Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 281: Immortal Jade Formation Will Be Broken?

Master Tongtian sat down on the gossip platform, while Nuwa stood beside him with a cold expression.

Zishou also came to stand beside Nuwa, smelling the faint fragrance from her body, he was also refreshed.

"Why don't you go out? It's not a joke to fight later." Nuwa's tone was cold, but Zishou could hear the concern in it.

Zishou smiled and said: "Gu Wang is also the emperor of Yin merchants. You are here to fight against the saint for Gu Wang. How can Gu leave?"

Nuwa unconsciously softened her tone a lot: "You'd better withdraw from the Zhuxian Formation, I won't be able to protect you in a fight."

There were many disciples of Jiejiao gathered around the gossip platform, but the two of them acted as if no one was there, and talked on their own.

This stunned the Master Tongtian who was on the side.

God!Is this still the Nuwa junior sister who is as cold as an iceberg?Have you ever seen her be so gentle to a man?

Nuwa's first impression of Tongtian Cult Master was that she was indifferent and irritable, offering red hydrangea balls and beating people up at every turn.

Back then, Zixiao Palace worshiped Hongjun as his teacher, but none of them became holy.

Jieyin offended Nüwa because of a joke, so she caught her in a bag and slammed it on the ground, Jieyin's mournful wailing spread throughout the Zixiao Palace, and everyone could hear it clearly .

He Tongtian was also horrified at the time.

Finally, Hongjun found out, and scolded lightly.

Therefore, Tongtian's impression of Nuwa remained brutal and violent. Even if Nuwa later became the supreme saint, Tongtian could not change his impression.

But now...

Master Tongtian secretly felt admiration, he is worthy of being the emperor, doing things that we can't and dare not do.

Of course Zishou didn't know what Tongtian was thinking, he looked at Nuwa and said, "Don't worry about me later, I have the power to protect myself."

After a pause, Zishou said again, "One day, Gu will protect you the same way you protected Gu."

Nuwa blinked at him, and was also stunned after seeing Zishou's serious expression.

Maybe there will be such a day in the future?

"They're entering the battle!" At this moment, Master Tongtian narrowed his eyes, and the Qingping Sword trembled even more violently at his waist.

At this moment, Lao Tzu entered Dui Palace, Yuan Shi entered Zhenfang, then introduced Li Palace, Zhunti entered Kandi.

As the Four Saints entered the formation, they instantly triggered the Four Swords of Zhu Xian hanging upside down on the four gates.

The leader of the Tongtian religion stretched out his hand and thundered, directly activating the three-level sword intent!

In the Zhuxian Gate, the Zhuxian sword shook, and instantly burst out the terrifying Zhuxian sword intent, and slashed at Yuanshi Tianzun!

From the top of Yuanshi Tianzun's head, Qingyun from all the heavens gushed out, and thousands of golden flowers gushed out of the Qingyun, and there was an endless stream of necklaces and beads.

Under the urging of Yuanshi Tianzun with all his strength, Zhu Xian's sword intent was surprisingly unable to break through Zhutian Qingyun.

Yuanshi Tianzun said with a smile: "It's a mere Zhuxian formation, how can it be!" He walked out of Zhuxian Gate and entered Zhuxian Pass.

At the same time, guide the Taoist into the Li Palace and enter the Slaughtering Immortal Gate.

The poke fairy sword on the fairy door also shook suddenly, and the Xian Jianyi broke out instantly, and an invisible flying sword split towards the head of the leader.

Three relics appeared on the top of Taoist Jieying's head, bursting out with golden light, and forcibly supporting the invisible flying sword.

At the same time, a golden lotus of twelve merits appeared under his feet.

The defensive power of this twelve-rank merit golden lotus is not inferior to that of the twelve-rank karmic fire red lotus.

After sacrificed two defensive spirit treasures at the same time, Jie Yin also stepped into the Jaking Immortal Gate and came to the Jaking Immortal Pass.

In the Western Trapped Immortal Gate, as soon as Lao Tzu stepped into the Traverted Immortal Gate, the Trapped Immortal Sword was shocked!

The Immortal Sword Intent erupted instantly!

However, above Lao Tzu's head appeared a mysterious and exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth, releasing ten thousand dao brilliance, how could he be hurt by being trapped in the immortal sword?Lao Tzu also walked into the Xianxian Pass.

