The flames burst into the sky.

Guang Chengzi, Chi Jingzi, Yuding Daoist, and Dao Xing Tianzun, who were standing outside the sword formation, were refreshed, knowing that this was a signal from Master to let them enter the formation to pick up the sword.

"I'm going to Zhuxianmen, Chi Jingzi, you're going to Killing Xianmen, Master Yuding, you're going to Juexianmen, Daoxing Tianzun, you're going to be trapped in Xianmen!" Guang Chengzi shouted loudly.

After finishing speaking, he rushed into the Zhuxian Gate, and the other three also rushed into the battle.

The four swords of the Immortal Execution Formation must be taken off at the same time, if there is any negligence, life will be in danger.

Yuanshi Tianzun also selected four of the highest cultivation bases among the twelve golden immortals, and drew the sword-picking symbol on each of their hands, so he dared to let them enter the battle.

As soon as Guang Chengzi stepped into Zhenfang, he immediately felt a thunderous and terrifying aura filling his surroundings, making the aura in his chest unable to circulate.

"You can't stay here for long, you must pick up the sword as soon as possible!" Guang Chengzi quickly rushed to Zhuxianmen.

I saw a gloomy sword hanging upside down on the Zhuxian Gate, just looking at it made people feel creepy, and I wished I could escape from here immediately.

"At this moment, Master Tongtian is being besieged by Master and Uncle Master. There is no time to activate this sword, so we must take off the Zhuxian Sword as soon as possible." Guang Chengzi bit his head and moved forward. As soon as he moved forward, he felt that a big knife was about to fall from the top of his head.

Guang Chengzi lifted his right hand upwards, and the palm talisman emitted golden light, and the terrifying sword intent was fading away.

At the same time, Chi Jingzi arrived at Killing Immortal Gate, Reverend Yuding arrived at Juxian Gate, and Daoxing Tianzun arrived at Trap Immortal Gate, and they also relied on the palm talisman to go and pick up the sword.

As long as the four swords of Zhuxian are taken off together, the formation of Zhuxian will be broken!

However, even if there is a talisman on his hand, Guang Chengzi will feel colder the closer he gets close. Even if the Zhuxian Sword is not activated, if there is no talisman on his hand, he will be beheaded by him as soon as he gets close.

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer, one hand was about to touch the Zhu Xian Sword.

A strange laughter suddenly came from the side: "Guang Chengzi, you are so brave to pick up the sword in front of me!"

A blood robe appeared, and the two swords in his hands emitted red and white light.

Suddenly, one of the swords slashed out, faster than lightning!

Guang Chengzi's face changed suddenly, and he was eager to step back, but he was already a beat behind.

White light flickered past, and a right arm fell to the ground.

Guang Chengzi raised his head, with horror and resentment written all over his face.


At the Juexianmen, the right hand of Yuding Daoist has already touched the Juexian sword, and the golden light emitted by the palm talisman is against the Juexian sword intent.

However, at this moment, Kong Xuan flashed out from behind, and the five-color divine light gushed out from behind, directly locking onto the real Yuding.

Daoist Yuding said in amazement: "No, Master has miscalculated!"

In an instant, he understood that Yuanshi Tianzun thought that the leader of Tongtian would not prevent someone from picking up the sword, so he let them enter the battle, but the leader of Tongtian had actually set up an ambush...


As soon as Daoxing Tianzun approached the Xianxian Gate, Fairy Yunxiao flashed out from the side, and said in surprise: "Your Majesty really has a clever plan, knowing that someone from the Chan Church will come to pick up the sword."

Daoxing Tianzun changed his color and said: "Not good!" He wanted to turn away the light and leave.

"You still want to escape?" Fairy Qiongxiao sneered behind her, and directly sacrificed the Hunyuan Jindou.


Chi Jingzi had already reached the Killing Immortal Gate, and even touched the Killing Immortal Sword with one hand.

However, at this moment, Kunpeng rushed out from the side, his face full of rebellion: "I haven't picked it yet, how dare you pick it?"

Immediately waved a palm.

