Something more serious happened...

The water beast entangles the whale dragon and bites it. Although the whale dragon is bigger than the water beast, but this water beast is called Shenna, and it can travel thousands of miles instantly when it dives into the bottom of the sea. Its mouth is full of fangs. whale dragon.

The whale dragon travels thousands of miles a day, and Shennai travels thousands of miles. Although the whale dragon is huge, it has no sharp teeth, and it is completely restrained by Shennai.

In such a short period of time, Whale Dragon was bitten by Shenna and was bruised all over his body, writhing continuously, and the sea surface was stained with blood.

At this moment, Zishou who was locked in the cage also sank with the injury of the whale dragon, and then sank into the sea.

"Fairy Yunxiao! Save me first!" Yun Zhongzi shouted.

"Okay!" Yunxiao nodded, flew towards Haiyan, and swung his long sword to cut off the iron chains on Yun Zhongzi's body.

"Reveal the jade talisman on my Niwan Palace!" At this moment, the sea whale dragon and Shennai were biting each other, the sea water was churning, and the momentum was huge, Yun Zhongzi also raised his voice and shouted.

"You wait." Yun Xiao stretched out his hand and lifted the jade talisman on Yun Zhongzi's Niwan Palace, Yun Zhongzi let out a long roar, broke free from Haiyan's suction, and got out of it.

"Hurry up and save the king!" Yun Zhongzi shouted.

However, at this time, due to the battle between Whale Dragon and Shen Nai, the sea surface is cloudy, and it is no longer possible to see where Zishou fell.

Although Daluo Jinxian is not afraid of being drowned in water, but Yuanshi Tianzun did it himself, and Zishou would never want to get out of the cage. If Zishou is not rescued, he may really be imprisoned at the bottom of the sea until the end of the gods.

Yun Xiao swam to the bottom of the sea, trying to find Zi Shou, but two giants in the sea were biting each other, the sea was churning, blood gushed out, and the bottom was also muddy, trying to find Zi Shou was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Yun Xiao narrowed his eyes, but he saw that the two saints under the sea were still fighting. The old man in white was so strong in his palm that the sea trembled violently, while the woman in white was like a flat boat, waving a white silk from time to time, attacking To the old man in white.

Although the strength of the white-clothed old man is higher than that of the white-clothed woman, they are all saint clones after all, and the white-clothed woman is slightly inferior, but it is not much worse.

After a while, the woman in white was slapped on the back again, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out, while the old man in white was caught in a silk on his left leg, and he also staggered and fell like a dog eating shit.

"Fellow Daoist Nvwa, since you are determined to go your own way and help merchants defeat Zhou, the poor Taoist is here to destroy a clone of you today!" In the bottom of the sea, the old man in white had already moved to kill, shouted coldly, and sacrificed the three treasures as he wished.

He shot with anger, coupled with the power of Sanbao Yuruyi, the woman in white spurted blood wildly, and flew hundreds of feet away.


Yun Xiao's scalp felt numb when he saw it. Although the master seldom fights with others and no one knows his strength, but from this avatar, it can be seen that the strength of this deity is obviously slightly better than that of the saint Nuwa.

"Uncle's strength is not inferior to that of Master's. If two people fight, I don't know who will win." Yun Xiao thought to himself.

She turned her head and anxiously looked for Zishou's figure, but after Zishou sank into the bottom of the sea, she didn't know where she was.

At this time, Yun Zhongzi shouted loudly on the sea: "Take Shen Nai first, and then go to the king!"

"Okay!" Yun Xiao nodded, it was the wisest choice to accept Shen Nai first at this time.

Immediately she swam to Kanna.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

A bigger figure suddenly appeared under the seabed, and suddenly, that huge figure went up through the water, opened its mouth to suck, directly bit the whale dragon in its mouth, and swallowed the whale dragon with another bite.

Seeing this scene, Yun Zhongzi broke out in cold sweat, and Yun Xiao was terrified.

The size of the whale dragon is already extremely huge, what the hell is this thing?

Swallowed the Whale Dragon in one gulp?

The huge figure opened its mouth again and sucked in. This powerful suction was extremely terrifying. Shenna was so fast that she couldn't escape, and was directly sucked into the mouth by it.

"Not good!" Yun Xiao suddenly changed color. She swam towards Shen Nai just now, and she was too close to Shen Nai. The giant beast did not shut up after devouring Shen Nai, and a huge suction came, directly sucking Yun Xiao over!

Yunxiao exploded with the cultivation base of a big Luo Jinxian, and rushed upwards desperately, but even so, she couldn't escape, and when her eyes went dark, she was sucked into the stomach by the giant beast.

Above the sea, Yun Zhongzi was so frightened that he was stunned, turned around and ran away!

"The law of devouring! That him?!" Yun Zhongzi had a thought in his mind, and his face changed drastically!

There is a fish in Beiming, and its name is Kun.

Kun is so big, I don't know how many miles it is; when it turns into a bird, its name is Peng.

Peng's back, I don't know how many thousands of miles away it is; it flies in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky...

Judging from the monster's size, coupled with the law of devouring, Yun Zhongzi can almost confirm the identity of that person.

This kind of old monster is actually here, and most likely it will appear only when it is attracted by Shennai and Whale Dragon.

"It's all here, it's too much not to give some gifts." The giant beast under the sea made a strong voice, then opened its mouth and sucked in, devouring everything, and the cloud neutrons that had flown far away were also sucked in.

There was only one last thought left in Yun Zhongzi's mind: I will bring Nima's gift!

"Da Luo Jinxian, crunchy, chicken-flavored." The giant beast felt it unsatisfactorily, and its body gradually sank into the deep sea.


At this moment, Zi Shou didn't know what happened above, he sank with the iron cage to the dark and cold seabed, he struggled desperately, how could he break free from the fairy rope?A sense of despair gradually surged in my heart.

"I'm not really going to be imprisoned at the bottom of the sea until I die?"

After thinking briefly, Zishou analyzed it and came up with three possibilities.

The first one, Yunxiao or whoever went to the bottom of the sea to save himself.

The second one is to wait until the conferment of the gods is over, and when Jiang Ziya confers the gods, he will save himself and make him a happy star.

The third one... No one can save me, I will be trapped in the bottom of the sea until I die...

I am on the bottom of the sea, even if the system releases a mission, it will be canceled automatically if I don't complete it, and I can't use the mission failure to escape.

Daluo Jinxian's lifespan is equal to infinite, but there will also be five decays of heaven and man. Only those who have proved the saint can live forever, then it is very likely that I will stay in the bottom of the sea until the five decays of heaven and man die...

"Who will save me!"

Zishou looked up at the cold seabed, and couldn't help crying in his heart.

Yuanshi Tianzun took action himself, eliminating the possibility of him escaping by water escape.

Fortunately, this despair didn't last long. Suddenly someone swam up from above, reached out and grabbed the iron cage, and led him upstream.

Zishou's eyes lit up, and he shouted, "Nuwa, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, sea water rushed in.

"Are you learning how to call a frog?" The woman in white smiled lightly.

"Why are you wow..." Zi Shou simply shut up.

He found that although Nuwa was also in the water, her body was covered with a layer of divine light, which blocked the sea water.


"Plop!" The woman in white lifted the iron cage to the ground, gasped violently, and was half paralyzed on the ground.

"Nu Wa, you..." Zi Shou opened his mouth, only to find that Nu Wa's chest was covered with blood, and there was a sword head on his shoulder, which had not been drawn out yet.

Apparently he was seriously injured in the battle with Yuan Shi's avatar.

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