Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 291 The Queen Mother of the West

The Queen Mother of the West was furious in her heart, and her face was as frosty.

Long Ji is her daughter born to God Haotian, and she was demoted to Phoenix Mountain because of Si Fan.

Over the years, Queen Mother Xi has gradually felt remorse in her heart, and she wants to find a chance to restore Longji's immortal status and let her return to Yaochi.

Unexpectedly, Long Ji married the Emperor of Ren privately.

Jiang Ziya launched a military campaign against merchants under the decree of Yuxu, in addition to helping the Zhou Dynasty replace Chengtang, the purpose was to collect the five righteous gods of Tianting 360.

And this Di Xin can be regarded as one of the five righteous gods in 360, how could Long Ji be assigned to him privately!

In a rage, Queen Mother Xi ordered Long Ji to be arrested directly: "Prison her up, and after reporting to the Jade Emperor, demote her to the mortal world and experience the suffering of reincarnation."

"Please calm down, Queen Mother. Originally, according to the princess's crime, she should be demoted to a mortal, but now that Ziya is attacking merchants and lacks soldiers, it is better for the old minister to persuade the princess and explain her interests and interests. Let her change her mind and help Ziya attack merchants in the lower realm." The Antarctic Immortal bowed down under the jade steps and said.

Although Long Ji was only a banished immortal, he was born to the Queen Mother of the West after all. If he could speak against her, it would be a considerable blow to Di Xin.

The Queen Mother of the West pondered: "What the fairy said is true."

The Nanji fairy looked at Long Ji and persuaded him earnestly: "Princess, Zhou Wudang won the world, King Zhou's filthy virtues are well known, and he should lose the world, which is in line with Tian's heart. If the princess wants to make up for her mistakes, she will leave the palace and help King Wu defeat Zhou. One day, I can restore my fairy status and return to the heaven..."

Princess Longji held her head up and said: "I don't need to say anything more about the fairy, since I'm married to Di Xin, I won't attack him! Even if I'm relegated to the mortal world, Longji will not change his mind."

The Queen Mother of the West found that her face was extremely resolute, and she even dared to look at her, which was a look she had never seen before.A burst of anger suddenly rose in her heart, and she said angrily: "There is no need to report to the Jade Emperor, just demote her to the mortal world!"

There are maidservants coming out from left and right, holding Longji to leave.

A look of schadenfreude suddenly flashed across the benign face of the Antarctic Immortal.

At this moment, the noble gate of Yaochi was suddenly kicked open, and then the guards shouted in shock and anger: "Who are you? How dare you trespass into Yaochi... Ah!"



With two loud bangs, the two guards fell straight out.

The Queen Mother of the West was furious, she looked up and saw a man walking into the fairyland.

The man was wearing a royal robe of a black bird, and gray-black flames were faintly burning on the robe, giving people a creepy feeling.

Holding a long sword in his right hand, it was trembling at this moment.

This person is not a child who is someone?He eavesdropped outside and discovered that someone was planning to demote his woman to the mortal world, how could he bear it!

You must know that there is still a glimmer of life for Nitian, and there is absolutely no way out for Ni Tianzi!

What kind of cock mother and queen mother, kill her now and give her seven in and seven out, making her want to live and die.

As soon as Xumijie was lit, the Qinglian sword was already in his hand, and Zishou directly chopped off two guards and rushed in.

"Who are you?" Queen Mother Xi's complexion suddenly sank, this person is so brave, he dared to commit murder in Yaochi!

"Yin Shanghuang, that is an orphaned woman." Zishou pointed to Long Ji, and said by a mysterious messenger: "There is still a glimmer of life for Nitian, but there is only one way for Nigu to die! Old woman, let the orphan go!" , don't be forced to do it alone!"

Originally, this sentence was supposed to be a crazy sentence, but after Zishou said it, he always felt full of secondary feelings.

