Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 45 Is Nangong Appropriately Collecting Money?

Looking at the battle report ahead, Zishou gradually felt uneasy.

Is there a problem with the plot of riding a horse?

Nangong Shi was chopped off by Chao Lei?

"Wait, is it really Chao Lei who went?" Zi Shou looked at Grand Master Wen and asked.

Why is Chao Lei so powerful?It can't be a counterfeit, right?

Grand Master Wen nodded and said with a smile: "It's General Chao. General Chao won the number one general of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Nan Gongshi, in his first battle. It's a show of our prestige in the Yin and Shang Dynasties!"

Zishou:? ? ?

Show off your hammer power!

Fuck Chao Lei killed Nangong Shi?

This is unreasonable!

What the hell is this Chao Lei!

Zishou remembered that in the plot, Chao Lei was not Nangong Shi's opponent at all, what's going on now?Has Nangong collected the money?

"Report! The battle report is coming from the front! The Western Zhou Dynasty sent generals Xin Jia and Xin Mian to fight against General Chao Tianchao. Xin Mian was chopped off by General Chao, and Xin Jia was defeated and fled into the city!"

However, at this moment, the second battle report also came.

"Haha, good, good!" Wen Zhong laughed happily when he heard the words, "Xin Jia is Xi Qi's No.2 general, even he is not Chao Tian's opponent, it seems that Xi Qi is nothing more than that!"

Zishou felt a little dazed, his face full of doubts.

Did Xiqi take the money?Playing Lao Tzu like this?

"Your Majesty is wise, Your Majesty is wise! If it weren't for His Majesty's encouragement before the battle, the two generals would not have won so quickly! With His Majesty around, how could the ignorant Ji Fa be able to win His Majesty with His Majesty around?" Zhong Jian Zishou didn't speak, but rolled his eyes and said.

Zishou quietly watched this dog pretending to be aggressive, and already planned to ambush him somewhere to take care of him.


After Chao Tian Chao Lei took down Nangong Shi, he put him in a cage, and prepared to take Jiang Ziya and Ji Fa and return to Chaoge to receive the reward. Xiqi suddenly lacked Nangong Shi as a general, and the others were not Chao Tian Chaolei's opponents, Jiang Ziya It can only make people hang the free card.

Zishou turned blue with anger when he heard the news. Jiang Ziya, who is riding a horse, collected money to play Lao Tzu, right?

Chao Tian and Chao Lei's combat power is not strong either!Just beat you out of the fight?

"Mission completed! Nangong Shi was captured, Jiang Ziya closed the city gate tightly, and won the first battle. The rewards have been distributed!"

After the sound of the system sounded, Zishou took a deep breath, so good!Has Chao Tian Chao Lei exploded into a small universe?

At this time, in the city of Xiqi.

Ji Fa anxiously paced back and forth in the prime minister's mansion, gnashing his teeth and said, "What should we do? No general in the Western Zhou Dynasty can defeat Chao Lei and Chao Tian?"

"My lord, don't worry, Jiang has other plans." Jiang Ziya looked calm, "According to my observation of the battle, the second general, Chao Tian Chao Lei, is superior in force, but not resourceful. Let me plan a night attack and rescue General Nangong!"

"What Prime Minister Jiang said is true!" Ji Fa breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

That night, Jiang Ziya ordered Xin Jia and Ji Shugan to lead troops to rob the camp. Chao Tian Chao Lei was caught off guard because Jiang Ziya had been hanging the exemption card for many days, and was caught off guard. He was also rescued.

When the news reached Chaoge, Zishou patted his thigh immediately, with a relieved smile on his face.


A good defeat, a wonderful defeat!

That's right!Continue to lose, don't stop!

Now I feel more at ease, that's right, it's this script!

It's a pity that the task issued by the system has ended, otherwise I would be able to go home now.


"The last general went to Xiqi, and took down Nangong Shi in the first battle... I don't want that Jiang Ziya to attack the camp at night and suffer heavy losses..." Chao Lei came to Chaoge quickly and said with shame on his face.

