Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 152 The Great Emperor Xin, I Lost Again

Not to mention the real Huanglong, even Yuanshi Tianzun was a little confused. If Yang Jian didn't get the elixir, then who saved Xiqi City?

Suddenly, Yuanshi Tianzun thought of something and his face became extremely ugly, and Yu Ruyi in his hand was also clenched tightly: "Damn it! It's Di Xin! Di Xin spilled the medicine into Xiqi City!"

"Ah? What?" Master Huanglong couldn't figure it out even more: "Di Xin? How could it be Di Xin? He asked Lu Yue to spread the plague in Xiqi City. How could it be him? What good does he do?"

Yuanshi Tianzun took a deep look at Huanglong Master, and said: "Di Xin first asked Lu Yue to sprinkle plague pills in Xiqi City, and then went to Huoyun Cave to cheat for the pills, and turned around to save Xiqi City. , instead of destroying the city, he saved the entire city, so Di Xin's luck..."

Yuanshi Tianzun used the technique of observing qi to look over Di Xin's head, so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood!

The purple air is thousands of miles away!The golden dragon is looming in it!

Di Xin's luck... exploded!

Even stronger than the last time he joined Zhunti to cut his luck golden dragon!


The way of heaven is fair. If Zi Shou didn't intervene and let Lu Yue destroy Xiqi City, then the way of heaven would judge that it was done by the emperor. After all, Lu Yue did this for the emperor at that time, so the way of heaven It will determine that Di Xin is cruel and heartless, and will reduce his luck!

It's like if Zishou followed the original book, casting guns and setting up pots to frame Zhongliang and kill innocent people.Of course, the accomplice will be punished by heaven, but Zishou, as the main murderer, will be punished even more horribly. The most obvious point is the reduction of luck.

Therefore, in the original book, Su Daji lured King Zhou to do many evils, and his luck decreased again and again, and finally he ended up in the tragic end of self-immolation in Lutai.

When he learned that Lu Yue was spreading the plague in Xiqi City, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but sneered in his heart. In his opinion, Di Xin's doing so was simply suicidal.

After all, the two countries are at war, and no matter how many soldiers die on the battlefield, it is considered a normal battle death, but spreading the plague and harming men, women, children, and children in a city is considered an extermination of the city. How can the golden dragon protect the city? With Dixin!

When Yuanshi Tianzun learned that someone went to Huoyun Cave to get medicine first, he felt something was wrong. This inexplicable feeling was not groundless, but the sage's premonition of the changes between heaven and earth.

When it was discovered that the plague in Xiqi City had been eradicated, Yuanshi Tianzun knew that Di Xin did it without pinching his fingers.

This Emperor Xin made a good move!

Not only did he save his previous disadvantages, but he also turned his back on the army. Not to mention the recovery of luck, it has even improved a lot!

I'm afraid it's the Dao of Heaven who feels that he saved the lives in Xiqi City, so his luck has skyrocketed!

"What a Di Xin... you are very good!"

Yuanshi Tianzun gritted his teeth and said these words, he figured it out almost instantly, this Emperor Xin deliberately asked Lu Yue to spread the plague, and then he went to get the pill to save people!

This is tantamount to asking his subordinates to rob, and pretending to be a hero to deceive others!

It's just that what Di Xin deceived was not people, but the way of heaven!

By doing so, I improved my luck, and I am afraid that I will use this incident to promote my reputation in the army.

"What a powerful Di Xin, this one, let you win the bet."

Yuanshi Tianzun took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes and said.

"However, the way of heaven changes, and the general trend will not change! Next time, I will definitely not let you win so easily!"

At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun really regarded Zishou as an opponent. Before...

Although he knew that Zishou was capable before, but to be honest, in the eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun, no matter how capable the Human Sovereign was, he was not worthy to be his opponent.

Because as long as the saint is willing to pay a price, he can kill the emperor.

It's like the suppression of luck before.

But now...

Di Xin's strategy directly won back his luck. If this person has the strength to match him, he will become very terrifying!


Of course, Zishou didn't know Yuanshi Tianzun's thoughts. After waiting for a few days, he was relieved to find that all the members of Xiqi City were resurrected with full blood.

Well, it seems that my son and someone won a small game!

However, when he heard the rumors in the army, he was stunned.

"The traitor, Ji Fa, was cruel and innocent. He led the rebellion, which aroused the wrath of the heavens and the people's resentment. The gods condemned them, and the plague broke out in Xiqi City!"

"Fortunately, today's Emperor Chengtang is wise and powerful, benevolent and caring for the people. He sent Deng Chanyu to Huoyun Cave to seek medicine to save the people of Xiqi."

"Emperor Cheng Tang is benevolent and loves the people, while Ji Fa is cruel and ruthless!"

"That's right, it's because Ji Fa, a scoundrel, led the rebellion that the gods will be responsible for the crime, and the entire city of Xiqi will be infected with the plague."

"Thanks to the great king's wisdom and martial arts, Deng Chanyu asked for medicine to save the people from the fire and water."

A piece of news was spread throughout the army under the impetus of human beings, and even some rumors began to appear in Xiqi City.

Well, the person pushing these news is naturally Su Hu.

Su Hu has always had a reputation for benevolence and righteousness. He asked people to spread the news, and more and more people believed it. In the end, even the city of Xiqi was full of rumors.

"What's the situation? When did I ask Deng Chanyu to save the people of Xiqi? Didn't I ask her to give the elixir to Jiang Ziya?"

The more he heard the rumors in the army, the more panicked Zi Shou felt, who is messing with Laozi?

"Calm down, calm down, it must be a rumor spread by Su Hu..."

When he walked out of the tent, he found that the soldiers looked at him full of love, and his whole body was messed up.

Fuck, why are you looking at me like that?I really didn't do anything!

Especially when he discovered that the luck value in the background of the system was rising, Zishou panicked.

If this continues, it will be even more difficult for him to lose all his luck and go home!

Seeing that the luck value was almost on par with Western Zhou, Zishou couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to know what this stinky woman Deng Chanyu had done? !

Are you going to backstab yourself?What is going on now?

Zishou immediately found Deng Chanyu and took her to the camp.

Zishou sat down and said, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Deng Chanyu blinked her eyes, thinking that the king wanted her to report the results of this period of time, so she said: "As the king ordered, I melted the elixir and water I got from Huoyun Cave, and sprinkled them around Xiqi City. Saved the people in Xiqi City. Sister Su told Su Houye about it, and asked Su Houye to spread the news, shoot the news into Xiqi City with arrows, and find a few more insiders Now everyone knows that Ji Fawudao caused the anger and resentment of the king of Xiqi City, and it is the king who saved Xiqi City. I think that Xiqi City will be captured in a short time."

Zishou: ...

Fuck, who stepped on the horse and told you to spray the medicine?

Sprinkle medicine if you are on a horse, and you still let the news out?

Are you sincerely killing me?

Zishou immediately grieved and said: "Take back the news, take back everything!"

Deng Chanyu froze for a moment, showing a strange expression, but after thinking about it, she understood.

Your Majesty is worrying too much!It's enough to do things like this, and if you spread the news again, I'm afraid it will have a counterproductive effect.

Your Majesty, you really think more deeply than we do!

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