"Okay! There is still a ray of life for the one who is against the sky, and you are going to die?" The Queen Mother of the West laughed angrily, sat up from the chair, her hands trembled slightly, and she looked abnormally angry.

Zishou looked up and was also slightly surprised.

The Queen Mother of the West is said to have a leopard tail, tiger teeth, fluffy hair and a hoopoe...

That is, a disheveled hair, with a leopard tail dragging behind her, an evil goddess who is half human and half beast.

But now it looks nothing like the legendary Queen Mother of the West.

The Queen Mother of the West was wearing gorgeous clothes, with a jade pendant on her body, her face was lightly powdered, and her skin was fair, so she couldn't tell that she was a woman who had given birth to a daughter.

If it weren't for the angry face at this time, and the appearance of preparing to devour someone, she would look like a beautiful young woman in her 30s.

But now her eyes are wide open, her teeth are gritted, and a fierce air is exposed on her face, which is really detrimental to her beauty. The maidservants around Yaochi turned pale with fright and knelt on the ground.

"What a dick, you're courting death! Someone, take him down!" Xi Wangmu sternly said.

The yellow turban warrior on duty behind him charged out with a halberd.

Zishou sneered again and again: "A group of miscellaneous fish also want to stop the lonely king?"

Stretching out a finger, the junior Zhu Xian sword array was thrown out.

He didn't use the middle-level Zhuxian sword array, but a junior one killed the yellow scarf wrestler in fear and screamed again and again.

After all, although the Yellow Turban Warriors are gods, their cultivation base is not high, at most they are heavenly immortals, true immortals and the like, and a junior Zhuxian Sword Formation is enough to deal with them.

Queen Mother Xi's complexion changed suddenly, and she shouted angrily: "Okay! Come, come! Take him down!"

There are also yellow turban wrestlers on duty around Yaochi, and they also rushed out together.

"You don't need to waste your time, if you have the ability, you can do it yourself." Zi Shou sneered, he was not even interested in taking a look at these yellow scarf wrestlers, and directly handed them over to the sword formation, and went straight to Longji, a He took her by the hand: "Long'er, go with Gu."

Seeing Zishou ignoring her and preparing to take Longji away from Yaochi, Queen Mother Xi's eyes almost burst into flames.

"I'm so mad!" The Queen Mother of the West shouted angrily, and she straightened her body and swung out her palm suddenly.

Although she is just a girl, she also followed Hongjun for a period of time, and this palm suddenly exploded with the cultivation base of the pinnacle of quasi-sage.

As soon as Zishou waved his hand to catch it, he immediately knew that it was not good. The opponent's cultivation base was far higher than his own. To deal with this kind of opponent, he could only use sword formation to defend against the enemy.

However, the middle-level Zhuxian sword array is too powerful, and it will smash people into pieces at every turn. Although the Queen Mother of the West looks annoying, she is Longji's mother after all, and it is impossible for Zishou to kill.

The nine-turn Xuanyuan Kungfu in his body twirled wildly, Zishou hugged Longji and used his strength to back off, flew out of Yaochi, spat a mouthful of blood on the ground, then dragged her and ran away.

The queen mother's roar came from afar: "Di Xin, I will never let you go!"

"This old chicken..." Realizing that Long Ji was nearby, Zishou changed his mind and said, "This mother-in-law is really hard to deal with!"

Tianting's current strength is not strong. Except for the two quasi-sage pinnacles, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, the rest are either miscellaneous fish or yellow scarf warriors. This is why Zi Shou dared to kill directly.

If the conferment of the gods ends now, Zi Shou would not dare to give him a hundred courage.

"My lord, you vomited blood."

Flying far away and finding that the Queen Mother of the West was not chasing him, Long Ji touched his chest distressedly and said.

"It's okay, just donate blood." Zishou shook his head: "Longji, you go back to Chaoge, I'll go back and find a way to steal Juxian Banner."

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