Zishou stared at Yin Ruibai with an unfriendly expression, and said, "What's going on? Did you catch up with Ji Chang?"

"My lord, I will eventually catch up to Lintong Pass. I don't want Ji Chang to have Jiang Ziya's help. Jiang Ziya's hand will send out lightning, so it will be difficult for him to get close." Yin Libai didn't realize that the danger was approaching, and continued: "I never thought that Ji Chang would be in the sky at this time. A birdman with wings came and beat Ji Chang to death with a golden stick, and frightened Jiang Ziya away with the second stick! The man said his name was Lei Zhenzi, and he was the king's son..."

"If it wasn't for this person, then Ji Chang and Jiang Ziya might have fled to the Western Zhou Dynasty! The king is really wise!"

Seeing Yin Runbai's non-stop boasting, Zishou felt worse than eating shit, and his face was cloudy.

Lei Zhenzi!

How did I offend you?

its not right!How long did it take Lei Zhenzi to retrieve it?

Not even a year?

How could it be possible to intercept Ji Chang?

Zi Shou pondered for a while, only to feel that there must be something wrong, he waved his hand to Yin Ruibai and said, "Okay, you go down!"

This matter has nothing to do with Yin Ruibai, the problem lies with Lei Zhenzi!

But it has only been a few months since Lei Zhenzi picked it up?

How could he go to Lintong Pass to kill people?

"Let's go to the middle palace first." Immediately, he nodded and walked towards the middle palace.

When he arrived at the middle palace, the maid told Lei Zhenzi that he was in the east palace, and Zishou went to the east palace again.

The middle palace is the place where Empress Jiang Qian and Jiang lived, and the east palace is the place where Yin Xiao and Yin Hong lived.

"Your Majesty is here!" Following the message from the attendant, Yin Xiao and Yin Hong went out to greet him. At this time, a birdman with a height of two feet, two wings on his back, and a blue-headed red-haired birdman also came out to greet him: "Lei Zhenzi pays his respects to his father." !"

Zi Shou Haoxuan was not frightened, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "You... are Lei Zhenzi? Why are you so tall?"

Damn it!How much hormone has Lei Zhenzi taken?

"Report to my father, Lei Zhenzi received the master's immortal law and ate two fairy apricots, so he looks like this." Lei Zhenzi said softly, his eyes were clear, and he looked at Zishou with gratitude.

This is my father. The master said that he was born in Yanshan, so he picked him up.

Seeing Lei Zhenzi's appearance, Zishou understood it in his heart!

Cloud neutron!Sure enough, it's you again!

Sure enough, Lei Zhenzi then explained that Yun Zhongzi sent him to Yanshan to intercept Ji Chang, and gave him a pair of fleshy wings...

"Father, is your child doing well?" Lei Zhenzi looked at Zishou excitedly and asked.

Zishou: ...

hehe!I want to break off your two wings and make soup!

Although he had the urge to kill, Zishou still feigned joy and said, "Well, Lei Zhenzi, don't do such a thing in the future."

"Father, don't worry! Lei Zhenzi will definitely serve my father and defend the country for my great business! If there is a war, Lei Zhenzi will be at the forefront!" Lei Zhenzi suddenly realized, father, this is worrying about my safety!

On the one hand, Yin Xiao and Yin Hong also looked at Zishou seriously: "Father, my son, like Lei Zhenzi, will definitely make contributions to the great merchant!"

Zishou: ...

I want to roast you!

"Okay, you stay in the East Palace and play with Yin Xiao and Yin Hong! Next time your master asks you to do something, come and tell the lonely king first." Zishou waved his hand and said, this Yun Zhongzi is really disgusting, he seems to want to The way to get rid of it!

"Yeah, my son knows!" Lei Zhenzi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, father, he is really a loving father!

When Zishou walked out of the East Palace, he felt a few years older...

How many times has this damn neutron stabbed himself in the back?

Damn, the whole thing is a dog!

The key point is that this dog's cultivation base is too high, and he can't do anything by himself!

Zishou had a headache, but Fei Zhong couldn't solve it, and now there is another Yun Zhongzi...

Or forget it...

This is also very good...

After returning to Lutai, Zishou looked down and found that the bamboo basin had already materialized, and the wine pool and meat forest on the other side also appeared.

