And once the Jiejiao sect loses their lives, it is very difficult to save them - if they want to save them, they need to go to the Conferred God Stage to snatch their souls, which is extremely difficult.

but now……

The sudden task issued by the system made Zishou's eyes suddenly light up.

If he hadn't forgotten, Zishou remembered that he was also famous on the list of gods, a little god named Tianxixing.

If the Western Zhou Dynasty defeated Yin Shang and Zishou was killed, he would also be on the list and be canonized as Tianxixing.

At least before becoming a sage, Zishou would be included in the list once he died.

"The reward this time is the Conferred Immortal List, which sounds similar to the Conferred God List. With this list, don't say that you don't have to worry about being forced to become a god after death. You can even be with Jiang Ziya... no, Compete with Jade Emperor Haotian for the god position."

Zishou tapped his fingers on the table, thinking quickly: "If you can kill all the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao and send them to the Immortal List, you will have to obey my orders in the future. If you can be sent to the list of immortals, I will become an immortal..."

"Because Nuwa was grounded, Yin Shang was at a disadvantage, so did the system issue this task?"

"It's a pity that the Immortal Conferring List appeared too slowly."

Zi Shou also sighed in his heart, if he appeared earlier and so many people who died were sent to the list of immortals, how many immortals would he have now?

There are not a few Da Luo Jinxians who died in the Battle of the Conferred Gods!

"Fengxian, do you mean the way of immortality? The way of immortality is hard to achieve, but as long as you die and enter the list of immortals, you can achieve immortality. This list of immortality is a bit against the sky."

"Please build another fairy platform on the Star Picking Tower, and set up a fairy flag..."

It is not difficult to build Fengxian Terrace, the blueprint has been given on the system panel, as long as Yuan Hong is allowed to build it, as for Juxian Banner...

Zishou really couldn't remember what it was.

"Yuan Hong, you build one for Gu on the Zhaixing Building according to the blueprint, and you come to supervise the construction, and you must complete it as quickly as possible." At that moment, Zishou drew the blueprint and handed it over to Yuan Hong to do the work. thing.

Yuan Hong took over the blueprints and found that the platform was arranged in nine palaces and eight trigrams, which coincided with innate numbers. He was very surprised at the moment: what kind of platform is this?

However, he knew that the king must have a deep meaning in his actions, so he followed the blueprint and left.

Yuan Hong was asked to build Fengxian Terrace. As for the Juxian Banner system, he didn't give an introduction, and Zishou didn't know where it was, so he asked Kong Xuan to ask, and Kong Xuan touched his head to express that he didn't know.

At present, Zishou can only give up the Juxian Banner temporarily.

At night, after eating, Zishou hugged Princess Longji and went to the room to polish the golden cudgel.

Zishou was in high spirits, ready to fight Longji till dawn.


(Knowing that you hate this kind of vulgar plot, I will omit it here.)


When the sky was slightly bright, Long Ji lay beside Zishou, gritted his teeth and said, "You almost killed me last night."

Zishou laughed and said nothing.

"What's the matter today? You didn't touch me before." Long Ji looked at him resentfully. Since the incident in the cave, Zi Shou hadn't touched her. She even felt that the king didn't like her anymore.

"A big hidden danger is about to be solved, and I'm happy." Zi Shou said, as long as he successfully gets the list of immortals, the biggest hidden danger will be removed.

Then he sighed again: "It's a pity that the Juxian Banner is still missing, and I don't know what it is."

Seeing his gloomy brows, Princess Longji seemed to be troubled by this matter, she rolled her eyes: "Juxianqi, I know where it is."

"Do you know where the Juxian Banner is?" Zi Shou grabbed her hand excitedly.

Long Ji nodded, "Not only do I know, but I still have a way to get it."

"How do you get it? Longji, tell me quickly, this Juxian Banner is of great use."

Long Ji said in relief: "Your Majesty, don't worry! This Juxian Banner is at my mother's place. This banner is named Juxian and Plain Cloud Realm Banner, and it is one of the five flags. Pull up this flag, and the immortals will know that the Yaochi will start, and they will come to the meeting, so it is called Juxian Banner."

Zishou also suddenly realized: "Your mother... is the Queen Mother of the West?"

Long Ji said: "Yes! My mother lives in Yaochi and is the head of the female immortals. If you want to borrow this flag, I must go... But I am a banished fairy..."

Long Ji rolled his eyes, as if he had made up his mind: "I'll go to Yaochi to ask my mother for this flag."

Zishou frowned and said, "You said you are a banished fairy, so you will be fine if you go to Yaochi?"

Long Ji shook his head: "At most, I will be scolded by my mother. Besides, it doesn't matter if I go to Yaochi for you, just being scolded."

Zishou grabbed her hand and said softly, "Good Longer, you are so kind."

When did Long Ji hear such an intimate title? Although he and Zishou had been married before, his pretty face still blushed.

"After I take a bath tomorrow, I will go to Yaochi to ask my mother for this flag. Although I was demoted to Phoenix Mountain, my mother has always loved me and should give me the flag." Long Ji said.

Zishou still felt uneasy: "I'll go with you tomorrow! I'll go with you using the invisibility method."

In the Nine Turns Xuanyuan Kungfu, there is the magical power of invisibility. As long as the cultivation base is not too high, Zishou will not be able to find him.


On the second day, Long Ji got ready, changed his clothes, put on the Ding Dang jade pendant, stepped on the auspicious clouds, and flew towards Yaochi with Zishou.

When I arrived at Yaochi, I saw the arrangement of Qiaofeng and the strange rocks.Everywhere is full of Yaocao Qihua, Zizhixianghui.

The Yunguang Temple in front is covered with a golden glow, and the purple mist flows between the Juxian Pavilion.

From time to time, fairies can be seen walking by in the Yaochi, which is a beautiful scene of the Heavenly Palace.

Zishou also sighed.

"You wait here, I'll go in and ask my mother to borrow the flag." Princess Longji whispered.

After finishing speaking, she walked towards the depths of Yaochi with lotus steps, and when she reached the golden steps, she prostrated herself on the ground and said, "Mother, the sinful daughter Longji has something to ask... I pray that mother will gather the fairy flag..."

"Longji, get's Techier Juxian Banner... there must be no obscene treasures..."


Zishou used the invisibility technique to stand in the distance and waited. He could only hear a few words, but Longji's voice was full of joy. It should be the Queen Mother of the West who agreed to borrow the flag.

At this time, a white-haired old man suddenly flew from the sky, passed by Zishou, and entered the Yaochi.

Zishou's face changed slightly, and his eyes narrowed: "The Antarctic Immortal..."

He listened intently, only to hear the Nanji fairy say: "My little minister, the Nanji fairy heard about the queen mother: the holy master of fate, Mingfeng Qishan... Today, there is the leader of Tongtian who has repeatedly helped Yin and Shang, rebelled against the sky, and now I enshrine Yuxu. My life, I sincerely ask the Queen Mother to bestow the Juxian Banner..."

"I have given the flag to Longji..."

"What? The Queen Mother can't do it! Princess Longji privately married Emperor Xin, a merchant of Yin, and helped the emperor to abuse him. Please take back her order!"

"What? Long Ji, you married Di Xin privately? You are so brave!"

"Come here, take Longji!"

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