Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 21 Ji Chang: The sage deceived me

"My son, the king is a king after all, so don't talk nonsense." Ji Chang showed a loyal expression on his face.

Bo Yikao nodded: "Yes."

On the face, there was a trace of strange color that could not be detected.

"Go to Yanshan quickly, the words of the sage are definitely true. To get this star is the blessing of Xiqi for me, and it will be Xiqi for me in the future..." Ji Chang sighed, with a look of compassion on his face.


The journey from Chaoge to Yanshan is not short. After leaving Chaoge, you have to cross Mengjin, cross the Yellow River, cross Mianchi County, go out of five passes, and finally arrive at Yanshan.

Ordinary people have to walk ten days to get to Yanshan Mountain, which is why Zishou let You Hun go there without worry.

Because Zishou knew to let You Hun pass by, this dog must have been procrastinating on the road, and because the road was not close, Lei Zhenzi had already been picked up by Ji Chang when he arrived at Yanshan.

When the task fails, I will say goodbye to the system myself, and I will be happy.

Jiang Ziya came to his side even though he was obstructed in every possible way. This made Zishou feel a sense of crisis and realized that some important things in history are difficult to change.

If you don't go back as soon as possible, I'm afraid you will repeat the mistakes of King Zhou.


Youhun didn't understand Zishou's thoughts, so he took a carriage and set off slowly all the way to Yanshan.

When Zi Shou knew that You Hun was passing by in a carriage, he was so happy that he accidentally laughed out loud.

very good!Just take a carriage!

It's best to spend a few days on the road.

When I fail in my mission, I will make you a high official.

Of course, Zishou didn't know that Yuan Hong had also set off, and walked with the light of escape, and soon passed the five levels.


"It's raining heavily, and the thunder is shining. After this heavy rain, there will be generals! Remember to help me find the generals carefully!"

When Ji Chang rushed to Yanshan Mountain, thunderbolts from the sky shook the mountains, rivers and the earth, and the torrential rain was like pouring down.

"Father, will there really be a general descending into the world?" Bo Yikao was suspicious of his father's words.

Such a heavy rain, a child was born?How can it be!

"There must be! Quickly, help me find General Xing!" Ji Chang yelled from the carriage.

This General Xing will be the pillar of the Great Zhou in the future, as long as you recognize him as the leader, the luck of the Great Zhou will definitely rise accordingly!

Although luck is invisible and intangible, it actually exists.

Ji Chang can conclude that this baby who was born on a rainy night must have great luck!

Hug back to Da Zhou, Da Zhou's luck will be in full swing!

"Find it quickly, search around!" Ji Chang urged.

Bo Yikao and his entourage hurriedly searched around. Suddenly, Ji Chang's expression changed, he looked in one direction, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

There are cries!

That baby is there!

Immediately, Ji Chang couldn't wait to tell others, so he jumped off the carriage alone and ran towards the crying sound.

Just when Ji Chang was about to find the baby, the crying disappeared...

"Where is Jiang Xing? Where is Jiang Xing?" Ji Chang's face changed suddenly, and he started searching around.

But let alone the baby, I can't even hear the cry!

Ji Chang and the others worked half the night, but they couldn't find the so-called Jiang Xing even after they found Yu Ting.

"How is it possible? Why can't I find the general star?" Ji Chang's face was uncertain, even if my hexagram was wrong, the saint would not be wrong!

This star should be on Yanshan Mountain, but...

Why can't I find it?

I've heard crying before!

"Father, we didn't find any children." Bo Yikao was wet and panting, "Did you make a mistake?"

"Did I calculate wrong?" Ji Chang muttered to himself: "Impossible... This general will be the pillar of my great Zhou in the future, how could it disappear?"

Under Yanshan Mountain, Yuan Hong was running lightly with a baby in his arms, with a smile on his face: "Sure enough, as the king expected, a child was born in front of the Yanshan tomb."

"After the rain and thunder, the general star appeared! This child has great luck, and his future achievements will definitely not be low. How did Di Xin know that a general star was born in Yanshan? It seems that the thousand-year-old vixen is right, and it may be true to take refuge in Yin Shang able……"

Yuan Hong's figure flickered, he jumped and walked, and soon he passed the five barriers and headed towards Chaoge.


In the valley, a Taoist ran quickly and said to himself: "Master asked me to wait for Ji Chang at Yanshan Mountain, and said that Ji Chang would pick up a baby and let me take him as a disciple, and I will assist the Western Zhou Dynasty in the future... It's about the same time. Are you there?"

This person is none other than Yun Zhongzi.

"Your Majesty, stop, Pindao Yun Zhongzi is in charge!" Yun Zhongzi ran forward and stopped quickly when he saw Ji Chang and his party, "Just now after the rain and thunder, the general star appeared. Pick it up, Pindao is trying to collect it..."

Before Yun Zhongzi finished speaking, he saw Ji Chang and the others looking at him strangely with their hands empty.

"Uh... Junhou, have you ever picked up a child?" Yun Zhongzi was stunned for a moment.

"No, I never found it." Ji Chang waved his hand in a bad mood and said, after searching all night, he found nothing except being drenched in the rain.

"Ah?" Yun Zhongzi was stunned, and asked, "Your Majesty really didn't pick up a baby?"

"No, no, why are we lying to you?" Before Ji Chang could speak, Bo Yikao waved his hand impatiently.

Cloud Neutron: "..."

impossible!The general star was born, if you didn't pick it up, who picked it up?

But looking at Ji Chang and the others, they didn't look like the ones they picked up.

A trace of suspicion arose in Yun Zhongzi's heart.

Could it be... was cut off by others?

"We really didn't pick it up, Taoist priest, please." Ji Chang cupped his hands, and took the people away after speaking.

Yun neutron: ...

shouldn't be...

Something is wrong!

Yun Zhongzi counted with his fingers, his face changed suddenly, and his breathing became rapid: "Jiang Xing...appeared in Chaoge..."

"Master said that the general star appeared and was picked up by Ji Chang, and it will be the help of Western Zhou Dynasty in the future. But now Ji Chang didn't pick up the general star at all, but appeared in Chaoge... Could it be..."

Yun Zhongzi's heart trembled, and bold and terrifying thoughts popped up in his mind, which immediately made him break out in cold sweat.


"The host makes Yun neutron feel shocked, loyalty +5. The current loyalty is 65."

Zi Shou, who got up early in the morning to go to court, was still stunned when he heard the news.

How did you get shocked?did i do something


Zishou was thinking about staying in Chaoge for the past few days, when did Yun Zhongzi be shocked?

Zishou has a toothache, is something wrong?

Should not be!

Arriving at Jiujiandian, looking down, um, Zishou breathed a sigh of relief when You Hun didn't come back.

But at this moment, the attendant said: "You Hun is waiting outside the hall."


come back so soon?


"Xuan Youhun entered the palace."

You Hun breathed a sigh of relief when he walked into the Nine Palaces, fortunately, this dog didn't have a child in his arms.

Think about it too, how can such a long distance be so fast?

Maybe the carriage broke down on the road and came back.

"You Aiqing, is there any bad news?" Zi Shou asked in a good mood.

"Bad news? No!" You Hun scratched his head and said with a flattering smile, "I have good news for the King."


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