"Jiang Shang, you used to be a merchant, and you dare to rebel and help Zhou. The crime is extremely heinous! I have been ordered to personally conscript, and you will be arrested soon!" Zhang Guifang said loudly.

"Zhang Guifang, have you heard that a good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a virtuous minister chooses a master to serve. Now Chengtang's luck is exhausted, and the Zhou Dynasty is about to flourish. You dare to lead troops to attack me in Xiqi, this is against the sky Yes! Jiang advises you to retreat quickly, so as not to kill yourself!" Jiang Ziya said with a smile.

"Jiang thief, how many days are there! Feng Lin, go and take Jiang old thief down!" Zhang Guifang shouted.

"Jiang Shang, die!" Feng Lin immediately rode out with a mace, and Nangong Shi was also killed beside Jiang Ziya.

I have to say that this Nangong Shi is extremely skilled in martial arts. Although he lost to Chao Lei who broke out in the small universe last time, but this time when he met Feng Lin, he killed Feng Lin with a big knife and was extremely embarrassed!

However, at this moment, Feng Lin opened his mouth and spewed out a puff of black smoke, and a red bead shot out from the black smoke!

"Ah!" Nangong Shi was knocked off his horse immediately, and was directly captured by Feng Lin. On the other side, Zhang Guifang also charged at Jiang Ziya with his horse, and shouted: "Jiang Shangpifu, shoot me!"

Xin Jia who was next to Jiang Ziya rushed up to catch it, and after less than ten rounds, Zhang Guifang shouted, "When will Xin Jia get off the horse?"

Xin Jia fell off his horse and was captured alive.

The following scene has turned into a one-sided situation. Zhang Guifang and Feng Lin are like entering no man's land. It's like seeing gods and killing gods!

Jiang Ziya turned pale with fright, and hurriedly withdrew his troops back to the city. Zhang Guifang took advantage of the victory to pursue and wiped out Xiqi's nearly [-] troops before retreating.

Zhang Guifang won a big victory!

In desperation, Jiang Ziya had no choice but to raise his exemption card.

Now the most powerful general in Xiqi is Nangong Shi, and this is the second time Nangong Shi has been taken away.

"Haha, Mrs. Jiang Shangpi is nothing more than that! Come here, put Nangong Shi and Xin Jia in the prison car for me, and when Xiqi is broken, they will explain Xiang Chaoge together with Jiang Ziya, and wait for His Majesty to order!"

Zhang Guifang laughed loudly.


Chaoge, Nine Halls.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Zhang Guifang has sent the battle report, a complete victory! Captured two generals, Nangong Shi and Xin Jia, and wiped out more than ten thousand troops in Xiqi! We won again!"

Fei Zhong said excitedly, the fat on his whole body was trembling with excitement.

And Wen Taishi also looked relieved: "Yes, General Zhang has won a complete victory, I believe Xiqi will be defeated soon!"

Zishou took a deep breath, as if ten thousand mud horses were galloping past his heart.

Damn it!Jiang Ziya, have you collected the money on horseback?

Playing Lao Tzu like this?

Although he wished to catch Zhang Guifang and throw him into the basin, Zishou still pretended to be very happy.

"Grand Master Wen, transfer Zhang Guifang back to Qinglong Pass and ask Qiu Yin to fight Xiqi!"

Zishou was silent for more than ten seconds, gritted his teeth and said.

Okay, Zhang Guifang, can't you?

I will push you back!

Let's see how you play Lao Tzu!

"This... Your Majesty, it is a big taboo for military strategists to change commanders just before the battle. I'm afraid there is something wrong with it..." Grand Master Wen was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said.

Zhang Guifang has won a big victory, shouldn't he maintain this state and win Xiqi in one go?

"Old master, just listen to Gu's words." Zishou said coldly.

Hmph, of course I know that it is a taboo for military strategists to change coaches just before the battle, and I just want to change coaches!Let me see how you can win!

Zi Shou, who had calmed down again, also showed a smile on his face, everything is under his control, dog system, I'm afraid you missed a move today!

