Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 42 Lei Zhenzi beat Ji Chang with a stick

Besides, after Ji Chang met Jiang Ziya, he decided to leave Chaoge overnight and return to the Western Zhou Dynasty, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

With Ji Chang's promise, and Yuanshi Tianzun's order, Jiang Ziya guarded Ji Chang across the Yellow River and out of Mianchi County overnight.

Senior doctor Yang Ren was friendly to Zhou people, and Ji Chang agreed to leave Chaoge together after promising him a high-ranking official and generous salary.

"Sir, I have admired you for a long time. Fortunately, Mr. rescued me! If Mister and Ji Chang return to the Western Zhou Dynasty and serve us in the Western Zhou Dynasty, Ji Chang is really lucky for three lives!" Ji Changzai said to Jiang Ziya immediately.

"Today, the son is far from the virtuous and close to the sycophant, licentious and debauched. The four directions are in chaos, and the people are in dire straits. The two of you will return to the Western Zhou Dynasty with me, and repay the burden with your chest, and save the people from the misery! This is the virtue of the two, the benevolence of the world! "

Before leaving Lintong Pass, Ji Chang began to buy people's hearts.

He has done a good job in these things these years, and he is known as benevolence and righteousness.

Immediately after Jiang Ziya heard it, he hurriedly thanked Ji Chang for his Bole's kindness.

Yang Ren said: "Master Hou, let's leave the five gates and go back to the surrounding area first, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

"Haha, with Mr. Jiang here, there is no need to worry!" Ji Chang believed in Jiang Ziya. Before he set off to Chaoge, he got the news that Jiang Ziya, a member of Yuxu Palace, was helping him.

"My lord, I've praised you." Jiang Ziya smiled modestly, but there was a look of arrogance on his face.

Although Di Xin treated him well, he only gave him the official position of a doctor, while Ji Chang promised the position of prime minister, and he treated himself with respect.

How to choose Jiang Ziya is clear in his mind.

"The king of Shang has no way. He planned to blame my son Bo Yikao, and even set him up to be tortured and burned. If this revenge is not avenged, I, Ji Chang, will be a father in vain!" Ji Chang's eyes flashed a little cold.

Originally, the hatred between the Zhou people and the Shang Dynasty has existed since ancient times. When Zhou Wang Jili was jealous of his power, he was put under house arrest by Wen Ding and died of a hunger strike. The Zhou people started the plan to eliminate Shang.

What's more, Bo Yi's death in Chaoge now aroused Ji Chang's heart of revenge.

However, at this moment, there was a roar from behind.

"Ji Chang, don't want to run away, stay here!"

Looking back, Ji Chang turned pale with fright: "Mr. Jiang, you are the pursuer of Yin Shang, what should we do now?"

Yin Ruibai led three hundred flying cavalry to catch up quickly, and shouted: "What a Ji Chang, who despises the king's order, and dares to escape at night! I am here to arrest you and take you back!"

"Hmph! Don't worry, my lord. With Jiang here, no one can hurt you!" Jiang Ziya smiled proudly and stood in front of Ji Chang.

"What a Jiang Shang! Your Majesty made you an official in vain. You didn't intend to serve the country, but you even fled with Ji Chang overnight!" Yin Feifei scolded angrily.

Jiang Ziya said proudly: "Cheng Tang's luck is approaching, and the Zhou Dynasty will prosper. Since ancient times, good birds have chosen trees to live in. What's more, Emperor Xin was tyrannical and innocent, and set up artillery to fry and kill his officials! On the other hand, Xibohou, benevolence spreads all over the western land, and everyone Praise virtue. General Yin, please go back, with Jiang Ziya here, you won’t hurt Xibohou a single hair!"

After all, Jiang Ziya stretched out his hand and shook it, and directly issued a palm. Thunder.

"Boom!" There was an explosion, and a palm thunder exploded under Yin's broken horse, causing Yin to fall off his horse in fright.

"Don't worry, my lord, I have everything." Jiang Ziya sneered slightly, waved his sleeves and said, "I, Jiang Ziya, am here, and no one can hurt my lord!"

"Fortunately, Ziya is here." Seeing this, Ji Chang's face recovered a little indifferent.

