"What's the situation in Xiqi City now?" Zishou asked after taking a deep breath.

"Xiqi City..." Deng Chanyu collected her thoughts and said, "Although Lu Yue sprinkled plague pills in Xiqi City, almost killing everyone, but because Sister Su and I took the three pills given by Shennong The medicine was spilled into Xiqi City, and now Jiang Shang and others must have recovered. But even if they recover, they will not be able to fight for a while, Su Houye is preparing to take this opportunity to attack Xiqi City..."

Hearing this news, Zishou finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the situation is not so bad after all.

Attacking Xiqi City?Is Lao Tzu asking you to capture Xiqi City! !

"Tell Su Hu to besiege the city first and not attack it." Zi Shou thought for a while and said.

Now it can only be remedied, and it is almost impossible to reverse the situation.

Anyway, as long as the city is besieged, when Jiang Ziya and those bastards regain their strength, Su Hu won't be able to beat them.

"Oh, oh..." Deng Chanyu was stunned for a moment, and then thought, it seems that the king is worried that there are masters in Xiqi City, and he will be harmed by attacking the city rashly, so it is better to besiege the city first.

"Should I find a reason to transfer Su Hu..." Zi Shou touched his chin and thought about it, but finally denied the idea of ​​transferring Su Hu.

After all, Su Hu didn't have any powerful generals under his command, so he just stayed in Xiqi to besiege the city.

"By the way, you just said that you and Su Daji spilled those three pills in Xiqi City?" Zishou raised his head and asked, when did Su Daji, a vixen, get together with Deng Chanyu?

"Well, yes! Thanks to Sister Su for guessing the king's intentions..." Deng Chanyu showed a hint of shyness.


"Su Daji has guessed what I mean?"

"At first I took the medicine back and planned to give it to the king. Thanks to Sister Su, I told me that your intention is to take the medicine to save the people of Xiqi City." Deng Chanyu smiled and said, "Chanyu is stupid. I still can't understand the deep meaning of the king."

Sub-acceptor: @#$%



Oh it's you! ! !

Zishou is about to explode with anger, Su Daji is a bitch!

The one who stepped on the horse was actually you who instigated my little maid!When I went to Nima, I knew that this dog thief could not be kept!

If Su Daji appeared in front of Zishou at this time, he felt that he would definitely use the Jade Immortal Sword Formation to stab this stinky bitch to death!

Hmm, cruel kind of insertion.

No wonder Lao Tzu's little maid rebelled!So it was this bitch who instigated rebellion!

Damn it, take all precautions, never take precautions against this little bitch!


If there is no Su Daji, then Deng Chanyu will definitely give the medicine to herself, and she will also send the medicine to Xiqi City for Jiang Ziya...

This situation will not happen now - the luck value has skyrocketed, almost surpassing the luck value of the Western Zhou Dynasty!

You won't be that far from home either! !

I was already within reach of leaving home, wouldn't it be nice to go back and be an "Urban Immortal King" with a lifespan of ten thousand years?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a sky-reaching cultivation base to traverse the city?

Just thinking about it makes your blood boil, okay?

In the end, because of Su Daji, a stinky bitch...

"Hehe, Su Daji..." Zishou took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, "Chanyu, stop contacting Su Daji in the future, she will spoil you."

To tell the truth, Deng Chanyu was fine at first, but she changed only after being in contact with that vixen.

"Uh... good." Deng Chanyu felt puzzled but still nodded obediently. Sister Su is pretty good, why did she bring me down?Maybe Your Majesty has other meanings...

"Okay, go down!" Zishou waved his hand, feeling tired!

"Hey, now I can only hope that Fei Zhongyou will get rid of those two bastards, and you must bring me good news!"


Su Hu led the army to besiege the city. Although Jiang Ziya, Jin Zha, Mu Zha and others in Xiqi City had recovered, they did not dare to fight rashly for a while. After all, the psychological shadow left by Lu Yue's master and apprentice was too deep for them some time ago.

Forget about Lu Yue's apprentice Zhou Xin Li Qi, this guy Lu Yue scared Yang Jian and Wei Hu too.

Of course, Jiang Ziya was more busy with one thing.

Quiet the rumors in the city!

The rumors that Su Hu asked people to spread in Xiqi City were not useless, and suddenly there were many voices against Ji Fa in the city.

Jiang Ziya could only ask people to find the person who spread the rumors, and at the same time, he came forward to distribute food to relieve the disaster and eliminate the grievances of the civilians.

The siege is still going on.

Since it is a siege, there is no battle to watch, and no one knows how long the city will be besieged. Maybe after a few days, Xiqi City will run out of food, and the city will be broken. Maybe Xiqi City will come to rescue soldiers and defeat Su protect.

After staying for more than a month, Zishou also felt bored, so he took Deng Chanyu and Su Daji back. After all, there was no battle to watch, so who would like to stay in the tent all the time?

After leaving Xiqi, Zishou also returned to Chaoge, and then asked someone to prepare hot water for a comfortable bath.

It is not impossible to take a bath on the front line, but the conditions are too simple, so I can only find a stream to wash by myself.

Of course there is no hot water or anything.

Soaking in the hot water at this time, Zishou breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't know how long Su Hu will besiege the city, and I don't know how well that old Wen Zhong is doing with his research on steam engines."

Thinking of Wen Zhong's old stuff, Zi Shou's mood finally improved a lot.

Although he knew that the brothers and sisters of the Zhao family and Huang Feihu were involved in it, Zishou didn't pay too much attention to it.

After all, these people can cultivate immortals and fight wars, but can they develop technology?

Anyway, Zi Shou thinks it's impossible, so give up within half a year at most!

"Well, I'll have a look later."

Zishou snapped his fingers, and after taking a bath, he also put on the royal robe of Xuanniao and left the harem, walking towards the Grand Master's Mansion.

The Grand Master's Mansion is not far away, Zishou didn't call the escort officer, and came to the gate of the Grand Master's Mansion alone.

At this time, the voice of chatting from inside made Zishou pause involuntarily.

"Haha, it's a success. The steam locomotive is finally a success. It's not in vain for our day and night research."

"It is also thanks to Empress Yunxiao for forging iron tools, if there is no Empress Yunxiao..."

"Wen Taishi praised you, if it weren't for the blueprint of the steam engine from the king, I wouldn't be able to make these things."

"Yes! Your Majesty is really the Holy Emperor!"

"As long as this steam locomotive is perfected now, it can be used to transport food and grass... It is much faster than horsepower! This thing is really a sharp weapon!"


Zishou was stunned as he listened.

Steam locomotive?What the hell?Wen Zhong really figured it out?

No way, no way, can a horse rider really make this thing?

Zishou took a deep breath and walked into the Grand Master's Mansion. The guard at the gate of the Taishi Mansion didn't know who was coming when he saw the black bird robe on Zishou's body?I was so scared that I went in to report.

Zishou waved his hand to signal them not to make a fuss, and walked in directly.

As soon as they walked in, they saw Wen Zhong, San Xiao, Huang Feihu, and Zhao Gongming sighing around a locomotive in the open air.

The head of the locomotive is very similar to the front of the steam locomotive in the previous life. At this time, billows of white smoke are coming out of the front of the locomotive.

Zishou's heart skipped a beat, and an idea popped up.

It's over, they won't really get it out, will they?

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