Chi Jingzi hurriedly held out his palms to catch it, facing each other, with a "bang", Chi Jingzi fell out like a shot, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

Kunpeng walked to Chi Jingzi's side, his eyes flickering slightly: "Even I dare not touch this sword. How dare a Daluo Jinxian reach out to pick it up? Is there a seal given by Yuanshi Tianzun?"

Kunpeng opened Chi Jingzi's right hand, and a bright light burst out in front of his eyes: "It's true, the sword can only be taken off with this talisman in hand."

Kunpeng held Chi Jingzi down with one hand, grabbed his right arm with the other, and pulled hard. Accompanied by Chi Jingzi's shrill scream, his right arm was already broken.

Kunpeng held his right hand, but stared at the Immortal Killing Sword on the Immortal Killing Gate: "Hey, if I take it off and bring it back to Beihai for fun, Master Tongtian can't blame me, right? Even if he blames me, it's okay..."

"No, no, it's not worth offending Tongtian and Nuwa for a sword."

"But looking at this sword, I always feel itchy! Such a good opportunity...Kunpeng, Kunpeng, will you pick it or not!"

"Wait... This is Chi Jingzi picking up the Immortal Killing Sword, not me, Kunpeng!"

Kunpeng stared at Chi Jingzi, who was still alive on the ground, with a creepy smile on his face: "The sword picked by Chi Jingzi, what does Kunpeng have to do with me? Chi Jingzi, Chi Jingzi, please go to hell! "

He walked towards Chi Jingzi step by step, stretched out his hand, and a strange cold flame fell on Chi Jingzi's body and burned quickly.

"Immortal Yin Huo!" Chi Jingzi said with a drastic change in his face.

The nature of water is pure and cold, but there are hot springs like warm valleys; the body of fire should be blazing, but there are cold flames like Xiaoqiu.

This Unquenchable Yin Fire was born from Xiaoqiu in the North Sea, and it is a very powerful strange fire.

In an instant, the red sperm was burned to fly ash.

Kunpeng took Chi Jingzi's right arm and walked towards the Immortal Killing Sword: "I'll borrow this sword and have fun with it for a while, and I'll return it when I've had enough fun."


At this moment, the battle in the Jade Immortal Formation has become more and more fierce. Although Master Tongtian is powerful, he was still seriously injured under the siege of the three saints.

What's more, Daoist Randeng attacked Haizhu from above with a surprise attack, and knocked the Master Tongtian off his mount.

Yuanshi Tianzun sacrificed the three treasures and played Ruyi again, determined to kill Tongtian.

On the other side, Lao Tzu raised his head and saw that Zhun Ti was thrown into a mess by Nu Wa's red hydrangea, and he also stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Tai Chi diagram.

This picture is really powerful, as soon as the scroll is opened, Nuwa is wrapped in it. Although it can't kill her, it can be done if it is trapped for a while.

Seeing that there was an opportunity to take advantage of, Taoist Zhunti also grinned grinningly, and sacrificed the blessing pestle.

Last time in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, he was violently beaten by Nuwa, and then he was whipped by the Jiuqu Yellow River Ruler in the back. At this time, hatred increased and hatred was added, and the blessing pestle was thrown out viciously.

Even if it didn't kill her, it still caused her to suffer serious injuries.

At this moment, a gentle female voice sounded in the sky, but it made the grim smile on Taoist Zhunti's face stiffen.

This voice... is that?

How can it be?

Isn't she unable to leave the underworld?

How is it possible here?

The saints present were all in a trance when they heard this voice.

Lao Tzu looked up, even though he was always calm, he was also moved at this moment: "How could it be her?"

A woman in black came slowly from the Killing Immortal Gate, with a cold smile on her face that no stranger should approach.

As soon as the girl in black came in, everyone couldn't help but look at her.

I saw her wearing a tight black dress, wrapping her beautiful figure.The lower body is quite modern in black stockings, which looks indescribably alluring.

However, although her appearance was incomparably beautiful, she was slightly pale and sickly, and her whole body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of smoke, which seemed real and unreal, exuding a cool breath.

All the saints were shocked in their hearts, and their faces were moved.

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