Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 403 I'm going to take her away today

One person strode into Zixiao Palace, dressed in Xuanniao royal robe, sneered and said: "Who dares to try!"

Who is not Zishou?

The faces of Yuanshi Tianzun and others changed drastically, and even Nuwa was shocked, as if hit hard by a giant hammer, and stared at Zishou in a daze.

"Di Xin? You haven't died yet? That's good! You haven't died yet. It's good that you didn't die. It's good that you didn't die. How can you die if you haven't avenged the revenge of that day!" Taoist Jieyin said coldly.

"What a good Emperor Xin, you are not dead!" Yuanshi Tianzun looked ugly, and blocked the Pangu banner in front of him.

The terrifying scene of the Zhuxian formation that day is still vivid in my memory. Yuanshi Tianzun certainly knew that he would pay a serious price for wanting to activate that kind of sword formation, but thinking about it was also a shock.

Zishou glanced at Nuwa, stretched out his right hand, and said, "Follow Gu."

Guang Chengzi rushed out with his sword, and shouted: "Presumptuous! This is Zixiao Palace, you dare to break into Zixiao Palace, you really don't take Dao Patriarch seriously!"

Zishou's anger gradually grew, he stood up suddenly, and rushed towards Guangchengzi.

Guang Chengzi was prepared for a long time ago that he would violently attack and hurt others, so he stepped back and stabbed Zishou's chest with a flick of the long sword.

At the same time, the leading Taoist offered sacrifices and smashed the magic pestle at Zishou's left flank. Yuanshi Tianzun waved the Pangu banner and chopped off his head with the air blade.

Nu Wa exclaimed: "Be careful!"

She still doesn't know what level Zishou's cultivation has reached, and she is going to attack Yuanshi Tianzun and force him to turn back.

However, at this moment, Zishou flipped his left hand, and the force of Xiong's palm surged towards him. The long sword in Guangchengzi's hand flew out, and flew directly outside Zixiao Palace, where it landed.

Immediately afterwards, Zishou grabbed Guangchengzi's chest with his right hand, and at the same time stepped back, clapping his left palm continuously, to meet Yuanshi Tianzun's Pangu banner, and guide the Taoist to swing the magic pestle.

This action seemed slow to be described as flashy. In the blink of an eye, Zi Shou had grabbed Guang Chengzi and stepped back, threw him heavily on the ground, stepped on his chest, and said coldly: "You Guangchengzi also If you deserve to speak in front of the lonely king, let the lonely go!"

With a strong kick with his right foot, Guang Chengzi flew out of thin air and hit the leading Taoist.

At the same time, Yuanshi Tianzun shot at the same time, the two weapons came at the same time, but seeing Di Xin kicking Guang Chengzi out, the Taoist was worried that he would hurt Guang Chengzi's life, so he turned the Dangmo pestle to the side, At the same time reach out to pick it up.

However, as soon as Guang Chengzi received it, the figure in front of him flickered, and a fist had already hit his face.

Zishou came very quickly, the Taoist who guided him didn't even have time to dodge, not to mention resisting, a fist landed heavily on his face, immediately hitting him with gold stars in front of his eyes, and blood almost spurting out from his nose.

The son was hit hard by the victory, and he swung his fists fiercely!

Although he has no physical body at this time, he is a saint after all, and his punches and palms are all fused with a trace of the law of strength.

This law of strength is the first of the three thousand laws. When Pan Gu opened the world, he used the law of strength to meet three thousand gods and demons.

At this moment, Zishou's comprehension of the law of force was not deep enough, but after all, with the help of the sage's primordial spirit, even if he didn't comprehend much, hitting the leading Taoist made him almost scream in pain.

Zishou's left hand was like lightning, grabbing the Taoist's neck, and hammering hard with his right hand, until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen with blood.

Yuanshi Tianzun said angrily: "Good boy, you are looking for death!" Pangu wanted to wave the banner.

