Ran Deng was surprised, they were trapped in the Jiuqu Yellow River formation for so long, they almost thought they were going to fall here, but they didn't expect to kill Di Xin!

It's like getting a pillow when you want to sleep, dropping a piece of bread when you want to eat, and encountering sister juice when you want to drink water...

As long as Di Xin is caught and taken as a hostage, He Chou Yunxiao will open her legs obediently... open the big formation and let them out!

This array can be broken!

Guang Chengzi, Chi Jingzi and others were also overjoyed when they saw Zishou, and ran towards him with their long swords straightened out.

"Come on!" Zi Shou yelled and rushed forward regardless. Anyway, as long as he "misses and gets captured", this battle will be over!

"Quick, protect the king!" Deng Xin and Zhang Tao shouted and rushed forward.

Seeing Yun Xiao from above, he was also taken aback.

Your Majesty, is this too nonsense?

Just rushed over like this?

If caught by Ran Deng, then everything is over!


However, what happened next stunned everyone, even the saint could not help but twitch his mouth.

I saw Guang Chengzi rushing over aggressively, took out the Fantian Seal as a sacrifice, and threw it at Zishou, but as if thinking of something, his face changed drastically and he hurriedly took back the Fantian Seal.

It is easy to take back this Heavenly Seal, especially when it is forcibly taken back like this, the recoil is so powerful that it is terrifying.

As a result, with a "bang", Fan Tianyin recovered and hit Guang Chengzi's chest hard. Guang Chengzi spurted out a mouthful of blood, breathless, and fell to the ground.

As for Chi Jingzi, as soon as he took out the yin and yang mirror, he thought that he could not use Lingbao to attack Di Xin, so he threw his sword out.

In the end, before Zi Shou could make a move, Deng Xin and Zhang Tao rushed up to kill Chi Jingzi, beating them indiscriminately!

One is that Chi Jingzi was in a hurry just after taking back the Yin-Yang mirror, the other was that his strength was greatly suppressed in the Jiuqu Yellow River formation, and the third was that he was exhausted after being sleepy for a long time.

As a result, he died tragically under the siege of four people without accident.

Taoist Ran Deng also rushed to the front and slapped Zishou on the chest!


The palm fell firmly on Zishou's body, but Zishou just frowned and didn't even feel any pain.

On the contrary, the burning lamp was directly ejected!

After all, Zishou had passively practiced the Nine-Turn Xuanyuan Kung Fu.

Nine-turn Xuanyuan Kungfu is said to be the technique of the Great God Pangu. After practicing it, both the soul and the body are extremely powerful, not to mention Zishou's body was very strong before he practiced.

In addition, Ran Deng was not good at force after all, and his strength was greatly suppressed in the big formation. This palm not only failed to hurt Zishou, but hurt himself instead.

However, Zishou clutched his chest, pretended to be injured and "screamed" before turning around and running away.

After Ran Deng was stunned for a moment, he couldn't care less about chasing after so much, Zi Shou thought about turning around and stabbing the sword and then throwing the sword away, which is more like that.

So he turned back and stabbed lightly, without even a little strength.

As a result, Ran Deng was taken aback, and hit the point of the sword directly, and was stabbed to the point of chills!

"Catch Di Xin quickly!"

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Daoist, and Ci Hangdao knew that Di Xin was the key to breaking the formation, so they drew their swords aggressively and charged.

Deng Xin and Zhang Tao went up to block for a while, and then they were severely injured, lying on the ground panting.

Seeing that the three of them were about to kill them, Qiong Xiao sacrificed the golden scissors, and directly cut Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun in half.

Seeing that the king was in danger, Yun Xiao gritted his silver teeth and slapped his palm, his true energy exploded!Immediately, Master Pu Xian's brain splashed and he died on the ground.

Seeing that the general situation was over, the rest of the Ci Hang Taoists looked ferocious, and roared fiercely, they rushed towards Zishou.