"Then follow what your Majesty said!" Grand Master Wen could only nod and said, it was Zishou who sent Fei Zhong to conquer Beihai and Donghai. Wen Zhong still had confidence in him, so he agreed to change the commander. Otherwise, Zishou dared to say With these words, Wen Zhong dared to lift a chair and hit someone.


When Zhang Guifang heard the news, the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching, changing the coach?

What is this called!

But since it was the king's order, he had to obey it.

He also returned to Qinglong Pass at the moment, and changed positions with Shenwei General Qiu Yin.

Although Qiu Yin was full of doubts, he rushed to Xiqi immediately.

But it is said that Qiu Yin is an earthworm who has learned the Tao, cultivated into a human body, and is good at heretical techniques.There is a bowl-sized soul-destroying red bead on the top of the head, which can capture people's souls, and its combat power is not inferior to Zhang Guifang.

"General Qiu, I guess your Majesty's intention is to promote you." Zhang Guifang laughed, and the first effort to break Xiqi must be given to someone else. If it was someone else, I would definitely feel uncomfortable.

But Zhang Guifang and Qiu Yin have known each other for many years, so they don't have such worries.

"Brother Zhang, I will do my best to repay the king's respect!" Qiu Yin said seriously: "Xiqi, I will break it!"

"Haha, I believe in you!" Zhang Guifang patted Qiu Yin's shoulder and said, "First of all, I wish Brother Qiu a great victory! Don't let the king down!"

"Okay!" Qiu Yin was a little moved, the king changed his commander just before the battle, which shows how much he trusts and values ​​him, and Zhang Guifang didn't even feel enmity in giving up his military exploits. What a good friend this is, I must not let down the king and brother Zhang!


Qianyuan Mountain, Golden Light Cave!

Ever since Nezha was resurrected from the lotus, Master Taiyi taught him Hot Wheels and Fire Pointed Spear successively, and his combat power is already extraordinary!

"It's time for Nezha to go out and defeat Zhang Guifang!" Suddenly, Master Taiyi had a thought, and Jinxia Boy called Nezha.

"Nezha, now that the fortune of Chengtang is about to come, and the Zhou Dynasty is about to prosper, go to Xiqi to assist your uncle Jiang Ziya!" Taiyi Master Nianxu smiled, "The merchant general Zhang Guifang has the skill of being called a horse, but But I can't do anything to you, if you dismount this time, you will definitely win Zhang Guifang's heart!"

"Nezha obeyed!" Nezha was also overjoyed at the moment, stepped on the Hot Wheels and quickly went down the mountain, and went to Xiqi to meet Jiang Ziya.

At the same time, Qiu Yin also arrived outside Xiqi City, ready to attack the city!

Chaoge, Zhaixinglou.

"Your Majesty, after Zhang Guifang was replaced, many ministers in Chaoge spoke ill of your Majesty."

Fei Zhong bit his head and said: "Jizi, Weizi is scolding the king..."

Zishou frowned and asked, "What are you scolding me for?"

"Calling the king that he doesn't know how to fight and insisting on meddling is the work of a foolish king..." Fei Zhong said with a bitter face.

Originally, he thought that the king would be furious after hearing this, but Zi Shou smiled contemptuously and said, "Let them scold you!"

How ridiculous!

Think I want to win?

I just want to lose, did you expect that?Ha ha!

"Hmm, Your Majesty is a wise king through the ages, and Ji Ziwei and the others are short-sighted! How can they understand His Majesty's wise and powerful arrangements? According to my minister, this battle must be won!" Fei Zhong said with a flattering smile.

Zishou: ...

To win your mmp, where is it better for him to ambush the swordsman?

Fei Zhong suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck, and looked back, but there was nothing there.

He touched his head feeling inexplicable.


"Report! The merchants will come to fight!"

A soldier reported to the prime minister's residence in a panic.

"Uncle, since the disciple is here, let me go out and have a fight with him!" Nezha laughed.

"Okay! Nezha, you have to be careful!" Jiang Ziya instructed.

"Don't worry, uncle, I want to see what Zhang Guifang can do!" Nezha laughed contemptuously.

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