Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 44 Chao Tian and Chao Lei Explore Xiqi

The Western Zhou Dynasty dispatched troops too quickly, coupled with the fact that Chongheihu cooperated with the outside world, the Northern Bohou Chonghouhu was killed without any precautions. Chongheihu took advantage of the situation to take away the forces in the north and formed an alliance with Jichang.

"Your Majesty, this Ji Fa claims that Chonghouhu is a rebellious minister and traitor, and he wants to clear the emperor's side. Chongcheng has already been brought down!"

After receiving the news, Shang Rong lied in a panic and came to the Zhaixing Building to report.

At this time, Zishou was lying comfortably on the chair, and Hu Ximei beside him peeled a grape for him and put it in his mouth.


While enjoying Hu Ximei's service, Zishou connected with Su Daji via Bluetooth to play stand-alone games.

The corner of Shang Rong's mouth couldn't help twitching, this stupid gentleman... is still having fun at this time!

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?" Shang Rong was so worried that his hair turned gray. Everyone knew that Ji Fa was Sima Zhaozhi's heart, and he used the banner of Qing Dynasty to attack Chonghouhu. It was really disgusting.

Zishou ate another grape and felt quite happy.

Let's fight, anyway, Ji Fa's rebellion against Shang was already in his expectation.

"Don't worry, Merchant, you'll be fine."

Seeing Zishou's sluggish look, Shang Rong's head hurt like hell.

"Report to Your Majesty, I heard that the Grand Master has returned to court!"

When the attendant's voice sounded, Zishou's hand holding the mobile phone shook, and the person on the mobile phone had been killed by Su Daji.

What is this guy doing back here?

Didn't I fool him to go to the West?

The corner of Zishou's mouth twitched slightly.

Fang Fei withdrew his thoughts, Zishou waved his hand and said, "Go, go to meet Grand Master Wen."

Outside the gate, I heard that the Grand Master came back riding a black unicorn.

Zishou immediately led all the officials to the gate to meet him.

"Old Grand Master, why are you back?" Zi Shou didn't dare to be sloppy with this Wen Grand Master.

"Your Majesty, I went to the west to visit fellow Taoists, and returned to Chaoge today." Wen Zhong said, "Your Majesty, why did you come out to greet Wen Zhong in person?"

Seeing Zishou came to welcome him at the gate, the old grand master was very moved, remembering that along the way he heard that Emperor Xin commanded Fei Zhong to level the East China Sea again, and the way he looked at Zishou was very gratifying.

Seeing that he didn't bring anyone with him, Zishou felt relieved immediately. Fortunately, he didn't bring me any SSSR back.

But think about it, what powerful figures can the West have?

It is nothing more than the Second Saint of the West, but even if Wen Zhong finds the Second Saint of the West, it is impossible to invite him out. After all, the Second Saint of the West also helped explain the teachings in the middle and late stages of the Conferred God.

"Everyone is invited, let's talk inside."

Immediately, Zishou, Wen Taishi and all civil and military officials came to the court hall.


"What! Ji Fa'er proclaimed himself king, and dared to launch an army to attack the north!" After hearing the statements of all the officials, Wen Zhong said angrily: "Ji Fa'er, you are so bold! How dare you rebel, this will surely lead to disaster! Your Majesty, Wen Zhong Request to raise troops to face the crime! Crush the disobedient ministers!"

Hearing that Wen Zhong was about to go to war, before Zi Shou could speak, Lu Xiong, the commander-in-chief, came out and said: "There is a saying at the end of the general, Wen Taishi, although Ji Fa attacked the Chonghou tiger in the north, the Chonghou tiger was so cruel and ruthless that it is hard to write down. , Ji Fa is also playing the banner of the Qing emperor, so I am afraid it is inappropriate to send troops to the Western Zhou Dynasty. It is better to send the second general to Xiqi to inquire about the news as the general said, and then it will not be too late!"

Grand Master Wen nodded, "That's fine, if this is the case, then send Chao Tian and Chao Lei to send [-] troops to Chaoge to find out the truth."

"What do you think, Your Majesty?" Grand Master Wen looked up at Zishou.

"It's fine to hear that Grand Master decides." Zishou waved his hand.

At this time, the sound of the system sounded.

"Trigger mission: The battle between Shang and Zhou begins! Let Chao Tian and Chao Lei win the first battle!"