Zishou knew that although he was a sage, but he didn't have a single spiritual treasure, it was difficult to deal with the Pangu banner, so he grabbed the leading Taoist and threw it at Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun was short of breath, and hurriedly backed away, but as soon as he retreated, Zishou made an inch of it, grabbing and leading the Taoist and smashing at Yuanshi Tianzun.

This Zixiao Palace is the Daoist Dojo. Whether it is beams, vertical columns, or floors, they are all made of materials that can be used to forge Lingbao, and they are indestructible.

However, Zishou grabbed and led the Taoist and smashed it indiscriminately, even smashing the floor tiles so that they exploded one after another.

Zishou grabbed the head of the leading Taoist and slammed it hard on the pillar. With a "bang", not only the pillar was cracked, but half of the leading Taoist's head was also broken.

The son took a breath of anger, and threw the Taoist guide to Yuanshi Tianzun heavily.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't know whether to pick it up for a moment, and finally stretched out his hand and sent the Taoist who was leading him aside.

Zishou walked up to Nuwa, grabbed her hand, turned around and walked outside Zixiao Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun's face was ugly, and the hand holding the Pangu flag trembled slightly, and he didn't know whether it was fear, anger, or both.

At this moment, a voice sounded from nowhere: "What a Di Xin! You are so presumptuous to make a big fuss in my dojo! All the disciples of Zixiao Palace, whoever catches Di Xin, I will make an exception and accept him as a disciple!"

The voice came out melodiously, and all the gods in Zixiao Palace could hear it clearly.

When Taoist Patriarch preached, although he apparently accepted only the six great sages as his apprentices, there were actually quite a few handyman disciples in Zixiao Palace.

Although he is a disciple of handyman, but after all, he is a monk in Zixiao Palace, which one is not cultivated at an extremely high level?

And the condition of "making an exception and accepting as a disciple" is that the leading Taoist will be tempted when he hears it. After all, he is only a registered disciple, far inferior to Yuan Shi and others.

In an instant, thousands of rays of light shot out from Zixiao Palace, and surrounded the outside of Zixiao Palace in the blink of an eye.

Yuanshi Tianzun felt at ease, and said with a slight sneer: "The teacher is angry."

Zishou stood outside the Zixiao Palace, with a glance, he already knew that there were thousands of fairy families outside, among which the worst cultivation was Taiyi and his like, most of them were Da Luo Jinxian, and there were even quite a few quasi-sage disciples .

"Is this the background of Zixiao Palace?" Zi Shou said in his heart, Taoist ancestor preached several times, and there are really many immortals in Zixiao Palace.

This is only in Zixiao Palace. In fact, there are countless creatures on the prehistoric land who have received the favor of Taoist ancestors.

In the distance, two more rays of light flashed towards him, but it was Lao Tzu riding a bull and holding a sword to the sky.

Zishou said coldly: "I'm going to take her away today, I'll see who is brave enough to stop me!"

As soon as the words fell, he let out a long roar, stood up suddenly, and slapped three or four immortals in front of him with his palm!

His whistling sound was deafening all of a sudden, many immortals were temporarily deaf by the shock, and then Zishou jumped up and swung out his palm. Just as the three or four immortals were about to dodge, it was too late, "ahh ", "Oops" screamed a few times, and was beaten back and flew out.

Zishou caught the two long swords, then turned back to Nuwa, and said, "Nuwa, where is my Sumeru Ring?"

As long as he gets back the Xiantian Sixteen Swords, no matter how many gods appear here, it will be useless.

Nu Wa said: "It's not on me, I hid it in another place."

Zishou frowned, knowing that the Zhuxian Formation was useless, he stood proudly with his sword, and suddenly shouted: "Okay, since it's going to be a big disturbance in Zixiao Palace, let's make a fuss!"

As soon as the words stopped, the two immortals in front of them had rushed forward, stabbing with two long swords together!

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