Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 20 Cut Hu Lei Zhenzi?I don't want

"Nine-turn golden elixir? How could he have this kind of elixir?"

In Wa Palace, after Nuwa heard the news, she also frowned slightly.

"Could it be someone taught me to give it?"

It is well known that Lao Tzu is good at refining Jiuzhuan Dan, among which Jiuzhuan Dahuandan is also the most famous.

But the list of gods is the result of joint discussions among the three religions, and I have no reason to give my son the elixir.

Nuwa stared at the void and muttered to herself, "What secrets are you hiding?"

In her eyes, Zishou really became more and more mysterious, which made her unable to see clearly and at the same time she felt a little more curious.

Curious how much more this person has to surprise yourself.

Although Nuwa is a saint, she is no longer sure how many secrets Zishou still has.


Zishou returned to Zhaixing Building, lying on the soft couch, thinking about how to mess up the mission next.

At this moment, the system's sudden notification tone made him feel upset.

"Nuwa's favorability +2+1..."

Zishou: ...

Hehe, what the hell is this favorability rising every day, I dug your ancestral grave in my last life?

Zishou thought about it and didn't do anything to Nuwa, the favorability level can still rise thousands of miles away.

At this moment, the attendant knocked on the door, and said: "My Majesty, Empress Jiang is waiting outside the palace."

Zishou just wanted to say no, but after thinking about it, Empress Jiang is the main palace after all, so maybe there is something wrong.

Then Zishou also let Queen Jiang in directly.

"Your Majesty, this year is the year of the pilgrimage. Seven hundred princes from all over the world have already come to the Shang Dynasty for pilgrimage. Your Majesty can announce to the princes of the four towns to ask about the folk customs and customs, and the country will be governed and safe." Jiang Qian walked in and saw her son Shou With a sad face, he thought he was worrying about the princes' pilgrimage to Shang.

These days, eight hundred princes came from all over the country one after another, and they are almost here.

Zi Shou looked up and saw Jiang Qian wearing a long red dress and a phoenix crown. Although she was in her thirties, her skin was fair and tender, no different from a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old.

People in this era do not have skin care products, and many women look very old in their 30s.Empress Jiang didn't have this trouble. It has to be said that this woman has a natural advantage.

Zishou took a look and then looked away, "Queen, Dong Bohou Jiang Huanchu is your father, right?"

"Hmm." Queen Jiang blinked and asked, "Why does Your Majesty ask this?"

"Just ask." Zishou said casually.

Empress Jiang asked about Yin Hong in Yinjiao again, and wanted to find a teacher for the two of them.

It's a pity, Guang Chengzi is too bad to be reused!

Zishou muttered something in his heart, and then said: "Let Jiao'er Hong'er learn martial arts from Wu Cheng Wang Huang Feihu."

Empress Jiang sat down and chatted for a while and then left. Zishou also breathed a sigh of relief, and began to think about how to trigger the mission next, and then make the mission fail by obstructing it.

"The missions of the system seem to be triggered according to the plot of the original book. For example, the last time the North Sea was pacified and Jiang Ziya was summoned as an official. Then the princes of the world will come to Chaoge to congratulate them. Some missions should also be triggered..."

"Now that Yuan Hong is still with Fei Zhong, we have to find a way to get rid of him. It's not safe to keep such a boss-level monster by his side."

"The system's tasks can't be deliberately avoided, but you can pretend to do it and do some small tricks secretly."

Just as Zishou's thoughts gradually let go, the system came out to refresh the sense of presence again.

"Trigger task: Lei Zhenzi will be born in Yanshan, intercept Hu Jichang, and bring Lei Zhenzi back to Chaoge."

"Reward: Yin Shang luck +200, a set of modern villas with an area of ​​500 square meters."

"Note: If the task fails, the system will send the host back to the original world, uninstall the system forcibly, and erase the memory of this time travel!"


Lei Zhenzi?

What are you doing with that thing back?

I don't want to!

Zishou sneered in his heart, just thinking about how to destroy the mission, he sent one to Lao Tzu?

Even a mere villa wants Lao Tzu to succumb?


But... who should be sent to bring Lei Zhenzi back?

Zishou stroked his chin with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Lei Zhenzi was born in a thunderstorm and was adopted by Ji Chang as his adoptive son, who was also Ji Chang's hundredth son.

After that, Lei Zhenzi worshiped Yun Zhongzi as his teacher, and later became a general of the Zhou Dynasty. He defeated the Shang army several times.

So this Lei Zhenzi is no good!

Now the four princes are on their way to Chaoge, which means that Ji Chang will pick up Lei Zhenzi soon.

Zishou licked his lips, and said, "Xuanyou get over here."

You Hun is a bastard who has nothing but bragging rights, so if he was asked to go to Yanshan to bring Lei Zhenzi back, the mission failed!

Following the official's decree, You Hun quickly came to Zhaixing Tower: "Your Majesty, what do you want from me?"

Seeing You Hun's fat head and flattering face, Zi Shou was satisfied.

How could such a person succeed in asking him to do things?

"You Hun, Gu has an important matter for you, and you have to help Gu do it." Zishou thought for a while and said: "Now you go to Yanshan, where a baby will be born in a thunderstorm, you Bring the baby back to the orphan."

You Hun hurriedly responded, "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Although I don't know what the meaning of Di Xin's move is, a sycophant has the advantages of a sycophant, that is, to do his best to meet the needs of the king and make the king happy.

"It's important, you can bring your guards with you," Zishou said.

"Yes, Majesty, don't worry!" You Hun said hastily.

Zishou waved his hand: "Go!"

You Hun left the Zhaixing Building, and walked towards Fei Zhong: "Brother You, why did the King ask you to go there?"

You Hun shook his head, lowered his voice and said: "The King asked me to go to Yanshan to find a child, saying that it is very important, and I will start now."

Seeing that You Hun was so nervous, Fei Zhong pulled him back and smiled, "Brother You, don't worry, Chaoge is not close to Yanshan Mountain, it's useless if you are anxious, I'll let someone go there for you."

You Hun asked, "Who is Brother Fei talking about?"

"Brother You, just go slowly, I'll let General Yuan pass. General Yuan has spells and can walk faster, isn't he better than you?" Fei Zhong said with a smile.

Since Yuan Hong came back from the pacification of Beihai and was appointed as the commander of the imperial forest, he had nothing to do.

Fei Zhong immediately found Yuan Hong and told him about it.

"...to serve the King, Yuan must go all out. In this case, Yuan will go over now and find that child for the King." Yuan Hong didn't want to step on Fei Zhong at first, but then he thought it would be okay to go and have a look. He nodded at the moment.


Fifty or sixty miles away from Yanshan Mountain, a carriage drove slowly under the protection of guards.

In the carriage, a handsome-looking man in fine clothes said, "Father, is what you said true or false?"

It was none other than Ji Chang and Ji Chang's son Ji Bo Yi Kao who went to Chaoge Chaohe.

"That's right, the general star will appear in Yanshan, and the speed has reached Yanshan, go find the general star." Ji Chang smiled slightly.

It's not that he has confidence in his hexagram, but that this news has already been passed on to him.

It was also because of this news that he changed his original plan to go to Chaoge alone and took Bo Yikao with him.

"Father, when you go to Chaoge to meet that stupid king, you must be fully prepared." Bo Yikao asked in a deep voice.

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