The reason why she pretended to be confused with the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit was of course not because she disliked that she was a big tortoise. Even if the main body was a big tortoise, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit in human form was also a great beauty, and few people could refuse it.

Why can Zishou refuse?Of course it was because she was loyal to Nu Wa! !

Well, it's definitely not that he noticed that Nuwa's favorability on the system panel fluctuated.

A soft laughter suddenly sounded in the cave, the laughter was pleasant to hear, but at the moment of the laughter, Zishou felt a bit chilly on his back.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I held back just now." Zishou felt very wise for what he did just now, and when he turned around, there was a girl in white sitting on a stone bench in the cave.

"Sister Nuwa, long time no see, I miss you very much." Zi Shou immediately said with a smile on his face.

"That girl was seducing you just now, are you tempted?" The girl in white blinked her eyes and smiled softly.

"Not moved, definitely not moved." Zi Shou shook his head hastily.

Nuwa blinked and stared into Zishou's eyes, as if she wanted to pry into his heart.

Zishou also looked at her face. I have to say that Nu Wa is really good-looking, and it is a kind of enjoyment to watch her like this.

"Have you seen enough?" Nuwa said with a smile.

"I can't get enough of it, and I can't get enough of it in my whole life." Zi Shou flattered and photographed it without money: "It seems to belittle Sister Nuwa to describe her as beautiful and unparalleled!"

"It's useless to flatter me." Nuwa gave him a sideways glance, but there was a hint of joy on her face.

"Yeah, of course, but I'm not flattering, I'm telling the truth, if I can stay by Sister Nuwa's side, then I don't have to be a human emperor." Disgusting, but now I'm not ashamed of it, but wish I could learn all of Fei Zhong's flattering skills.

"In this case, pass on the position of Renhuang to Yin Jiao, and follow me back to Nuwa Palace as an attendant." Nuwa blinked her eyes and said in a very serious tone.

Zishou was stunned for a moment, and then said without hesitation: "Okay, I will pass the position to Yin Jiao when I return to Chaoge." He smiled again and said, "Sister Nuwa, please take care of me."

Nu Wa really didn't expect Di Xin to become so boring, hit a snake with a stick, and even dare to shout such words as begging for support, and was speechless for a while.

"Okay, I won't be joking with you!" Nuwa glared at Zishou and said lightly, "I'm here to tell you that since the Master Tongtian wants to set up the Immortal Execution Formation under the Jiepai Pass, then when Yuanshi Tianzun It is bound to break the formation, maybe Zhunti will join forces, but you have to be careful."

Not only the quasi-mention, but Lao Tzu and Jieyin will also take action!

Zishou thought to himself, but nodded earnestly on his face: "I see, sister Nuwa, you came here to remind me, it shows that you care about me too, do you want to hug me?"

Nu Wa said coldly: "Put away your dirty heart! This time I projected the lower world."

Although her tone was almost scolding, but Zishou could hear it, so she couldn't hug because she was projecting into the lower world, if it was the main body, or the avatar would be fine?

Hey, sister Nuwa still likes me!

Zi Shou laughed meanly, raised his eyebrows and said, "By the way, will you help me then? I'm afraid that Master Tongtian can't defeat four saints alone!"

"Four saints?" Nuwa also frowned slightly.

"Well, Yuanshi Tianzun, guide the Taoist, quasi-speak the Taoist, Taiqing Laozi, they may all take action at that time." Zishou said.

"Yuanshi Tianzun is bound to break the formation, and the two saints in the west are also understandable, but Taiqing Laozi... I remember that he pays attention to innocence, how could he..." Nuwa frowned, if there were only three saints, how could it be possible? It's easy, but if these four saints make a move together, it will be really difficult.

What's more, the strength of Taiqing Laozi is unfathomable, even higher than Yuanshi Tianzun.

Although the six saints have never fought against each other, there is a faint difference in strength between them.

The most mysterious and unfathomable is the Taiqing Laozi who has the Taiji diagram, then the Tongtian leader who has the Zhuxian sword formation, and the Yuanshi Tianzun who has the Pangu banner.

Then it was Nuwa's turn, with the map of mountains, rivers and land, and her extraordinary strength, and finally the two saints of the West.

Taoist Taoist who owns the Green Lotus Treasure Color Banner and the [-]th Grade Merit Golden Lotus is not inferior to Nuwa. Although Zhunti Taoist is the weakest among the six sages, his strength is not much worse than Nuwa's. .

Nu Wa knew that if one had to talk about strength, although Lao Tzu Taiqing had never fought against anyone, there was still no objection to being ranked first. As a big brother, Lao Tzu Taiqing was of course not that simple.

Then there is Master Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun, Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun have fought, knowing that their strength is not as good as him.

And the strength of the leading Taoist should be about the same as his own, and the remaining quasi-speaking Taoist is not as good as himself, but he can become a saint, even if he is not much worse.


"I'm helping the Master Tongtian, what can you give me?" Nuwa asked Zishou deliberately.

"Let's make a promise with your body!" Zi Shou said shyly.

Nuwa rolled her eyes, and Zishou's heart was pounding violently.

This Nuwa rolling her eyes is too good-looking and cute, right?I really want to hold her in my arms...

Nuwa came over suddenly, raised her hand, and slapped Zishou hard on the head.

"Ah! What are you doing?" Although it wasn't very painful, Zishou cried out in exaggerated pain, showing a look of grievance.

Nuwa also found it funny, and said softly, "I'll give you an amulet!"

She blushed suddenly, leaned over, and kissed Zishou on the lips. Zishou was caught off guard, froze for a moment, and then wanted to respond.

However, Nuwa kissed like a dragonfly and ran away, her face still flushed.

"You..." Just as Zi Shou was about to say something, he felt a coldness pouring into his body from his mouth, and it disappeared from his stomach in an instant.

"What's that?" Zishou asked.

Nuwa blinked: "You will know later."

After finishing speaking, Nuwa's figure gradually disappeared, and Zishou said reluctantly, "Are you leaving?"

When Nuwa's figure was about to disappear completely, she stared at him suddenly, and said in a voice that only Zishou could hear: "Listen, since you have provoked me, I don't care about the previous harem, but if you dare Hook up with other little girls, be careful that I'm jealous!"

She turned into a cloud of smoke and completely disappeared in front of her eyes.

Zi Shou smiled wryly, can't this stinky woman scare me?

For some reason, when he heard Nuwa's last words, he felt a sweet feeling in his heart.

The vinegar jar was broken, does that mean she will be jealous too?

Zishou couldn't help showing a sweet smile on his face, and licked his lips in a daze.

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