Zishou looked down from a high place, the sky was slightly bright, and he saw a tall and burly Taoist walking out of the sea.

"What can we do if we teach and stop teaching? I can't blame me, I can only blame you for insisting on making trouble at sea." The Taoist sneered as he walked.

"I swallowed you, who knew that I, Kunpeng, did it? I escaped into Beiming, and even a sage would not find me so easily!"

It was the giant beast that swallowed Yun Xiao and Yun Neutron before.

Zishou had a surprised expression on his face, while the girl in white narrowed her eyes.

Kunpeng didn't notice the two of them, so he found a place to meditate cross-legged, and swallowed Yunxiao and Yun Zhongzi just on a whim, only to discover their identities later.

However, although the two were the ones who interpreted the two teachings, Kunpeng swallowed it as soon as he swallowed it, and of course he would not spit it out again.


Zishou touched his head, hey?Kunpeng?Why do you sound familiar?Which mighty one is coming?

I couldn't think of it for a while, and Zishou didn't bother to think about it.

However, at this moment, Kunpeng shouted loudly: "Ah?! It's you! No wonder it's so familiar, it's you! Have you reincarnated and repaired? Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that you still have the opportunity to reincarnate and rebuild ?”

"Kunpeng, the old grievances are over, and we have no enmity, let's spare the lives of Pindao and fellow Taoist Yunxiao!" Yun Zhongzi's voice suddenly sounded in Kunpeng's stomach.

Although Yun Zhongzi was no match for Kunpeng and was swallowed into Kunpeng's stomach, he just couldn't escape. Da Luo Jinxian's powerful vitality could keep him in Kunpeng's stomach for a long time.

"Hehe, Yun Zhongzi, you think too much! Even if the old hatred is over and the new hatred has been forged, with my Kunpeng temperament, will I let you go?" Kunpeng sneered.

Yun Zhongzi sighed: "If you let us go, we promise that we will not seek revenge. Besides, you are already the pinnacle of quasi-sage, are you still afraid of me being a big Luoxian?"

"Haha, Hong Yun, stop talking! I can't wait to kill you to death! You still expect me to let you go? If you hadn't acted like a good person to give up the holy seat and forced Zhunti to take my holy seat, It made it impossible for me to become a saint, so why would I hide around today..." Kunpeng sneered.

"I was innocent at the time, and besides, Hong Yun was killed by you, do you still remember this grudge?" At this time, the voice of Yun Zhongzi in Kunpeng's stomach also showed a bit of anger and helplessness.

Yun Zhongzi also recalled some memories of those years.

At that time, Taoist Patriarch Hongjun distributed the holy throne and distributed seven wisps of Hongmeng purple energy.

The primordial purple qi is called the cornerstone of attaining sagehood.

Obtaining the primordial purple energy has a high probability of proving the position of saint.

Sanqing, Nuwa, Jieyin, and Zhunti, who received the purple energy, successively proved to be saints. Yun Zhongzi was still the ancestor of Hongyun at that time, and he also received a ray of Hongmeng purple energy, because of Hongjun's sentence "You can't become a saint in this life." ", which attracted the demon master Kunpeng to take action-to snatch the primordial purple energy and beat him to death.

The rest of the remnant souls turned around and rebuilt, and cast them under Yuanshi Tianzun's door. Although they recovered a little memory, they were no longer the red clouds of that day.

"I am Yun Zhongzi, not Hong Yun." Yun Zhongzi said lightly.

"I can't wait to kill you so that I can't be reincarnated forever, and expect me to spare you? Dreaming!" Kunpeng sneered.

He is narrow-minded and can't tolerate others, otherwise he wouldn't have killed Hong Yun in the first place.

"I offended you, and it has nothing to do with Fellow Daoist Yunxiao, so let her go!" Yun Zhongzi said helplessly.

Kunpeng snorted coldly and didn't bother to step on it.


After that, they talked more and more quietly. Of course, it was impossible for Zishou to release his divine sense to eavesdrop, but he still probably knew that Yun Zhongzi was swallowed by Kunpeng.

The corner of Zishou's mouth twitched slightly, are they all rushing to give away their heads?

Zishou looked down at Nuwa, although she was pale, she still looked over with a smile, her eyes seemed to be smiling.

"Do you want me to help you save people?" Nuwa blinked.

Zishou shook his head: "Forget it, you're almost dissipating, unless your real deity comes down, can you beat Kunpeng?"

Nuwa blinked: "I mean, help you pretend to be a tiger."

Zishou's eyes lit up: "Okay! Wife, you are so kind!"

Nu Wa still had a smile on her face, but her eyes became a little cold: "Well, what do you call me? Big? Old? Pom?"

Zishou broke out in cold sweat, and immediately said: "Good wife!"

Nuwa snorted faintly, but never reprimanded Zishou again.

Zishou wiped his sweat, it seems that he was not angry because he called his wife, but because he added a big one in front, after all, there is a big one and a small one!


"Tell me, what are you going to do to let us go?" Yun Zhongzi's voice suddenly became very anxious when the king was still alive and dead, and they were swallowed by Kunpeng again.

"Let you go?" Kunpeng opened his eyes, "Take Primordial Purple Qi in exchange! Do you have any?"

Yun Zhongzi stopped talking.

At this moment, Kunpeng stood up, looked forward, and shouted, "Who is it?"

Zishou was wearing the Xuanniao Yusheng Robe, with black flames surging around his body, and holding a god-killing gun in his hand, he walked slowly towards Kunpeng.

Kunpeng's eyebrows twitched violently, the royal robe of the black bird, the lamp flame of the vulture, the killing gun...

What is the origin of this person?

How can there be so many things?

"Chengtang Renhuang." Zishou raised the god-killing gun expressionlessly, and said to Kunpeng, "Spit out the man, kneel down and submit."

"Human Emperor?" Kunpeng heaved a sigh of relief, and laughed maniacally: "Human Emperor Xin? Do you want me to kneel down? Haha, you don't know where you are when I'm standing side by side! You kneel down for me!"

With a sudden drink, the quasi-sage's coercion was overwhelming.

The true energy in Zishou's body circulated rapidly, and three flowers bloomed on the top of his head!

Gold flowers, silver flowers, and lead flowers are all in full bloom!

The glazed will-o'-the-wisp on his body also burned.

Kunpeng's face couldn't help but change, Da Luo Jinxian?

In this world, there are as many Da Luo Jinxians as dogs, not surprising, even quasi-sages can be seen everywhere.

But...as a Human Sovereign with the cultivation of a Da Luo Jinxian, it is enough to make people feel unbelievable.

"The Great Luo Immortal is not enough to see in front of me!" Kunpeng immediately snorted coldly, "Human Emperor? I'll break your legs and see who kneels down to whom!"

Just because of the words just now, Kunpeng has made up his mind, even if he can't kill the Emperor, he must break his limbs, let him know that even if he is the Emperor, he is not even a fart in front of Kunpeng.

However, at this moment, a soft hum came from behind Zishou: "Kunpeng, is it very powerful?"

As soon as the cold voice sounded, Kunpeng showed disdain at first, but then he looked at the owner of the voice, the smile on his face froze, his hands trembled uncontrollably, and the muscles at the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.


hell!Why is Nuwa here?

Although Kunpeng didn't want to believe it, but that woman stood there, giving people a sense of oppression without moving. Who is Nuwa, not a saint?

A smile appeared on Zishou's face.

A certain female saint shouted coldly: "Kunpeng, don't kneel down yet!"

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