The pot was full of poisonous snakes, and there was a burst of fragrance from the meat forest in the wine pool.

Zishou: ...

no!Don't be discouraged!

This dog system obviously wants to turn me into a fool!

I can't admit defeat!

Zishou slapped himself viciously to wake himself up a little.

Now that Fei Zhong's bastard has become a thing of the past, and Yun Zhongzi can't get rid of it, who should I ask to do it...


Besides, Yang Ren's eyes were destroyed by flying stones at Lintong Pass, and he fainted from the pain.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew by, and then an old Taoist with white hair and youthful face appeared beside Yang Ren, and gently carried him up: "That's right, this son is on the list of gods, so he should be my disciple!"

But it is the true king of pure morality who came under the order of Yuan Tianzun.

Qingxu Daozhenjun rescued Yang Ren back to Ziyang Cave in Qingfeng Mountain, first gouged out Yang Ren's rotten eyes, then took out two elixir and put them in Yang Ren's eye sockets, and shouted: "Yang Ren can't afford it, when will I wait! "

Suddenly two small hands grew out of Yang Ren's eye sockets, and two eyes grew out of his palms.

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!" Qingxu Daodezhenjun laughed, stroked his beard and said: "Yang Ren, be the ear of a general of Jianshang!"



"What? My father was killed by a Shang general?" Ji Fa stood up when he got the news, two cold lights shot out of his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, "King Wudao, you burned my brother Bo Yikao and killed my father. If you don't report it, I, Ji Fa, will be a human being!"

"Your Majesty, I am sorry for the change." Jiang Ziya, who escaped from the five passes and came to Xiqi, stroked his white beard and said, "Because the power of the Zhou Dynasty can fight against the Yin and Shang, but if you want to launch a war to destroy the Shang, you also need someone who is a man of the world." Convincing reason!"

Ji Fa nodded, looked at Jiang Ziya, and said, "What is Prime Minister Jiang's plan? How should we send troops now?"

Jiang Ziya smiled slightly and said: "From my point of view, if you want to send troops, you must first attack Beibohou Chonghouhu! Chonghouhu is cruel by nature, full of evils, and poisons the living! Your Highness can succeed King Wen first, and call himself King Wu , and then raise the banner to stand on the side of King Qing of Shang! Send troops to attack Bei Bohou quickly. First, you can declare the king's benevolent heart and save the people from fire and water, and second, you can force Chaoge to send troops!"

"Once Chaoge sends troops, we have a reason to take advantage of the merchants!"

Ji Fa's eyes lit up, he nodded and said, "The Prime Minister is right, how do we attack Chonghou Tiger now?"

"Your Majesty, Chongheihu, Chonghouhu's younger brother, has always been at odds with Chonghouhu. Your Majesty can write a letter to communicate with each other secretly, so that they can cooperate with each other! Your Majesty first promised that the forces in the northern border will still be under the control of Chongheihu, and he will raise troops to help! It's not difficult to take down Chonghouhu!" Jiang Ziya sneered slightly, "As for Chongheihu, wait until the king conquers the world, and then settle accounts with him slowly!"

Ji Fa was overjoyed after hearing this, and sighed: "With Prime Minister Jiang here, why worry about the world not being in my ears!"

At the moment Ji Fa proclaimed himself king, Jiang Ziya fired cannons and set up troops, under the banner of King Wu, claiming that Bei Bohou was a traitor and a traitor, and wanted to be on the side of His Majesty Qingjun.Taking Nangong Shi as the vanguard officer and Xin Jia as the deputy general, they went to Chongcheng in the north to attack Chonghouhu.

When the news reached Chaoge, Chonghouhu had been killed by Jiang Ziya and Chongheihu Liyingwai, and Chongcheng had completely fallen into the hands of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

The civil and military ministers were all shocked!

What a little Ji Fa, it's fine to become a king on his own, but he actually killed Bei Bohou!

At that moment, Shang Rong turned pale with panic, and carried the book to the Zhaixing Tower: "Your Majesty, it's not good! Jifa of the Western Zhou Dynasty proclaimed himself king, and sent troops to attack Chonghou Tiger! Chongcheng has already been captured!"

(The next step is the Conferred God War!)

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