Biyou Palace.

The dawn, mist, and dew combine to form a beautiful landscape.

In this kind of place, you can feel the rich aura in the air even if you take a deep breath.

Today is the time when Zishou is about to leave Biyou Palace and return to Chaoge. Apart from Fei Zhong and Shi Ji, there are also Daoist Duobao, the elder brother of Jiejiao, and... two young women.

Daoist Duobao is a middle-aged man with a Taoist bone and fairy style, wearing a yellow Taoist robe.

I am also quite impressed with Duobao Dao Renzi Shou. This person is one of the best in the Jiejiao. In the original book, he was hit by Guangchengzi, but he was not injured. His strength can be described as abnormally strong. .


Zishou glanced at Taoist Duobao in front of him, but his expression was a little strange.

Because according to the plot, in the ensuing Zhuxian formation, this Duobao Taoist was captured by Laozi with a futon because he attacked the saint Laozi. Later, he was taken to the west by Laozi, abandoned his way and entered Buddhism, and worshiped under the sect of the second sage in the west. Become the Tathagata Buddha of later generations.

"Do you want to change the fate of Taoist Duobao? If it is changed, there will be no Tathagata Buddha in future generations, right?" Zi Shou thought quietly in his heart.

Zishou looked at the other two women... or rather, the beauty in the pink Taoist robe.

The Madonna of the Turtle Spirit?Why is she here?

The Holy Mother of Guiling stared at Zishou, and let out a heavy "hum" from her nose. Obviously, this guy has taken revenge.

Zi Shou smiled but dared not talk to her, there are a group of women in his own harem who don't know how to deal with it, and it will be even more troublesome if he really provokes a Guiling Madonna.

As for the other woman, she is a young girl in green clothes, and she is quite pretty—by the way, the female immortals of Jiejiao do not seem to be ugly. Not so easy.

This girl is called Immortal Hanzhi, and she only has the strength of a real fairy, but Taoist Duobao said that she has a windbag that can release strong winds, which is also extremely powerful.

Of course, Zishou didn't have much impression of Han Zhixian.

"This time, I was ordered by my teacher to go to Jiepai Guan to set up the Zhuxian Formation. Please give me some advice in the future." Taoist Duobao also bowed his hands to Zishou and said politely.

A smile appeared on Zishou's face: "Prince Taoist, you're being polite. I heard Shi Ji say that the chief is the first disciple of the Tongtian sage. Looking at it today, the Taoist priest is much more chic than what Shi Ji described."

Daoist Duobao also smiled: "The Emperor has been praised, and the poor Taoist also heard that the Emperor has worked hard to govern, has great talents, and has brilliant achievements in martial arts and martial arts. Looking at it today, it is as expected."

The two kissed each other's rainbow farts, Zishou praised Duobao Dao, Human Dao Bone Immortal Feng as the High Immortal, and Duobao Daoist praised Zishou as the eternal emperor.

Shiji next to him was embarrassed to hear that, thinking that it was the first time that the elder brother met the king, so flattering was fine, why the king also flattered the elder brother!


All the way to Chaoge through Tudun, when passing through Jiepai Pass, Taoist Duobao wanted to bid farewell to Jiepai Pass to set up an array, and Zishou also politely thanked him.

The Holy Mother of Guiling suddenly stuck out her tongue at Zishou and made a grimace: "Human Emperor, at three o'clock tonight, do you dare to come to Jiepai Pass to find me?"

After saying this, she turned around and went to Jiepai Pass, and suddenly came back and gave Zi Shou a look, and said softly, "What a fool who doesn't understand style!"

The corners of Zishou's mouth twitched slightly, he liked to eat the tortoise jelly, but he really didn't dare to eat this tortoise jelly.

If you eat it, you will get angry, but you will also die!

Zishou shook his head, then brought Fei Zhong and Shi Ji back to Chaoge.

Now the Shang Dynasty is full of wars, three of the world's four great princes rebelled, Huang Feihu took his four sons to fight against Zhou at Jiameng Pass, and Dongyi also began to send troops to invade the borders of the Great Shang.

Dongyi, the old rival of Dashang, was like Gui Fang, Dashang had no choice but to destroy it in one fell swoop, and Dongyi led troops to harass the borders of the Shang Dynasty from time to time.

The first industrial revolution has been completed. After Wen Taishi heard about it, he also took the initiative to ask for orders, and led 20 people to exterminate Dongyi.

Zishou approved it with a wave of his hand.

After hearing that the grand master rode Mo Qilin and set off with his troops, Zi Shou thought about it, and also took out the rewards he got after the completion of the first industrial revolution and handed them to Fei Zhong.

"Generator blueprints, internal combustion engine blueprints: the second industrial revolution can be carried out. Please complete the second industrial revolution and bring mankind into the electrical age!"

"According to the blueprint, make these two things." Zishou waved his hand, dropped this sentence and left, leaving Fei Zhong, You Hun and others looking at each other in blank dismay.

Returning to the mansion with the drawings, Fei Zhong's face darkened immediately after he read the drawings in detail.

The structure of the machine on the blueprint is so complex that it is completely incomprehensible!

After looking at the two blueprints, Fei Zhong threw them aside, covered his face and said, "Your Majesty left me with a problem! How to make this thing!"

You Hun took the drawing and looked at it, also showing a confused expression.

"Why don't you show it to the group of foreign slaves, maybe someone can do it." You Hun immediately thought of it, he can't do it, no problem!Let someone else do it!

Isn't that what officials do?

You have to do everything yourself, so what do you want your subordinates to do?

It's enough to just look at it leisurely on the top.

"Brother You is right!" Fei Zhong's eyes lit up, he knocked on the table and said, "What's the name of the slave who drew the steamship last time? Dun Erfu? Find him for me."

Dun Erfu is a thin foreigner. After getting the blueprint, he frowned and said in a thick voice: "Masters, can I take this blueprint back? I have a partner, Ximenzhi, show it to him." Maybe we can figure out something."

Fei Zhong patted the young man on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Why go back? Call all your partners over and study here. The most important thing is to complete the task of the king!"


Zishou still doesn't know what kind of changes the two blueprints he gave Fei Zhong will have on Dashang in the future.

Anyway, he just took it out on a whim to pass Fei Zhong off.

As for success or not, he didn't think so much.

Now every day he is busy meditating and practicing the Nine Turns Xuanyuan Kungfu...

Although Zi Mou is actually not interested in cultivation, the battle between the two religions is imminent.

Zishou had a premonition that his fate would not be able to protect him for a long time, if he could not leave this world, sooner or later there would be masters who explained and taught him.

His own cultivation was instilled by the system, and he looked like a Da Luo Jinxian, but he still couldn't bring out the strength of the Da Luo Jinxian.

Well, it's like a primary school student holding a Gatling gun. The deterrent effect is there, but it is not known whether he will shoot and kill people.

While cultivating, he was also researching the God Killing Spear.

This is the most powerful weapon he has obtained so far.

And just half a month later, a message came from Jiamengguan.

Jiamengguan was breached.

Huang Tianhua was killed.

. .Let's do it first, sort out our thoughts

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