Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 293 Antarctic Immortal: This Forces Me to Pretend

Chang'e paid her respects at the foot of the jade steps. In the palace, the queen mother sat in the pearl curtain and jade wall, and she also responded faintly: "I have a heart."

In the end, when Chang'e was about to leave, the Queen Mother said, "The Antarctic fairy is waiting in the Yunguang Palace. You take the Juxian Banner and give it to him. Let him return the fairy treasure to Yaochi as soon as he runs out."

Chang'e was ordered to take the flag.


Zishou never thought that the Queen Mother of the West would take out the Juxian Banner and hand it to Chang'e so easily. This trip was not in vain.

Chang'e carefully put away the Juxian flag, stepped back slowly, and walked towards the Yunguang Temple.

Zishou followed Chang'e out, his mind spinning rapidly: "How can I snatch the plain cloud border flag from Chang'e's hand?"

As we got closer and closer to the Yunguang Temple, we could already see the Antarctic Immortal standing in the hall waiting.

It will be too late when the Antarctic fairy takes over the plain cloud border flag.

A flash of light flashed in Zishou's mind, and he quickly caught it again: "I don't know what kind of monster is inside the Twelve Banners Demon Charming Banner, so I just take this time to try it out."

Zishou hid aside incognito, and quietly took out the six-faced magic banner.

The six-faced magic banner is black all over, exuding an evil aura very similar to the God Killing Spear, it is extremely cold to the touch, and at the same time conveys a cruel and violent aura to Zishou.

But it was far worse than the God-killing Spear, and it was not so easy to interfere with Zishou's emotions.

Zi Shou held up a banner for summoning demons, and the banner was shaken, waves of devilish energy gushed out from it, and a skinny, black hand stretched out from the banner for summoning demons.

Zishou's eyes lit up, this faint breath should be Da Luo Jinxian.


"Decree to the Antarctic Immortal: I will lend you the Juxian Banner to help Zhou Bang. There is no delay. There is a sacrilegious treasure. Go quickly! Qin Zai! Look at the palace and thank you." Chang'e held the Juxian Banner high.

The Antarctic Immortal hurriedly knelt down to thank him, and stretched out his hand to take the Juxian Banner.

However, at this moment, a wave of devilish energy flew away, and an evil breath spread.

Nanji Xianweng's complexion changed suddenly, and when he looked up, a tall figure had already rushed towards him.

This is a man exuding a devilish aura. His clothes are ragged and his skin is rotten. He seems to have been dead for many years. There are still several iron chains wrapped around his body. When he waved it, the iron chains made a loud noise.

Faintly, there were streaks of black flames burning on his body.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" the devil let out a low growl, holding a broken ax in his hand, and suddenly slashed at the Antarctic fairy.

Nanji Xianweng's eyelids twitched wildly, and he jumped back hastily, his face was full of horror: "The devil? It's the devil!"

Since Taoist ancestor killed the demon ancestor in the west, all the demons in the world have been wiped out, and there are no demon cultivators anymore, but where did the demon in front of him come from?

Sensing the aura of Daluo Jinxian faintly exuding from the other party, Nanji Xianweng took out a lupine fan.

This fan is called the Burning Heaven Feather Fan, and it is an acquired spiritual treasure. Its power is not inferior to that of the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan of the Pure and Virtuous Lord.

Once this fan is opened, there will be flames burning the sky, even if the Daluo Jinxian is hit by the fan, it will be burned to ashes.

However, when the Antarctic fairy slapped the attacking demon forcefully, and the flames burst out, the demon became even more violent, roaring and slashing at the Antarctic fairy with a broken axe.

"What's the situation? The Burning Sky Feather Fan has no effect?" The Antarctic Fairy felt as if he had eaten feces, and his face was ugly: "You little devil, even if the Burning Sky Feather Fan has no effect on you, could it be that I, the Antarctic Fairy, will be afraid You?"

With a cold snort, he slapped the crutch with his right hand towards the sea of ​​clouds, and in an instant golden lights gushed out, entwining towards the devil: "Fairy Chang'e, stand behind me, and wait for me to kill this devil!"

As an apprentice of a sage, his qualifications and status are not inferior to those of the Twelve Golden Immortals. It is impossible to have no background.

"The immortal's cultivation is unfathomable, and he will be able to suppress this demon." Chang'e hid behind the Antarctic immortal, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fairy, don't worry, a mere devil of a big Luo Jinxian dares to be presumptuous here, so what's the problem with another one?" Nanji Xianweng immediately said that this forced me to pretend, and more and more golden lights gushed out from the fairy staff , Gradually entangle the devil.

"Kill, kill, kill!" At this moment, another terrifying demonic energy erupted not far away, and another broken demon head swung an ax to kill the Antarctic fairy.

The expression on Nanji Xianweng's face froze for a moment, and he said, "Fairy Chang'e, don't worry, the mere two demons don't look down on old people."

The aura emitted by the demon head that just appeared is still higher than that of the previous demon head. According to the judgment of Nanji Xianweng, the first demon head is the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and the second is the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

With a wave of his right hand, a pagoda suppressed the second devil.

The pagoda trembled slightly, suppressing the second devil so much that he couldn't move.

"Since the death of the demon ancestor Luohu, there has never been a demon boss. There must be a reason for this demon to appear here, but there is an old man here. Fairy Chang'e, don't worry, no matter how many demon bosses come, they will not hurt you." Nanji Xianweng pretended At the same time, I don't forget to tease my sister.

Zishou said that I will make you perfect, and the third side of the magic banner unfolded directly.

This time the demonic energy was even stronger. A demon general walked out of the demon banner, wearing a broken battle armor, burning with strange black flames, and holding a long halberd in his right hand.

After the third demon general appeared, he rushed towards the Antarctic Fairy and roared, "Kill them all, kill them all!"

The expression on Nanji Xianweng's face froze for a moment, why is there another one who is riding a horse?

"Xiang, if it doesn't work, let's run!" Chang'e persuaded worriedly.

Men can't say no, even old men should face difficulties.

The Antarctic fairy who was about to escape heard Chang'e's words, and smiled lightly: "Fairy Chang'e, don't panic, the mere three demons, the old man can still deal with it."

At that moment, he took out a long-preserved Jade Void Spirit Talisman from the storage bag. After the talisman was sacrificed, it turned into golden light and fell on the third demon head.

Draw the ground as a prison symbol.

The third devil couldn't get out no matter how he swung his halberd.

"Don't talk about these three, what if there are three more?" Nanji Xianweng directly slapped Zishou in the face, and told him that today I will set up this force, and no one can do it.

The corner of Zishou's mouth twitched slightly.

Zishou is an outstanding young man who respects the old and loves the young. He immediately expressed this wish and I will try my best to satisfy you.

So he directly opened the other three magic banners.

This time, the demonic energy was soaring into the sky, and the surrounding area was filled with an astonishing evil spirit.

Three demon heads slowly walked out of the demonic energy, the one on the left was tall and thin, wearing broken armor, holding a knife in his right hand,

The one on the right is shorter, with a broken sledgehammer,

The one in the middle is holding a long sword, and his whole body is broken.

The lowest cultivation of these three demons has reached the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and the highest cultivation is the demon in the middle holding a long sword, who has reached the peak of Da Luo Jinxian.

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