"Reward: Yin Shang luck +500, permanent beauty."

"Note: If the task fails, the system will send the host back to the original world, uninstall the system forcibly, and erase the memory of this time travel!"

Zishou: Hehe!

Permanent beauty?I don't want it!

Chao Tian and Chao Lei must be defeated, as I said!

Zishou stroked his chin. He remembered that in the original book, Chao Tian and Chao Lei had sex with Nangong Shi after he arrived in Xiqi, but of course he was captured alive by Nangong Shi.

After being captured alive, the two brothers surrendered, and later lied to Wen Zhongliang's soldiers.

In other words, no matter what happens this time, Chao Tian and Chao Lei will lose.

But Zishou's heart suddenly moved, no, it's not safe enough...

What if the plot changes?

"In this case, Chao Tian and Chao Lei obey! I order you and the two of you to lead 3 horses and go to Xiqi to find out the truth." Zishou waved his big hand and said, "By the way, I heard that there is a Nangong in Xiqi who has extraordinary martial arts skills. If you meet him, if you can capture him back to Chaoge, you will be rewarded for your loneliness!"

Although Nangong Shi didn't know magic in Fengshen, except for those immortals and Taoists, almost no one was his opponent, and his martial arts were extremely strong!

If Chao Tian and Chao Lei met, how could they possibly win!

In addition, if you provoke them yourself, you must be careless on the battlefield.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Chao Tian and Chao Lei said happily.

Your Majesty, this is to cheer for them!

If you can't win Nangong Shi, you will really be ashamed of His Majesty!

"Let's go, both of you!"

Zishou's mood suddenly improved after he finished speaking. Originally, he was still worried about Yun Zhongzi's backstab, but he didn't expect the system to release such a task. go home!

Be a tyrant?How can it be comfortable to be an otaku!

Dog system, after all, it was you who missed the move!


Chao Tian and Chao Lei led 3 horses, went out of Chaoge to cross the Yellow River and crossed the five passes, and within a day came to the outside of Xiqi City, and marched at the Ximen Gate.

"Brother, Your Majesty asked us to explore Xiqi's reality. I will go to the city to fight and see how the Western Zhou army is!" Immediately, Chao Lei rode a horse with a sword and went to fight outside Xiqi City.

"Report! The Yin and Shang armies are coming to attack, and Chao Lei is here to fight!" Immediately, a soldier rushed into the commander's mansion to report.

Jiang Ziya sneered slightly: "Hmph! Is it finally here? Which general is going to bring Chao Lei?"

Nan Gongshi said: "The final general is willing to go!"

Jiang Ziya nodded in satisfaction.

Nangong Shi is the number one general of Xiqi, with high martial arts skills, ordinary generals are not his best generals at all!There is no failure in my life!

Immediately, Nangong Shi led the troops out of the city, and said proudly: "General Chao, why did you lead the troops to attack me in Xiqi for no reason?"

Chao Lei said: "I was ordered by the Son of Heaven to come here and ask Ji Fa, why he proclaimed himself king and sent troops to attack Chong."

"Hmph! Chao Lei, your king has committed a lot of crimes, and he murdered King Wen and his son Bo Yikao, which is a big loss to the people! My lord, King Wen, sits in Xiqi, obeys the law, spreads morality, and submits to the army and the people! He was killed by your king! Killed! Chao Lei, if you dare to lead people and horses to attack Xiqi today, I am afraid that you will die without a place to die today!"

Nangong Shi looked down upon Chao Lei, laughed and said: "Go back quickly, lest I be the soul of my Nangong Shi's sword!"

Chao Lei said angrily: "What a thief! How dare you talk nonsense, you want to die!"

Immediately approaching with a horse, he raised his knife and chopped off.

Nan Gongshi sneered disdainfully, he is superb in martial arts, just because someone like Chao Lei is worthy of being his opponent?

But soon, Nangong Shi realized that something was wrong. Chao Lei swung his knife and slashed like crazy, and his suffocating style made Nangong Shi breathless!

After thirty rounds, Chao Lei shouted angrily, chopped off Nan Gongshi's sword with a single blow, and captured him alive!

"Haha, Nangong Shi is nothing more than that, come here, take the understanding to Chaoge!"


"Report! It's not good! General Nangong was captured and dismounted by Huang Lei!"

A soldier rushed into the commander's mansion to report.

Jiang Ziya:? ? ?

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