Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 203 Nuwa Holds Umbrella Whale Dragon On

Although the old man in white is just a clone of Yuanshi Tianzun, the saint clone is not something ordinary Da Luo Jinxian can deal with.

The same immortal rope was completely different in the hands of Fear Liusun and Yuan Shi's avatar.

In a flash of lightning, Zishou was bound tightly by the immortal rope, not to mention sacrificing the Zhuxian Sword Formation, he couldn't even move.

Immediately after the iron cage was put on, Zishou sank to the bottom of the sea.

His heart also sank.

Although he couldn't kill himself, if he was imprisoned at the bottom of the sea and released after the Conferred God Conferred, everything would be completely chilled.

"Your Majesty!" Fairy Yunxiao shouted, she wanted to go to rescue, but just now she received a blow from Yu Ruyi, an old man in white, and her right hand is still trembling and painful, and she is almost unable to hold the sword steadily.

However, at this moment, a woman in white on the sea came on a whale dragon, and the whale dragon slipped away from the water surface and arrived in an instant.

The woman in white waved her right hand lightly, and threw out a white belt, which sank into the bottom of the sea, and pulled up the iron cage containing the shou.

"Friend Nuwa, what do you mean?" After the white-clothed woman appeared, the white-clothed old man's face darkened immediately, and he said in a low voice: "The Taoist ancestor made the list of gods and said that Chengtang's qi will end, and the Zhou family should be prosperous. Don't you know the general trend of heaven, but you have repeatedly helped businessmen! You and I both go out of the same school, and now you are hindering me from doing things, what do you mean?"

The woman in white smiled lightly and said: "Brother Dao, don't ask me. Since the Zhou family has been prosperous at the right time, and Cheng Tang is at the end of the day, mortals will fight the battles of mortals. What's the point of letting immortals help? Why don't you take the disciples of Chanjiao back to the jade?" Xu Gong, let the Shang and Zhou countries fight on their own, and I will not help each other."

The old man in white's face darkened, Nuwa's attitude showed that she wanted to protect Emperor Xin.

The re-emergence of the Shang Dynasty was nothing more than a series of reforms by Di Xin. Originally, he wanted to suppress Di Xin at the bottom of the sea, get rid of this biggest change, and save the Conferred God after the end of the Conferred God—that way there is no need to kill the emperor. , forge cause and effect, and the second is that once Di Xin is sunk into the North Sea, what awaits the Shang Dynasty is perish.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Nuwa is going to go his own way? If you do this, you will only make people miserable, how can you bear it!" The old man in white said coldly, and he waved his hand, "Since Fellow Daoist Nuwa is determined to go his own way, then today will Don't blame Pindao for teaching you a lesson!"

After all, the old man in white clothes sacrificed Yu Ruyi, and this jade Ruyi fell like a meteor, even if he was a quasi-sage of Da Luo, he would either die or be disabled when he was hit.

The woman in white smiled and said: "Teach me? Let's see if Fellow Daoist has this ability!"

Although she was still smiling, the light in her eyes was already showing a little coldness. She was also a clone of a saint, and whoever taught her a lesson might not be able to tell!

Seeing Yu Ruyi slashing at her, the girl in white stretched out her hand and held up a paper umbrella.

This paper umbrella is simple and exquisite, and looks very beautiful, but after opening it, the world is dark, and the time around seems to have stopped.

Yu Ruyi fell on the oil-paper umbrella, and the flames splashed, but she didn't get a single cent.

On the sea, a woman in white is stepping on a whale dragon, holding a paper umbrella, with a faint smile on her face. This scene is as beautiful as a picture.

Zishou couldn't help staring in a daze, this Nuwa is really pretty.

The old man in white's face darkened, and he stretched out his hand to call Yu Ruyi back, "If you want to compete with each other, don't rely on magic weapons!"

After finishing speaking, the old man in white took a step forward, swung his right hand, a long sword appeared, and thrust out with a swift thrust.

