Both of these two immortal families are Da Luo Jinxian level cultivation bases, and they are only miscellaneous disciples in Zixiao Palace. teach.

And who can become a handyman disciple of Zixiao Palace, who is not a person with extremely high qualifications?

The long swords in the hands of these two people were faster than lightning, and they pierced in the blink of an eye. If Zi Shou hadn't been a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he was still difficult to deal with. Shouting, they all flew out with long swords on their wrists.

Then seven or eight servant disciples rushed up together. Among these fairy families, some used swords, some used axes, some held guns, and some used hammers. In an instant, seven or eight weapons were sacrificed at the same time. Attacks from all directions.

Zishou swung the long sword with his right hand, the cold light flashed repeatedly, and seven or eight servant disciples screamed one after another.

Zishou was able to kill, and rushed into the group of immortals with his sword straightened out. Wherever he went, there were immortals killed by his sword.

The long sword in his hand had already been cut to pieces, so Zi Shou simply discarded the long sword and swung his fists to fight melee. After this round of kicking, palm splitting and punching, none of the thousands of servants in Zixiao Palace were his opponent.

The Daoist who received and guided him suddenly sacrificed the rosary beads, and the rosary beads came in unison. Zishou stretched out his hand and blocked some of them, and some of them hit his body. The pain seemed to be dissipating all over his body.

Zi Shou turned his head and glared angrily, and rushed towards the Taoist guide. The Taoist guide had already taken precautions, and he raised and lowered the magic pestle to fight back.

Zishou is the soul of a sage, while Taoist Jieying is a true saint, and his strength is actually not inferior to Zishou.

But when the Daoist Jieyin thought of the Zhuxian formation that Zishou used, he felt a little bit timid at first, and with Zishou's murderous nature, it was a completely desperate way of fighting. Only defend but not attack.

Surrounded by countless loose immortals, their eyes were horrified, and they all thought in their hearts: Where did Di Xin learn his art from?It turned out to be a close match with the saint.

Zishou groaned secretly in his heart, he used his fists, but the Taoist was using the swinging magic pestle, every time he brushed against the swinging magic pestle, he was shocked to the point of severe pain.

In the long run, he would have to lose to the guiding Taoist.

And although he has the strength of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, after all, the Yuanshen has not merged into the heaven, that is to say, he can die.It's just that the vitality is much stronger than that of ordinary quasi-sages.

If Hongjun made a move, he would die, and if he was besieged by the saints, he would die too.

"It's a pity, I don't have the Xiantian Sixteen Swords." Zi Shou thought to himself.

If there are sixteen swords of innate nature, if you sacrifice the sword array at this time, you may be able to do it if you slaughter the entire Zixiao Palace.

"The Immortal Jade Formation needs a congenital sword to be sacrificed. What if it is an acquired sword?" Zi Shou suddenly had an idea in his mind. He had never tried to activate the Immortal Execution Formation with a long sword of Tianlingbao level. .

"After the Immortal Sword Formation, the Tianchang Sword should be able to move, you might as well give it a try." Zishou thought to himself as he met and led the Taoist.

There are indeed quite a few handymen present, and there are hundreds of sword users. It is not difficult to get together sixteen long swords.

Thinking of this, Zishou suddenly slapped his palm horizontally, forcing him to retreat to catch him, and then he rushed out to the west side.

Around the area of ​​his right palm, Zishou shouted, "Let's go!"

How powerful his palm is, the power of a casual palm can be compared to Fan Tianyin, in this area, the three handyman fairy swords were released and flew into the air.

Zishou stretched out his hand to grab it, and rushed to the other side.

"Not good! Don't let him get it all together!" Yuanshi Tianzun shrank his eyes, and immediately remembered the horrible scene that day, and rushed towards Zishou, waving the Pangu banner.

Zishou didn't care what he was chasing, and saw the handyman disciples clustered here and there, and rushed towards three or four handyman disciples.

The three or four handyman disciples stabbed with their swords, and Zishou waved his right palm. With the strength of the palm, the long swords flew into the air one after another.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Taoist Jieyin recalled the Zhuxian sword formation that Emperor Xin used after borrowing the sword that day, knowing that he wanted to gather all the long swords to use the Zhuxian formation, but they couldn't stop it at all.

After Zishou merged with the sage Yuanshen, except for his poor realm, his strength was already Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Although he was a little worse than Jieyin Yuanshi, it was not much worse. After chasing after him, he suddenly found that he couldn't catch up with him.

"Saint? How is it possible? How could he be a saint?" Yuanshi Tianzun's heart was full of turmoil. If Di Xin proved to be a saint, why didn't the vision of heaven and earth appear?

But if Di Xin is not a saint, how did he do this?

Wherever Zishou passed by, there was a miserly scream from the Miscellaneous Immortal, and then the long sword flew into the air, and was pulled into his arms by the force of his palm.

In less than a while, he already had fourteen or five long swords in his arms, most of them were acquired spiritual treasures, but one was actually a congenital spiritual treasure.

"Bring it!" Zishou rushed to a sword fairy on the left, and swung out his palm. The powerful palm force hit like a wave, scaring the fairy out of his wits and staying where he was.

With a "bang", the fairy's long sword was released from his hand, and his body fell backwards, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Zishou lowered his head and took a look: "Fifteen mouthfuls, one mouthful away!"

He glanced around, seeing that the thousand handyman Xianzi was so brave that he had already turned pale with fright, and he had already retreated far away, and the sword wielder also hid his long sword.

"I must find another long sword." Zi Shou thought to himself.

But the handyman who was targeted by him either hid the long sword or stood behind the saint, and it was not easy to grab another bite.

Yuanshi Tianzun, leading the Taoist priests, each holding a weapon, slowly stepped forward, and the handyman immortals tightly surrounded Zishou's way.

Nuwa's heart moved, she slowly took out the red hydrangea, stood beside Zishou, and said, " did you come back to life?"

Zishou said, "We'll talk about it when we leave here."

Nu Wa nodded: "Okay."

At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded in Nuwa's ear: "Nuwa, you are very hateful. You have repeatedly disobeyed, and you will be expelled from Zixiao Palace! You will be cultivated for ten thousand years!"

Nuwa's complexion changed suddenly, and the cultivation in her body was gradually suppressed, and she became like a mortal in an instant.

"One sentence sealed my cultivation? How is it possible?" Nu Wa was shocked, "Is it because of the Meteor Sacred Pill?"

Zishou didn't know that Nuwa's cultivation base was suppressed by Hongjun in an instant. He looked around, anxious in his heart: "If you get another long sword, what are you afraid of!"

Yuanshi Tianzun's heart moved, and he shouted: "He needs to get together sixteen long swords. The sword holder stays where he is, and the other immortals follow me!"

"That's right!" The leading Taoist suddenly realized, and shouted, "If he doesn't have all the swords together, he won't be able to use the Zhuxian Sword Formation."

"Di Xin, you forced your way into Zixiao Palace, it's really abominable! You will be taken to the teacher today to confess your guilt!" At this moment, the leader of Tongtian Sect shouted angrily, Qingping sword took off its sheath, turned into lightning and shot at Zishou.

Zi Shou was stunned for a moment, although the sword came extremely fiercely, but...

Master Tongtian just threw the Qingping sword over!

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