Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 154 The 1st Industrial Revolution, Promoted by Yourself

Zishou panicked when he saw the decent gas engine head. Did these dogs really get this thing out?

"The king is here! The old minister pays homage to the king." At this time, Wen Zhong finally found Zi Shou who came in from the outside, and bowed down.

"Huang Feihu pays homage to the king!"

"Sanxiao pays homage to the king!"

"Zhao Gongming pays homage to the king!"

Others also saluted.

Zishou looked up at Wen Zhong's face, feeling very complicated.

I just randomly gave him a blueprint, and then pointed in a random direction, and it turned out that the tm really came out.

"Let's go, go inside and talk." Zishou took a deep breath and said with a blank expression.

The layout of the Grand Master's Mansion is very simple, not as prosperous as Zishou's Zaixing Tower and Lutai.

From this point, it can be seen that Wen Zhong is indeed a person who does practical things.

"Sit down, too!" Zishou sat down in the center, and waved his hand to signal others not to stand.

"Tell me, what's going on." Zishou said expressionlessly.

"King Qi learned that the king gave the old minister two blueprints successively. Among them, the sub-shou textile machine has been mass-produced and put into use. Now even ordinary people can use it. The weaving speed of this textile machine is faster than that of the previous one. The loom is more than ten times faster, haha, now one loom can weave the same amount of cloth in a day as ten people used to weave in a month."

Wen Zhong introduced happily: "Your Majesty has even developed this kind of machine that can benefit all people, and now all the people are praising His Majesty as the Immortal Holy Emperor!"

Wen Zhong is not a flatterer. This is a sincere admiration. Although it is just a textile machine, the advent of such a textile machine has promoted the development of other aspects, and even caused a chain reaction of technological innovation.

In Wen Zhong's view, this is not just a textile machine, but a real powerful weapon!

Zishou: ...

Who the hell told you to talk about this!

It hurts to think of this old man!

If I had known earlier, I would not have given you the blueprints!My luck is worth it!

Zishou has not forgotten that the advent of the Jenny textile machine opened the prelude to the industrial revolution.Other branches of industry have thus produced machines for rapid production.

In this way, the textile machine will benefit all the people, and the luck value of the Shang Dynasty will also increase...

I just want to defeat the Shang Dynasty and go home!

Zishou took a deep breath and said, "What about this steam engine?"

Wen Zhong sorted out his thoughts and said: "The steam engine has already been made, and many of the fine parts are not easy to manufacture. Thanks to the help of Mistress Sanxiao, the steam engine came out. Now a car front has been cast according to the king's order. Soon, a locomotive powered by steam will be born. If this thing is used to transport grain and grass, it will be several times faster than a horse."

Hearing this, Zishou heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it can only be used to transport food and grass at most...

But when I think about it, I want to use these two blueprints to send Wen Zhong away, but now that I have created the prototype of the train, the luck value is going up even more!

Zishou fell into deep thought. Now that the locomotives of the train have come out, it is estimated that the train will really come out in a short time...

When the train came out, it was fine to transport food and grass, but what was the child afraid of?

What he is afraid of is that one day the train will become more convenient and common people can use it, and then he will be overwhelmed by his luck at that time!

After all, people like Wen Zhong Sanxiao have Taoism skills, maybe they can really create a train that can carry people...

"Would you like to drive Wen Zhong away..." Zi Shou thought this thought flashed in his mind, but he immediately denied it, because he had no suitable reason to drive Wen Zhong away.

"Your Majesty, do you have any orders?" Wen Zhong asked.

At the beginning, the king gave two blueprints, but he didn't take it seriously, but now it seems that these two blueprints are sharp weapons for strengthening the country and enriching the people!With these two blueprints, Wen Zhong is sure that within 30 years...

No, twenty... ten years!

Within ten years, the Great Shang Dynasty has been developed to an extremely terrifying height, the kind that other countries cannot catch up in 100 years.

If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, how would Wen Zhong know how powerful the king is?

Every seemingly meaningless operation can be eye-opening and deeply admired, especially the king's long-term vision and precise judgment are even more admirable.

Think about it, a textile machine has doubled the economy of a big merchant, and the head of the locomotive has come out, if we develop a locomotive that can carry...

Hehe, just thinking about Wen Zhong makes me feel horrible!

Because the locomotive brings not only the convenience of transportation, but also the innovation of technology!

Zi Shou thought about it for a while and felt that Wen Zhong couldn't be left alone. If he really let him go on, he might be more and more troublesome. He had to find a way to increase his pressure, preferably the kind that could directly crush him.

"Well, not only locomotives for carrying grain and grass should be invented as soon as possible, Mr. Wen, you guys should also make steam ships and steam planes as soon as possible. The faster the better, if there are no people, the whole country will be recruited. There is no money. , just get it from the national treasury, I only want you to make these three things within a year... no, half a year... no, three months, three months!"

After thinking about it, Zi Shou had no other good solution. He could only crush these people by exerting pressure.

Hehe, did the steam train come out?Okay, let’s make a steam ship and a steam plane too.

If one doesn't overwhelm you, then come two, and if two aren't enough, then three!

Has the luck of the Shang Dynasty improved?Then the whole people will conscript, and the whole people will sell pots and irons for me to develop technology!I just want to make the people miserable and complain endlessly!

What?Unable to rebel?Then I'm even happier!

Wen Zhong also showed a puzzled expression when he heard this, and Huang Feihu, San Xiao and others behind him also had serious expressions.

Your Majesty's task is too heavy!

"Okay, Gu's gone, you all work hard." Zi Shou glanced over the faces of these people, and found that all of them were dignified, and his heart was filled with joy.

After Zishou walked out of the Grand Master's Mansion, the system's voice suddenly sounded.

"You have triggered the mission: complete the first industrial revolution within three months!"

"Mission rewards: Yin Shang's national fortune has been greatly improved (the degree of improvement of the national fortune is related to the completeness of the industrial revolution), the god-killing gun, the blueprint of the generator, and the blueprint of the internal combustion engine."

"Note: If the task fails, the system will send the host back to the original world, uninstall the system forcibly, and erase the memory of this time travel!"

Zishou: ...

Nima... the dog system is not human anymore, right?

This horse directly hit the killing gun?

It's a pity that I don't want it!

This mission must fail!

Zi Shou secretly sneered in his heart, so what if the killing gun is awesome?It's a pity that I don't want it!

The first industrial revolution can never be completed!

After leaving the Grand Master's Mansion, Zishou didn't bother with that task. Anyway, in his opinion, it would be a dream to create an industrial revolution within three months!

You just have to wait for the mission to fail.

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