The old man in white was clearly far away from the whale dragon, but after a step, his figure flashed above the whale dragon, and he raised his long sword, piercing Nuwa's face.

Nuwa swung the paper umbrella and blocked the sword.

The avatars of the two saints fought on the water. The white-clothed old man's swordsmanship was sharp and his attacks were swift and fierce. Every time he stabbed or swung his sword, there was a terrifying power in it.

Zishou didn't quite understand it, but Yunxiao was dripping with cold sweat.

A saint is a saint, even if it is a clone of a saint, it is probably at the peak quasi-sage level.

Just like the sword stabbed by the old man in white, the terrifying power contained in it is tantamount to throwing out a spirit treasure.

To make an easy-to-understand analogy, Daluo Jinxian sacrificed Lingbao using skills to make the weapon a level a, and each level a of the saint avatar can exert the power of the skill.

The swordsmanship of the old man in white is ferocious and quick, both of which are combined, while the woman in white is holding an umbrella to resist, but she appears to behave gracefully and her movements are soft and graceful.

In the iron cage, Zi Shou, who was bound tightly by the fairy rope, watched the battle of the two saints with wide eyes. At first, they were evenly matched, but after half an hour, every time the old man in white swung his long sword, it was like A thunder strike shook the sea.

And the woman in white also stopped by waving her umbrella and stretched out her hand to grab a white silk, and from time to time waved the white silk to attack the old man in white.

When the white silk was waved, it suddenly turned into seven colors, faster than lightning.

"Fellow Daoist Nvwa, let me show you my method of teaching!" The old man in white suddenly shouted coldly, and his sword skills suddenly became more swift and fierce, and the sky was full of sword shadows in an instant.

The woman in white waved a paper umbrella to resist, but after half an hour, she gradually felt invincible.

However, even though the wind was falling, the woman in white didn't panic, she stretched out her foot and stomped on the back of the whale dragon, the whale dragon roared, its tail flipped out and the old man in white was shot out, and then separated from the water and swam forward quickly.

The old man in white stabilized his figure in the air, and said with a sneer, "It's just a whale dragon, but it can only travel thousands of miles a day!"

He shouted coldly, and a huge figure appeared on the surface of the sea, but it was a dark and strange water beast.

The old man in white stood on the water beast and quickly chased after it.

"Fellow Daoist Nvwa, stay here!" The old man in white sneered coldly, raised his right hand and slapped it from a distance of thousands of feet.

He didn't use any magic weapon, it looked like it was just a random slap, but this slap was even more terrifying than the smashing of Fan Tianyin!

The woman in white waved the paper umbrella to resist, and instantly the palm force penetrated the paper umbrella and penetrated into the body.

The woman in white trembled imperceptibly, and a painful expression appeared on her face.

Although they are both avatars of saints and peak quasi-sages, the strength of the other party is obviously higher than their own.

In an instant, the white-clothed old man had already caught up, and the water beast under his feet rushed up when seeing the whale dragon, chasing and biting the whale dragon.

Whale Dragon's body was extremely huge, but it was not the opponent of this water beast, and it was injured again and again in an instant, and blood was thrown on the sea.

At this moment, the white-clothed old man had already wrapped himself around the white-clothed woman, stabbing three times with the long sword in his hand.

With a "chi", the woman in white's cheek was injured by the sword energy, and a scar was cut out.

However, the woman in white swung the white silk, and also hit the old man in white heavily on the chest.

"Nuwa, you're looking for death!" The old man in white was furious with blood churning in his chest, cut off the white silk with his sword, rushed forward and slapped his palm obliquely, and the terrifying palm force exploded, hitting the woman in white on the shoulder.

The woman in white was hit by this palm, her shoulder bones were almost smashed, she let out a coquettish snort, and was directly thrown into the sea water.

But at this time, something more serious happened...

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