Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 280 The Arrangement of Zishou

Taoist Ran Deng and Anji Xianweng also took orders to retreat to the side.

Yuanshi Tianzun ordered other disciples to line up and knock the golden bell and jade chime.

Yuanshi Tianzun came out on a nine-dragon agarwood chariot, Lao Tzu rode on a green bull with black horns, and Jie Yin and Zhun Ti rode an auspicious cloud.

The Four Sages led the disciples of Chanjiao to Zhuxian Formation, Master Tongtian came out riding Kui Niu with the disciples of Jiejiao, and Zishou brought Deng Chanyu and others behind.

Kui Niu took two steps forward, Master Tongtian said to Yingying and Zhunti, "Junior Jieying, Junior Zhunti, long time no see."

"Senior Brother Tongtian, long time no see." Jieying bowed to return the salute.

"The two of us brothers came here specifically to find someone we are destined to meet. Passing by here, we saw Senior Brother Tong Tian setting up the Immortal Execution Formation, and we came here to persuade you to accept this formation properly, so as not to burn your life and bring disaster upon yourself."

Zhunti looked earnest, but his tone was a bit aggressive: "We Four Sages are here today, Senior Brother Tongtian must really think about if this formation is broken and Senior Brother is captured, what face will he have to face the disciples of all sects. "

"Haha, since the four sages are here, it's okay if they don't fight each other! Let's enter the battle and compete!" The leader of Tongtian laughed wildly, and the Qingping sword on his waist trembled violently as it felt the master's fighting intent, as if it might happen at any time Unsheathed.

Yuanshi Tianzun leaned on the Jiulong Chenxiang chariot, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Don't worry, isn't there still Nuwa Junior Sister who hasn't come yet? When she comes, let the two of you enter the battle and prepare well, so as to prevent the four of us from entering the battle, Tongtian Junior Brother I was in a hurry and lost face."

Tong Tian snorted heavily, and put his hand on the hilt of Qingping Sword.


"Triggered task: Zhuxian Formation opens! Zhuxian Formation hits Laozi, Yuanshi, Jieyin, and Zhunti four great saints!"

"Mission Reward: Great Merchant's Luck Increased by [-] Points, Twelve Banners Demon Banner (Part [-])."

"Attention: If the task fails, it will speed up the demise of Yin Shang, but every time you kill a saint, you can get one more reward! - Saints don't die, and they can still be resurrected by the way of heaven after being killed."

Zishou: ...

Regarding the task released by the system this time, Zishou touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

It is very difficult to severely injure the Four Great Saints, let alone kill them.

After a brief encounter with Laozi, Zishou knew that only saints could deal with saints, and he was not sure that he could win this time in the Zhuxian formation.

At this time, there was a cry in the sky, and then the fairy sound sounded, and the auspicious colors were scattered.

Empress Nuwa descended from the sky on Qingluan.

Nuwa's appearance instantly attracted everyone, Taoist Zhunti gritted his teeth, and a hint of hatred flickered in his eyes.

But the face of Taoist Jieyin suddenly showed joy, and then he also covered it up.

Yuanshi Tianzun was expressionless, while Lao Tzu was smiling.

"Junior Sister Nuwa, you're really here." The Taoist guide looked up, with a flattering smile on his face, and he leaned up on the clouds, "Why did Junior Sister Nuwa come to this mess?" Shui, it is better to listen to my words, stay out of the matter, and watch with cold eyes, so as not to make a move and hurt the peace."

Nuwa glanced coldly, and Qingluan screamed under her body, her eyes were full of hostility, and stopped tactfully.

Nuwa said coldly: "I don't need to guide the Taoist to worry about that!"

Jieyin Taoist smiled wryly, with a look of sorrow on his face: "Junior Sister Nuwa, why are you doing this? I am waiting for the Four Sages to join the battle today. Although you are supported by the Zhuxian Formation, you are by no means our opponents. I'm really afraid of hurting you. If I accidentally hurt you, how will my brother feel at ease?"