Zishou was "scared" so that he stood still in place, but Ci Hangdao was slapped again by the anxious Yunxiao, and hit the long sword in Zishou's hand hard, and was stabbed to death along with Ran Deng. .

But in the eyes of others, Zi Shou stood there with his face motionless, cooperating with Yun Xiao to kill Ci Hang Taoist.

After Ci Hangdao's death, Qiong Xiao didn't stop doing anything, and sacrificed the golden jiao scissors to cut Guang Chengzi, who was seriously injured by Fan Tianyin, into two pieces.

There were five or six more corpses strewn about on the ground.

Zi Shou was stunned for a while, even with his best mind, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

This...how did the group disappear?

What just happened?

Zishou remembered that he just rushed up and was slapped by the lamp before running away, but he was all dead in a daze?

This is not scientific!

"Haha, Your Majesty is brilliant and mighty!" Deng Zhong, who had been stabbed a few times and was seriously injured on the ground, couldn't help but shouted: "Thanks to Your Majesty who took the lead and killed Ran Deng by surprise, we were able to win!"

Zishou: ...

"Your Majesty is wise and mighty!" Deng Xin and Zhang Tao shouted again, fearing that the child would not be happy enough.

Zishou: ...

"You have completed the task! The Jiuqu Yellow River Formation killed the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, the three generations of disciples Yang Jian, Nezha, etc.! The rewards have been released!"

"The congenital Lingbao Jiuqu Yellow River Ruler is a spiritual treasure derived from the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. Wearing it with the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation can maximize its power!"

"You have overfulfilled the task: kill the lamp! Additional reward: full health defense buff! Full health doubles the defense!"

The voice of the dog system rang in his mind one after another.

Zishou: ...

He raised his head and looked at the corpse on the ground, feeling a little dazed.

This is... another win?

Explain that you are all playing me, right?

Use your life to act out my hatred!

"My lord, are you alright?" Yun Xiao ran over anxiously, reached out and touched Zi Shou's badge, just now she saw Ran Deng slapped him.



In Yuxu Palace, when he saw the last disciple also fell in the formation, Yuanshi Tianzun spurted out a mouthful of blood!

Twelve Golden Immortals plus Daoist Dieng Deng!

That's the strongest disciple in the teaching!

They all fell into the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation? !

"Yin Shou!" Yuanshi Tianzun gritted his teeth, and burst out these two words from between his teeth.

He swears that even if he fights against his luck, he will attack Zi Shou!

This Human Sovereign must not let him grow up!

Otherwise, the number of days will definitely change in the future!

However, before suppressing luck, he had to break through the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation and rescue the souls of the Twelve Golden Immortals.


Western teaching.

Taoist Zhunti's face was gloomy, with a ruthless look in his eyes, and he waved his hands viciously to wipe away the light curtain in front of him.

"Human Emperor, Human Emperor! If this continues, how can I strengthen the Western religion?"

He wants to provoke the Conferred God War, so that he can win people from it, but now it seems that under Di Xin's command, the Conferred God War has just begun and it may end soon!

If you don't participate in it, I'm afraid Xiqi will be breached soon!

"Go to Kunlun Mountain, find Yuanshi Tianzun, and work together to break the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation!"

Zhunti's eyes flickered, and he finally made a decision.

With the participation of Emperor Xin in the Jiuqu Yellow River formation, it is no longer impossible for a saint to break it!


Wa Palace.

"Zi Shou, you really killed the disciples of Chanjiao."

Nu Wa smiled lightly, and then saw the intimate scene in the mirror of Yun Xiao stroking Zi Shou's chest.

Squinting her eyes slightly, she raised her jade hand and gently erased the image in the mirror, her beautiful eyes flickered slightly.

Suddenly, she said: "Caiyun, go to Yuxu Palace and tell Yuanshi Tianzun that I am going to break the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation!"

The voice was a bit chilly! ! !

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