Hmph, when I return to the Western Zhou Dynasty, I will immediately set up troops to destroy merchants!

"Get out!" Jiang Ziya said coldly.

Yin Ruibai and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, retreating in fear.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden gust of wind in the air, and a voice sounded: "Is Xibo Hou Jichang down here?"

When Ji Chang and the others looked up, their eyelids twitched in fright. They saw the man with Lei Gongzui, an extremely ugly face, and a pair of wings on his back.

"Are you Xibo Hou Jichang?" Lei Zhenzi asked again.

"That Jieshi, who are you? Why do you recognize me, Ji Chang?" Ji Chang said bravely.

After Lei Zhenzi heard this, a sinister smile appeared on his face: "I am Lei Zhenzi, and I came here at the order of my master Yun Zhongzi..."

"Yun Zhongzi? It's my senior brother. It seems that this is my senior nephew. Don't worry, my lord, he is one of my own." Jiang Ziya breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that.

A smile appeared on Ji Chang's face.

Just be yourself!

With the help of this general, how can I, Ji Chang, worry about not being able to pass the five barriers?Why worry about not being able to destroy Di Xin?

On the one side, Yin was broken, Lei Kai and others were scared out of their wits, Jiang Ziya couldn't deal with it, and another flying monster came, and it was over!

"...That's true for intercepting and killing the criminal minister Ji Chang! Ji Chang, my master said that when you return to the Western Zhou Dynasty, you will definitely set up troops to destroy the merchants, and your life will be ruined. Let me take your head back! Die!" The golden stick slammed away.

The smile froze on Ji Chang's face, the golden stick was coming fiercely, Jiang Ziya was shocked, and just about to step forward to rescue Ji Chang, his head was smashed by the golden stick, and suddenly his brain burst out!Red and white splashed everywhere.

Before Ji Chang died, an idea popped up in his mind: Is this everything you have and me?You didn't mean to hurt me by going on horseback, did you?


"Master Hou!"

Jiang Ziya was so angry that his face was blue, and he looked at Lei Zhenzi with hatred. One second he was exaggerating in front of Ji Chang that I was responsible for everything, and the next second Ji Chang died in front of him.If it spreads, what face does he have!

Jiang Ziya gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Lei Zhenzi, you are so courageous! The rise of the Western Zhou Dynasty is the number of days, how dare you defy the number of days! You will be punished by the sky!"

"Hmph! What do you say about the days of rebellious ministers and thieves! Old thief Jiang, eat me with a stick!" Lei Zhenzi snorted coldly, and the golden stick slammed towards him again!

"Damn it!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Jiang Ziya gritted his teeth and used Earth Dundun to escape underground.

After all, even though he knows spells, if he really fights against a general like Lei Zhenzi, he will be dead or alive!

When the golden stick fell to the ground, it immediately stirred up a flying stone.

Yang Ren screamed and fell to the ground covering his eyes, but his eyes were blinded by flying stones.

"Hmph! A group of traitors! My father is wise and powerful, and dare to rebel against my father!" Lei Zhenzi sneered, turned to Yin Ruibai and said, "General Yin, take Ji Chang's body back, and tell my father that he is here!" The thief is gone."

Only then did Yin Libai come back to his senses, his back was already covered with cold sweat.

My mother, this thing was born by the king?

Who was the king born with...

Zishou didn't know about Lei Zhenzi's operation, so he waited happily on the deer platform for the news.

The sound of the system suddenly sounded.

"Mission completed! Ji Chang was killed! Rewards have been issued!"

"Banpan and Jiuchi Meat Forest are ready to appear! Other rewards have been stored in the system space."

Zishou:? ? ?


what's the situation?

Mission accomplished?

Zishou's head is full of question marks.

Fortunately, he didn't wait long, and Yin Ruibai hurried back to report: "Your Majesty, Xibo Hou Jichang was killed in Lintong Pass! I brought his body back!"

Zishou: ...

what's the situation?

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"All of this is due to the king's far-sighted vision, which is considered exhaustive! If there is no king, I am afraid that I will not be able to stop Ji Chang!" Yin Libai raised his head and his face was full of admiration, and began his performance.


What are you blowing me for?

Nima, does this have anything to do with Lao Tzu?

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