This time, the two brothers were simply carried away by their complacency. They didn't expect that the Western Zhou Dynasty would rob the camp, thus losing troops and generals.

Wen Taishi frowned with a look of helplessness, pondered for a while and said: "Jiang Ziya is a man of resourcefulness, you are indeed no match for him. Wait for the old man to order generals, and we will defeat Xiqi together!"

"This old man wants to go to Qinglong Pass, Zhang Guifang, and lead a hundred thousand troops to defeat Xiqi. What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Wen Taishi looked at Zishou and asked, if the matter of dispatching troops like this before would not have been decided by Zishou, but Zishou sent Fei Zhong to go out twice and both were big victories, Wen Taishi also subconsciously asked about his Opinion.

"Wen Taishi decides." Zishou took a deep breath and said.

It's okay, just follow the plot, I don't believe that I can't lose!

"In this case, go to Qinglong Pass and transfer Zhang Guifang to send troops to Xiqi! The mighty general Qiu Yin goes to Qinglong Pass to guard the pass." At that moment, Wen Zhong also made a decision!

"Trigger task: The battle between Shang and Zhou has officially begun. Xiqi has saints to protect him, and Yin and Shang have capable people to help! Let the army defeat the Western Zhou Dynasty and cause it to lose at least [-] troops!"

"Reward: Yin Shang Luck +1000, Yin Shang soldiers bless permanent battle buffs."

"Note: If the task fails, the system will send the host back to the original world, uninstall the system forcibly, and erase the memory of this time travel!"

Zishou: ...

Huh, want to win?nonexistent!

Zhang Guifang, I must lose to Lao Tzu!

This time Zishou didn't want to interfere, he thought about it, the reason why Chao Tian Chao Lei won, maybe it was because his words aroused their desire to win, which made them explode into a small universe.

According to the original plot direction, Zhang Guifang will lose anyway, so there is no need to interfere with the development of the plot!

At that moment, it was heard that the grand master sent officials to Qinglong Pass, Zhang Guifang got the arrow and fire card, and handed Qinglong Pass to Shenwei General Qiu Yin, while she led a hundred thousand troops to Xiqi.

One hundred thousand troops traveled day and night, and arrived in Xiqi within a day.Zhang Guifang ordered the army to set up camp five miles away from Xiqi City. On the second day, he ordered Feng Lin, the leading officer, to go to the city to fight.

In the prime minister's mansion of Xiqi, a soldier hurried into the city to report: "Report to the prime minister, Yin Shang Zhang Guifang led an army to attack, and Feng Lin came to fight!"

Jiang Ziya sneered: "It's just in time, who is going to fight that Feng Lin?"

"Prime Minister Jiang, the general is willing to go!" Ji Shuqian came out and said.

Immediately, Uncle Ji mounted his horse with a gun and went out of the city to fight Feng Lin.

"I am Zhang Zongbing, the first official, Feng Lin! I have been ordered to prove the rebellion, and you will get off your horse and be bound, so as not to kill yourself!" Feng Lin said loudly.

"Hmph! The luck of the Yin and Shang Dynasties has come to an end, and my fate is in the Great Zhou Dynasty. How dare you offend me, Xiqi? You're really killing yourself!" Uncle Ji finished his mouth, and shot Xiang Fenglin.

After thirty rounds, Feng Lin gradually lost the wind, and suddenly opened his mouth to spit out a stream of black smoke, and a red bead hit his face in the black smoke!

Uncle Ji was caught off guard and was knocked off his horse. Feng Lin then beat him to death with a stick and took his head back.

"What?" Jiang Ziya's expression sank when he heard the news, and he snorted coldly, "This Feng Lin is a heretic. He's so hateful that he dared to harm a general of mine! Next, the generals must be careful what Feng Lin said. Black smoke."

The next day, Zhang Guifang formed a formation and continued to fight at the bottom of the city. Jiang Ziya responded and also went to the city to form a formation.

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