly. The seriously injured Taiyi real person turned around and wanted to run away, but Qiong Xiao, who was catching up behind him, sacrificed the golden scissors and cut them into two pieces.

After the remaining Master Huanglong woke up, he froze for a moment and insisted on shouting to avenge Brother Dao. He raised his sword and rushed to Di Xin, but died undoubtedly under the siege of Deng Xin and Zhang Tao.

The most tingling thing was that from the beginning to the end, Di Xin didn't get hurt at all!

Not to mention that she didn't get hurt at all, and even her hair wasn't messed up.



At this moment, the saints watching the battle took a breath in unison.

This result was enough to make them dumbfounded. A mere Golden Immortal entered the encirclement of four Da Luo Jinxians, not only did not suffer any injuries, but killed the four Da Luo Jinxians.

This Dixin...is he still human?


"Why is everyone down?"

In the formation, Zi Shou, who came back to his senses, was also in a daze.

Just now he rushed in without looking at it, closed his eyes and swung his sword casually, but when he opened his eyes, he found four or five corpses lying on the ground...

people?Why are they all down?

What happened just now?

Hearing Zishou's question, Deng Xin, Zhang Tao and others couldn't laugh or cry, why are they all down?Wasn't he stabbed and knocked down by the king?

They are just helping to mend a knife~!

"Your Majesty is mighty!" Deng Zhong came to his senses, patted Zi Shou's flattery loudly, and explained with a serious face, "The battle just now was won thanks to Your Majesty!"

Zishou:? ? ?

"Your Majesty has long seen that Taiyi Zhenren and others are trapped in the Jiuqu Yellow River formation and are exhausted. As long as someone rushes to kill this group of people, they can all be wiped out! Therefore, Your Majesty took the lead and rushed directly into the crowd to fight against four. Knock them all down, and I will have a chance to destroy them!"

Deng Zhong said solemnly: "Actually, Daoist Taiyi and the others have been exhausted from being trapped in the Jiuqu Yellow River formation, and they are barely supported by their will. As long as someone rushes in, they can be wiped out in one fell swoop! But we can't see Knowing this, only the Great King has extraordinary eyesight, and he has long seen that Master Taiyi and the others are on the verge of collapse, and it only takes the last straw to crush them."

"Of course, the king's swordsmanship is also unfathomable and invincible. If it were someone else, once he rushed into the crowd, he would be killed instantly! If it were us, we might be killed by Daoist Taiyi before we rushed over. Already!"

The others were shocked, it turned out to be like this!

To put it simply, Daoist Taiyi can't hold on anymore, as long as there is a strong man rushing to kill them, they can be wiped out. However, this strong man's cultivation base and martial arts must be high, and only the king can rush into the battle group. Others are long dead.

Qiong Xiao gradually realized it, and the eyes that looked at Zi Shou gradually became admiration!

It turned out that Di Xin had long seen that the real Taiyi was at the end of his battle!

It's a pity that I stared at Daoist Taiyi for so long, but I didn't realize this!

Di Xin, his eyesight is indeed vicious!

Zishou: ...

Seeing the gradually deteriorating eyes of these people, Zishou was depressed.

Can you stop thinking about it?I just want to be an actor!

"Go, go to Tianji Dao!" Zi Shou gritted his teeth.

I don't believe he can't play you guys today!

Give up the ley lines, I give it to you, do you want it?

Deng Xin and Zhang Tao were surprised for a moment, and their eyes gradually became shocked. The king wanted to... kill the disciples of Chanjiao!

Qiong Xiao shook her head and immediately said that she would guard the veins, but Zi Shou stared at her expressionlessly, and said in a domineering tone: "Go with Gu!"

Being stared at by him, Qiong Xiao blushed inexplicably, and finally nodded in agreement.

Then Zishou didn't even look at the eyes of the Earth Meridian Dao, and went directly to the direction of the Tianji Dao!


"What an arrogant boy! He actually gave up two formation eyes!"

In Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. Twelve golden immortals, half of them are dead by now, and each of them is his personal disciple!

Now Di Xin actually gave up the formation eyes of the earth veins, what arrogance and arrogance this is!

"Di Xin!" Yuanshi Tianzun almost gritted his teeth and called out the name.


In the eyes of the Tianji Dao formation, Yunxiao commanded the formation, changing the formation one after another, and surrounded Randeng, Guangchengzi, Chijingzi, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Daoist, Cihangdaoren and others to death.

When Zishou appeared in Ran Deng's field of vision, Ran Deng shouted with joy: "Quick, grab Di Xin!"

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