Nuwa is the mother of the human race. After she became a saint, she abandoned her lust and lived alone in Wa's palace, without any desires or desires.

But today, this peace was finally broken.

Someone blatantly wrote obscene poems to offend her!

This person is still the human race he created, the emperor of the world!

Nuwa's pretty face was cold, and she looked at Zishou's figure below indifferently, her shoulders trembled slightly, obviously angry.

"Damn it! Cheng Tang conquered the world and ruled the country for more than [-] years. He was already at the end of his life, yet Yin Shou dared to plot against me!"

Thinking of the obscene poems written by Zishou on the wall, Nuwa trembled with anger.

But thinking of what Zi Shou said before leaving, his expression became extremely complicated.

"Do you know what the furthest distance in the world is?"

"It's not the distance between life and death, but when I stand in front of Nuwa, but Nuwa doesn't know that I love her!"

"Gu, since you like someone, what's wrong with professing your love?"


Nu Wa suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

She has abandoned lust all her life, and no one has ever confessed to herself like this.

Especially after being sanctified, people in the world respect her and stay away from her. No one has ever said such a thing to her so boldly!

What's more, he was confessed by the Human Emperor among the human race he created.

You Zishou's last resolute words still lingered in her mind.

"Gu, since you like someone, what's wrong with professing your love?"

like me?

A complicated look appeared on Nuwa's face.

Although this Yin Shou wrote poems to slander me, he is still a frank person.

But it is too bold!

"Boy, drive Qingluan and follow me to Chaoge!"

After a long time, Nu Wa's cold voice came from Wa Palace.



Zi Shou, who had returned to the harem, was crossing his legs at this time, and the maid next to him brought drinks.

Zishou frowned, took a sip of wine, and spat it out.But he didn't become in a bad mood because of bad wine.

With such an operation by myself, I believe that the system will announce that my mission has failed soon.

fight me?

just you?

Ha ha!

As for offending Empress Nuwa...

Anyway, I can return to the original world after the task is completed, and the one who offends is also the owner of this body - King Zhou!

Zishou was secretly pleased, but kept a calm look on his face.

After all, as an outstanding talent in the 21st century, he must learn to face the collapse of the mountain without changing his face.

He has already thought about what to do when he goes back, for example, play two games of King of Glory, hit the glory gold, or play a skydiving simulator, and enjoy the long legs with vibrato.

Well, no matter how you look at it, being a tyrant is not as good as being an otaku.

Just when Zishou's thoughts began to fly, a cold and discordant voice came from beside him.

"There is no way to fool the king and accept it!"


Zishou responded but didn't look up, he was already a little sleepy.

"Nuwa Empress is here! Yin Shou still kneels down to worship Empress!"

A cold, immature female voice came, and Zishou Haoxuan fell off the chair.

Fang Fei recalled his thoughts, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a woman standing in the room, with a colorful mist covering her body, and she couldn't see her face clearly. Behind the woman was a girl in Tsing Yi.

Zishou:? ? ?

Who the hell is this?

"That Wudao Hunjun! You still have 28 years of luck to become Tang, how dare you write a poem on the wall and offend me!" But Nuwa said in a cold tone.

"Ah?" Zi Shou's heart skipped a beat, with an ominous premonition.

This is... Empress Nuwa?

right?At this time in the original book, Nuwa didn't even look for King Zhou?

Cold sweat dripped down Zishou's back, and he almost knelt down to Nuwa.

How long has it been here?

Didn't the original book say that Cheng Tang still had 28 years of luck, and Nuwa had nothing to do with King Zhou?

"Your Yin Shang Qi is not exhausted. As a human emperor, if you cultivate your morality to protect the world, you will inevitably delay the Yin Shang for a few more years. From now on, you must no longer fear the heavens and blaspheme the gods!" Nuwa said coldly.

There was some persuasion in the tone.

Zishou:? ? ?

How many years did the Yin Shang extend?

Extend your head, I hope that Yin Shang will collapse as soon as possible, okay!

Zi Shou's face darkened, his heart became ruthless, and he never stopped doing anything!

Anyway, Nu Wa doesn't dare to kill me now, so she just comes to Boo to irritate her, so the dog system can't say that I have completed the task, right?

If the task fails, you have to obediently send yourself back~!

"What's so good about Jiangshan, what I have done, what I said will not be changed! Blasphemy? What happened to the gods? Isn't the god a human being? What's wrong with saying love to the person I like!"

Zishou stood up, his voice was high, and he stared at Nuwa with unabashed love.

Zishou's feet were already shaking.

He madly angered Nuwa, but he was actually gambling!

Betting that Chengtang's luck is not over yet, even though Nuwa is furious, she dare not kill herself at this time.

But Nu Wa was furious, the system could not judge that her mission was completed anyway.

I will send myself back!

"My son is a human emperor, so what if he likes a god? Isn't a god a human being? Doesn't he have feelings?"

After calming down his frightened mood, Zi Shou said calmly.

" stupid gentleman! you know what you're talking about?" Nuwa never thought that Zishou's reaction would be so intense, and her shoulders trembled slightly with anger: "Hunk gentleman, don't you know who I am? How dare you be"

"As the mother of the human race, how dare you blaspheme me like this!"

"So what if you are the mother of the human race? What is blasphemy? Is it wrong to express your love to the person I love? Nuwa, the furthest distance in the world is not me standing in front of you, but you don't know me Love you, but love to obsession, but can't say I love you."

Zishou looked at Nuwa calmly and took a step forward.

"If you are a human emperor alone, if you can't even speak of love, what kind of human emperor will you be!"

System, system...

I have angered Nu Wa to such an extent, you should react a little too, right?

"" Nuwa's voice trembled with anger.

"You are so bold, what if you lost your life for the so-called love?" Nuwa asked coldly.

"Ask what love is in the world, and teach life and death? If you can have a sympathetic understanding with your lover, even if you only live for a moment, it will be enough." Zishou stared at Nuwa and said with presumptuous eyes.

Life and death?Have a tacit understanding?

Can these words come from Yin Shou's mouth?

Nuwa was shocked for a moment, her eyes fixed slightly on Zishou's face, as if she wanted to see his heart clearly.

Zishou was extremely nervous.

"Mr. Hun, you are too presumptuous! As a saint, how can I be insulted by you for no reason! Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Nuwa's pretty face was icy cold, and her killing intent was soaring.With a flick of his sleeves, the colorful mist suddenly wrapped around Zishou.

Zishou felt someone strangled his neck, his face turned red, and he was suffocated for a while!


Didn't it mean that there are still 28 years of luck, so Nuwa can't kill me?

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