Taoist Zhunti walked into the gate of Jue Xian, the sword of Jue Xian trembled, and the intent of the sword of Jue Xian fell.

Zhunti Taoist hastily sacrificed the wonderful tree of seven treasures and released a thousand green lotuses.At the same time, he took out the green lotus color flag in his hand.

The Qinglian treasure color flag is also one of the five square flags, and it belongs to the guide, and it will only be lent to Zhunti for protection this time when the formation is broken.

The four saints have already entered the formation together, each carrying a terrifying sword intent.

Master Tongtian could see clearly from the gossip stage, and his face darkened. Sure enough, the three-level sword intent couldn't hurt them at all.

Master Tongtian sent thunder with his hands, shaking the surrounding fields, and a yellow mist rose from the Zhuxian formation.

In an instant, the yellow mist in the formation was like spraying clouds, the gray murderous aura was like swords, halberds and spears, and the southeast and northwest were like copper walls.

At this moment, Zhu Xian's four swords shook together, and a sword intent that was even more terrifying than before erupted.

"Four layers of sword intent!" Tongtian leader's face was indifferent. Every time a layer of sword intent is stacked in the Zhuxian formation, the power will be doubled. Now these four layers of sword intent are the current limit sword intent of the Zhuxian formation. If there is no spirit treasure to protect the body, the saint It will also fall in the meantime!

Lao Tzu smiled and said, "Master Tongtian, we have all entered your Zhuxian Formation, what do you want to do?"

Although the four layers of sword intent were added to his body, the exquisite pagoda above his head spun and still resisted.

The heavenly Qingyun above Yuanshi Tianzun's head was also resisting the sword intent, but three nasturtiums were cut off.

The three relics on the Taoist's head trembled slightly, and there was a trace of instability in this terrifying sword intent.

Taoist Zhunti is the worst, he has the least defensive spiritual treasures on his body, although the Qinglian Baose Banner can protect him, but it can't protect him for long.

"Let's go together!" Yuanshi Tianzun shouted coldly, directly sacrificed the three precious jade Ruyi, and threw it at the leader of Tongtian.

Master Tongtian drew out his Qingping sword to parry.

At the same time, the leading Taoist took out the jade whisk and swept it towards the head of the leader of Tongtian, and five-color lotus flowers appeared on the whisk.

Lao Tzu stepped forward on a bull, and hit the Tongtian leader in the back with a cane.

Zhunti sacrificed the sacred pestle of blessing and threw it at Nuwa.

Nuwa snorted coldly, and immediately smashed the red hydrangea!

A pestle and a ball collided, and there was a loud noise, the earth shook violently, and the blessed pestle flew out backwards.

Afterwards, Nuwa jumped forward and smashed the red hydrangea.

Zhunti knew how powerful Nüwa was, so he directly used the most powerful supernatural power - the incarnation of Dharma. 24 poems, [-] hands holding the necklace, the umbrella cover, the flower crown, the fish intestines, the silver halberd, the blessing pestle, the precious file, and the golden vase, and they all hit Nuwa together.

Zishou looked at Master Tongtian with a worried look on his face.

With one against three, the Master Tongtian has already fallen behind.

Lao Tzu hit the back of the crutch with a crutch, and the master Tongtian spit out a mouthful of blood.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the three treasures Yu Ruyi were sacrificed, and the master Tongtian raised his sword to block Yu Ruyi, and the Taoist who led him sacrificed the magic pestle, which caused severe pain in the chest of the master Tongtian, and was about to step back. The one who sacrificed Dinghaizhu directly hit the leader of Tongtian Cult with a stern roar, and Kui Niu rolled over on his saddle.

The leader of Tongtian sect was one against three, and he was plotted against by Ran Deng, so he was already seriously injured.

"Tongtian, today is the day of your demise!" Yuanshi sacrificed the three treasures, Ruyi, and killed him.

Lao Tzu glanced over and saw that Zhunti was at a disadvantage, so he directly threw the Tai Chi diagram.

How powerful this Taiji diagram is, it even enveloped Nuwa.

Taoist Zhunti showed a ferocious look on his face, he threw out the blessed pestle, and said in a fierce voice, "Nu Wa, I have avenged my revenge today!"

Zishou's expression changed drastically, and he was about to rush out.

"Since you want to take revenge on sister Nuwa, that's just right, I want to take revenge on you too!" But at this moment, a gentle female voice suddenly sounded.

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