Just when Zishou almost couldn't bear to be Cao's thief again and rose up to attack the concubine Wumo, there was a shout from outside.

"The ghost emperors from all five directions went to the sea of ​​blood to meet the emperor."

After the voice sounded, Zishou also woke up all of a sudden, and pushed Tianfei Wumo away.

Immediately afterwards, Vishnu's shout came from outside: "How dare you break into my sea of ​​blood and pretend that there is no one in my sea of ​​blood?..."

"My lord, you are here, I'll go out and have a look." Tianfei Wumo stood up, with a murderous look in her eyes, but her face was still charming.

Zishou narrowed his eyes slightly, Wufang Ghost Emperor?Come for me?

At that moment, Shou thought about it for a while, and followed him out of the palace gate.

In front of the sea of ​​blood, there are nine men wearing royal clothes standing out of nowhere, each of them burst out with the cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian.

Among them are Shen Tu and Cai Yulei.

Zi Shou remembered that there were actually nine ghost emperors in the five directions, except for the one ghost emperor in the south, and two ghost emperors in each of the other four directions.

(Remarks: Only Shentu is the ghost emperor of the five directions, Cai Yulei is from the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and the others are from later generations, but here the plot needs to be written out.)

Vishnu was furious, and swung his blood-stained long knife to kill Shentu.

Shen Tu is the most powerful one among the five ghost emperors. He just stretched out his hand and held up the stele pressing stone. This stone was originally used to hold down the paper money on the tombstone, but it absorbed countless yin energy It is as light as paper money on the top, but it is as heavy as Mount Tai when it is pressed on the body.

Vishnu was directly pressed to the ground and couldn't move. Indra and Lutoro's expressions changed drastically. Lutoro said angrily, "What a god, give me a hook!"

He raised the hook, and burst out his true energy to kill Shen Tu.

Before Shen Tu could make a move, Cai Yulei next to him sneered, and directly sacrificed a shroud, wrapped Lutoro in it, then took out the hemp rope, and tied it together with Lutoro.

The shroud and hemp rope seemed to carry some kind of terrifying power. Once Lutoro, the big Luo Jinxian, was wrapped in them, he could no longer move.

The remaining Indra stood still, his face turned blue. Vishnu and Lutoro were not bad in strength, but they were easily subdued by the Eastern Ghost Emperor. Where to go, but the magic weapon is far inferior.

Few people of the Asura tribe can use magic weapons, and they are far inferior to many practitioners in this regard, but their physical bodies are much stronger than practitioners of the same level.

Like Vishnu, Lutoro's strength is not bad, but he suffers from his lack of Taoism.

"The ghost emperors from all five directions went to the sea of ​​blood to meet the emperor."

At this time, Shen Tu shouted coldly again.

When Empress Pingxin knew that the Human Emperor was taken away by the people of Styx, she also directly asked the Wufang Ghost Emperor to ask for him.

Shen Tu believed that even if Xue Hai wanted to provoke such a terrifying situation, he would have to weigh it carefully.

"Is it because my sea of ​​blood has been silent for too long? Any cat or dog dares to come to provoke you!" At this moment, the blood in the sea of ​​blood was tumbling, and a man with bare feet came out of it. This man had an ugly face and long red hair. , holding a black sickle in his hand.

But it was Bo Xun, the Great Demon King under the seat of Styx.

After Bo Xun finished speaking, his body flashed, and a black sickle slashed at Shen Tu.

Shen Tu's face changed drastically. Bo Xun's scythe is not easy to deal with. This sickle is designed to kill the primordial spirit. After being cut, a terrible wound will appear, and even the primordial spirit will be damaged.

At that moment, Shen Tu took out his long sword and quickly blocked it.

Bo Xun sneered, and the expression on his face became more and more ferocious. His sickle was elusive, and its position was strange, so that Shen Tu retreated one after another, and the downwind settled down.

Cai Yulei stretched out his hand, and the shroud and hemp rope let go of Lutoro and wrapped them around Bo Xun.

The shroud was wrapped around the person and the knife, and then hemp rope was tied around the outside several times.

However, before Cai Yulei could heave a sigh of relief, a black light flashed, and a huge scythe directly cut open the shroud, and killed Cai Yulei.

Cai Yulei panicked and was eager to take out the long sword, but Bo Xunyi stepped forward and lifted Cai Yulei's long sword away with a scythe, then stretched out his left hand, lifted Cai Yulei over, fell to the ground, and stepped on it with his foot. .

Bo Xun moved extremely fast, before the other ghost emperors could react, Cai Yulei was subdued.

"Haha, haha, it doesn't matter if you all go up together!" Bo Xun laughed wildly, and the coercion of the quasi-sage erupted from his body.

He stabbed Cai Yulei with the sickle in his hand, and there was a hidden talisman on the handle, which directly sealed Cai Yulei's Niwan Palace, preventing him from using Taoism to escape.

"We are here to welcome the Emperor, Bo Xun, do you want to start a war with the underworld?" Shen Tu said indifferently.

"What kind of emperor is not the emperor? When the war starts, you start the war. Do you think I, Bo Xun, are afraid of your hell?" Bo Xun said coldly.

Shen Tu's face was gloomy, and Bo Xun was obviously difficult to deal with, not to mention the sharp end of the sickle in his hand. Although they may not be unable to take Bo Xun in a real fight, damage will definitely occur.

At this time, a charming voice suddenly sounded: "Okay, the Human Sovereign came to visit our blood sea. You want to welcome the Human Sovereign back but come to the door, isn't it a bit too much?"

Tianfei Wumo came out slowly, and when Bo Xun saw his wife, the fierce expression on his face disappeared immediately, and he approached with a smile: "Madam, these people are too arrogant, do you want me to take care of them. "

Concubine Wumo glared at him, but ignored him, her gaze swept across the face of Wufang Ghost Emperor from left to right, and said, "The Human Emperor is right below, please go and invite yourself!"

Shen Tu was stunned for a moment, and then saw Zi Shou walking out swaggeringly.

"Human Emperor, are you alright?" Shen Tu stepped forward and asked.

"It's okay!" Zishou shook his head: "Styx, please be alone in the sea of ​​blood."

Shen Tu nodded, and said to Bo Xun, "It turned out to be a misunderstanding." With a finger pointing, he took back the stone and released Vishnu.

Bo Xun stared at Shen Tu, and said viciously: "Misunderstanding? I can't see it, hum, why don't you continue to do it! Ma'am, watch me arrest these people and cut off their limbs with a sickle for you to play with."

Tianfei Wumo glared at him: "Shut up!"

A look of fear appeared on Bo Xun's face, and he really shut up obediently.

"Let him go." Tianfei Wumo said coldly again.

"Yes, yes, ma'am, don't be annoyed, I was reckless." Bo Xun grabbed his hair, took the sickle in his hand, turned it into the size of a leaf, stuffed it into his mouth, and then put Cai Yulei back.

The corner of Zishou's mouth curled up slightly, this Bo Xun is actually a henpeck...

Zishou looked at Bo Xun's head, thinking that he didn't know how many green hats there were on his head.

Tianfei Wumo is obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp. Just now, even she almost turned up and became a Cao thief. With Bo Xun's internal fear, I'm afraid she can't control this wife!

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