A body made of blood lotus?Isn't that the way Taiyi Daoist revives Nezha?

Zishou also remembered at the moment, Nezha is the incarnation of the lotus, and he can be immune to many spirit treasures that restrain the soul, and even immune to the plague, which can be regarded as extremely abnormal.

If Jiang Qian is also the incarnation of blood lotus, wouldn't she be equivalent to a female version of Nezha?

Zishou touched his chin and thought about it. Anyway, he still has no way to revive Jiang Qian at present, so it would be good to let Tianfei Wumo create a "female version of Nezha".

"If that's the case, then I'll have to work." Zishou took out the gourd containing Jiang Qian's soul and said, he was not afraid of Styx cheating himself, because Styx didn't need to cheat himself in such a matter.

The reason why he helped himself was probably to make himself owe him a favor.

"Should I give Primordial Purple Qi to Patriarch Minghe and let him become a sage? If he becomes a sage... then even if Yuanshi, Laozi, Jieyin, and Zhunti join forces, I will have at least three sages to help me." Zishou's heart skipped a beat when he thought of this.

The reason why Dashang will die is because the four saints want to make Dashang die. Although he has Nuwa and Tongtian to help him now, it is obviously not enough. If he adds Styx...

When the Shijie card is closed, the leader of Tongtian will set up the Zhuxian formation, and Yuanshi and other four saints will join forces to break the formation. Tongtian alone will definitely lose badly. Even if Nuwa is added, the winning rate is extremely low, but if there are three saints, Then it is not as simple as 1+1+1=3.

With the three Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian and the Zhuxian Sword Formation, it is not impossible to counter-kill Yuanshi Tianzun and receive Zhunti...

Get rid of Yuanshi Tianzun?

Thinking of this, Zishou felt extremely excited. Patriarch Styx had been stuck at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage for many years because he did not have the primordial purple energy. If he was given that wisp of primordial purple energy, it would be no problem to become a saint...

But the key is whether this person is worth trusting...

The young woman took the gourd and said with a smile: "I still have to ask the king to stay for two more days. The concubine went to the sea of ​​blood to pick two stalks of fire red lotus to revive Empress Jiang."

The twelfth grade karma red lotus is only owned by Styx Sect Master, but the karma red lotus can be derived from the sea of ​​blood.

Of course, that is also an extremely precious thing.

"Thank you." Zi Shou said, it is still not possible to give Primordial Purple Qi to Styx for the time being, this thing is too precious, who knows if something will happen after giving it away?

He still doesn't believe 100% in Styx.

"Don't worry, with Sishui Pass and Qinglong Pass, it will take some time for Jiang Ziya to reach Jiepai Pass." Zi Shou thought to himself.

At present, Styx asked Tianfei Umo to treat the emperor well, and then went back to his palace.

But before leaving, he called for Tianfei Wumo and said: "Hang this disgusting thing, Ghost Mother, into the sea of ​​blood for three days! Let the blood worm eat her body and suck her blood."

Capital crimes can be avoided, and living crimes are inevitable. This thing almost offended the Emperor, and she must be punished.

Of course, if Styx knew that it was a trivial matter for the ghost mother to offend the emperor, and she also gave the true king of explaining education, purity and morality, he would probably send her directly to reincarnation.

Tianfei Wumo arranged a clean house for Zishou, Styx also left, and Ghost Mother was dragged away by the other three generals.


The sea of ​​blood is gloomy and cold, but Tianfei Wumo still plans to provide a very clean room for Zishou to live in, and let her two daughters accompany Zishou.

The two girls in Tsing Yi looked at Zi Shou with charming eyes, and licked their lips with their red tongues, with a hint of temptation.

The corner of Zishou's mouth twitched slightly, of course he knew what Tianfei Wumo meant, but Zishou was not close to women!

"My lord, my name is Ai Hong." The fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl puffed her chest out and said, "Mother asked me to serve you."

"My name is Ai Jing." Another girl looked only thirteen or fourteen years old, her eyes were rolling, and she said softly, "What does Your Majesty want to eat?"

As she said this, her eyes fell on her chest.

Zishou knew not to look around, but couldn't help but take a look.

Small but big...

As expected of an Asura tribe, this development is a bit fierce.

"Whatever, don't come in and disturb Gu." Zi Shou said with a straight face, he can bear so many beauties in his harem, let alone these two yellow-haired girls?

Pretty is pretty, but she can't compare to Su Daji!

Immediately, Zishou walked into the clean room in the temple, placed the four swords of Chengying at the door, and after making a barrier, sat up cross-legged to meditate, feeling the remaining power of time in his body.

The seed of time has been shattered. Slowly understand the power of time, and one day you will be able to understand the law of time.

And because time and space are closely related, while comprehending the law of time, they also began to understand the law of space.

In addition, the last time Nuwa beat someone violently, a trace of law was left in his body, which gradually evolved into a law of strength.

Comprehending the three laws at the same time, this process is naturally extremely long, but gradually, Zi Shou is also immersed in comprehending the laws.

The primordial spirit is immersed in chaos, with light spots flashing from time to time, the law of force divides yin and yang, and then time and space are born...


Time passed quickly, and that day the young woman came suddenly, and yawned coquettishly, covering her cherry lips and small mouth: "My lord, I have already prepared the blood lotus, and today I can revive Empress Jiang."

"Then it's time to work." Zishou put away the four swords of Chengying, walked out of the room, looked up, and couldn't help being stunned.

The young woman was wearing a black tight-fitting long dress, which fully revealed her figure, her front was convex and her back was curled up, and she was extremely charming.

"My two daughters are not well taken care of, so please don't be angry." The young woman looked at Zishou with a charming expression on her face.

"Of course not." Zi Shou said lightly.

"Please, Your Majesty, drink some tea first." The young woman smiled, and took out the tea set from her bosom with full hands, followed by hot water, and leaned over to pour the tea.

"This tea is only available in the Sea of ​​Blood. It is made from blood lotus petals. Drinking it will greatly increase your cultivation. Please drink it, Your Majesty."

Zishou narrowed his eyes slightly, took the tea from Tianfei Wumo, took a sip, and couldn't help sighing in his heart: "This tea is so big and white!"

The young woman also drank a cup herself, then leaned on the chair half-sitting and half-lying, her whole body seemed to have no bones, her tall chest rose and fell slightly, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were eager to stream.

Even Zi Shou's chest is jumping wildly, this woman is too seductive, just one movement can make people lose their minds!

The beautiful woman stood up suddenly, as if her center of gravity was unstable, and fell on Zishou, panting lightly, and hurriedly got up again, but she was still powerless, fell on Zishou again, blushing and said: " Going to look for the blood lotus last night exhausted my energy and insulted the king, so it’s not surprising.”

Zishou's chest was beating wildly, and his face was red.

Although he knew that this woman was deliberately tempting him, but his whole body was limp, and he didn't even have the strength to push her away.

At this moment, a shout came from outside...

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