Zishou frowned, good guy, how do you feel that this dog has any other feelings for Nuwa?

"Enough! Don't call me Junior Sister!" Nuwa said coldly.

What she hates the most is seduction, Zhun mentions these two guys, they want to take advantage of them as soon as they open their mouths.

The Taoist Jieyin gave a smug smile, and said with a cheeky face, "Master... Fellow Daoist, why do you have to take this risk for a rich businessman whose luck is gone?"

He shook his head, sighed, and slowly flew back on the cloud, then looked at Yuanshi, Lao Tzu, then at Tongtian Nuwa, and finally at Xiangyun under him, with a look of sadness on his face again. color.

"As a saint, why is my mount so shabby?"

At this moment, the six great saints have arrived.

Yuanshi Tianzun sits on a nine-dragon agarwood chariot, Laozi rides a green ox with a board horn, Tongtian rides a Kui ox, and Nuwa rides a green luan.

There is only a reception, Zhunti and the two of them drive Xiangyun, and they look at each other, showing embarrassment.

The West is impoverished and lacks talents. They don't even have horses so far, and they usually travel on auspicious clouds.

Now such a comparison, it seems extremely shabby.

Some time ago, Zhunti took a fancy to Kong Xuan and wanted to take him as a mount, but in the end he failed.

Zhunti thought to himself: "This time, we must find an opportunity to accept Kong Xuan as a mount!"

"Since everyone is here, let's enter the formation and compete!" Tongtian leader said, riding Kui Niu into the formation, and his disciples followed into the Xianxian gate.

Nuwa also flew into the formation on Qingluan.

Zishou said to Minghe and the others: "Minghe, you go to Zhenfang Zhuxian Gate, guard the Zhuxian Sword, and don't let people take the sword away. Kunpeng, go to Li Palace to kill Xianmen, and also guard the Killing Immortal Sword. Kong Xuan, you come here Go to Kandi, guard the Juxian Gate, don't let anyone take away the Juxian Sword, and Sanxiao will guard the Dui Palace Trapped Immortal Gate."

Zishou remembered that in the original plot, Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi, and the two sages of the West entangled the leader of Tongtian, and then someone entered the battle and took off the four swords of Zhu Xian, which led to the immediate collapse of the Zhu Xian formation.

Fairy Yunxiao showed a puzzled look on her face, this Zhuxian formation is so terrifying, according to Zishou's order, it seems that she is afraid that someone will touch the four swords of Zhuxian...

But how is this possible?If you really touch these four swords, you will be cut by the sword intent.

Although she was extremely puzzled, Fairy Yunxiao nodded and took her two younger sisters to Juexianmen.

Styx Master and Kong Xuan both nodded and went to one place.

The remaining one, Kunpeng, stood where he was, with a rebellious expression on his face.

"Kunpeng, if you don't want to help, leave the Immortal Execution Formation immediately, and Guzi will arrange for someone to kill the Immortal Sect!" Zi Shou said coldly.

Kunpeng's face was gloomy. No one dared to talk to him like that for so many years. At this moment, he had the urge to shoot the emperor in front of him to death.

But in the end he suppressed this impulse. The Emperor and Empress Nuwa had a very close relationship, and if he really shot the Emperor to death, he might be hunted down by Nuwa.

Don't look at the six saints who are at war, but it is not so easy to kill a saint.

"At worst, turn around and run when it's critical." Kunpeng thought to himself.

He didn't want to offend any saint, and he made up his mind that as long as the leader of Tongtian was defeated, he would run away and leave this land of right and wrong.

"Haha, I'll just go, Majesty, don't worry, I will guard the gate of poking immortals." Kunpeng said with a smile, and after finishing speaking, he also went to Li Palace.

But I thought in my heart: "Should I take away the Immortal Immortal Sword and run away? This sword is a sharp weapon... As long as Tongtian Nuwa is defeated, I will take the sword and fly away."

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