As Nuwa's cold shout fell, Kunpeng's body trembled, and fear rose in his heart, his knees softened, and he immediately knelt on the ground.

A saint should not be offended, not to mention that Nuwa is the former master of the monster clan, no matter who it is, he can make Kunpeng admit his weakness.

"Kunpeng didn't know the saint was coming, so he asked the saint to forgive him!" At this moment, Kunpeng's back was dripping with cold sweat, "I don't know what the relationship between the emperor and the saint is?"

"Hmph!" Nuwa snorted lightly.

Zishou rolled his eyes and said expressionlessly, "Nuwa is the wife of the lonely king... Master, what do you think?"

Originally, he wanted to talk about his wife, but seeing Nuwa's increasingly unkind eyes, Zishou hurriedly changed his words and added in his heart: not only the master, but also the daughter-in-law!

In "The Legend of Condor Heroes", the little dragon girl is still Yang Guo's master, and she also became his wife in the end.

Kunpeng's Adam's apple rolled up and down, and his body was trembling.

The emperor is actually the apprentice of the sage Nuwa?It's no wonder that he actually cultivated into a Da Luo Jinxian.

The sage Nuwa is not the most powerful among the six great sages, but she was the master of the monster clan in her previous life, and she still has a lot of power.

Nuwa's apprentice, plus the status of the emperor, think about it, this status is no lower than himself.

Kunpeng didn't even dare to raise his head, and said respectfully, "It turns out that he is the first disciple of a sage, sorry for offending Kunpeng."

Zishou said expressionlessly: "Yun Zhongzi is an important minister of the lonely king, and Yun Xiao is the lonely princess... Maid! You want to eat them?"

"Haha, misunderstanding, misunderstanding." Kunpeng laughed immediately: "It's all a misunderstanding."

He immediately opened his mouth, activated the law of devouring, and spit out both Yun Zhongzi and Yun Xiao.

After the two fell out, they were both drowned chickens, looking extremely embarrassed.

Zishou didn't expect Kunpeng to spit out people so easily. Originally, he thought he would have to coerce and lure him for a while.

But after thinking about it, I understand that Kunpeng is the most wretched quasi-sage among the demon clan. I heard that during the Lich War, Kunpeng, who was a demon master, actually ran away.

This person was not only despicable and shameless, but also greedy for life and afraid of death. Whenever there was any movement, he would flee into the bottom of the sea and disappear without a trace.

It is obviously not worthwhile to offend the saint for the sake of two great Luoxians.

What's more, even though Yun Zhongzi was Hong Yun's reincarnation, after all, Hong Yun let him be destroyed long ago, so the so-called hatred in this life is not big.

"Empress Nuwa, can Kunpeng leave?" Kunpeng asked with a smile.

"En." Nuwa replied lightly, a sly look flashed in her eyes suddenly, and she said, "Kunpeng, you and the Emperor will be one mount!"

After saying this sentence, not only Kunpeng was stunned, but even Zishou was also dumbfounded.

"Haha, haha, Empress Nuwa, you, what are you kidding?" Kunpeng said with a smile, but a little coldness flickered in his eyes. Admitting cowardice is admitting cowardice, but it doesn't mean that he really wants to be someone else's mount.

As a demon master, Kunpeng, although his behavior is a bit wretched, he is also a quasi-sage peak power after all, speaking of the same level as Patriarch Styx.

How can you let this kind of power become someone else's mount?

"Do you think I'm joking?" Nuwa's tone was cold, with an undeniable meaning.

Kunpeng looked at Zishou, lowered his head, and a smile suddenly appeared on his gloomy face: "Kunpeng follows the order of the saint."

Even though he said that, there was still a trace of anger beating in his eyes.

Make him the Emperor's mount?

OK!I want to see it, I dare to give you a mount, do you dare to ride it!

"He is the emperor, and you are his mount, and I will not lose you in the future." Nuwa said lightly.

"Yes, yes." Kunpeng said with a smile, but dismissed it in his heart.

It's not my fault?What can the Emperor give?Gold and silver treasures or high officials and rich salary?

Can you give him the majestic purple energy?

Can he be certified as a saint?

"Okay, you go to Chaoge first!" Zishou waved Kunpeng away.

"Okay." Kunpeng nodded, left the island step by step, and then turned into a sky-covering Yunpeng, spread its wings, and flew away without a trace.

After Kunpeng left, Zishou heaved a sigh of relief, thanks to Kunpeng's wretchedness, he was so thorough.

Zishou looked at Nuwa with a trace of resentment in his eyes, what the hell, put such a timed bomb beside him, what if one day it kills your husband?

Nuwa looked at him with a smile, with a sly gleam in her eyes: "You gave me a mount last time, and I will give you one too."


Is that a gift?Obviously you snatched it by force!

Suddenly, Nuwa's figure trembled, and with a "wow", a mouthful of blood was vomited out on the clothes on her chest, her whole body trembled, and she fell to the ground.

Zishou's expression had changed, and he rushed to hug her up, and found that her hands and feet were cold, her body even became transparent, and she was already exhausted.

"You, you... are you going to die?" Looking at her pale face, Zi Shou couldn't help being sad.

Nuwa blinked, "This is just a clone."

"I know, the clone is also you." Zi Shou said with a heavy heart.

"Then you are still sad?"

"Can't help it."




Nuwa looked at him, and suddenly leaned over and kissed him on the lips, a red cloud suddenly appeared on his face, adding a touch of color to his pale face.

Zishou was taken aback for a moment, then put his arms around her and kissed her deeply.

She was taken aback for a moment, then closed her eyes, blushed with embarrassment, as if she was at her mercy.

How can Zishou bear it?She has already knocked her teeth open, and the wind is blowing away...


As the light dissipated, the girl in Zishou's arms had turned into a star point and disappeared.

Zishou looked at the sky with a sense of loss, only the last kiss with Nuwa remained in his mind.

Even though he knew it was just a clone, even if he disappeared, the deity was still there,

But Zishou still felt a sense of loss.

in case……

It would be nice if I could hold you for a while...


In the distance, Yun Zhongzi and Yun Xiao, who were watching this side, both stared wide-eyed and stunned.


It's too great, isn't it?

Although they know that the king is very powerful, they never thought that the king is so powerful...

Even Nu Wa...

Could it be that today is a dream?

Yun Zhongzi pinched his arm hard, and found that he was not dreaming, but also looked unbelievable.

Yun Xiao let out a low sigh, it turned out that the king...

The person I like is the sage Nuwa...


"Let's go, let's go back to Chaoge." Zishou took a deep breath, stood up and said.

"Yes." Yun Zhongzi hurriedly said, they wisely pretended not to see what happened just now.

In the Wa Palace.

With the return of a little bit of starlight, Nuwa also opened her eyes suddenly, with killing intent flashing in her eyes.

"What a Yuanshi Tianzun! He actually killed a clone of me!"

The destruction of a clone will also cause some trauma to the saint.

However, Nuwa's avatar was destroyed, and Yuanshi's avatar was also severely damaged.

They are all saints, although there are differences in strength and weakness, but in the end there is not much difference.

Immediately after merging all the memories of the avatar, Nuwa was in a daze, and two red clouds appeared on her pretty face, which was incomparably charming.

She looked towards Song City from the lower realm, her eyes flickered, and no one knew what she was thinking.

. . .

The male and female protagonists have finally confirmed their relationship~!Then there is a big orgasm.

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