"Your Majesty, do you want to go back?" Long Ji asked in surprise. Although Yao Chi didn't have any masters, Queen Mother Xi herself was the pinnacle of quasi-sage after all.

"It's alright with the nine-turn Xuanyuan Kungfu body protection alone. Besides, you don't have to go back, just wait for the Antarctic fairy to come out and block the way."

The Juxian Banner is really important, it is related to the system's reward list, and if you get this list, you don't have to worry about being on the list of gods, so no matter if you are cheating or abducting today, you have to get this flag.

Although the queen mother is the pinnacle of quasi-sage, Zishou may not be incapable of fighting, and he doesn't have to face the woman directly.

Nanji Xianweng also came to borrow the Juxian Banner, so he just had to block the road and rob.

"If that's the case, then fine!" Long Ji thought for a while and thought that following the king with his own cultivation would only drag him down, but it would be safer for the king to act alone.

"Your Majesty, you must be careful."


After watching Longji leave, Zishou turned into a rainbow and returned to Yaochi.

The Queen Mother of the West is no longer in Yaochi, the ground is in a mess, the maid is cleaning up, and the Nanji Immortal is standing aside, stomping, as if waiting anxiously.

"The Juxian Banner should not have been lent out yet, the Antarctic fairy is still here."

Zishou changed his mind.

Do you want to wait here to wait for the Antarctic fairy to borrow the flag and then block the road and rob?

Or go directly inside to find Juxian Banner?

"It will be difficult to deal with the Antarctic fairy after he gets the Juxian Banner. Go and steal it first."

Zishou didn't forget that he could resist the saint for a period of time by sacrificing the Xuanyuan Control Water Flag. If Juxian Banner was in the hands of Nanji Xianweng, it would not be so easy for him to take it.

To be a human being, you must know how to do it yourself and have enough food and clothing.

Since the Queen Mother of the West is unwilling to lend the flag, let my son and someone borrow it!

At that moment, Zishou turned around and turned into a flying insect and flew towards Yaochi.

The heavens are vast and boundless.

There are 36 heavens, one world per world.

There are countless palaces and palaces.

The Yaochi alone covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers.

Not to mention there are 36 palaces and 72 palaces outside Yaochi.

At this time, Haotian was just a polished commander, and there were only a few yellow scarf warriors on duty in the palaces, and Zishou walked freely in it, but no one noticed.

The Heavenly Court is filled with the aura of fairy spirits. Although it is inferior to Biyou Palace, it is also countless times better than that of the human world.

Zishou was flying around aimlessly, looking around,

You can have a panoramic view of Qianyun Palace, Guanghan Palace, Qionghua Palace, and Tonglu Palace...

What Chaohui Hall, Tongming Hall, Pixiang Hall, and Lingguan Hall are all in front of you...

"Where did the queen mother go...do you want to go back to Yaochi?"

Zishou was also a little depressed, the Heavenly Court was really too big, although some palaces were still under repair, but the sea of ​​clouds was surging, it was really hard to find the location of the Juxian Banner.

Just when Zishou was about to fly back to Yaochi, a fragrant chariot suddenly came in front, and it was pulled by two huge white rabbits.

"What a big rabbit!" Zi Zi was stunned. If it was braised in soy sauce and he took a bite of the meat, he would be so excited.

The huge white rabbit was pulling the chariot towards this side, Zishou stepped aside, and saw a young girl sitting in the chariot.

With a thought in his mind, Zishou flew to the window of the incense car.

The windows are open.

The girl was leaning against the window in a daze. She was wearing a simple white dress with a thin blanket over it.

The body is thin, which has nothing to do with the lordosis and the back curl, and there is a bit of sadness between the brows, as if the body is sick, but there is a kind of breathtaking beauty.

"Two curved eyebrows that seem to be frowning but not frowning, and a pair of eyes that seem to be weeping but not weeping. There are two sorrows in the posture, and the disease is delicate all over the body. There are tears, and the delicate panting is slight."

Zishou suddenly thought of Cao Xueqin's description of Lin Daiyu. This girl was seven or eight points similar to the sickly Lin Daiyu.

"White Rabbit...couldn't be her?" Zi Shou seemed to have thought of something, but it was different from what he had imagined. There was no protruding back, nor long legs, but this morbid beauty was extremely attractive .

"Go and say hello to the queen mother." The girl said to the jade rabbit pulling the cart.

The voice is not soft, it is deserted and pleasant.

Zishou had already guessed about the girl's identity [-]% to [-]% of the time, seeing that she was going to find Queen Mother Xi, it was exactly in his heart.

The Jade Rabbit pulls the incense cart and drives between the sea of ​​clouds, which has an indescribable beauty.

The girl leaned against the window and sighed, the deep sorrow between her brows couldn't go away.

Zi Shouxin said that if there is such a young girl in the heavenly court, it should be Chang'e from Guanghan Palace.

There are countless Heng'e fairies in Guanghan Palace, and the most famous one is Chang'e.

Chang'e is Hou Yi's wife. When the ten suns came out together, Hou Yi shot nine suns with his bow.Rumor has it that Jinwu's mother, Xihe, in order to avenge the murder of her son, tricked Chang'e into taking the elixir of life, ascended to the heavens, and was separated from Houyi forever...

Chang'e missed Houyi day and night, and gradually became thinner and sicker.

The Xiangche drove eastward, entered a palace gate, and stopped at the jade steps. Zishou couldn't tell where it was.

Then Chang'e walked inside, and Zishou also flew to her back and landed.

Soon, Chang'e walked into a palace built with carved railings and jade, and two maidservants in palace costumes rushed up to greet her.

Chang'e was walking towards the back garden, when suddenly a little rabbit limped up to her leg and rubbed its head against her leg.

Fairy Toad Palace picked up the rabbit, stroked it tenderly, and said softly, "Where did you hurt again?"

She asked the fairy to take the medicine, and gently applied the medicine to the rabbit and wrapped it in a bandage, her movements were very light and gentle.

Those thin hands stroked the rabbit's head like a spring breeze.

Seeing this peaceful scene, Zi Shou was a little dazed.


Chang'e put the rabbit back in the back garden, got up and walked westward, and soon saw a clear pool made of jasper, with white mist surging above it.

"I'll take a shower and change my clothes first, and I'm going to pay my respects to the Queen Mother later, and help me prepare clothes." After Chang'e finished speaking, two fairies came over and prepared clean clothes for her.

Zishou was a little stunned, please Ann, do you want to take a bath first?Is it so ceremonial?

Give benefits!

We all know that taking a bath is to take off your clothes to expose the bear...

Zishou couldn't help but look up,

"It's a pity, how can you be so rich at such a young age?"

"There's even an airport."

Zishou is an upright gentleman who sits calmly, and immediately avoids the past.

He only wants Juxian Qi now, not a woman.

There are already too many women.

Although Nuwa was grounded, Zishou really didn't dare to take advantage of this time to take over the harem.

What if he angered that fierce god and directly ignored Daozu's prohibition and beat himself to death?


It only took Chang'e 10 minutes to bathe and change clothes. After she put on a clean white dress, she boarded the incense car again and headed for Yaochi.

Zishou turned into a flying insect and followed.

This time he finally came to the Queen Mother's palace, and Zishou, who was wandering around, was also stunned. If Chang'e hadn't led the way, he didn't know when he wanted to find it.

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